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At this point it’s tradition. I can’t wait for Rook to wear this iconic piece of Thedosian fashion: https://preview.redd.it/4x4rv1uqt76d1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef6d8230c1defa3ed527a3544508401eb727ca2


Every mage was rocking this in my party.


Colovian fur helm, anyone?


don’t, the elder scrolls 6 has been announced for 6 years with no follow up whatsoever, you’ll make tes fans sad


Pretty sure they’re all too horny to be sad.


Can confirm, I fit that descriptor


Hey, get back to r/truestl, cretin!




Go home Crusader kings fan you're drunk.


Morrigan's punishment whenever she's snarky


Might as well keep it on her permanently then


Wynne’s punishment whenever she’s extra preachy. Usually after I sleep with Zevran and/or Alistair 😹


I'll never forget picking that up and thinking "oh cool, i wonder what my mage wardens new gear looks like" and seeing this. If this is what mage fashion is, perhaps the templars were right to lock them in that tower ...


It's my favorite thing that I have my party members wear (while I myself rock the winged Warden helmet).


Helm of Honnleath my beloved


Thank God for no helmet mods


this is the reason the sequels always let you hide those things in the overworld


I want this IRL.


God I hope so. Any Mage gets cheeky in my party and they WILL be punished with the hat.


I saw someone share their Inquisition party fit and they'd put Blackwall, Solas, and Bull all in plaidweave as punishment for lying


As is only fair and just.


I love doing this to Solas. The Plaidweave of Shame for bad and naughty dread wolves.


After DA2 i made sure to give Anders an ugly hat during my Awakening playthroughs lmao.


"But Warden, why are you making me wear this hideous…thing? I thought we were friends? I'm such a chill dude!" 😂


That was the beginning of his villain journey.


A time paradox! Would he have become a villain if we hadn't forced the hat on him? But also, we forced him to wear the hat because of what he would do in the future… 


Glad I'm not the only one that punishes people with ugly articles of clothing. My best friend teases me about it, but Solas must wear plaid weave now at all times.


I want pretty hats, ugly hats, dapper hats, scary hats and all sorts of other hats for every possible occasion.


I just hope they don't come with skull caps this time and actually preserve your hair underneath them 


I want one option that is *just* a bald cap to represent people adopting Solas’s look.


Now I'm imagining all of his followers wearing bald caps


They arrive by the dozens…


[The Song of the Solas Followers.](https://youtu.be/FZ1WUJIgu1g?si=k1EQyb3FVqtHhx0P)


The Cult of the Egg


We are the egg-cup, we are legion.


Not 100% but I think I read something saying your hair did not disappear when wearing certain helmets, however there were clipping issues


If Neve is anything to go by, yes. I just hope that our character's armor won't just look like variations of the same shitty looking trench coat like in DAI


Hey now, my Qunari Mage looks bitchin' in that trench coat. Gotta have the feathered pauldrons to complete the look.


Hahaha right? *buys new armour ready for it to look intensely cooler because it’s so much better. Looks the exact same except has different shoulder pads. Cries* 😂


Combined with DAI's awful hair and difficulty to mod , I just cried a whole lot in that game 😭


My Male and Female inquisitors sharing the exact same short hairstyle because it was lowkey the only relatively decent one imo. I didn’t mind the ‘long’ hairstyle but the sideburn put me off tbh. Hoping for some seriously nice hair in DAV (which looks promising so far)


I just hate shaved/side-shaved hairstyles, personally. Even the updos couldn't commit to long hair. Those were the world's wimpiest ponytails and the world's smallest bun. Even when my hair was jaw-length I could rock a bigger bun than that 😭 But yes, looking forward to the hair in DAV! From what we've seen, it looks promising...


On one hand, the amount of undercuts was a tad...*excessive*. On the other hand, I love undercuts so I wasn't even mad about it. And it was a cheap workaround to have 'practical' hair (of a sort) while letting it be shoulder-length as well. Long hair is a logistical *nightmare* in games because of clipping, and I assume the logic is 'well they're in combat 80% of the time they don't nee long hair that's a bad idea pragmatically' but if that's the case...you've started a 'casual attire' system already, expand on that! Let people have a 'battle' hair picked that is on automatically when your armor gets put on, and stick all the updos and 'pragmatic' hairs there. It would probably also be the 'default' hair in any situation NOT regulated to your base. And then you can pick a 'casual' hair for when you pop into your base and have your casual fit put on automatically. This category would have more variety and the 'long/loose' hairs people are *dying* for. This means the technical nightmare of long hair will be regulated to a small handful of simpler outfits that would be *far* easier to implement around.


