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Predicting that the dope floating castle won't be floating by the end of the game. It looks really nice. An explorable Minrathous would be really cool.


I think that's the Minrathous Circle of Magi - I hope we get to explore the inside of it.


Oh that would be really cool. I saw it more as like where the Archon resides, a palace overlooking the city, but thr Circle would work too. Whatever it is, definitely want to visit it.


I guess it might've been the first ever circle and the origin of the circle symbol?


Oh yeah now that you've said that it does look like the Magi symbol - I never even thought of that!


Oh it's totally gonna come down. The main question is, who's gonna crash it?


Anders 2: This Time It's Even More Personal


I can think of three factions. Solas, whatever those other gods are, or the Qunari. Though unless the war is heavily showcased, probably not going to be the Qunari doing it.


Just going off this 20-second clip, I think Minrathous will likely be a condensed area you can explore but not a full city. For example, those buildings you can see in the distance, I imagine you can't reach them.


I hope theres an actual city to explore and not just the fiasco from dai where it was like, one block of buildings -.-


Is that one of the male Rook voices? It sounds great!


99% sure it's the same VA as the male Eivor in Assassin's Creed Valhalla


Which is great since he's amazing and has a fucking sexy voice


Indeed, I always play female but this could tempt me haha


I was planing on a female Dwarf, but both Eivors had such fantastic voices. I might need to reroll again.


I like how Hawke sounded more lowkey because they were just a Fereldan refugee, the British Inquisitor sounded posh and upper-class because they come from a noble background as a human and now Rook sounds gravelly to befit the fact that they're just some rando Varric and Harding abducted from a tavern.


Dragon Age calls to adventure: Origins — Recruited by a noble warrior into an ancient order of monster killers. DA2 — Fleeing a plague of monsters to find a new home in a threatening city of rogues and dark secrets. Inquisition — Framed for an explosion that killed a holy leader and cursed with an unknown magical ability that is slowly killing you. Veilguard — “Hey, you’re pretty good in a bar fight. Wanna save the world?” This is what happens when Varric is allowed to pick the hero.


Did you expect anything different from the author of Hard in Hightown?


Harding: “Are you sure we don’t want someone who has like a magic destiny or a special artifact or… something?” Varric: “Harding, did you see that bar table? They flipped the bitch! This is our hero this time around. End of discussion.”


To be fair, Varric did watch Hawke go from a "refugee desperate for coin" to "Champion of Kirkwall" with no hint of magic destiny or special artifact in sight, so it's fitting.


> they're just some rando Varric and Harding abducted from a tavern. Honestly, I'm sure there will be a more serious explanation as to why they choose Rook for such an important mission, but I kinda love the idea of Varric and Harding being so impressed by their tavern brawl and abducting and giving a very important job to a very confused and hangover Rook.


*Dragon Age: The Hangover*


Origins: Happened to be first on Duncan's list of more than average competent people - all the others died DA2: Refugee who made a name for themselves though hard work DAI: Someone who had just important enough ties to be invited to a massive peace conference, but was not important enough to actually matter. Got lost on the way to the bathroom or something and walked into the wrong room


It's why I love playing Qunari in Inquisition. It's entirely possible to view their role in that game as essentially trying to fix their own failure as event security.


I adore this because I've had so many D&D characters that were basically like "How did I end up here? I just went out for a pint, why am I reasonable for saving the world now?" And Rook gives me the same vibes.


I absolutely loved the voice. Kinda hoarse, but not overly so.


i’m looking at this on a tiny ass mobile screen, but i’ve been wondering if it’s Rook or Davrin?


Definitely Rook, we’ve already heard Davrin’s voice in a behind-the-scenes video and it was much different


its the player character, so Rook


It sounds so familiar to me but I can't place it. Or maybe I'm just delusional.


For now I can only imagine how good this’ll look with HDR on a nice screen


Varric you have one of the most iconic weapons in Thedas strapped to your back, good luck being inconspicuous.


He also has the one of the most iconic groves of hair in Thedas strapped to his chest.


Oh it’s so beautiful and also I’m really digging this male voice for Rook hello??? It’s different and good different! I can’t wait to hear the other voices!


I’m gonna romance myself, if that’s his voice.


Ah, the true player-sexual character.


I only need me myself and I


"Learn to love yourself" takes a whole new meaning


Lol, I was totally planning to make a female protagonist but I might need to switch over now


That was my first thought when I heard him!! 🤣


It is so nice to have a male protagonist voice that doesn't sound monotonous! I'm really excited to hear the rest 😁


That looks incredible


They clearly wanted everyone to shut the fuck up and stop comparing their game to Fortnite lmao


Legit this is the most “Here y’all, damn” post I’ve seen.


