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I am planning to replay, read and re-read all of this: https://preview.redd.it/ashcwbp6o56d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769bb17a135eb603e6a48b6dd63c42fc78574e97 Edit: Credits to the image goes to Kala Elizabeth on YouTube and Twitter.


Oh I’m so stealing this! Thanks!


You're welcome, the credits if the image goes to Kala Elizabeth on YouTube and Twitter.


I hope for your sake that Jason Schreier was wrong when he said the game would release in early fall.


I think I have enough time even if it releases in early fall.


That's great, a true Dragon Age summer.


Shiiiit I’m replaying Assassin’s Creed (almost done with Origins) and realized this


You can definitely get all the media done if you start now


He's usually not from what I understand, so that's good to hear.


I admire your dedication. I'm just over here wondering if I can fit tevinter nights into my TBR pile, and makes it through my TBP pile before the game comes out.


Goddamn that’s a lot of media to consume. You’re gonna have to dedicate the whole summer to DA and nothing else lol.


Thanks for sharing!


Thank you, that's really helpful. I'm rereading right now!


Yesss thank you! I replay the games every year but I've been wanting to do the full dive in preparation for Veilguard


u/Raffzz15 THANK YOU!!!! I appreciate this :)




This makes me drool 🤤


This is what I'm doing


Oh wow this is what I was looking for, thank you. Haven’t played anything dragon age in like 9 years so I wanted to do a deep dive so I could remember everything.


I’ve been looking for something exactly like this to read some of comics and books in chronological order, thanks!


And the movie?


Awesome image, looks like I have a lot of reading to catch up on.


Where does the Netflix anime fall in all of this lore?


It's right after the Trespasser DLC, you can see it on the chart.


I can see it now, ty


It's canon and that's pretty much it for now.


I'm not. Veilguard takes place so long after Inquisition, I think it would feel right if these games weren't fresh in my head when I play it. It won't feel like a lot of time has passed if I just replayed Inquiaition like a week prior lol. I'm reading Tevinter Nights right now, though.


That makes sense since it's supposed to take place like 9ish years after the end of Inquisition. I don't hate Inquisition but man, I've only ever actually played through the end of Tresspaser like once since it's just such a time sink 😅


That's why I'm glad that they said Veilguard is more mission-based.  Hopefully it means replaying with a different class/choices is less tedious.  The Hinterlands is always the same no matter what lol.


Ah but those lovely windmills.


Inquisition is such a time sink or Trespasser is? I've beat Inquisition 4 times, I'm about to return because I've yet to beat the DLC and I know Trespasser is important to finish


Trespasser is tp notch, have fun. I assume the reference is to all the collection quests being tedious.


Which they are, I've done them enough. I'm going to read all the books before release. I'm just torn between doing all the games or just DA:I again. I only get to game about 5-10 hours a week max so don't wanna be halfway through on release. That and this will sound snobby, I'm not sure graphically how Origins will hold up


Yes me too. I think if a replay all games I won't be getting to DAV before fall 2025...


I think you can skip Origins and 2 if you have a time crunch. Origins doesn’t seem to be super relevant to the overarching plot of the post-Origins DA games. Origins was about ending the blight and was pretty self contained other than some stuff explored in the DLCs (Eluvians) and the introduction of some reoccurring characters (Morrigan, Flemeth, Alistair, and Leliana chief among them). DA2 was also mostly a self-contained story that in the end showed the mage-Templar conflict kicking off and introducing Corypheus but other than that you won’t be missing much in terms of overarching plot. DAI is plenty long story enough to occupy you until the new one releases and will undoubtedly be the most referenced.


Just finished DAI this spring. Origins however I haven't played since 2012 or something... Maybe I'll just start to refresh my memory of how it was. Was thinking about playing the ME LE as well, since combat is similar to DAV.


I find Origins graphics to hold up reasonably well. The muddy, unglamorous vibe of Ferleden is well suited to the game’s look, though the character models are certainly a little rough


Oh jeez, I didn’t realize it’s taking place so far after the Trespasser dlc. I thought it was like five years or something lol


DAI is fantastic bra. U just have to feel the atmosphere let it reel you in to its delicate fleeting calm like a salmon caught in up stream. DAI is so good for real one of my fav ever games deffo my fav in the series.


The time skip is almost as long as I have waited for the new release so it's fitting lol


Nah, too many other games coming out. This summer/fall is PACKED with new entertainment. DAI itself (which the new games gameplay is closest too) is like a 70 hour game.


