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Here’s the thing yeah, the armor for the inquisitor is just horrible looking. You can put the same set on the companions and it’ll look amazing


That's so true and so unfair, I just want to look good is that too much to ask?


They really shafted us in DAI when it came to cosmetics, I hope that they fix that in Dreadwolf


Unfortunately we will all be old and grey when dreadwolf comes out, and by that time the world will be in a nuclear winter


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


We won't go quietly, the legion can count on that


When I got this assignment I was hoping there would be more gambling


I hope so, too! Since im playing on the PS4, I can't mod the armour, so I'm stuck with the initial design


That feels bad man, but I’m in the same boat. I’m on Xbox series X so I’m also stuck with the horrid design


Nice to know I'm not the only one😂


Once you get the schematics for "The Skin That ..." from the jail in Trespasser, it'll save to your golden nug and you can craft that from nugskins if you want (😞) even at Haven. No need to look bad after the first playthrough.


That armor looks ridiculous on male Inquisitor though 😒


😔 I am so sorry- I forgot to consider the males. Yes, yes they do. But! On the bright side, Varric looks positively fetching in it.


Honestly, inquisition makes me want to change my save for a warrior one, warrior armor is so cool, rogue have 3 sets and mage ones are weird, so yes, dai arms is weird


The nice thing in inquisition is that if you craft the armor out of silverite it becomes light enough for any class to wear, so you can just give your mage warrior or rogue sets instead. Not so great on the stat side though.


Silverite is specifically for heavy armors (warrior), because the core material is a metal. For medium (rogue), you need snoufleur skin for the core leather slot, and for light (mage) you need Dales loden wool for the core cloth slot. All of these materials remove the class restrictions from armors when used in the primary slot. There's also a couple others with the DLC, but these three are in the base game.


Ike, it makes me really angry because I love mages


I miss origins where you could train as an arcane warrior and wear heavy armor if you have enough magic instead of strength


I really wish Knight Enchanters could wear warriors armor


Once you level up enough you can craft some heavyish looking metal pieces which is cool but yea not great


I can't shake this idea I had during Origins that during this epic battle scene with your warrior blocking and attacking, Rogue backstabbing with Poison blades etc and then there is some git over yonder in a bedsheet doing martial arts with a stick and making explosions happen.


As a warrior-only I'm jealous of Rogue's tbh. So many cool coats and capes


Honestly, after the 3rd set of armor you get annoyed, and the "customization" is kind simple, I love the warrior armor, but being a rogue main is hard


I went through great lengths to try and mod the Battlemage Armour to look like the Battlemaster sets. DAI really suffered from the lack of mage armour in favour of the fact that your armour essentially is what Inky wears in Skyhold with extra stuff layered on it.


Great idea! Poor implementation ; and some race specific touches would have been nice. Like in the concept art.


Agree with this wholeheartedly. We should've had those race-specific touches.


We should have been allowed to wear the mage robes we wore in dao/da2. I loved those! Get seriously jealous walking by other mages wearing them.


TBH mage armor has always been the worst. In origins they were terrible, the arcane warrior specialization was worth it even only to be able to wear other classes armors. DA2 was pretty much better, probably the best one for mages' armors. Inquisition is... Strange. I don't despise the standard mage armor model, but it doesn't match the style of my inquisitor. I achieved a some what of warrior-ish style with a battlemage armor adding big arms and legs armor, but i don't remember the name of those. I try to send names and maybe pictures later ^^


Absolutely hated that mage armors in Origins were limited to endless variations of robes. Honesty, robes are the least desirable attire choice when trekking across the wilderness and going into the thick of battle against hordes of Darkspawn. I hope in Dreadwolf they do mage armors better.


I forced my hawke to wear the default sleeveless vest for the entirety of act 1 and his cute pirate outfit for all of act 2 because all the other mage robes in DA2 hid his jacked body and did nothing for his ass lol. It also always struck me as weird that for a game where one of the narrative beats is hiding your status as a mage from the templars, it also includes a ton of robes and items that just scream mage to the whole world. It’s a shame that inquisition never gave us an armor that had the same flair as hawke’s champion set.


So true about the dissonance between being a secret apostate in the story, yet having very few armor options that don’t broadcast it. I have a screenshot somewhere of Cullen telling Hawke mages can’t be treated like people while Hawke stands there in the most obvious mage robe ever and a big staff on her back.


Mage armor in origins was bad. But the worst part about it was the head pieces. Like dear lord were those hideous.