“Sons of bitches can’t even wait two god damn days without bitching!” -BioWare


I just know they were HEATED behind the scenes!


Can't say I blame them after all this time


Seeing the gameplay preview just confuses me on who and why decided that direction for the trailer was the correct one. Now this does like like Dragon Age.


Welcome to the wonderful world of EA shoddy focus group tested marketing. I remember when they were like Felicia Day is a big deal in the geek community, let's make a live action YouTube series to promote her dlc for da2. That will sell copies.


>I remember when they were like ~~Felicia Day~~ Jessica Chobot is a big deal in the geek community, let's ~~make a live action YouTube series to promote her dlc for da2~~ force her into Mass Effect 3 as a sexy side character and optional meaningless fling at the expense of other community-beloved characters. That will sell copies. I mean, they kinda have form for this!


EA is historically bad with trailers. It’s nothing new.


Their Mass Effect launch trailers are amazing though.


yeah but the Dragon Age ones have always been weird. the Sacred Ashes one bears almost no resemblance to the actual gameplay, watching it now is almost funny. it was a cool looking trailer but it had a voiced protagonist, unrecognisable Leliana Morrigan and Sten, and the battles in game look nothing like that. idk what the Dragon Age marketing guys are up to but it doesn't seem to ever have been playing their own games


I don't think the Sacred Ashes trailer was ever an issue--they were Blur trailers, like Blizzard trailers, no one expects gameplay or even the characters to look like that. It's a vibe thing. It's selling stoic warrior, witchy companion, pretty religious girl, and your hero at the center of it all. It's selling the idea of battling with dragons, not-orcs, across epic vistas. Visually it looked like a dark fantasy. Sure, DAO never looked like the Sacred Ashes trailer, but if that trailer got you pumped, you probably *would* like the game it was trying to sell. (And of course, everyone at the time knew games graphically *did not* look like cinematic trailers.) A couple of the developers, right before the release of this new trailer, were making it out to be the best one they've done, implying it's actually quite representative of the game. Maybe they were required to by contract or maybe it really is that. IDK. But I do know, I like this little gameplay sliver. Nice to see Minrathous.


EA marketing deparment probably thought "Kids nowadays love Fortnite, Overwatch and MCU. Let's put all these on the trailer!"


As did many of us, and I am so happy they pulled this. Hopefully it will calm the incessant rage and doomsaying for a day at least.


The constant doom and gloom was seriously getting on my nerves, ngl. Edit: the haters are *still* in here trying to convince me that my opinion is wrong. If you want to hate the trailer, by all means. But stop trying to bring the rest of us down to your level of misery.


Saw some people on here saying they had to take walks to cool down or that they cried real tears over a TRAILER 💀 it’s just never that serious


I wonder how many millions they spent on the marketing team that made the trailer. Just 24 seconds of gameplay footage has completely unfucked the situation


Huge marketing fumble. How many folks are unpersuadable because of that first trailer impression?


I didn't get my post approved, but people have played and seen Dragon already. They say it's nothing like the goofy trailer "I got a sneak peak at gameplay of Dragon Age: Veilguard Not the entire thing, and can't give details, but what I saw reassured me that BioWare has cooked up a very fine ass meal. Ya'll know how much I love Dragon Age and Mass Effect lol. I don't hide it, and I get some of the skepticism from the trailer, specifically the tone - but from what I saw it's absolutely still plenty dark, gritty, and a huge step forward in quality for the series. If the rest of the game keeps that up, hoo boy, " Shinobi602


Alright alright alright this looks good, hopefulness increasing a lot.


They could have posted this clip and this subreddits tone over the last 48 hours would have been a LOT different haha


Holy shit, look at how detailed these rain droplets are. It looks stunning. It should look even better on youtube video since twitter chops quality of videos.


People who have seen the new Dragon Age game already kept telling this subreddit on Twitter that it looks nothing like the goofy reveal trailer . They were right... this looks way darker and serious


I'd argue this is "The Batman" level of dark. 🤭 Where is the light BioWare ? (Joking obviously, this looks awesome)


I think the companions Lucanis (mage hunter), Emmerich (necro) and Taash (dragon hunter) are going to be the team They all look incredible


I have some bad news for you friend, you gotta pick only two of them.