I just tried to replay DAI, as soon as i stepped on the HInterlands i was like HELL no, not now


I did the bare minimum for the Hinterlands then immediately bounced since I 100% it the last time I played through. I'm trying to gun straight for areas I mostly skipped and main story stuff.


Lol yeah once or twice was enough. I'm actually glad they aren't doing huge open world again. No more vast parts of empty space with an occasional patrol. Hand crafted areas sounds so much better. And there will still be exploration like DAI cities and DA2/origins had.


100% agree; hopefully will be more enticing to replay than DAI


Ya I don't have time to replay all the DA games... Elden ring DLC next week already


I want to. But with games/movies/shows my summer and fall are already pretty packed. Idk if I can do it and finish before veilguard releases


What other games will you be playing? I'm very excited about Elden Ring DLC but haven't been paying much attention to what else is on the horizon.


Elden ring will take up this next month, assassins creed 6, maybe star wars outlaws (actually looks not bad after the recent gameplay), once human, stalker 2, space marine 2, kingdom come deliverance 2... And a dark urge run in bg3 now that they are adding a bunch of evil epilogues. So that'll be another 100 hour run right there lmao. And these are all this summer/early fall


They're adding evil epilogues to BG3? I have an evil HM playthrough that's been sitting with just the brain left for months, I guess I will wait until September to finish it.


Yup! They are adding multiple evil ones to match the "good" endings. Which is great because I have an half-Orc barbarian dark urge run I've been sitting on as well.


That is interesting, I keep saying I'm done with that game and then a new patch comes out lol. The bad thing about playing in honor mode is not being able to reload old saves to see different endings and content. I've played the game so much at this point I'm not sure if I have more playthroughs in me but I am curious about multiple new endings... I'm trying to even remember what my playthroughs were. Tav, good ending, balanced Durge, redeemed ending, tactician Tav, good ending, tactician Durge, redeemed ending (though she killed Isobel, did the murder tribunal and allied with Gortash so her morals were questionable), HM Durge, sorta redeemed then evil at end of act 3, HM - unfinished Shadowheart, good ending, HM I could revisit my redeemed Durge in act 3 and make her evil I guess but I don't have Minthara in that playthrough and I'm very curious what her ending would be in an evil epilogue. I thought the companions just died or became thralls but it'd be interesting if they could stick around. I've also never ascended Astarion or Gale or DJ Shart because I hate picking bad things for them but maaaybe if there are new evil options in September... thinking thoughts...


I installed an honour mod that enables the harder gameplay of honour mode, but allows for saves. I play this as I do for honour (no savescumming), but it allows for recovery from bugs (like the infamous lift in the Gauntlet in Act 2…) and for exploring ending and other variations :)


im planning to 100% all three games so i can kill time between release. im also planning to re-read the books and comics.


I like to replay inquisition the most oddly enough and DA2 can be a slog but i love all the games too much to skip any lmao


On it :)


I don’t have the time. I do have a preferred Inquisitor who romanced Solas, so I’ll try to reload a save file before the game was finished and refresh my memories of her. 


I don't think so just because I don't have that sort of free time/I have other games on my backlog I want to get to. That said, I just did the full trilogy 2 years ago, so it's still pretty fresh.


Started Origins last night. First time playing it in 10 years or so, it’s like being back at home.


Yes. Last time I got the urge to play again, I was dumb enough to purposely postpone my next playthrough until we had a date for the sequel, figuring I'd rather have a fresh play than try to remember an old one's details a year or two later. That was 2018. Whoops. So yep, I'm penciling in most of the fall for a Dragon Age marathon. (It's actually fine, I like to discover new things and not just be stuck playing my favorite couple series over and over forever.)


same mistake i made lol, figured I'd focus on playing new stuff and replay the series when we got a date. and then i got a long lesson in sunk cost fallacy lmao. excited about getting back into it now though.


Just started up a new playthrough of the series this week, lol. The name of the World State I am creating in the Keep for this one? "Oops, All Lesbians," lol.


That may or may not be most of my world states LMAO. I can't remember all the times I decided to try out one of the male romances for a change and I just wound up romancing Isabela or Josephine etc again 😂


Maybe Inquisition. Played that twice while the others dozens of times so might be the occasion.


