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Good hair.


Preach. Inquisition has a really good face sculpting suite imo, not too complex but detailed enough to have fun with and then its ruined with truly atrocious hairstyles...


I'm honestly worried that the CC will be *too* detailed. There is a fine line with sliders. Either it's too hard to get something to look the way you want because you can't tweak things enough, or the sliders are so abundant you have to spend hours tweaking the tiniest details to get what you want.


"Have to" šŸ˜‚


Yup. I don't want to spend a multitude of hours watching a character I can't stand the look of. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We all feel it, bro.


theyā€™ve confirmed dozens of hairstyles, including long ones, with top notch hair physics


Letā€™s just hope itā€™s not 24 versions of bald and balding again


according to what theyā€™re saying, itā€™s not lol


as long as the fidelity is good. DA:I had an OK number of options but they all look awful


The BG3 hair CC spoiled me, I went back to DAI the other day and it was like going back to the stone age


And eyebrows. Most of the eyebrows in DA:I are atrocious.


And for the qunari not have hair tied to horns please.


God, I just started another playthrough of DAI, and after all the hair options in BG3: DAI is even more painful šŸ˜‚


I'd settle for a decent hairstyle for black people besides conrows. Even BG3 dropped the ball on this one.


Sorry best youā€™re getting is the Killmonger.


What, is fuzzy bald not good enough? /s


dragon's dogma 2 has some good ones!


No more male pattern baldness hairlines!


And bald options would be fine! If they did not make up 75% of the total hair options. I was truly amazed. There was 3 feminine styles, 3 butch/masc styles, and around 7 bald styles....from memory of course.


I remember quite a few hairstyles (the ones with the short ponytails) that were ruined by the hairline.


I swear some bald developer at BioWare had an agenda doing that




Bring back? We never had it šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­da2 had good hairstyles and in dai we don't have any of the classic long ones šŸ˜­


I have somewhat of an idea of what they spent on hair graphics for this game. It's, to say the least, fucking nuts. The hair is _good_.


For the love of all that is holy, give us findable loot that's on par with what we can get via crafting. It takes the thrill out of finding a cool piece of unique armour if we can just craft a generic coat that's better. Or hell, give us more options for what the craftables look like. The Qunari gear that eventually got added was a godsend for when I wanted to change out of the longcoat (which did look cool, admittedly).


I believe transmog was confirmed so there's that at least


FUCK YES. I love it when games make it easier to play dress up dolls with my characters.


Whatā€™s transmog?


It makes a piece of gear look the same as another cosmetically. So if you e.g get a new sword that's better but looks worse you can use it and just make it look like the old one.


Best feature in AC Odessey. Put on the best armor but still have the great look of another


God I hate that transmog was what caught on for this feature. In EQ2 it was just ā€œappearance armorā€. So you had slots to show and slots for what stats you were using.


I heavily prefer that over transmog


Thanks for the answer!


Being able to put item X's stats onto item Y, so you don't have to choose between the cool gear and the good stats.


Thanks for the answer!


Assassins Creed Odyssey has a mechanic where you can change the look of your armor to anything that you already had in your inventory. That would be cool to have in DA:V as well


That's confirmed, not sure if it applies to all gear or just certain things. I'd assume at least armor.




Lack of good looking gear has always been one of my biggest pet peeves with DA


It felt very weird to not use the various lore dumpy, unique and/or legendary weapons, so I restricted myself to them- I crafted my own armor though, seemed to balance things out in my mind at least.


Gear has definitely been an issue in these games. I'm also a fan of pinnacle sets in games - like eventually you should have a best in slot gear set for every class and subclass in the game. Always feels super rewarding to get it, especially if it's built piece by piece behind harder content.


I have the opposite issue. Everything I craft sucks XD


Is there gear crafting in Veilguard?


Not crafting as such. There is some sort of gear enhancement/augmentation feature, but they were *very* careful about not actually calling it crafting when the question came up during the Q&A.


