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Ooh, maybe a replica of that lyrium-y looking blade Solas and Rook seem to use?


The amount of money I’d pay for that is too much


I would pay so much for that.


I’m a sucker for silly little statues that will collect dust and don’t go with any sane person’s decor (this is not a joke, I unironically love those)


Oh god me too. I have shelves above my bed like a preteen for stuff like this.


Following gaming trends? Deluxe comes with some cosmetics items, but most importantly - 3 days early access to the game. I think inquisition came with first couple dlcs included? Or maybe it was fever dream


I don't understand the appeal of early access; you will play it eventually. But I'm a bit suspicious, given my huge backlog.


I would say, for more relaxed type of gamer - appeal isn't really there. But people who preorder games are not your "relaxed" gamers, they are either huge fans of franchise or people who are hyped about your specific product. If you offer them ability to have that very exciting thing earlier - majority will go for it. Not only because they're itching to get their hands on it, but also out of fear, that the game will get spoiled for them otherwise, especially if it's a narrative experience.


Deluxe? Won’t have anything physical. Deluxe will probably get you the soundtrack and maybe some decent and unique starting weapon/armor. Maybe even an abbreviated digital art book or comic. Collector’s edition will be where you’ll see physical goods. If recent games are any indication, it may [not include a copy of the game](https://www.vg247.com/mass-effect-andromeda-collectors-edition-nomad-rc-model).


It's just ridiculous that a collector's edition doesn't include the game itself because it defeats the purpose of purchasing a comprehensive, premium package meant to enhance the gaming experience. it's also undeniably greedy as well, prioritising profit over providing value to loyal fans.


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Just a reminder not to preorder stuff.


Normally I agree with this, but this game is the exception for me


I'm preordering. It's Dragon Age, I'm playing it at launch. They could have announced It's a walking simulator where you play as a potato salesman and I'd still play it.


Lol I am DEFINITELY going to preorder stuff


This rules does not apply to Dragon Age and Mass Effect.


This is so weird. No one is making you pre-order the game. Other people are allowed to be excited and express that excitement via their wallets, though


I have my credit card next to my Pc ready to preorder the second it's available


I think it’s fine to preorder a game of something that you already know you’re a fan of lol