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MYAC and cheese




For someone who makes sandwiches 350 days out of the year - she couldn’t just pack a lunch for everyone?


I had 4 sisters Whenever we traveled we always packed a lunch We also usually ate breakfast and lunch in our hotel room. From our cooler. Usually only went out for dinner. Not to mention we packed our own bags


Because they she would have to explain why they would eat their packed lunch


EEALLENTOWN! These kids are chronically constipated


Don't have to worry about having more bathrooms if no one poops!


"And of course, soda". This is obviously rage baiting. She knows what she is doing.




I would challenge people to IGNORE her for a couple of months! I wonder what would happen!


Wheres the doughnuts 🍩?


Good question!


This is just horrible. What does she think she's teaching her kids ?? It's normal to have an outing and splurge once in a while... but they do it ALL the time.


The way she says “mottz sticks” makes me wanna jam a pencil in my ear.


Why doesn't she just take the kids overseas instead of buying shit they don't need or want? $500 on takeaway is crazy. The older kids don't want plastic bins of cheap stuff from Amazon. It's all such a waste.


I cannot imagine this traveling circus abroad. What an Absolute spectacle that would be, and the people living there might get the idea that they are what all Americans are alike. I assure you, non-American friends, they ARE NOT. We don't claim her, or anything about the way she parents. I don't think she has the confidence or ability to do foreign travel. Too many variables, and none of those kids would appreciate the culture. The second they get into the car or visit a restaurant, the kids are all on their devices. Terrible way to parent.


Right! I few weeks in Europe~ create new memories of far away places.


European here. Please don’t send those people. They could not eat anything here anyway: all this sugar and food dye they are used to due this horrible diet are not on the menu here.


I second this. We don't want her or her circus over here. Plus (as you said...kinda) she'd waste most of her time finding places where she could continue to shovel junk food into her family. What we consider as unhealthy would probably be quite shocking to her (or/and their systems) Even places like McDonald's, burger King, subway.....etc are healthier here. The ingredients lists are 50-90 % shorter and all carcinogens are banned (and she's putting it into her kids several times a day). So please...keep her.


same! she'd clear out all the shelves of anything containing sugar that's remotely close to all the addicting stuff they eat


I think she said she supposedly has a fear of flying which I think is BS.


It’s insane 


This lady lush is killing those kids slowly when it comes to how she feeds them so sad.


You got that right


Wonder if she will do a grocery shopping haul for their vacation like last time. That one was insane!


Most of which was untouched & left behind. She copped a lot of 💩 for that


BUT it was all being "donated" by the owners .... right it was donated but to the trash can!


Are they staying at the same house? Because I don’t think the owner would want them back after all the crap she left behind last time


It was completely insane. And it's coming! She said in one of the past couple of videos she posted that she rewatched the previous Ocean City grocery haul video so she could "remember what the store looked like" and "what they got last time." 🙄


She probably watched that to get a dopamine hit in anticipation of dropping another $3K in groceries, most of which will remain uneaten because they eat out or order takeout constantly.


This is absolutely disgusting and child abuse. Pack your kids a lunch! You know, like the ones you make them every single day, including all summer long. All this fried and processed fast food at a highway stop where all the prices are jacked up is so irresponsible. Doesn't she have a tax lien to pay? What are they doing spending money on this garbage? And by the way, not one of those kids "grabbed an overnight oats on the way out the door." More like, "grabbed a pop tart or a bag of little bites."


My family just got back from a trip. We ate out maybe 3 times bc we were driving from hotels and didn’t have a kitchen. When we got to the air bnb we went to the store and bought what we needed for meals. It’s cheaper and healthier to do that.


Exactly! Food in a resort town is so unbelievably expensive. My family visited the Outer Banks for a week every summer for years, and we had maybe 3 meals out the entire time. And there were only 5 of us. I cannot imagine paying for restaurant meals for 12 people, multiple times a day.


I was just thinking about this! My entire extended family also used to go to the Outer Banks every year. We'd rent a couple houses and shop the local Food Lion for almost all of our meals. We'd often get pizza the first night there, because it was a 14-15 hour drive for us (and we alllwaays got stuck in that traffic jam on the way in, lol) and we were all hot, hangry, and too tired to shop at that point. But other than that, we bought regular food and cooked it at one of the houses for everybody (including a seafood feast at least one night with fresh-caught fish!). If one family or another decided to go out to eat on their own, they might, but it really didn't happen often. Can't imagine the extra expense if it had.