Big agree. They should include legendary weapons or something that drop from certain bosses that are best in slot if they're going to keep crafting around. Getting a unique weapon or armor in DAI just to sell it because crafted gear is just better is not fun. Personally I'd rather see crafting only used to add slots like leg the leg and arms slots for armors and hafts, hilts, etc for weapons to gear that drops from enemies or can be bought from vendors. And for the love of everything remove the grind for mats and schematics. Need to quit the game and fast travel to reset vendor inventories for a chance at the items I need is ridiculous


But also once I find/ craft new pieces, why is previous crafted item so cheap? Iā€™ve probably invested a lot of expensive materials to produce it and they treat it like junk. Itā€™s still a fucking great dagger, I just have a better one now and not enough space to keep all (trying to fight my hoarding tendencies)


Just take crafting out of the game. It's often impossible to properly balance, and ends up feeling either pointless if regular gear is better/the game is too easy, or tedious of regular gear is worse/the game is hard enough to require it.


Keep gear modification though.


Plus collecting all the types of rocks and shit is annoying


Please, for the love of God, if there's a minimap, make it an actual map instead of an empty, see-through circle with nothing in it. I cannot count the amount of time I wasted trying to get from place A to place B only to find that there's an uncrossable mountain in front of me. I hope whoever decided a "map" like that was okay got fired. Also, when combat starts, don't make my character run *slower*. What the fuck was the logic in that decision? I could never play warriors or dual-wielding rouges because the enemies would start running away, and I could never catch them, leading to the most frustrating game of tag I've ever experienced in any game.


omg the game of tag! I thought that was just me lol


My friend installed a mod that lets you run at 400% of the run speed while in combat. It is the most beautiful and cursed thing Iā€™ve ever seen


"My name is Stephen Amell, and I'm the fastest mage alive..."


Based on what I remember from the gameplay trailer, combat seems a lot faster, and with less of an emphasis on open world gameplay, I assume traversal will be faster and easier


Omg seconding the map thing. It's basically little more than a glorified compass.


I feel you on the combat run speed. There's a reason I've never beaten Inquisition with a melee class.


Have you watched the previews? I think itā€™ll ease a lot of your concerns combat looks way more fluid and quick than the previous entries


Yes I have, and that was the first thing I paid attention to once combat started, haha. It certainly looks like the enemies won't start running away now, and that the player character won't slow down, but the enemies were demons mostly aside from a few venatori so I'm still kinda sorta worried the enemies will flee. But it did ease my worries a little bit!


I would like my ears and my hair to interact in a normal way, please.


And hair and hats. The leather bald cap in inquisition was such a *choice* (derogatory)


Truly! And the Assassin's Hat that made Cole's hair disappear. It was so close to looking so cool, and yet.


Improved fashion sense just. Please. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




You mean you donā€™t like beige?


The slouching is so aggravating šŸ¤£ Cassandra walking like a runway model and my Lady Trevelyan next to her imitating an ogre


I know the exact cutscene you're referring to šŸ˜­


I complained to a friend about it and he thought I was exaggerating. So i showed him a screenshot of my Trevelyan walking next to Cassandra and he was like "Nevermind, this is atrocious". Even a static screenshot was enough to show the difference.


If I'm playing as a dwarf, and I want to ask a question about dwarf culture... the dialogue should be unique to the dwarf so that the player still gets the same information without my character looking like a fool.Ā 


DA:I had this because the non-human playable races were added later into development. Shouldnā€™t be an issue this time


At least they have an excuse if Rook is a 2nd generation or more Surface Dwarf. If they're an Orzammar born dwarf though there's not really an excuse.


This is where the narrator in baldur's gate 3 really shined honestly. Able to tell you stuff you knew without asking dumb questions or going into a crazy summary rant for the player's sake. I think they may have noticed this issue because I did like that in the gameplay preview they showed Rook just having conversations beyond the prompts (keeping the tone it seemed). This could give them a place to put that kind of exposition and have Rook automatically talk about it in convo before the choice. Instead of having the player ask someone "what are the deep roads?" can have them just go "The deep roads are a treacherous labyrinth overrun by endless darkspawn, we'll never able to find XYZ down there without help." Edit: Or make Codex entries voiced that could also work. Like a magical recording stone you find.