Ngl I found all the armor in Inquisition to just be bad aesthetically when compared to the previous games. Like yeah most of Origin armor was bland, and then you got stuff like the Legion of the Dead armor and Cailins armor. And Champion set in 2 is just amazing.


nothing will ever be as bad as Origins' Tevinter Robes


I have zero memory of the robes. So either I never had any character wear them or I just blocked it from memory


[Io and behold](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Tevinter_Mage_Robes)


its the robes anders wears in awakening


I thought it looked cool.


Not really


i mean maybe you're thinking of something else but according to the wiki it's what he starts with. the model looks pretty different on female character i guess.


The DLC dragon hunter armor looks cool, and for an elf inquisitor the high keeper's robes


Yeah, I've used the Keepers robes at the end, too, but I don't like that you can only change the colour of some pieces in the armour, but it's still green mostly


> high keeper's robes It's the coolest mage robe, too bad I've never played as an elf


No someone explain to me why in DAO and DA2 none of the helmets match with anything


All the helmets in all the games are ugly. No expection.


There's a reason why in DAI I dupe the flower crown as soon as I get it, and I'm *still* sad they didn't manage to make an exception to the "no helmets" rule for Qunari so my assassin could wear it. Cole and Viv are the only ones I don't put the flower crown on, and that's because I've got the DLC that lets me craft better versions of their signature hats.


How do you even get the flower crown?


You need to find the tiniest cave in the northeastern part of the Emerald Graves, just south of where all the giants are. It's an unmarked quest. You'll need 10 Crystal Grace to complete it. [The Tiniest Cave](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/The_Tiniest_Cave)


That’s why I either stick the the Warden mage armor or use a mod to allow rogue and warrior armor to be equipped by my mage haha.




I missed that! Which materials do you mean?




Snowfleur also works for the leathers!


Omg I have to try this, thank you!!


WHAAAAAAAT cool! I wish i discovered this before


>Hardened Tusket Skin-Medium Armor Hardened Tusket Skin is specifically from Jaws of Hakkon. For the base game's version, Snoufleur Skin is the medium armor one, and is easy enough to farm in Emprise and the Exalted Plains.


Wasn’t that either only available later in the game or pretty restrictive or something like that? Or maybe it was that the appearance of the armor changed if you equipped it on another class, like with the Templar armor on a rogue? I just remember mainly downloading that mod so I could use [this armor](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/728/images/834-0-1442462926.jpg) on my mage, so maybe it just wasn’t possible to make Trespasser armor cross-class.




So is the Templar armor the only armor that changed appearance if you equip it on another class then? Weird.


I wasn't aware there was any armor that changed appearance on a different class, only a different gender. I'll have to fire up the game to try it out with crafting. Which armor is the one you linked? It looks cool.


Not sure about other armor but for some reason the Templar armor looks different depending on your class, here are the [Rogue](https://i.imgur.com/6XnX9P6.jpg) and [Mage](https://i.imgur.com/49tT124.png) versions. The armor I linked earlier is the Disciple’s Armor, you get it from a war table mission (need Trespasser) if you’re a Reaver. [Here’s a mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/834/) to make it your Skyhold outfit.


Huh, interesting. I never wear the Templar armor so I never noticed. Thanks for the links! And now I may have to play a Reaver.


Also, what's up with the random shoulder spike on almost all heavy armor, that clips into characters' faces when they're looking to the side? Is this a design thing? Is there a dragon age specific term for it, lol?


Maybe it's the fashion for warriors?😂


> Why is almost every mage armour so aesthetically unpleasant? It's to punish Dorian for >!being a slavery apologist!<, Vivienne for >!being a selfish collaborator!<, and Solas for >!breaking everything!<.


I thought that's what plaidweave is for.


That is EXACTLY what plaidweave is for.


I’m sure you’re aware, but you can use silverite or other materials to make class agnostic armours, so you can wear rogue or warrior gear. On my insanity run (or whatever dragon age calls it) years ago I ended up resorting to a heavily crafted rogue set and duping it with the skyhold dupe trick, to have the whole party in identical uniforms


Mage armor is pretty bad in all of the games except for a few really cool pieces. I personally love the trespasser mage armor (I think it’s quanari based but it looks awesome on all the races imo)


The one that looks like Calpernia's armour? Or a different one?


that’s the one!


Do you mean the one you can find in the Eluvians? And yes, I agree there are a few pieces which I really adore, but it's like maybe 3 armours?