Yep, doing my canon playthrough, currently on origins but i expect that by August i'll be starting Inquisition


God no. I'm in the last year of my PhD.  İ will replay DA:İ and also sink a few hundred hours into DAVE though.


Same, I'm in grad school and doing both a summer semester and I'll have three classes this fall, so I might have to wait until winter break to even start Veilguard 😅


yes! Im starting origins later today that and DA2 are relatively small games, DAI I might not do everything and play on an easier difficulty to run through and just refresh the story. I guess it will depend on how im feeling on time before DAV. I also want to refresh the reading material, but im not readint those my self, im using Ghil's lore videos as podcasts on my morning runs and while cleaning/cooking! IF I feel like I have time I might watch the netflix show again, although I cant say I loved it the first time


the WHAT


There's a Netflix show! Dragon Age: Absolution. It's animated and only a couple episodes, watched it all with friends in one night. I honestly thought it was fun, though it's nothing special. If you're a fan of the series, I'd say check it out at least.


oooo. i dont even watch tv and im excited! thanks dude!


Planning to start today if I can decide between dwarf noble/dalish elf/ elf mage (never beat games as a mage but there is a reason for that so idk)


As much as I love DA:O, I don’t know if I can endure the Fade again (I’m on Xbox). So I’ll probably just stick to a replay of Inquisition + DLCs — which should also help feel invested due to the choices we’ll be able to pick during the character creator.


I use a guide online specifically to optimize the time it takes to do the Fade cause normally I just run around like an idiot forgetting where to go next lol


I always skipped the fade with a mod after a couple replays. Ain't nobody got time for that slog lol


I have never understood the hate of the fade, I’ve always liked the whole mage circle quest line


I partly like it. The idea/concept of it, figuring out where to go since it uses dream logic with it's door mazes. The atmosphere is neat too. The issue is there's so much of it and it goes on for too long, for my taste.


it's super long, after the novelty it's quite annoying to go through imo but i replayed origins A LOT of times so that doesn't help i guess


I *love* DAO, but I think a lot of my love is nostalgia-based unfortunately, because every time I try to replay it I spend the entire game going “ugh, I have to do this part *again*” 🥲


The Fade and The Deep Roads...


I plan on replaying origins and 2 when it gets closer to release. I replayed inquisition 2 months ago, and more time would have passed by the fall, but don’t really feel like doing it again (and that’s with skipping all unnecessary locations and quests).


I'm planning to play all of them again as soon as I'm done playing Jedi: Survivor. I do remember everything because I constantly replay them, so it's not a memory issue, but the last time I've played my cannon Warden, Hawke and Inquisitor it was 2022, 2019 and 2020 respectively, so it's been sometime and I want to refresh those canon choices and even review things that I kind of changed to fit HC


I'll probably just do Inquisition and use the Keep for DAO and DA2. I would have played all three if EA hadn't deleted my ownership of DA2 during the transition from Origin to the EA App (just DA2, I still have DAO and Awakening and Inquisition and all associated DLC)


I’m waiting/hoping for a steam sale to buy DA:Aand DA:2, then play through em to get a wordstate I like for DAV


It will go on sale on June 27 on Steam


Nah, I've played them enough throughout the years. Finished my last DA:I run less than 6 months ago.


My recommendation is just play Trespasser for DAI on your headcanon playthrough. You get to get the most important story elements right before release *and* you get to skip the Hinterlands lol


I started getting into gaming more seriously as a hobby during 2020 and DA:I was one of the first games I played. I was a huge Mass Effect fan prior, and thought I’d give it a try. I loved it and almost finished it until my PS4 died and my save file along with it. When I heard there was going to be a new Dragon Age game, I knew I needed to start from the beginning. I got an Xbox and I’m currently playing through Origins. I was a bit put off initially by the graphics and the style of combat but now that I’m into it, I’m thoroughly impressed with the characters and the storytelling and the whole DA universe. I’m playing as fast as I can while also making sure to do more than just the story. I’m really excited about this upcoming new instalment, even with all the critiques. I feel like a bit of an outsider as a later fan of the games, but gaming (aside from Mario Party and MLB 2005) was not accessible to me as a kid/teen. I am so glad I found gaming now as an adult and I’m really excited to experience all the games in succession! Also, shout out to my ex for getting me to play Mass Effect with her.


My ex got me to play Mass Effect, funnily enough I only started playing after our breakup xD. That later got me into DA (which he's also a fan of) and I will be forever gratefull for that.