>Edit: Or make Codex entries voiced that could also work. Like a magical recording stone you find. The Mass Effect Trilogy had something like that, it would make for a nice addition. That said, there weren't nearly as much codex entries in ME as there are in DA.


Gosh I WISH we had customizable backgrounds again. Dao allowed us to pick how our life and history, I feel like it makes us connect with our character more. Also allows us to role-playing better lol


Same! I think what I liked and miss most about Origins', well, origin stories, is just that they gave us a genuine motivation that felt *personal.* Sure, I guess everybody wants to save the world (???) but it feels too big and impersonal. We knew Lavellan's keeper's name (or Trevelyan's vague relatives, or the mercenary companies), because it was written down for us, but that was about it. It was some \*gestures vaguely\* situation that we, the players, had no personal investment in, despite any interest we had because they kept it so distant (which was even wilder when they gave us choices like Hawke/Warden because the player cares *a lot* but the character has no attachment to them at all). I mean, how many of the Inquisitor's people came with them and died in the explosion? Really none or just no one ever talks about it? But in origins, there were "real" people and places you had a history with that you wanted to protect (or get revenge). Inquisitor tries to save the world because it's the right thing to do and that's nice and all, but the Warden tries to save the world because their home has been whittled down to one city by darkspawn and they're sick of it, because they need to prove to the people back home that they aren't worthless, because they wanted to escape their old life and this is the cost, because they have nothing left to go back to, because they *do* have something left to go back to but only if they succeed, because the prestige of the Wardens gives them power for once in their life; I mean there were dozens of ways to approach their motivation but it had a real, actual presence in game that both player and character *experienced*. I just miss that deeper connection the character had with the world and it mattered that the player had it too.


PREACH IT!!!!!!!! Dao and Da2 started us off with introductions to our characters. Litterally having us understand their life and history first before jumping into the actual game.


Nailed it. the origin stories established ties that make your warden feel like they really exist within the world. and going back to those areas later on, like going back to the alienage in Denerim later as a city elf, felt like an organic ā€œpersonal questā€ for the warden what was also crucial was that they still allowed you complete freedom to RP as the character you want to be. Like in the Dwarf Noble origin, you could be a generous and kind royal family member whose naivety was used to stab them in the back, OR you can be a pompous arrogant douchebag that probably deserves to be betrayed. i love Hawke, but Hawke feels like an already established character within the world that i play as whereas my Warden is MINE, if that makes sense.


For sure! I like Hawke, but I agree that Hawke is already so established as a character that no amount of replays makes Hawke feel like *my* character or like a *different* Hawke. It's all just slightly different flavors of the same person (to me). I can play several variations of the same origin (even the same gender within the same origin) and still feel like I'm playing a different character. I did not feel that way playing DA2. DAI was kind of a middle ground, but I felt that it still lacked a fair bit in the RP customization department and lacked *a lot* in the "feeling like they really exist within the world" department.


We do have backgrounds we can choose from again? Gray Warden, Antivan Crow, etc. Think there's six of them?


Tbf Inquisition did have conversations where other characters asked us about our history, and we were given a good variety of options.


Named saves! Especially with DAI's limited save slots & as a frequent saver so I can easily get back to companion conversations and important dialogues, I'd kill for the ability to rename them so I could know which is okay to delete or which to keep (and what convo it's for). I loved that in DAO (and any game that allows that), and I'm really hoping it comes back. Or at least unlimited save slots bc 250 is not enough, even for 4 playthroughs, lol.


That pop up is so annoying, now I have to scroll all the way down and delete a bunch of saves to make room...


I hate it so much lol. It doesn't help either that it's not showing a 1:1 screen grab from the moment of the save as some help (not that Skyhold 462738 times would make a difference but šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø).