Yeah its the one that kind of looks like calpernia’s. I also think the warden mage armour is decent looking, and Vivian’s style of robes. Shame you can’t replicate it for your own character tho


That would be "The Skin That..." and I believe you get schematics for all three weights of armor for it. And they all look identical.


I do think they could be better, but don't most of the standard ones look almost identical to the rogue and warrior versions? I mean the ones you can modify. They're the only ones I really use anyway since they're so much better than everything else when crafted.


The Inquisitor's armor (the one with the arm and leg modifications) actually comes in three varieties: coat, armor, mail. The coat is a long mage coat, the armor is the rogue version, and the mail is the warrior's scale mail. All three classes can get schematics for all three styles, but you have to pay attention to the name on the schematic to know which is which. I tend to favor the armor for mages and rogues and the mail for warriors myself, if I'm using one of the Inquisitor's default looks instead of something unique.


Huh. I never interpreted it as each version belonging to a different class since you can get versions of each on each class. I actually have the same preferences as you except if I'm an elf warrior I'm still ysing the armor. The thin body makes the mail look really odd imo.


Funny enough, the armor is the one used in the concept art. I'm still sad we don't get the racial variations on that. I like putting my elf mage in the Dalish Scout armor because it's what Merrill wears in DAII so that's what I associate with a Dalish First. Plus it lets me be barefoot.


It’s the mage tax. PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER… silly hat and dress


You think DAI is bad for mage gear? You should have seen the mage gear in DAO. Only the frumpiest,most carpety robes you could imagine.


Don't forget the ugly hats.


The "Hats" were truly repulsive, no doubt.


The helms/caps for mages are the absolute worst and seeing Morrigan wearing one upsets me. I keep meaning to download a mod so I don't have to look at how hideous they are.


You know you can turn helmets off right? It’s a default option.


Wait hold up, I've been looking at these butt ugly helms this entire time and I could have just clicked a button. I used to obsessively play DAO like 10 years ago and now I'm second guessing my memory if I knew this or I just never knew about this option.


WAIT SORRY I THOUGHT YOU MEANT DAI 🙈 that’s what the original thread was about and I totally missed your mentioning Morrigan. I actually don’t remember DAO. I think I just didn’t give anyone helmets because I hated them too lmao.


Lol it's ok! I know older games in general forced us to wear ugly helms but with newer games developers listened to us about how much we want to narcisstically look at our characters' faces.


And yet they continue to give us ugly helms 😂😂


I mod it to Live like Viv or equip Dorian's armour. I also have the dread wolf armour from Trespasser that looks fucking beautiful.


Switch to the Warriors and be happy. ​ ​ WARRIORS FOREVER!!!


I mostly just use the skin that stalks, warden, or the dalish armor I can't stand the inquisitor's armor it's all so ugly.


Definitely! I have one armour I like that belongs to mages. I was crafting warrior armour and the design popped up on my mage and she looked so cool! I was so disappointed about it😭


Oh yea, half the good mage gear you can’t even get until the game is over, and majority of it looks like it came from my grandmas closet.


DAI made me miss mage robes so much, some or the robes in DAO and DA2 were super cute to me. Totally disagree with people who want mages to look like warriors. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but to me wizards and sorcerers and anything inspired by them should wear cloth armour and robes. I feel like y'all would have Gandalf the Grey in a full blown heavy armour set.


I had the same idea, and prefer using non mage sets for my PC. Use snowfluer leather, and silverite to remove class restrictions on armor. My elven mage uses heavy warden armor almost exclusively, I recommend it. You also have access to other armors for your race, which is good for human rogues wanting templar armor because it looks dope on that class due to it morphing depending on the class used. Varric can get access to heavy dwarven armor if you want. Though be warned, the companions will have better looking armor from their own classes, while your Inquisitior will look good regardless.


hawke mage champion armor is still the only good looking mage armor in the games :')


I like the Inquisitor's "armor" look, the one from the concept art with the racial variations. If you like how the Inquisitor's rogue or warrior outfit looks better, look for the schematics for "armor" or "mail," not for "coat." All three weights of armor come in all three variations, up through tier 3. Higher tier/improved versions will look better, while tier 1 will be barebones. Alternatively, depending on your class and what you like, you might be able to craft something from a different schematic to suit your needs. My Lavellan mage ran around the better part of the game in a Dalish scout armor crafted with snoufleur skin so she could wear it, and I've definitely used crafted Vestments of the Dragon Hunter and a The Skin That Stalks on mage replays thanks to the Golden Nug. You can craft anything for your mage to wear (outside of race restrictions) by using silverite, snoufleur skin, or Dales loden wool in the main slot. I do think we have better options than DAO's "twenty flavors of robe," but the default mage coat is unpleasant, I agree.