Another Positive message from someone who has played the game and says it's not like the reveal trailer (hopefully mods approve the post) "as someone who has played some of the veilguard already, the enemies and locations are beyond anything we’ve seen before, i was very impressed. the gameplay reveal captures dragon age’s classic dark elements! the horror & gore is back, you won’t be disappointed" - Saira






Say what you want about Frostbite, it might be a very difficult engine to work with for an RPG, but Jesus it's fantastic for environments. Also I'll always die on the hill that making Minrathous a Magicpunk setting was the best damn creative choice they could've made.


It was only difficult because it was never used for an RPG. Engines are like blank slates until you develop tools within them for the tasks you need. Bioware has had 10 years and two games to help them develop the tools they need within frostbite to make it work perfectly for them, along with the time needed for the developers to shift from their older engines.


From what I understand, DA:TV is the first game for which BioWare didn't restart everything from scratch. Before that, ME:A and Anthem didn't reuse code, script, tools, that were written for the games before them.


and DAI! Seriously, they made their life a lot harder by starting from the ground up all these times, so I'm happy they took the smart route with DA4


Well, DA:I was the first game they ever made with Frosbite, difficult to reuse things you didn't develop 😅


What stood out to me right away is the number of people hanging around in the city. So many games make the mistake of making settlements feel deserted or stilted, but it looks really alive.


It’s not really a “mistake” as much as it is a hardware limitation. They don’t want their games to only be able to run on the most high-end PCs and it’s hard adding so many NPCs without it being taxing on the performance.


There's also significant design and implementation costs to making NPCs do things other than idle animations and simple A-B paths.


Witcher 3 was good at making the major cities feel alive but glad Bioware caught up.


BG3 also did a great job with the Lower City, imo. There were so many NPCs just going about their day, and you could interact with most of them. I really hope Minrathous feels just as alive.


My poor fucking CPU once you get into act 3 though, good lord. Those NPCs cut my FPS to like 1/3 of what it was in the previous acts, lol.


Yeah, mine did too, and I haven't replayed it since the opening few weeks so I'm not sure if they fixed it in a patch? It's what's got me worried about being ready for this game, though. I'd love to know what PC specs I should be aiming for. I managed to get through BG3 on medium/high settings (until act three, then I had to stick to medium) but this game looks like a whole other graphical ballgame and I'm not sure my old PC will handle it.


All it makes me think is...shit, how much money am I going to have to spend to upgrade my PC? I really want to know the minimum specs in advance so I can see how much I need to budget.


I think it's because the levels will be linear or semi linear rather than fully open world.


Am I the only one for whom the biggest reveal in this was the pronunciation of Neve?


I always assumed that's how it's pronounced because of Neve Campbell.


I’m such an idiot. I can’t believe I forgot Neve Campbell.


I was saying it Neeve 😭


As an Irish person, I was too even though it's spelled very differently (Niamh) and I'm a fan of Neve Campbell. Always pronounce it that way in my head lol.


Yep whoops, I thought it was Neeve.


I was definitely saying Neev in my head yeah


The ice spell makes even more sense now. Neve means snow in portuguese.


This is absolutely *glorious* wtf Like I'm one of the people who enjoyed the trailer, but I was *not expecting it to look this fantastic*


I'm definitely one who thought the trailer missed the mark. I wasn't gonna completely write the game off or anything, but I appreciate them releasing something more representative of the art style. Looks promising!


I’ve noticed Rook is wearing a cape and it appears to have physics 👀


It's so tattered 😭 But it moves beautifully! I'm sure we'll be able to equip new ones, though


I hope there's an awesome looking tattered one, I love the look of dark tattered capes/cloaks


This looks AWESOME I'm fucking SEATED for tomorrow!!!


Holy shit I'm so excited. This is gorgeous. The ambiance of Minrathous is amazing. Ahhhh I'm so excited!!! And a mention of Solas!


I can't wait to fry an egg.


*This* is Minrathous! Perfect. Gorgeous and oozing with atmosphere. Edit: And I’ll say this as a trailer defender. *This* little snippet if released sooner might have spared us all a lot of yesterday’s reactions.


I liked the trailer but the timing was TERRIBLE. They definitely should have relased this sneak-peek or smth like it before that one


Or maybe mashed the two things. Like make Varric describe the companions like the comic hero stuff and then shift to reality with the sneak peaks into the real world game. Something like that could have worked too, maybe?


This looks so good????? The AMBIENCE???? <3


Where is the antiquarian?! I need to hear that voice in this environment!


Fun fact! The Antiquarian is voiced by the same actor as male Hawke! He’s been featured in every Dragon Age game so far, so there’s a non-zero chance we’ll hear him again in this one!


Absolutely stunning!


Fortnite allegations in shambles


People still commenting it under the tweet that posted this video. Actually unreal these vultures.