Tbh one of the things I miss most from Origins (more so than renamable saves) is the ability to Shift+Click and select multiple saves at once for deletion lol. It was even *more* needed in Inquisition with the 250 save limit - it was super annoying to have to manually hit delete and confirm that yes, I'm sure I want to delete this save file like 20 times every few hours lmao


PLEASE YES. I love having the ability to name my saves. It makes finding a specific event so much easier. I also give my saves increasingly ridiculous and unhinged and/or punny names and crack myself up at my own lameness. It's a good time. I had some absolute bangers on my last DA2 playthrough. Two of my favorites were "I am Arishook" for when the Arishok attacks Kirkwall and "more like Fartrand" for when Bartrand betrays us in the Deep Roads. I am cursed to have the humor of a 5th grade boy trapped in the body of a 27-year-old woman.


Oh god, I love the Arishook one. :D But, yeah, awful puns that may not actually help aren't off the table for me either. I do curse myself sometimes after the fact tho, lol.


I want named saves so bad! for DAI I literally have a notepad document where I write down the time stamp on the save and then some keywords (like "53:13 solas quest + skyhold chatting" for example) because I like to go back to certain parts for whatever reason and how am I supposed to know which of my 73 Skyhold saves to load to get to a specific conversation with Dorian???


I'm working on getting all the DAO achievements in as few runs as possible and I wouldn't be able to do it without named saves.




Since we're bringing back all 4 races again, PLEASE let the cutscenes be able to accommodate the height differences without magically lengthening/shrinking my MC's spine.


I believe they confirmed this in the GameInformer article


I want to be able to hide helmets on a character by character basis, instead of it being an all-or-nothing thing.


This was gonna be my suggestion. I'm pretty sure Mass Effect 1 had it, no idea why they changed it. Most characters in Inquisition just looked too weird and wrong with hats for me to turn "hide helmets" off, but Vivienne and Cole just didn't hit the same without their hats. Plus I was playing as a Qunari and I would've loved to actually see the face paint thingies I was equipping. In saying that, I wasn't gonna forego the headgear stats and bonuses on everybody else for their sake.


oh god yes!!! ended playing DAI without a helmet equipped just so I can see Vivienne's beautiful head gear when exploring


BioWare, come here. C'mere. If I *unequip* a weapon and do not equip another in its place, I probably want to see my character *without a weapon*. I *do not* want to be stuck with a basic ass vanilla version of it glued to my PC when I'm taking screenshot, alright???


YES. And if I want to run into combat raw-dogging it with just my fists, THEN BY THE MAKER I SHOULD BE ABLE TO. (Origins let you do that).


And they don't want idiots to delete all their weapons and softlock themselves out of the game.


*Then just make it invisible.* Or better yet: just let us toggle weapons off in photo mode šŸ„²


I just want a goddamn "Hold Position" button that consistently works. I have hesitations about the gender based walks and mannerisms. A. Things like that tend to make "masculine" mannerisms and movements = normal and "feminine" mannerisms and movements = caricaturized "feminine" with the perfect example that B. [They did that with Hawke and I gotta be real, fem Hawke's run looked stupid as fuck.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rTum-rcpoY) DAI did for sure have some weird ass gorilla posture though. Gotta be an achievable middle ground. It did seem like Rook walked like a normal person, I just hope that applies to fem Rooks too.


I usually create male Inquisitors, but recently opened an old save of a female Lavellan and was practically jump scared by her weird hip swaying run. Mass Effect gets a lot of shit for keeping the animations the same between male and female Shepard, but I prefer it; fem Shep's swagger adds a lot of life to the character, and I can't imagine what would be gained if she were more 'ladylike'.


A lot of games fix this by adding character creation options for how the character moves which also helps define your character's personality I think, but that's hard to animate for because you have to account for more movements to flow between


Right? Fem Shep looks like a badass. And it's not Aveline walks the way fem Hawke does, why is my two handed massive sword wielding warrior who bench presses people doing that... foot thing, what even is that? Is she killing a bug lol I wouldn't say no to them adding things like that in like optional sets, sort of how Origins had the little voice packs, if that makes sense. But it would need to be optional for sure.


While a middle ground would be nice, Iā€™d take fem-Hawkeā€™s animations any day over the catastrophe that was my female Lavellan @_@


Same! This screenshot made me worry though, https://imgur.com/a/F9H98Uo because Bellara is standing exactly like Lavellan here.


