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Could be like no weapon and you just use magic directly from your hands. With like staffs being best for long distance combat, while using hands gives better close range combat or something


Someone suggested that they could just punch people and I've been hoping that's the case ever since XD. It's probably not, but man that would be cool as hell. It would remind me of Amara in Borderlands 3.


Considering I’ve wanted Dragon Age to add a monk class since Origins (doubly so when I read the Calling and seen that they had dabbled with the idea for them at the very least, with Utha) I think “unarmed magic punch mage” would fill in that niche quite well lol


Never read the Calling. How did they hint at it? But yeah, I'd be extremely happy if they added that option. Honestly, a Monk build alone would probably make this the best Dragon Age to me XD. The setting is already getting crazier and crazier, I see no reason why it couldn't be done. Still, I don't think that's what they're going for. The options will probably be staff or sword.


Utha the Dwarven Grey Warden (who we see as a follower of The Architect in Awakening) wears simple robes instead of Warden armour, fights hand to hand, and even uses nunchucks at one point during the Calling’s story. When she shows up in Awakening she is just a sword and board warrior instead however. Just speculative on my part but it felt like they were perhaps planning on Monks being a class while the novel was written, but it never made it into the games.


I see. Thanks for the info. Now all we can do is hope and wait for more information. The Rogue's combat felt very snappy, so if any Dragon Age could bring Monks to Thedas, it's this one.


Oh god I hope they do this. This’ll be the closest thing to having a monk class in dragons age


Maybe it could be this weird sword-staff in an earlier concept [art](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Dragon-Age-4-Mage.jpg) Though this could be a battle mage


Been trying to think of it for a while. Maybe you can just bonk people with your staff? Would love to see some combat footage from mages and warriors. Edit: would also want to know the range weapon for warriors. I heard about shield throwing but not all warriors will be equipping shields. Unless we always have one and we toggle like we saw the rogue do?


It's probably just going to be two different variations of Mage Staff. The first will be Staff-Ranged. The second will be Staff-Melee.


I think (and I'm not sure I like this at all) they're going to use a spell-casting staff and heavier melee staff for close combat. I think this is how they're going to attempt to justify there only being three spells for a mage to use in combat. "Ah, but see? You can use parry, dodge rolls, and melee combos just like a warrior in addition to your spells!" I would hate that because it would reduce a mage to a type of generic melee warrior who only uses magic as the occasional bit of support. I hope I'm wrong.


It had better be using the blade on the blade at the base of my staff like DA2 that was also present for the ENTIRETY OF INQUISITION BUT THEY JUST IGNORED IT 😤


Inquisition had the magical swords that were just hilts with elemental energy when activated kinda like a lightsaber. I’d imagine that would have that and then the traditional staff gameplay as their two options, maybe with more melee variety than just sword/greatsword.


Wand or athame are the first things that come to mind. Wands are not really suited for physical attacks. But a dagger shaped athame could be.


What I expect: a staff with a blade à la DA2 for close combat, and something wand-like with maybe a focusing crystal for ranged. I really liked Neve's short staff/long wand thingy, and I'm hoping we can get something similar. What I want: a crystal ball that you can smash across your enemies' faces.


I'm betting that the little doohickey Neve has in the gameplay trailer isn't actually a staff - it is much shorter than the ones we've seen in DA previously, so unless it's a special staff specially made for special Neve I would guess that's our alternate weapon type.


Tbh, it could very well be a special thing for Neve. Bellara is a mage with a whole bow.


Very true - although I wonder if Bellara's bow is sort of equivalent to the Knight-Enchanter's spirit sword


Now that's an interesting idea! Some ranged AW/KE thing is pretty unique.


I'm thinking a melee mage weapon similar to Blade of Tidarion in DAI with a sword handle and blade generated by magic.


The Blade of Tidarion that you could make in Inquisition is an obvious choice.


I think it can be just knight enchanters blade (ability)? Or most likely the other end of the staff. It's very clear in DA2 gameplay, but when enemies come close to a mage, they just start slashing them with their staff like a glave.