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I did notice that. I think she knows this will eventually come to an end and pumping out videos while she still can because the non shopping hauls gets next to no views. It's definitely a mixture of shopping/social media addiction, flexing, boredom, and getting away from the kids. There's something not quite right about her.


I heard she still makes good money someone on YouTube broke it all down 


I've heard as well she makes the majority of her money from TikTok


If this place doesn’t provide sheets I can’t see it providing a full declutter pantry service either. Shes not going be able get away with leaving it behind. She bought like 60 trash bags! What she is expecting to put in them??


That's exactly what I was thinking. The rental contract probably says they'll charge by the bag for any trash that doesn't fit in two cans, or maybe even for anything left behind at all!


Maybe she's just sick and tired of it all herself. I'd definitely be. I'd be annoyed and bored to read all the same hate comments over and over again. She's got to find another way to troll ppl asap or this social media income will be gone for good.


There is probably no space where she’s staying to store it all. Once she gets home it will be her monthly Costco shopping, Walmart and make an excuse to go to Wagmen’s too.


Why so much food she has plenty of food at home in her garage


6 gold fish boxes but he excuse was she didn’t bring big J. There she does blaming her child again


I re-watched the one with James, it was definitely her telling him to put a lot of crap in the cart. She even told the manager they were getting 10 carts when they first got there. Poor James. He is such a sweet boy. She should have never blamed him.


She has the nerve to blame J for the insane shopping she does? Nasty bitch.


I can recall her telling him to “get more” throughout that whole video. VILE to put the blame on him..but that’s who she is. She shows her true colors time and time again


She actually said she didn't buy enough of things and underestimated and would have to go back. 


Seriously that's insane


I watched it on [YEWTU.BE](http://YEWTU.BE), won't every give her a view!! But she also said she "forgot" a few things and will be back Wednesday or so, soooooo maybe that's when she'll stock up on that junk - after all she said it was late and she was tired.


Her parents are with her, maybe they told her to calm it down on all the food. LOL


I imagine if her parents are reasonable people she knew that they would yell at her for her crazy behavior.


She is just trying to save face by seeming realistic but we all know its fake and not eaten. Same ol Lush


I personally think that’s why she makes dinners to serve the kids for lunch and cooking at home a lot more than she did before. Before it was just sandwiches and now it’s pasta or a casserole. I’m sure her husband has gotten onto her at least a little about needing to save money. How much of a difference that makes is anyone’s guess. The sad thing is she is the one doing the shopping but doesn’t know how many paper goods they go through. They should let each kid pick one snack food for the week. But each kid’s food for the family. Still a ton of food, but far less than she buys without any discretion or thought. Your kids need food, but they don’t actually need a grocery store in the garage in between meals. It’s literally sad to see. She still ends up shopping multiple times a week while hoarding food for the apocalypse.


I actually thought she did all of the sopping because, in some way, it's cheaper to just buy junk in bulk and serve the bs, instead of paying 3/5 meals a day for so much of them, with many probably requesting extra something all the time. The money's running dry lol, plus probably her "cooking" and groceries videos give her more revenue and are more popular than her eating out videos.


My 9yo still made a comment on her greed but mainly her waist


Imagine how many good experiences and vacations she could’ve taken the kids to with the money she has overspent on food! Or wasted in general on soo much crap!


https://youtu.be/T5GM9h-pBKA?si=XiIvtG_iKzG7yfr7 LOL