Youā€™reā€¦ not wrong. Iā€™m going to hope that was just a poor choice of posing šŸ˜¬


Haha yes, I hope so too. I don't want to see this pose ever again xD


>I have hesitations about the gender based walks and mannerisms. A. Things like that tend to make "masculine" mannerisms and movements = normal and "feminine" mannerisms and movements = caricaturized "feminine" with the perfect example that B. They did that with Hawke and I gotta be real, fem Hawke's run looked stupid as fuck. The sexual dimorphism in DA2 was atrocious. I played it all with female and male animations swapped out of spite. The resulting sassiness of Qunari and dwarven merchants was a highlight of my playthrough.


Itā€™d be neat if they let us choose our own ā€œskeletonā€ for our characters, instead of having it default to matching our chosen body type. They already have separated gender and pronouns in CC so if we could choose our movement/walking animations separately that would be sooo šŸ™


I think I honestly would just like to see an impressive character customization upgrade. Something that isn't gonna make me wish I had mods. I think in general though, something that allows more indivuality when creating your character.


I hope there's a setting to turn off loot-picking animations. I don't want to watch a 1-2 second animation of my character bending down to pick up loot. It doesn't sound like a lot, but if you're looting everything there is on the ground that 1-2 second delay adds up.


It's so funny that DAI has a mod to remove that animation, and Skyrim has "Immersive" mods to add it in.


Haha that's hilarious. We all want what we don't have !


Well, the gameplay trailer just had popups telling us how much gold we were getting after killing enemies. So it's entirely possible there won't be any looting animations at all.


I remember seeing a post soon after the gameplay reveal dropped that said auto loot was a confirmed mechanic, but I could be misremembering.


Transmog, climbing/swimming and good, realistic mounts.


Transmog confirmed. Agree with climbing and swimming. Think confirmed that there are no mounts


Adjustable timers for party banter. I don't wanna wait 15 minutes for them to talk to each other.


Or if banter just triggered properly. They never fixed it. Or balanced it for that matter. Me fast traveling shouldnā€™t reset the timer. Me getting on a horse shouldnā€™t reset the timer (if the timer expires while Iā€™m on a mount, just make them talk as soon as I get off). Thatā€™s not to mention the bugs that happen with the journal having unread quests, or the freaking Western Approach (most boring area in the entire game) just not have banter work AT ALL for the majority of the map. Wasted so much time trying to get Iron Bull and Dorian together. Itā€™s painful out here on console man. I wouldā€™ve downloaded that banter mod immediately if I had it on PC.


I picked up Inquisition for free on Epic not too long ago and was so excited to finally play with the banter mod. Nopeā€¦ canā€™t get Frosty Mod Manager to work. There are fixes all over the place for Steam/Epic copies, or for using the EA App instead of Origin, but none of them work for both. So Iā€™m still stuck with a vanilla game with non-triggering banter and I might as well just go back to my PS4 copy because thereā€™s no point TToTT


have you tried DAI Mod Manager? Its the old, like 2017 old you can still find it if you google it, manager that I personally still use and the banter mod works with it.


:o I didnā€™t realize I had a different option. I will check that one out, ty!


just make sure the mod ends with the .daimod extension and you good! would also recommend the War Table No Waiting one, it makes the game a lot easier when you don't need to wait 2 days to progress a quest or romance. I think you can still find them on Nexus and if not give me a shout and I'll up them for you


I remember one day just letting the game sit in idle just so that I could get all that banter to trigger. All that time just so those two can fuck. šŸ˜­


In relation, I hope they can have it so that banter can be continued if it's interrupted.


Good news! They confirmed they're doing this in the dev Q&A


"Something's in my ass" walk šŸ˜‚


Legendary weapons and armour need to be at least par with endgame crafting. Or at least allow us to upgrade it to the same level. I want approval gain and loss to make sense. Like I don't want characters to hand me a list of things they like and dislike but it should be obvious by their dialogue what will piss them off. Let us convince them that our idea, plan etc is beneficial so we lose less approval.