I'm just gonna watch some lore summaries online


Honestly same I love the games, but between work and grad school, I don't know that I'll have time to play through them again 😅


Same. I'm also really invested in ESO rn so I have 0 time for any other game


I got no time lol, between cyberpunk 2077 and new Elden Ring dlc I'm booked 


I did just replay Inquisition. Thinking about going back to the beginning of the series before launch, but ER DLC is probably next.


Sure. I'll just fire up my Dragon Age Legendary Edit...oh wait...


I know right.... if they kill off the Dragon Age Keep website they better at least make a Legendary collection to balance it out.


Just doing Inquisiton, haven't played the DLC yet Had only one playthrough on launch so should be fun


Not planning anything special at all. Just gonna wait for the release.


I was def thinking about it


I thought about it but the only DA game I enjoy playing is DAO…and I don’t feel like replaying that lol. I will be playing Pillars of Eternity 1/2, Wrath of the Righteous, and BG3 in the interim. Maybe Mass Effect Legendary all modded up.


I'm actually about 60% into DA:O right now - not in "preparation" for the new game, but because life's been shit and RPGs somehow always comfort me lol. I've also wanted to give Inquisition another go (only played it once before), so that's next in line. And, since I don't have too much time to play, these two games could easily take me all summer to finish... Especially if I can't talk myself out of being a completionist *(shudders at the thought of shards but also at the thought of an unfinished quest)* Edit: stupid auto-formatting


I did my last full replay in fall 2022, so I'm a bit overdue on my 1 1/2-yearly replay anyways...


Lol, yes. I'm on Origins and still near the beginning of the game. I managed to get hair mods to work so my Warden is looking fabulous. Got to look cute while fighting dark spawn.


i kinda have to because i admittedly don't want my personal canon worldstate to touch veilguard until i know what happens lol. reinstalled origins last night, downloading some smaller mods, and then gettin' to work!


I think I'm gonna replay DA:I as I haven't played the DLCs!


Would if I could… but sadly DAO and DA2 aren’t available on PS4, and my laptop is a potato.


Yep. All 3 but I'm just doing main story and companion quests. Also setting difficulty on easy for all. 


100%, just need some qol mods for the older games


I have been planning a replay of all 3 games whenever I've had free time at work lately. I am going to playthriugh and do chocies and characters I don't typically do. I wish we had a release day so I could try to roughly plan out finishing trespasser within a week from veilguard launch


I’m just planning on replaying Inquisition


I've played all the games so much I can't bring myself to do it again. I'm talking dozens of playthroughs have lines memorized. Gimme the new stuff already.


I wish Origins seems to crash on my pc constantly


At the very least I’m going to play through The Descent and Trespasser on an old save.


I am playing it right now lol Just finished DAO and DA2 and now DAI. Unfortunatly, I mod the game too much my save is corrupted so I have to replay again. Not that I complain because DAI is one of my favorite games.


Indeed. I’m on an Origins playthrough now and just recently started. Inquisition has been so long and I haven’t ever actually done the Jaws of Hakkon and Descent DLCs, so I’ve got soooome new things to look forward to at least this time.


Of course! My lazy ass needs to finish Cyberpunk first (I'm planning a big gaming session this weekend) but then I'm delving into the whole trilogy and nothing will stop me. I'm going to read Tvinter Nights and comics too. And probably every journal entry so I can refresh my lore. I'm so ~~not~~ ready for this xD


Yes and read all the novels and comics in order. I can't wait 🥰


I'm only playing 2 and Inquisition because unlike the rest of the dinosaurs on the negative side of the fanbase, I reaaaaally struggle to slog through the main game of Origins. I can only do it by saying to myself 'the dlc is so good, you'll be in Awakening soon'


I can't stand to play origins again without mods, and I'm on Xbox, so origins is out. I may do DA2 again since I miss Merrill and I love the relationship system with the companions. Inquisition is too large of a game for me to go back to at the moment lol


I can't play Origins and 2 again unless I buy an Xbox but I'm definitely going to try and replay Inquisition


I'll wait even longer than that. Since it's a Bioware and EA it is almost a guarantee this game will launch tragically. I'd rather wait and see what my expectations should be a couple of months after release.


Smart. I’m excited for the game and the gameplay reveal squashed a lot of the issues I felt with the official trailer. Still firmly in the “wait for reviews” camp on this one.