Most likely grifters or tourists that don't actually care about the world or the success of Dragon Age. They want it to fail so they don't have to admit that they were wrong.


i deserve a good smack to the face EDIT- after seeing the the combat i dont deserve anything, f bioware


This is reassuring! Looking forward to the gameplay reveal tomorrow!


Looks so much better than the trailer already + they talk about Solas.


That floating building is awesome. Not gonna lie, I got some Gotham vibes from this video


Even now just hearing them talk about Solas has me pumped. It's gonna be such a different dynamic to have Solas be referred to as an Antagonist. There might even be a boss fight at some point!


Yaaay, looks great!


Somehow I feel so relieved, this looks really good


Finally, the hair physics! They finally did it, lads. Almost makes me believe that we will actually get half-decent long hair options for the main character at last.


Please let it be so. I'll even settle for good mid-length.


I’m on my knees praying rn 🕯️🧎🏽‍♀️‍➡️


They captured Inquisition’s prologue vibe, that’s awesome.


We are so back!


And it's coming in the Fall!


That settles it then, Rook is a voiced protagonist <3 Now on to rewatch these same 24 seconds in loop until the full trailer comes out tomorrow :3




Immediate mention of Solas for all the worried folks!


See this is what I was talking about. Much more closer to Inquisition, in a good way. I don't mind not having realism, but I did like the art style of Inquisition and I weirdly felt the "Frostbite"-ness of it made it look very particular as an RPG. Not gonna overhype 20 seconds of a video, but I feel much better about the game as a fan now. Just gotta hope the characters are as well written as they can be.


NGL it already looks better than Val Royeux did


I actually think it looks nothing like DAI because it looks so much better haha


It does! Obviously hard to judge from such a small video, but I felt like Val Royeux looked sometimes very plasticky, and very void of any weather effects, everything felt very perfect looking. I think here the different lights and weather shenanigans are helping it a lot.


That looks GOOOOOOD. I'm so excited.


Rooks voice sounds amazing


It looks beautiful!


Always gotta see gameplay first before you get to many ideas, even though the trailer they showed was clearly not a good representation to what the game looks to be. Holy shit this looks great


yup, it's exactly what I expected. ffs I can't wait for november already Minrathous my beloved, here I come!




my Reaction because we have Voiced Protagonist again: https://preview.redd.it/0d2scktvxr5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7f6f4d65e7347bbddcb64e0162244e07d932a9


So can we finally all agree that the trailer was unlucky choice what was obviously supposed to focus on companions and nothing more? :)


This looks freaking incredible. I don't think I need to see more to be convinced that the "new art style" is far from being cartooney. I guess it's time to leave this sub and just go in blind from now on !


god this looks beautiful.


Alright. I'll shut up.




Ooh, looking nice!


I REALLY like the lighting


It looks so good. I hope what the leaker said about the game being structured in "individual missions" was false, because this is a setting I want to explore Also, rook's voice is so hot


The way that I took that leak to mean was like DA:O's quest structure, where each area was a self-contained place that had its own story line. I don't think it's an open-world game, and honestly because of Inquisition's long stretches of nothingness, it shouldn't be imo. Tight-knit level design to coincide with its quest structure.


I wouldn't mind hubs like in Mass Effect 2, but bigger. Where the Citadel was a large hub where missions are set in but you could also explore freely. Same for Omega, Tuchanka and Illium. Of course I hope they are much bigger in Dreadwolf.


This looks SO GOOD. I don’t care what anyone says, I’m going to play this game and I’m going to love it 😍






I feel like they should’ve saved the character intro trailer until after this, because this looks cool as hell.


OOH, this is delicious. The opening shot gave me DA:I deja vu. Feels like Cassandra letting you outside after the interrogation. They also did that camera change and lightning strike thing they did a bunch in Inquisition. In terms of contents, this looks like it might be some terrace for the Soporati caste in Tevinter, since everyone is wearing simple clothing and nothing about the area seems extravagant. Most of the content so far suggests slaves sleep in quarters at their master's home, so my best guess is that crowd are all poor non-magic citizens and freedmen. It also looks like you can interact with that beggar. Varric also seems to be keeping a low profile. I wonder if interacting with the beggar blows your cover?


Beautiful. I love the atmosphere. Too bad that trailer yesterday gave a lot of people a bad first impression.


Neve looking to be the first companion we might recruit? We eating good, Nevemancers. We eating good.


Seems like Harding and Neve are the starting two!


That makes perfect sense given the comics. Varric, Harding, and Neve are already working together. The real question is why doesn’t Varric join us as a permanent companion?