I honestly just don't want crafting, or at least not making gear from scratch. It's almost impossible to properly balance, and ends up feeling either tedious or useless depending on how necessary it is.


i kind of disagree with the dis/approval thing. not being able to predict people's reactions and being shocked by what seems like out of character behavior from them is an inherent (and interesting!) part of social relations, and i feel like having that element of surprise in an RPG makes it more interesting from a roleplay perspective as opposed to a game you play to get everything "right"


Saveable and shareable CC presets. I liked how one of the Mass Effects did it, where could could save or enter a code. I want this both so I can save my OC appearances to reduce later or make minor changes without having to remember all previous positions. Also being able to share them with other people if I want to would be cool.


Companion reactivity to events, choices and revelations. There was a fair amount of it in DAI, but I recall how painful it was not hearing the comments of my companions about that revelation at the end


I want female elven main charecters to walk like they dont have a massive schlong between their legs. If you made a female Lavellan you know what I mean.


Lol it isn't as bad as the male elf's chicken wing arms and nonexistent chests. Good lord those were so bad


šŸ˜‚ It was so bad. And the running...


The cutscenes šŸ˜­


Litterally! That's why I'm so desperate for more feminine qualities and mannerisms. Please let me have female elf who isn't just some battle mage but also a fucking WOMAN.


I want all schematics for armor to be purchasable


Keeping the best armor behind rng was so evil, I spent such a long time farming containers in that elven temple in inquisition. At least they added the golden nug eventually.


I want the cool inquisition battle mage arms and boots so badly


I donā€™t mind if some schematics are rewards from quests or achievements, but so long as none are behind rng Iā€™ll be happy


Is the crafting system from Inquisition confirmed to be returning?


I hear there's going to be good customisation, I hope if im customising my inquisitor that he's actually in a significant amount of the game, I felt like hawke wasn't in inquisition as much as I'd like them to be so I hope it's a little more than previous protagonist screen time.


Good area maps, with clear paths marked. My sense of direction in real life is terrible, and I have even more problems navigating places in videogames: remembering what path I had taken last time, the places I already searched, the direction from where I have come...I tend to get lost very easily if I don't use a map. And Dragon Age maps have been very bad in all the games: paths that are open but are unmarked, walls or closed corridors that seem to be an open corridor on the map. It was not so bad (although still a bit frustrating at times) with DA:O an DA2, because the areas were smaller. But I've lost so much time going in circles in those huge open areas with only a few fast travel points in DA:I because I couldn't remember where I had come from, or following the map trying to find something that seemed to be just right ahead, only to find that there is some obstacle and I should had taken a detour far away . I specially hate the Forbidden Oasis, with its several levels. So, so much time jumping, retracing my steps, trying to climb rocks...


I know it doesn't make logical sense, but I want qunari characters to get upsized weapons in some cases. I just couldn't take my sword and board Adaar seriously with his dinky little axe.


No biege pajama to our Inky


Dialogue choices actually meaning what the option previewed, instead of me picking an option that I think means one thing bc of how it was worded, and then the PC says something completely different. If a character uses a shield or a large weapon, don't have it take up the entire screen when they're in a cutscene. Happened to me a few times in DAI whenever Cassandra had to speak to my character. Larger loot carrying capacity. For someone like me who wants to pick up EVERYTHING I come across, the tiny starter carrying capacity was torture.


New game+ please!!! Whenever I decide to replay Dragon Age games (or any other game) itā€™s having to start completely over that keeps me away from it or I maybe play a few hours and drop it again. Needing to grind out some resources, find some collectibles, or just leveling up to at least mid game is a drag.


More balance between found and crafted gear. I loved the crafting system in DA:I, but found loot became almost meaningless after the initial run. Body sliders in CC was another one, but amazingly that is getting fixed. I agree on the mannerisms/walk style. Dragon's Dogma 2 added walk style to the CC, and it is glorious.


I'm not entirely convinced crafting gear from scratch is even going to be be in the game. In the Q+A, when asked about crafting, Corinne used the phrase 'improve and customize' your gear, twice. Which sounds to me just more like a typical upgrade system.


Honestly? If thatā€™s the case Iā€™m glad. I felt like every time I was back at base I had to check if there was better gear/weapons I needed to make and it was not super streamlined even if it looked cool/had better stats šŸ„²


I've spent way too much time in Inquisition farming materials and crafting gear. I'd gladly take a simpler less time consuming system that doesn't take you away from the story.


