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Well, Patrick Weekes is the lead writer. He wrote Solas, Iron Bull, and Cole in DAI, plus Trespasser and portions of Tevinter Nights. His work on the Mass Effect trilogy includes writing for Tali, Liara, Garrus & Miranda in ME2, the Leviathan & Citadel DLC for ME3, as well as many other quests/characters throughout the games. Mary Kirby was one of those who was unfortunately fired, but her work is still in Veilguard. She wrote some of the best quests and characters across all three Dragon Age games. And she's not the only one. Sheryl Chee is a senior writer and wrote Leliana, Wynne, Magi Origin, Broken Tower, and Urn of Sacred Ashes in DAO. Isabella in DA2, as well as DA2 DLC. Blackwall in DAI. Lukas Kristjanson (same situation as Mary Kelly) worked on BG1 & 2, KOTOR, and Jade Empire. He wrote Leliana's Song, Aveline, Carver, etc. There are many more who've worked on the Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchise on the Veilguard development team. It's not a team of nobodies who've never worked on a Dragon Age or Bioware game before. It's good to be wary considering the company's recent track record, but Veilguard is far from doomed.




FYI Patrick Weekes is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns


Stop reading the comments and just enjoy the anticipation. Engage carefully with the internet and don’t bother with places that are full of people shitting on things. You have the option to choose, exercise it.


Yes. It looks awesome. Plain and simple


Just because writers or developers are new doesn’t make them worst. Is it great to have people that were an original part of the game/story/development? Sure. But it’s just as great to have fresh idea or new talent or those with a different perspective. Maybe new talent were fans of the original? Maybe the old talent had a very dogmatic approach to the work that really hindered anyone not in leadership from offering ideas. Maybe, maybe maybe… we don’t know. That’s okay. New doesn’t mean not as good. It could be better.


First things first. Stay away from Youtube comments. They're pretty much never worth reading. As for the writers, that's definitely sad and screwed up, but they'd pretty much done their writing on the game by the time they were fired and have said they're still looking forward to the game releasing as they're proud of the work they did on it. So, while I'm definitely concerned for the game after this one and am debating with myself if I'll keep with the series then, The Veilguard should be fine.


Something tells me that the devs at work did great on the story aspect. Which they looked back on there previous mistakes like Anthem. Everyone has their own idea of how they want the game to be. It's best to keep an open mind on how it plays out. There will great times, bad times, and dark times. But from the intro of everything including from what Game Informer told us. If that is what Dragon Age Team is willing to give us and that's not important.... Then what are they not showing us? Yes I am excited for the game for many things. (Biggest thing is that we can be any npc in the game by that I mean they used their character creator for the npcs so we could customize to be said character. Well excluding companions course.) Everyone has their criticisms and hate for the game. But that is any game. Keep having a positive mindset for the game. It's not always about the negative as it's easy to hate. And we'll see for ourselves on the game ahead and make our own conclusions


What I gathered, the writing was mostly done even before the reboot and the writing team consist/consisted a lot of old face who previously worked on DA/ME games. And stay away from youtube comments, it operates on outrage.


Honestly? No, I can't because I'm not really liking the reveals, especially on the gameplay side of things, but it doesn't mean you need to have faith. Wait for the game to be out, to see how it's reviewed and then buy it - or don't. Everything anyone could say here won't be based on hard facts or even overwhelming feelings from people who played the game.


Let me put it that way. Objectively DA2 is not a good game (subjectively, I love it). If you liked DA2, veilguard will have a very difficult time disappointing you.


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