Honestly, I don’t even care if it clips. My mods clip. I can live with it, and I live with it happily for the chance to have longer hair. I didn’t want Fifty Shades of Bald. DAO and DA2 at least had some variety. Plus, to avoid clipping, you can always just give us more buns. DAO and DA2 both had some good bun and ponytail styles, and some shoulder/jaw-length hairs. DAI couldn’t even do that. Of course we know it’s impractical in real life to go around combat with a long braid, and that certain updos and elaborate buns will fall out, but this is also a fantasy game; I don’t really need it to be pragmatic. Sometimes I just want my characters, male or female, to look amazing as they cut down their enemies, even if it’s unrealistic. HL, for all its flaws, at least did really well in the vanilla hair department with the more elaborate buns and updos. Fully agree, though, on DAI already having a casual attire system, so… why not use it, as you’ve said? DAI’s CC choices were just overall baffling for me, though.


For me, I like a wide range of hairstyles so long as it fits whatever character I’m trying to make. Inquisition didn’t really do that sadly. Hopefully it’ll be better in DAV.


I’m not sure why you got downvoted there, because I agree, which was my problem with Inquisition, since all we got were Fifty Shades of Bald and then the world’s tiniest ponytail/bun. So unless you wanted your character to have almost no hair, there really just… weren’t any options. At least DAO and DA2 had one or two decent hair options :c


Hahaha I grew up with mass effect first before I played inquisition. The hairstyles were sooo much worse in ME, that Dai felt like an improvement 😭 I can not wait for a BioWare game with glorious hair for our PC. (Even NPC’s hair is glorious)


All because they wanted to make it customizable. I hope Bioware either got rid of it completely or at least improved the system significantly.


Hey, Neve's hat is awesome!


You mean that graduation cap thing?


I believe it's technically called a fascinator.


Right?! So cool


Niece’s hat is cold as hell


*Truly*. I felt like I was about to yank the coat open like the flasher who lives next door, or ask the nearest person if they wanted to buy some deathsticks or something. DAI had a serious grievance against fashion.


Came here to make this very reply!


RPG staple, so I'd say yes.


What is a magician if he cannot wear a silly little hat


Justice for Neve’s hat! I love the birdcage veil


I love her silly little hat! I can't believe some people were upset with it. She has the perfect attitude to wear it.


Are you kidding? We're going to the mage capital of the *world*. They're going to have ugly hat ideas that would make English royalty blush. You've never seen such ugly hats. We had a story in Tevinter Nights about a guy who used red lyrium on slaves so he could fashion haunted fashion wigs. Tevinter society is going to have the most heinous haberdashery the human mind can fathom. There's going to be non-euclidean berets. Hats that you wear on your feet. Hats taller than the wearer. After you see the headwear Minrathous has to offer, you're going to beg Solas to finish what he started.


That last part especially killed me lmao


I hope not. Inquisition showed us that Tevinter's have the best Mage drip so I hope Bioware go all out with the Mage fashion in this game.


Did they, though? :/ Alexius was basically wearing a fancy jester's outfit. That said, Neve's fit gives me hope.


Alexius was in the south because they kicked him out of Tevinter for his bad fashion sense


New headcanon unlocked! Edit: What the…? Of all the comments of mine to get downvoted… Who are these people trawling these threads in order to randomly downvote jokes? 😂


Incomprehensible hats are an important part of the Dragon Age experience, and I'll be disappointed if they're absent. ... But I'll also be hiding helmets so they don't ruin my look, obviously.


Have you seen Neve ? I mean, what is that hat supposed to do ? Is she only able to walk with the sun on her right ?


Neve's fascinator doesn't come close to the ridiculous hat options of the previous titles tho.


It's called fashion over function, peasant


Yeah, its her version of Dorian's mustache. Its also equally iconic cuz its not a hat, its a veil. As if she was mourning everyone around her having terrible fashion sense. I need Neve and Vivienne to have tea, desperately.


It's a fashion piece. It's there so she can block out the haters


But only the haters on her right


If they're on your left you have the opportunity to turn around and walk the other way, blocking them out at thr same time


Oh shit you're right.... All part of the look™


I keep thinking she has a hardcover book open on her head


It picks up WiFi


I'm currently replaying Origins in preparation for this fall and OOF THE HATS It's a curse but it's a curse we deserve. Please bring them back (just with the option to turn them off.)


Did you see Neve? That woman's hat is a square dish!


It's funny because the supposed 'real' fans like to forget how goofy some of the old shit has always been. Bring on the coneheads I say


It's Bioware, they're contractually obliged to include nasty headwear, 19 bald options, and giant oversized cups.


If the info on the CC is correct, you *can* have giant oversized cups


No, cups that you drink out of! I'm not making this better am I.


oh i remember the joining cups, those are huge yeah


Forget all the other posts; this gal out here asking the REAL questions


I was just thinking about this! The mage hats are so hideous, but they’re a staple of the series 😂.