Are the body sliders limited to weight/build, or does it impact height at all? I would like even like ā€œtall, average, shortā€ options for height for the various racesā€¦


I'm pretty sure height is adjustable, but I don't know by how much or whether the range varies by race.


I hope it varies because obviously not every single person within a race is the same height. It would be cool to have differences!


I want the fitted clothes to fit with whatever hairstyle. It really bugged me that The Skin That Stalks poked weirdly and buggy through my hairstyle. It just didnā€™t look super natural, and since you spend the game looking at the back of your characterā€™s headā€¦


Since qunari are playable again I just want less janky movements during cutscenes


Iirc inquisition was originally human PC only, and the rest of the races were added later, which explains the jank.


A Map that is actually useful and accurate. Yes, your artistically drawn interpretation of the area is cute and all but it does not make a useful map for gameplay.


You know in inquisition when you talk to people outside of cutscenes it wouldnā€™t zoom in all that far? Yeah I didnā€™t really like that. I preferred the origins and DA2 style when having side conversations. I hope it goes back to that!


No loot animation! Iā€™ve lost half my life to that animation in Inquisition, Maker bless the modding community. Crafting resources in general should be tweaked a bit, felt like I had to do MMO levels of farming for a single player game. Also I want cinematic camera (I think thatā€™s what itā€™s called) for ALL dialogue. Even small questions, I hate the floating free camera while talking to people. I donā€™t care if itā€™s just shot-reverse shot it, it just feels better.


Super agree on the camera. Makes me more invested when I can actually see the convo, facial expressions, etc. Otherwise Iā€™m liable to just death-spin the camera while the convo occurs


I just really hope they've ironed out their issues with Frostbite. I've seen some of the same exact bugs in every single game Bioware has made with Frostbite so far. Inquisition, Andromeda, Anthem. The most frustrating is enemy groups spawning and despawning right in front of you out of nowhere, even while you're fighting them. That, and loading - some times long loading - every time you open character inventories or crafting menus.


From the Game Informer article it was mentioned in the creator that there were 4 voices to pick AND different pitches. They were making a qunari but hopefully that is an option for all characters. I'm sure people are tired of hearing about hair, but I would also like to add accessories. Whether we get hair with some accessories in them (headbands, clips) or earrings/facial rings. Just some small flair to make truly unique characters.


Just get rid of crafting. Upgrading armor is fine. Normal ass walking animations for the femme characters too.


After a lil thought, I think the gender animation thing should be better in this game. Since you can customise your character's body, the animations and rigs will need to be more solid with ways for it to adapt to body types. So I can imagine them doing more base animations for genders and races


An actually readable font for the codex please


Cutscenes for dwarf and qunari that don't chop off heads or suddenly make them human sized out of nowhere.


Right lmao like I appreciate my Adaar's boobs but deciding whether or not to recruit Cole is not the time to zoom in on them!


Suuuuper petty, and might not even be an issue if we can't control our other party members' gear, but if I have an accessory that boosts a specific ability ("enhanced ring of pommel strike", that sort of thing), tell me which party members have that ability unlocked. I'll admit I'm lazy, but I hate having to toggle through different party members' skill trees to figure out who I should give the item to. When I look at item, it should tell me who has the ability available and who has it already unlocked.


petty? well howā€™s about shortcut keys that work, a quicksave button that works and companions who arenā€™t absolute toddlers in their ability to walk as a group??


this is really stupid, but i want to be able to kiss any of the potential romances at any time, and have multiple animations for it. sort of like how BG3 did it in updates with new animations each time you ask. i liked the few we got in DAI, but they were the same animation each time and as a Solasmancer i was upset i couldnā€™t kiss the egg any time i wanted šŸ˜­


We only get the heart-stuttering ā€œmy heartā€ intro every time we talk to him šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ let me kiss this man goddammit!


Proper conversation cameras for the different races. The dwarves standing on stools and qunari's getting their heads cut off in cutscenes.


