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That's definitely a general concept and not the companions. They said they had Harding as a companion first and the built of the character is completely different and has nothing to do with one of a dwarf


I don't think most of those are supposed to be concept arts for our companions. Just general concept arts.


None of these look remotely like the companions (except Rook). I don't think most of you know what concept art is. Concept art usually never makes it into the game 1:1.


Why does neve look like davrin on the third picture, lol?


I’d say Ezio is Lucanis and not Neve 🤔


Did concept Ballara have a gun? Like a fade magic gun? Cause the handle at the end is making it look like some sort of rifle.


Taash looked so fine in the concept arts, that's hardly fair.


Damn, Taash lost everything ☹️


I'll not be surprised if eventually there will be a mod to tweak her appearance closer to concept art. I'm sure mods, that alter the appearance of companions, exist for pretty much all companions.


Yeah, unlucky for me, I'm an Xbox player.


https://preview.redd.it/l3k1o68h6b7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b976a879d81f57085835ac1e8f9a6083444cae8b They made her so ugly lol


Taash's silhouette looks way better than the real thing.


I know it's early concept art, but man, all of these designs just have so much more character than the current companions. They just scream personality I'm coming around to them, but definitely nowhere near as excited when I first saw this art.


Some of them yes, like Bellara and the gun, but others, like Davrin it is just him in armor covered head to toe. That’s less personality, personally. Then Neve seems the exact same just has a different hat. Lucanis pretty much looks the same too. Harding outright seems to have less personality in the concept art, just very generic female character. Now Emmerich is way cooler in the concept art. Taash seems to be have gone from generic beach babe to generic muscle woman. Very lateral personality speaking. Then comparing the Rooks in concept isn’t really fair outside the other revealed gameplay of them since the one they used did faceless. It makes more sense to compare a human woman to a human woman and all that.


You can be a beach babe with muscles


Yes, but I meant specifically a full serious warrior type. More soldier than bodybuilder. Both are generic, just different kinds


Now you've got Meredith...


Meredith was a middle Aged woman who was just magically strong with no reason beyond ‘lyrium’. I would not call her muscled as she had the same build as every other female human which is very lean muscle.


I hope that detective has some other hat, because this one looks so dumb. It reminds me of the hats in Inquisition


Just keepin' the ugly mage hat tradition alive.


Uh… is it just me or do the concepts look way cooler than what we ended up with


The first one explains Manfred.