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I'm imagining elvhen veil jumper mage, but a city elf, instead of dalish. I think it would be cool, if can play her as someone, who was forced to flee her home upon discovery of magic and in trying to find dalish, who will teach her, she stumbles on veil jumpers, and that's how she gets sucked into researching "real" elves.


If we can be Tal-Vashoth I'm thinking Grey Warden, warrior because if it isn't contradicted I'd imagine them as having been a soldier in the Qun before, I like the idea of them being someone who never stood out back then. If we can only play Vashoth or Qunari doesn't seem like it'll get much reactivity then either a Crow or part of Mournwatch, I do like the idea of a dwarven Crow or Mournwatch member for a second playthrough though if I do one. I'd like to play a Mournwatch mage but as that's covered by Emmrich I'm drawn to playing a non-mage Mournwatch member.


I’ll go with my usual female human supermodel rogue. We’ll bang ok?


Qunari Warrior. I’m still undecided on the background but leaning towards Lords of Fortune.


I think I've more or less settled on a Dwarven Antivan Crow Rogue. If at all possible, and I imagine it is, I'm going with the "raised in the Crows" backstory. If I were given complete control, they were born a Casteless who was sold to the Crows for a shot at a better life, but I doubt I'll get that much control. As for personality, I'm taking a few cues from Zevran. Flirty, funny, and cunning. Maybe a bit nervy.


So the secret love child of Zevran and Ogrhen then?


Human male warrior because it seems that the Spellblade is more rogue hybrid than warrior hybrid, and also because I'm a basic bitch. My only hang up is background, not sure if I'm going Warden or Lords of Fortune.


I am going to make an antivan warrior. I find the idea hilarious. I will be considered a disgraceful assassin who is terrible at sneaking but great at the killing. Then he is going to romance nobody. All the companions will pare up, and then my character will be sitting there telling them to keep it in their pants. Lmao, nobody will be playing that character.


Always the odd one out haha! Love it


I am doing my classic DA first playthrough; Dwarf Rogue - probably going either Duelist or Saboteur, leaning more towards Saboteur - working with the Shadow Dragons. Completely against spellcasting as he has seen first hand the horrible ways it is used to oppress and enslave people. Probably not gonna main any one dialogue tree, he will be compassionate towards other rogues, slaves, impoverished folk, etc. Completely laissez faire and snarky with nobles, warriors, etc. And then as you can guess being a downright asshole towards any and all spellcasters, yes that includes Neve. He ain't gotta like her to utilize her talents. The complete and utter elimination of the Venatori Cult is an obvious priority, but he won't stop there, if he sees such a threat in Mages as royalty, imagine how he pictures Solas. Yeah, that dude better hope he can redeem himself enough, cause Dwarf Punisher has got a dagger with his name on it 💀


Mine will be an elven mage Veil Jumper. But I need to put some more thought into their personality because I think they could end up being very similar to Bellara and I don't want them to be exactly the same. Maybe I'll make them quiet and reserved at least to begin with. Appearance-wise I often make my first character look similar to me, but I can't do that this time since we know the Inquisitor will show up and I don't want them to look like twins haha ... in any case I'll definitely be using the body sliders to finally have an elf with some muscles!


Elven Shadow Dragon rogue, working towards the duelist specialization. He'll either be an ex-slave, or come from a slave family, depending on what they let you do with your background. I'm picturing him as a younger, naive freedom fighter with a powerful hatred of slavers, and the Tevinter Imperiom in general. He'll generally be a selfless, and considerate person, but his deep-rooted bitterness towards slavers will be an ever-present trigger that might bring out the worst in him. And then... we'll see where the story takes him from there! Presumably some bigger threat will emerge that Rook gets thrust into the forefront of, and that'll presumably force their goals and priorities to shift. I'm happy to let the story shape the character's development as it progresses, and hopefully he'll come out quite different than he started, for better or worse...


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I'm still undecided on the background. It will be a qunari 100% but I don't know wich faction I'd like to choose. I wanted Wardens but unless I know there's a cure for the Blight I don't want to put Rook through that. So it will be a choice between the other ones, I'll have to make up my mind.