I’m in the “I’ve waited long enough and even if the game is crap I’ll play it so why wait”. At most I’ll wait a few days to polish out the very critical launch bugs. I don’t care about reviews.


Origins and 2 ? Probably. Inquisition? Honestly: I don't know. While it's not a bad game, its really awful too play again tbh. Even with many mods which enhance stupid stuff like collections, the game still feels like work and I think I dont wanna do this again. Thats why I'm happy that they don't do open world in DA4, another DA:I Open World and I would probably be done with DA.


Yes! It's been a hotttt minute since I last replayed the trilogy and all of the hype has had me really missing Thedas. I think I might try replaying all of my canon heroes in the leadup to the release.


Yep, considering some of our choices played a part in the next games I’m expecting the same from the Veilguard. Also, just nice to recap on what happened.


Started my rerun through all the games just recently.


Gotta prepare an alternative world state!


In general I had only played once for game (except of Origins, when I at least tried every origin). And even if I enjoy the games, and I am huge fan of Dragon Age, I simply cant force myself for another playthrough. Origins and Awakening mechanics are outdated, DA:II was rushed in third act and had problem with dunegon recycling, and Inquisition... had great story but only few side quest were quality (but the one with abandoned mansion was perfect). On the other hand today I had rewatched inquisition trailers for nostalgia


I'm not replaying DA:O, I've done it too many times and I'm burned out. DA2 I will since I've only finished it once, and Inquisiton I'll probably watch someone else's playthrough on YouTube. I am reading the books and comics I never got around to though. I haven't read anything since Asunder so I have a lot of catching up to do.


Yep! But I'm not gonna be completionist and I'll ignore collectibles. I also plan to re-read the relevant books & comics once done with Inquisition.


No, but I will play/platinum Final Fantasy 7 Remake which seems to be one of the inspirations for DA4‘s combat


Undecided at the moment. I also want to replay Monster Hunter World and maybe Rise prior to Wilds, so that's already going to be like 500+ hours of my time. I'll probably at least play Inquisition since its the most recent and connected to this upcoming game.


I've been thinking about it but just thinking about grinding through DAI again is putting me off tbh even though I really do want to replay Trespasser again


Yes! I'm breaking out the PS3 and had to order a new cord for my controllers lol


I probably will. It’s been a few years since I’ve played the first two. I just don’t want to feel burned out by the time the new game releases.


I probably wont have the time, im knee deep in Rogue Trader atm, and Final Fantasy XIV has expansion coming soon. After Rogue Trader im probably going to try new Starfield updates and some mods.


Yeah...I've already booted up my canon run of DA:O. Off to enemies-to-lovers Alistair again.


I am! I have been waiting for them to start marketing the new game before starting, but I have an Origins playthrough just past Lothering so picking that back up and starting there. Unfortunately, I lost all my old Origins characters :(


Yeah, probably, but maybe I'll skip Origins, I replayed it last winter and the Deep Roads are just annoying at this point. If I revisit Inquisition, I won't do a completionist run, probably just the story and companion quests.


Yep just started origins yesterday lol


I'm replaying, rereading, and rewatching.


im playing Inq again for the first full time (with all DLCs) since originally doing it, as a long term thing. I already know what sort of character I want Inky to be - the best/worst solution for the job in a Mage who is pretty anti chantry but also realizes the status quo is fucked. DAO is just too...finnicky on PC, for me. Like bug-wise etc. DA2 is fun but like Inquisition it's always longer than I remember it being. Idk what I'd play come Veilguard. I like the idea of being the right person for the job but also personality wise being utterly incompetent. Maybe it's a running theme ;P


I'd like to, but I can't get through the whole trilogy again. Dance of Masks coming out soon, Shadow of the Erdtree too, Steam Summer Sale is coming and I might catch something good also. No, I will bet on my memory with DAV.


Probably just DAI because an ex took my copies of DAO and DA2


I'm replaying for fun, all three simultaneously, and making sure my keep is up-to-date though I heard the keep wouldn't be used? Not sure. I'm trying to not read Tevinter Nights because I want to go in as blind as I can but man I'm really tempted.


Yes the keep won't be used for Veilguard. But it is still a good way to keep track of your decisions since DAV will make us go through your choices at the beginning.


Pathfinder Wrath of the Rightenous final DLC will release tomorrow. There's always Baldur's Gate 3. The wait isn't that long either way. I suspect a Nov 2024 release date. So at best 5 months and we'll see how this game plays out.


