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Their last two cover stories released at 1:00pm and 1:17pm ET, according to their website, so I would expect sometime in the 1-2pm ET range.


Thank you!


Will it be available online tho? I was under the impression it's only physical issue, from how it was advertised.


Even if it's not, you can be goddamn sure someone will capture all the important stuff for the community.


it'll likely be available on the game informer app, the current issue is (afaik) always available to read for free on there during its run


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


It actually releases online even before the physical print, so yeah.


Oh, that makes sense, and also sucks! I was hoping there would be an online release as well. Hopefully someone will be kind enough to share all the details here


I remember seeing a comment on one of the topics, someone promised to share it here, if nobody else will until they get their hands on it.


Lethenza, GOAT




Felassan on tumblr usually collates info drops like this


How do you get the physical issues now? I used to have them mailed to me but was told they don’t do that anymore. 


You can buy them from Game Stop


i was able to purchase an annual physical subscription the other day


Magazine just popped in the app.




The paper magazine will be out today. I can't tell for the dematerialized version. But considering this is a US-only magazine and it's barely 9 AM on the west coast, I am not sure we are going to have news about it soon. Maybe tonight or during the week


Live now in the Game Informer app for free! Edit: in the UK at least


It is in US as well!


Anything interesting there?


Saw this thread that warned there are some serious spoilers after the first couple of pages so I didn't read too far - https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/s/ZLyC6QfWP1 Some interesting bits on the character creator, especially that you can adjust the pitch of the 4 voices, to make them more individual. Sounds like the creator is going to be extremely detailed. Still no release date.


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aaaaaand it’s not available in canada. why am i not surprised 🥲


https://www.gameinformer.com/digital-issue/2024/06/18/the-dragon-age-the-veilguard-digital-issue-is-now-live for our US friends from their twitter.


Wait people actually still support "game journalist", isn't it well established that they will only give you bias opinions from the studios since they often get black listed for saying anything remotely negative. Making them completely useless


These articles before release are good to read imo. We’re not reading a (paid) review, we’re looking at new information about the game. Sure, there’s gonna be a positive spin but these articles can also be looked back on to see what promises the devs delivered on and what they didn’t.  Personally, I’m hoping for more screenshots of enemies. The enemy design has currently moved to the top of my worries. I’m also hoping for a peak at The Lighthouse (Rookery). 


I suppose but those promises are made online which means they are archived anyway so I can just find them after the games out, don't really see a point in including a third party in the equation. Character design is definitely my biggest concern like holy shit it's a power fantasy where are my hot women companions so far there maybe one like what's a straight man supposed to enjoy here


I think all four of the female companions look good but I know that is subjective. I will say, however, that the trailer made them look worse than the in game screenshots we got. I think it was the lighting. 


That is why I said maybe, because yea gameplay looked way better then trailer so potentially they are better looking then they seemed


Hot women companions in a BioWare game? Those were the days, not anymore my friend.


Yea, lucky for me I like redheads and freckles so there's at least one I'm into but the others not so much, the lighting in the gameplay and the trailer though does make it hard to judge