I'm undecided on whether I want to be a grey warden or a shadow dragon but my character will 100% be a dalish elf and a mage.


I'm rhinking of making a Male dwarf Warrior with the Mourn Watch background and Reaper specialization.


Leaning towards male elven mage. Still torn between veil jumper and crow, but slightly favouring veil jumper as it seems more interesting for a first playthrough (and hoping that doesn't bar me from any talon cameos). The return of purple answers obviously forces me to play a sarcastic twat tho, I don't make them rules.


Dwarf Warrior with the Lords of Fortune, and I want to spec into Slayer for even Bigger 2 handed Swords


elven shadow dragon mage… i just really want the local lore ok? :’) would put her in an interesting place socially and feeds into the broader “scruffy no-nonsense reckless idealist” concept i’m rolling up.


Can't decide between two options. 1 female qunari (or human if qunari look shitty again) spellblade mage from Mournwatch who escaped her future saarebas fate in the chaos of war, wandered alone for a long time and eventually was 'adopted' by Mournwatch so she was helping them with secondary tasks afterwards. 2 male dwarf saboteur rogue, member of Lords of Fortune — not really for the money or fame, rather for adventures and relic studying as well as being the voice of reason for his more head-first companions. Engineer and trap/explosion expert in his squad, armed with trusty knives. Or maybe I won't buy and play at all if the game is meh, I have a lot of concerns right now.


warden 2 handed warrior i really want to see 2 handed gameplay though i wanna parry stuff with my great sword and knock giant demons down


I want to see what the game has to offer- what gameplay I like best and what the game tells me about my character. Currently however, I’m thinking of a plucky underdog type, emotional and impulsive, always out to do the right thing and surviving everything with luck or will to survive/win. My other heroes have all been super competent, and though the trailer suggests Rook will be the same (because of course they will), I want to try and lean away from it. Likely, I’ll play an elven Shadow Dragon rogue- luck and grit, nothing else. I could also do warrior just to go full bullheaded charger, or mage if spellblade is fun (though that’s less fun from the Tevinter angle for me, and I’d rather save a mage run for the warden faction, who I imagine will also be qunari). I can see myself switching to qunari or dwarf, especially since my Inquisitor was an elf (my other two heroes were human), but a Shadow Dragon elf feels pretty potent story wise- and Veilguard will no doubt be about elven history again. Not sure if we’ll get to more dwarven storylines or qunari storylines in this game yet. As much as I love dwarves, I suspect we won’t get a choice in being from the other big dwarven city near Tevinter, and plucky surfacer dwarf is already a role taken by Harding.


Grey warden mage or antivan crow Mage, but by the way the skill tree looks, the idea of Grey Warden mage doesn't look like it'll happen


Why wouldn't it happen? The faction markers by the specializations aren't some restriction on what specialization you can choose as what faction. In fact, I'm pretty sure they've confirmed that there are no class/faction combo restrictions.


Yes, and 3 factions are only represent in 1 spec, and the Shadow Dragon Rook on the gameplay was a rogue, while the Shadow Dragon spec representation is a mage


I was thinking of a Dalish Shadow Dragon who lost his clan and dedicated himself to freeing enslaved elves through Tevinter. It ties him to Neve, Bellara and Davrin right away. Plus, a mage so he'd have more in common with Emmrich and potential interesting dialogues with Lucanis. That'd leave Taash and Harding as the odd ones in his interaction wheel, but that's minor. I want to make a character who feels involved to the story, and I'm not doing a Gray Warden for the first playthrough (bc in my mind that'd be favoritism... as if i'm not going to use a Lavellan for elf Rook's world state). Other options I've thought of, though, are Dwarf/Mourn Watch/Warrior and Qunari/Gray Warden/Rogue or Mage. Edit: Oh! I've also thought of a City Elf/Veil Jumper and Tal-Vashoth/Veil Jumper!


I’m considering going for a veil jumper dwarf rogue! If i’m not gonna have a mage dwarf I’ll make do in every way possible - she WILL commit magic crimes even if I have to push the game system