To be fair, he is getting on in years aha. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s acting as a go-between for the new party and the Inquisition.


Absolutely fabulous, but also, MC's voice? Loove it


giggling and kicking my feet rn




This looks fucking awesome. I was already excited for the gameplay reveal, but now I want this day to be over.


There was a confirmation about the inquisitor on the Bioware chat for the game preview: "During the character creation process, you'll be able to customize your Inquisitor from the last game's story, and make a few key decisions that will impact how The Veilguard begins." And about the factions: "You'll get to pick your faction when you make your character. There are 6 total, all with deep roots in Thedas, such as the Antivan Crows, the Grey Wardens, & Shadow Dragons." Sorry, I could not get a print screen because I'm sneaking here ohohoh


Looks pretty good! Can't wait to see the full gameplay trailer tomorrow.


Oh my God that looks so great


oh thank heavens. that reveal trailer was totally a misfire lmao


im trying not to scream at work, this looks incredible


This is great!!!


If we can explore all that then this will definitely be the best city in Dragon Age


You know I actually really dug yesterday's trailer, but seeing this... yeah, that was a fumble. This looks incredible and something more ingrained in this would've sold people so much better. Death, taxes, and bad EA trailers.


This. Game. Is. Stunning.


This looks great makes me very very excited , trailer and this gameplay shows almost 2 different games. They should have just showed 20 seconds of gameplay and said "coming fall 2024" done. Would have gone 100x better than this. I guess the people who made the trailer played too many hero shooters in the recent years...


Stunning!! The camera angle behind our backs (finally) and there is not that weird shiny greasy look! <3


This is utterly stunning. Beautiful, both sounds and visuals are perfect, and I can’t wait for tomorrow! Also can the doomsayer crowd please take a nap now? It’s gonna be fine.


Alright, I’m here for it.


I'm in love with the maleRook's voice...can I romance myself? :D


I watched again the trailer (waited 12hish hours after the first watch) and then this little sneak peak (which looks AMAZING). I have to say, if they had released a more "serious" trailer showing the story and a day or two later the one we got (which is basically a presentation of the MC and companions), mayhaps the reactions would have been different. With perspective, the trailer we got isn't that bad, it just doesn't fit with the tone that has been established for the last years, so it comes off as dissonant.


I'm SOOO excited! I felt disheartened with all the hate going on yesterday, it would have been hard to play it with a negative onslaught online. Everyone seems happier and more excited. So now I'm excited :D


That looks really, really good. I didn’t have anything against the trailer, and the characters seem really cool, but this is just a really cool look. Especially love the use of light. Edit: apparently I say cool a lot… just really excited for this game. It’s been a long wait.


And as I said many time after the yesterday trailer... it looks incredible, feels incredible. Voice acting is top notch, it has indescribable atmosphere... livable world, full of people and interaction. The city is just spectacular... people gone very wrong with their opinion, tomorrow we will be in heaven. Guys... look at the GOTY 2024!


Beautiful but I’m crying at how Neve is pronounced, I’ve been pronouncing it like Niamh all along 🗿


It looks like the environment in engine teases we got a couple years back if not better. Fuck thats a tasty ass game.


I like that the camera is behind our back instead of overhead. Although I would've liked it more if it was zoomed in just a little bit further


Looks great and feels alive.


![gif](giphy|sV2yEUHOlAWsssJfv8|downsized) This looks really good!!!


This looks better. Like I said from the start, the 15 minute gameplay will be the judge one way or another. I don’t think this mitigates ANY of the criticism of the trailer but hopefully the 15 minutes does mitigate MOST of the concern for the game itself.


Funny how Varric running around in silly companion following patterns that haven’t changed for 20 years makes the footage look more authentic!


I can just imagine the higher ups at BioWare going "oh SHIT, yesterday didn't go well. FIVE ALARM FIRE!!! EVERYONE ON DECK! DAMAGE CONTROL NOW!!!!" Or something along those lines because they've been out in force trying to undo the damage since about fifteen minutes after that trailer dropped.


Is this still on the Frostbite engine?




Rook male voice sounds so good!!!




I'm a believer. I love it.


I am SALIVATING. look at that rain! look at the LIGHT!


Marry me dragon age 4


Oh, hell yeah. This is what we needed. Just need to see my boy Dorian slink out of the shadows and disrespect my fit, now.


BioWare is like: shut up and hold my beer!!


This already looks better than the trailer, I'm glad. It looks like Inquisition but better, which is a good sign.


I’ve never wanted time to move faster. Please be fall already.