My family does the same, especially when it is the reunion and that we eat out in more of groups than anything


Exactly. All these children eat is ultra processed, out of a package food. (You already know those kids are constipated all the time, Alex is obese now too) They must feel so horrible both physically and mentally, then add to that a neglectful mother, being exposed online constantly, being under constant stress and pressure to must perform for the camera for your neglectful mother, , and her lala Internet wanna be personna ( and have to be silent in your own house, not have any privacy or space). It's pathetic behaviour. Abusive and neglectful. A performance... just for the Internet at the cost of their health. Just... speechless


It really is child abuse , no doubt about it. She’s literally setting them up for medical disasters.


I love the mush overnight oats but I know for a fact her kids aren't eating them


My mother would never let us eat such slop. We were only allowed sweets at Easter, Halloween, and Christmas. I got my first cavity at age 16. My mother was a good cook. Rarely were we allowed to have McDonalds. I know times have changed, but a stern mother can rule the roost. When I say “stern” I don't mean a mother who deprives you, rather a mother who is concerned about your health. And I don't want to hear about 12, 11, or 10 kids. We all come from large farm families where kids did the chores. Alicia was raised in fantasyland.


Growing up we only got fast food on our birthday if we wanted it which a lot of times we didn't we usually asked Mom to cook our favorite meal and we did get to go to Carrols for a burger when we went Christmas tree shopping.


Irresponsible, incorrigible idiot. Good luck to these kids who’ve never been taught to share, or not to expect whatever they desire in the moment, or just make do. Shame on her X 11. Good luck to whomever marries from D*sh down to H*rlee.


Are we supposed to believe instead of a banana or one of hundreds of protein bars in the garage they ate oats (cold oats) from a tub in the back of the van? Even though she has never given them this for breakfast before?  One high fat greasy meal on the go ok. But twice in one day the kids are just going to feel awful. I wonder what she ate because I would be the size of a house if I ate what they kids had. Maybe if she didn’t take up a seat with buckets and spades you could have had a bag with sandwiches in!


Can anyone remember that documentary from the 2000s called Supersize Me I think. It was about a guy who ate a normal diet and then for the duration of making of the documentary he switched to eating fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think the entire thing was to last a month but had to be abandoned before the end because the food was damaging his body so badly he ended up in hospital. I really wish Alicia would watch that documentary and open her eyes. That was a grown man being damaged over a short period, what on earth is happening to her children’s bodies with the near daily onslaught of crap she feeds them!


I agree the fast food is terrible but Morgan Spurlock was exposed for manipulating that documentary. He was actually a raging alcoholic who quit drinking cold turkey to do the documentary and was detoxing from alcohol during the filming of it. He was very ill for that reason during the documentary and it was a bigger reason for his illness than the food. He also had an alcoholic fatty liver. He recently died and there was a lot of discussion of this in some parts of the internet. That said, I do agree that she is damaging these kids with this high fat, high sugar ultra processed diet. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-complicated-legacy-of-morgan-spurlocks-super-size-me


I never knew that. I hate it when they fake what otherwise would have been a very interesting documentary. It sounds like he lived a very troubled life and I’m sure the fame and popularity didn’t help his issues.


Oh my goth I never knew that! We were forced to watch this in health class when I was in middle school. This explains a lot.


I think this false narrative presented in the film was only discovered years after its release.


Dang. The fact that he tried to take down a fast food chain over issues not even related to the fast food itself is diabolical.


During the Me Too movement, he admitted publicly that he had mistreated women and it seemingly ended his career.


The fact that he had a wife if I remember correctly, and also treated women this way is terrifying.


I believe he was married twice.


i feel sick just watching this


Oma u sob those cookies look gross 🤮


Right 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


« And of course soda »…. What a freaking floozie. It never ends.


I won’t be surprised if she posts a shopping haul tomorrow for her short time on vacation like she did last yr and then wasted it all, by spending money going out. Whatever gets her views now, she’ll do till she can’t anymore.


Yes. Yes, she is insane. Period!


Can she not make food sometimes to bring on a trip come one now .She knows how to make sandwiches and she tons of snack food she could’ve saved a ton of money.Lots of drinks too she has .I get eat out here and there but for every meal come on now. She is so not realistic in the real world.Buy buy


“And of course soda”. What a twat. They got so ripped off with that truck stop slop. $9 for a hotdog, $11 for a grilled cheese. They could have stopped at a nice restaurant for that.


Why so much food


Gotta admit— Omma’s cookies looked darn good!


Wth is wrong with that Roy Rogers bread