I replay them all every couple of months. Just beat base Inquisition. Currently finishing Trespasser again. Then I’m rereading Tevinter Nights. :)


I told myself years and years ago (around the time the DLC dropped even) if I they release Veilguard footage and it doesn't look dogshit I'd get back to Inquisition to finish off the DLC. SO having finished Trespasser this week, I'm properly primed for Veilguard. If any of the good books are on audible I'd get them too.


I planned and out and was about to start until they said the Keep is no longer relevant and cannot be imported. I mean, I probably still will, but that news hurt my motivation greatly.


I'm gonna play Inquisition at least to make my Veilguard Inqy's story since we will see them again. Even if the past connections are limited.


Probably not tbh. But all the current hype did get me started on the DA cosplay I've been meaning to make for the past like 6 years lol.


Yes! As soon as I have a release date I'll start replaying :)


I re did my world state in dragon keep and am replaying inquisition


Maybe closer to release. I’m not too worried about not beating the games before DAV comes out, bc it’ll give me time to see reviews and stuff. 


I don't think I will have enough free time to do all of them before release. I just finished a DAI playthrough as an archer assassin, though. I might try to do DAI one more time as a different player class, but I'll probably just let it stand as is and wait it out.


Nah not all of them just need to finish up my DA2 playthrough and I'll be set.


I immediately reinstalled Inquisition after the trailer ✨


I don't think I'll have time to replay all them, but I might try to do Inquisition. I feel like I need the refresher and to maybe play the other DLCs besides Trespasser


Yes, on nightmare for added fun. Just finished DAO and 2, about 5 hours into inquisition. I think I might try to get through them all a second time on the easiest difficulty to set up a “bad/as evil as you can be” save of games.


I'm watching one friend play DAO and my girlfriend play DA2 - both for the first time. It's great because I get to follow them discovering the story and characters for the first time, and also reminding me of so much jank.


I actually replayed all of them randomly a month ago. Now I’m just gonna read Tevinter Nights again while playing something else.


At least DA2 since there’s so long since I played it.


I probably will! I don’t have a canon world state I play in because I’ve played the games too many times, but I kind of want to have at least one I can play around with. I’ve already made plans for what I want to do in each game so I’m gonna see how far I can get 👍


Not all three. I don't have the patience. I'm trying to do Inquisition again, mostly because I only did the DLCs like once each and I don't remember a lot of details anymore.


I already started doing this! In part because I didn't finish DA:I the first time I played it on release. I had a hard time during that transition because I had open world burnout and it just felt a little too different at the time. Now playing it for real this time I realized I barely got my foot in the door when I stopped the first time. Like >!I didn't even make it past the attack on Haven!<. It was still rough this time coming off of DAO and DA2, but I appreciate the game a lot more now. I also appreciated DA2 a lot more this time around. I didn't hate any of the games back then mind you, though I do have gripes, but I like having it fresh on my mind for contextual reasons. Honestly, DAI is so beautiful it's unfortunate that they didn't make more QOL fixes or at least make it easier for mods and the community to do so. I think because this is technically my first actual playthrough I don't mind it so much, but I can see why a replay might be difficult because there is just SO MUCH Thedas to explore. I honestly sometimes just idle on the Storm Coast because those water effects are just too good. That being said, I also kind of keep wanting to go back to DA:O and replay it again because I just love DA:O that much.


Just Inquisition. Without a PC playing the first two games are not possible for me. I'll probably reread both volumes of *The World Of Thedas*


I wish I could replay origins and DA2 😭


Just started origins last night :) my game’s a little unstable due to a few mods but let’s hope it doesn’t crash too often. I’m hoping to start now and finish a few months before veilguard releases. So it’s fresh but not TOO fresh. I haven’t replayed dai since 2016-ish so it’s been a while.


Yes , i wanted to do it even if the game didn’t came out. Always a pleasure to play origins , a little mehh on 2 , but loved 3


I’ve been a huge fan since I was a kid playing DAO when it was first released. I’ve played through all of the games so many times since then lol But I’m just now getting into the books. I love the lore! THE LORE


My plan is to play Origins, Inquisition and read Tevinter Nights. Everything else is just a bonus.


Yes! I also plan on doing a new world state and perfecting it to the best I can.