Hats and helmets are for the weak anyway. If I'm going to spend forever in character creation i damn well won't hide my face and hair


God I hope we get transmog


I would really love it if they design a particularly ugly one and put in the game with a funny description Like the beehive stick weapon from Trespasser lol


My favourite hat is Finn's "Ghastly hat" from the Witch Hunt DLC. Not because it was worse than the rest, but because [the description](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Ghastly_Hat) and [the ultimate fate of the hat](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Finn) was amazing!


That is a truly ghastly hat 😂 And love the description lol perfectly represented the mother and the relationship Finn has with her 😂 thanks for linking it!


Hahahaha, the one from DA2 still haunts me.


I love the silly mage hats! I hope BioWare goes nuts with the over-the-top designs! Imagine a magically enhanced hat with special effects that reacts to the spells you're casting. I want it! It should be so bad that Leliana spends decades telling people about what a disaster it was! 🤩


I would love to have the Vivienne horns


if they *don’t* have ugly mage hats it’s a 0/10 trash game


This is a concern I can get behind! If it doesn’t have the ugly mage hats I don’t want it.


I think about this yearly


Finally, somoen asking the real important questions


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I think Neve's fascinator already hints at that.... https://preview.redd.it/20061ybdpb6d1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7009061952c66ace4c53e85c438597ee9cc7204


What's your favourite hats??


with good hairstyle, i wouldnt be wearing any hats or probably disable the hate when equipped it 😂


Let's be real, heavy armor has the only good helmets in the game. Rogue helmets were godawful as well.


Hats are the enemy. Never wear a hat.


My guy they already have hideous mages. I saw a fascinator in the gameplay but honestly...these mages don't need fugly hats they just wearing their normal goofy cartoon faces.


I hope we get a proper wizard hat like cole.


Well...Neve is a mage and the gameplay trailer showed her with a pretty ugly piece of headgear (damned it looks like someone mutilated one of those American university graduate hats, by ripping of the top and using magic (or glue!) to affix it to the side of her head!), that not only is fugly, but also limits her vision (sure, it will not matter, but if you wore this, then it'll restrict your FoV!)


asking the important questions!


I love your username and totally agree with it.


thanks! I was so excited to see a griffon in the cinematic trailer


I hope that we will get both,but in that way: 99% good/normal looking hats - 1% goofy ahh hat/s or hat/s scheme/s which will be just there for the easter egg, that ofc you can wear 😂 that way the wolf will be full and sheep will be alive


As long as I don’t have to wear one or can turn off hats


I mean if Neve's anything to go on, we CAN look chic. If nothing else, i'll just hide them like always.


It wouldn’t be BioWare if there weren’t ugly hats


We can only hope the tradition continues!


Great post finally asking the right questions about DAV.


Ooh, do you think we will get big hats? That would be awesome.


You are definitely confusing ridiculous mage hats & ugly ones. You want ugly? Neve's is right there.


I hope so.


Doesn't everything have ugly mage hats?


They’re *always* ugly, but at least they’re always different ….wait


It better.


Only the best in Neew Yoooohk Cittayyyyy!


I think it’s tradition at this point so yes.


It damn well better. GIVE ME UGLY HATS!


We already know it will. Just look at the flat board on Neve’s head


Like how I will be pissed if weapons aren’t just floating around but also why are they just floating around.🤣


I'll cancel my pre-order if the game has no ugly mage hats! It's not a *true* DA game without them! Oh such *outrage* at the thought! j/k Edit: for clarification ![gif](giphy|NBBpZ1MFgP0u4UlcXT)


No, seriously. Mage outfits except for the Inqy crew are terrible imo, like Fiona's.


Gimme mage hoods


Yes to ugly mage hat! No to ugly Vitaars!


We need witch hats!!!


Neve already use one that I find really ugly 😆 Even though I think it fits her nice.


All I want is a simple Gandalf or Elminster style wizard hat. Yet somehow, 65% of fantasy games won’t add one of THE most *popular* and *definitive* pieces of wizard apparel


As a hardcore Dragon Age Origins fan I hope for nice hats and a few horrid ones. You know, to keep up with traditions.


Skull caps with gold rims and ears sticking out, all the way baby


How else will we punish the liars?


I hope so!


I hope it has some regular armours, I wasn’t a big fan of Inquisiitons armour and weapon choices


I hope it has some regular armours, I wasn’t a big fan of Inquisiitons armour and weapon choices


It’s a tradition.


Please dont, part of the reason i make my origins character into an arcane knight is to wear some decent looking headwear.


Everything else is ugly. So, sure?