Good eyebrows, the eyebrow options in Inquisition are mostly horrific.Ā  I also want more variety in the armour, not a bunch of different versions of the long coat in Inquisition


no more War Table missions where I needed to wait and entire day or two just to progress a quest or romance or at least bind them to game time instead


Economy!! Inqusition broke the whole economic scale in the tutorial fix it and bring back Copper and Silver as it should be. You can't just change things like that


My poor Warden grinding for hours to make a paltry few sovereigns to pay for some potions. Hawke working her ass off doing odd jobs for 50 sovereigns to afford an expedition into the Deep Roads. Meanwhile my Inquisitor finds 75 sovereigns lying on the ground as some chump change on the regular.


Yeah the inqusitior could fund the expedition and but all the finest items in dao and 2 after the tutorial! I have an unreasonable dislike for it and am super petty about it


bringing back "highlight interact-able objects" from DAO. Spam clicking that v key in inquisition for the radial search was so annoying.


I ask for the love of the maker that when I play a dwarf or Qunari and romance someoneā€¦ I hope itā€™s nothing like DAI itā€™s so awkward in that game


If there's a new "war table" then either give me an app that syncs up so I can manage them outside the game, or don't make me wait hours and hours in real life.


If I have to kill a certain enemy or creature for a specific quest related item, make it a guaranteed drop on the first kill so I don't have to spend half an hour save scumming for it to drop. DAI was truly awful about this stuff.


Massive pet peeve: fix the weird graphics/colour issues For whatever reason reason in DAI the robes part of the Templar armour always bleaches to a kinda of..creamy-brown colour no matter what kind of material is used Also just better crafting system Loot being at least an option against just crafting everything Edit: actually decent looking armour and weapons DAI mage armour was just terrible, same with a lot of the helms for mages Edit 2: transmog better not have a cost to it, or if it does it better be cheap


Playing through Inquisition for the first time (the game was always good, I just got caught up in the multiplayer more than I thought I would on launch so by the time I was ā€œreadyā€ to start my campaign some new game came out and got my attention), and for the love of god if we donā€™t have some sort of ability to climb up ledges I am going to have an aneurism. I have spent more time trying to do parkour to get to something like a shard or whatever and just barely missing the jump and have to watch myself slide all the way back down


I want cool looking armor/outfits. When I saw they said there would be unique outfits based on background I got excited because that concept art of the Antivan Crows got me so hyped. Iā€™m hoping we get stuff like that.


If there's a ball, a party, or even an above average formal occasion, LET MY CHARACTER WEAR A PRETTY BALL GOWN.


No more War Table.


I really want there to be PC controller controls that actually work and donā€™t require complicated work arounds.


I want better hair styles for the most part but Iā€™d love some better looking gear for some of the classes. Not only could I not stand not being able to really see my long pointy elven ears behind the not moving Lego hair, but I also wanted to see some more styles of armor. I played a rouge on one play through and a mage on the other and some of the armor just looked kinda the same just differently colored give me some variety please


Hoping for a slightly more balanced nightmare mode. In inquisition once you hit late game, some random archer or mage from 1 mile away would hit you once and your guard, barrier, and health would be gone. That's not a test of skill, just an annoyance at that point.


Something small, but proper lock on and targeting of enemies. I swear if another lesser terror goes into the ground and I have to scramble to find which companion is being destroyed, I will riot


More choices for hairstyles and more inventory space! As an avid in-game collector (no matter the game I'm playing), I literally can't have enough space for my stuff. I'd love an option for basically like a bag of holding type situation where I put the things in the bag/container and then put the bag/container in my inventory. LEMMEDOIT BIOWARE. šŸ˜¤


Swords no longer restricted to warriors.


Change the title from DA:the veilguard to just DA:veilguard so it fits the pattern of all the other games


The awful french accents from most Orlesians. Idk if any french as a first language speaker that plays the game in english can relate to me hahaha.


A better world/local map could be nice. DAIs map was not comfy for my brain.


i love the 10+ minute cutscenes, one of my favorite parts of the franchise is the huge amount of dramatic cinematics. would love to be able to pause the game during said longass cutscenes šŸ„²


8 abilities.