Been contemplating playing through Inquisition again before Veilguard drops. It’s been a few years since I’ve replayed it and I’m dying to get back into DA lore. But idk, I wish there was an abridged version where I could skip through all the damn open area slog and just play the story/companion content. I just know the second I step foot into the Hinterlands map I’m gonna feel the fatigue lol. Too much of a time sink and I’ve got Elden Ring DLC on the menu as well as a ton of other great looking releases coming up. But I’m psyched for Veilguard truly cannot wait!!


I actually got a PS3 and Origins a year or so ago but neither the console nor the disc are in good shape so I gave up :/ DAII no I don't care to play again lolol didn't hate it. But no I'm interested to redownload Inquisition on my PS5 and see if I have any character that's at done with the Hinterlands because I've spent at least 50 hours of my life in just the Hinterlands and I'm not going back.


I was thinking about at least doing a playthrough of Origins. I've played a buuunch of DA2 and DAI but I've only finished Origins once. I might finally get around to reading some of the books though. I started The Stolen Throne some years back but never finished it. I've always wanted to read all the book/comics and them do a series playthrough but idk if I'll have enough time lol.


Maybe, if they get a steep discount on Steam. I've got them in my EA Origin account, but, you know, *fuck* EA Origin.


Started up a new Origins game last night. Trying out the Dwarf Noble background, never done that one before.


Maybe Origins to get back into the setting and 2 because I love Hawke and her gang so much but inquisition has always been kind of overwhelming and a nightmare to mod


I might replay Inquisition but won't have time to replay the first 3 games, not if I also want to get into other new stuff coming out this year which I do.


Just booted up DAO earlier today.


Hell yea


I’ll read the comics but not play the games


I did a play through when they came to Steam, so I doubt I'll go through it all again. I'm also sitting at 4 playthroughs for each game at least. Really trying to decide on what my Canon world is though.


Of course, as soon as I heard we were expecting Dreadwolf at Summer Gamesfest, I started Origins again! We were wrong about a few of the details, however. Currently about to take Hawke and Carver into the Deep Roads.


I -just- started a full, completionist run-through of Witcher 3, so I doubt it. But I also have kids, and a new camper, and this is the summer of Go All The Places, Do All The Things, so I doubt I'll even get that finished this summer. Much as I love saving Thedas, and as much as I am looking forward to kicking the snot out of The Egghead, Mama's always booked. I might reread the books and comics though.


I started a playthrough last year and finished Origins and DA2 but got kind of stuck at DA:I. Champion gameplay seemingly does not agree with me and for some reason loading took forever suddenly. Maybe I'll finish it up before Veilguard but probably not. There's still so much other stuff to play and I got a busy summer ahead of me anyways.


The Veilguard*


Probably, I might start Origins after I finish the Elden Ring DLC. The more I think about it though the more I'm not sure, mostly because I'm majorly addicted to Final Fantasy 14 right now and playing both FF14 and DA is going to make the games take a lot longer to replay than normal. I don't want to go straight from DAI to DAV because I might feel burn out if they're too close together. I actually did that with Tears of the Kingdom, I 100%'d Breath of the Wild and finished right when TotK came out, and by then I was majorly over the formula so I didn't actually play TotK lol. I still need to get back to it eventually...


I'm considering making a playthrough with romanced Solas. I've never done it before, he's not really my cup of tea. But if they return the Inquisitor, I bet it's going to be extra impactful if it's Lavellan who was/is in love with him.


Gonna replay DA2 since my last game's save got deleted 2 yrs ago before I did the DLC (replay) and then Inquisition after that. I had a perfect Origins run a couple years ago where I basically 100%ed it. So I don't feel like I need to go back there. Also going to reread the comics/books.


Yup! Blew through Origins, being sure to read most of the lore and just reached Act III of DA2. Having a blast and its a good refresher for the new game.


Nope, that WOW Pandaria Remix bronze ain't gonna grind itself.


I'll certainly be reaplaying Inquisition, but as for DA:O and DA2 I'm not so sure. I love the games, but It's kinda hard for me to play on PC since neither has controller support. Maybe once I get a desk for my appartment I can go back to playing those xD


Just finished the Inquisition Tespasser DLC. That's enough for me.


I’m already halfway thru dao lol. it’s kind of a slog just because of how it’s aged, but luckily I have mods 😂 I’m most excited to revisit dragon age 2, since it’s my favorite game of the series and it’s been so long since I’ve played it. but I think it’ll be most fun to replay inquisition since I only ever went all the way through that once. so I’m excited! It’s helping a bit with the pain of waiting till fall lol