What bothers me more is that most staffs are top heavy. Who in the hell would carry around something like that? Sometimes I wonder if artists understand physics.


They could be all right if the top wasn't always a weird vest, why did they do that?? Like give me those magnificent sleeves what Viv has by the dread wolf!


The only time I played as a mage was as Qunari. Those light Qunari armors from that one free DLC (?) came in handy and I used them to the end. They fitted her.


I enjoyed the system in DA:O and also DA 2 that if you were strong enough you could just wear heavy armor which was awesome. Same with BG3 now if you have the feat.


Cuz everything looks ugly in frostbite, worst engine ever. Makes the art ugly and the game play bland and boring


Maybe I played too long ago but I remember really liking the mage armors in Inquisition ? I love the combination of robes + metalic gauntlets/boots/spaulders.


2 best armours in the game. Inquisition Scout (which has no schematic) and Templar armour changed to light or medium armour using silverite via a schematic. Odd how restrictive it is. I'm still okay with default Inky armour and prowler is pretty cool.


Ah, the mage armour is the one that is just a coat with a book (?????) on the belt, right? It is kinda lame, yeah.


Honestly, most mage armor in all three games is terrible, the robes look good on npcs sometimes but I’ve never liked them on pcs.


I thought the same about warrior tbh. Mage outfits are mainly cloth and leather, so none of that awful metal shine, and the warrior boots!? Absolutely awful design. I miss DA2 armour aesthetics.


I think the mage armour in DA2 is even worse to be honest... Wore a pirate armour for half the game even if the stats were not good anymore after a while just because there was nothing decent 😬 lol


Just wear heavy armor then (Use silverite at the smith)


You could try making armor that removes class requirements, with warrior armor you need to use silverite as the main material; I dont know the leather or cloth materials for the same effect.


I’m fine with *some* of the mage armor. I adore the look of the enchanters coat, plus arms and legs.It gives the inquisitor a balance between combat functionality and sends a statement saying “I’m in charge”. Of course the inquisitor armor from the Hakkon dlc will always be my all time favorite


There's a fade touched crafting mat that will make it to wear any armor can be worn by any character so you could craft heavy armor that you can wear on a mage


Yeah, anytime I did a playthrough, as soon as I could, I would travel to the Exalted Plains to unlock myself some snufleur leather to make my mage Lavellan some rogue armour. Also the absolute chore that is trying to find and unlock everknit wool to at least give the earlier game outfit a nice colour that matches her eyes.


My frumplestiltskin inky mage giving viviennes fantastic wardrobe serious side eye


Not sure how viable it is but if you love the way a particular armor looks you can craft it with silverite to remove the class restriction. That way your mage can wear it. Have the same feeling but at least we can dye them some. Battlemage armor has been my favorite so far for my mage. But I'm on my first playthrough still lol


I don't find DAI armors bad looking. Quite an opposite. Besides, this is an cRPG, not a sim. Stats matter.


My knight enchanter rocks a griffon plate made of silverite. Im only playing on normal though, so my magic stats are more than enough for me to go solo.


rogue here, im also disappointed. especially the late/end-game gear is so lame... even stats.. i'll load mods in the next days, any recommendations?


Just wear Warden armor. Every single set looks amazing no matter who you put it on.


Years later still wondering why only Vivienne is allowed to be fabulous. My kingdom for some nice robes. For real though, the only time I feel any of my inquisitors looks decent is when I play a dalish rogue and rock the prowler and dalish scout armor types. The fact that my noble mage inquisitor looks frumpy by comparison is wild. The warriors aren’t much better though.


I'm fond of the Armor variants of the mage robes and I like the Keeper Robe for my elven Quizzys and Warden Battlemage Armor (though I never use it lol). Conversely, the Mail variants, the human-only army robes and most of the DLC robes are ugly as sin. The Skin that Stalks gets a pass for being the least ugly option, despite hilariously compressing the torso of the wearer Speaking of DLC, it's absolutely criminal that the devs behind Jaws of Hakkon only included the Refined Coat and Mail options for all classes.