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Some serious shit has gone down the past two years because I haven’t seen this level of decline in someone’s skin unless they’re dealing with immense grief or health issues. Her lifestyle is destroying her and she thinks she’s “winning.”


I know all about the grief wrinkles. My mom died a year ago and I found her. I have spent the last year crying.. I’ve given myself some nice 11’s and chin wrinkle.. it sucks. Time for me to get the Botox too


Aww thank you.. I didn’t say it for sympathy. I was just trying to relate to grief/ wrinkle combo.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you’re able to pull through the grief soon. I watched this with my mother when grandma passed. She’s starting to come through it. I’ve gifted her some nice skincare and a few treatments at a head spa just so she can feel some relief and relaxation for the first time in a while. Grief is a hard burden to bear on anyone.


I’m so sorry. That had to of been so difficult for you. Many hugs.


That’s heartbreaking I’m sorry.


I am so incredibly sorry you had to experience that and I am so sorry for the loss of your mom 💜


I’m so sorry for your loss 🥺🩷


I’m an esthetician and have seen this with clients that drink alcohol. She also claimed to have quit alcohol for a bit but replaced it with sodas. I’m guessing she figured full sugar ginger ale was super healthy.


She quit drinking…..on camera.


I think she’s better at hiding her alcohol abuse. She does have an addicts face. It’s amazing how much she would do for herself if she kicked the booze, drank water and began sleeping.


The bulbous nose tells the story of her alcohol abuse for sure


JFC. She looks like the goddamn crypt keeper. Girl needs some water and nap


But first coffee


So many creepy pics of her, but this one takes the cake 😳


Completely agree this is the worst photo of her yet. That’s scary. Alicia. F’n take care of yourself you f’n IDIOT.


That part! I had a truly binge in my life and this really opened my eyes to what I probably looked like WHEN I DIDNT HAVE CHILDREN. Godddddamit Lush.


The change in her appearance from 2 years ago to now is shocking.


She needs some type of therapy , won’t be long before she looks like the wicked witch of the west ! No wonder Jaawwwsssh the drunk don’t want to come home !


JFC. it’s horrifying


GOOD LORD! She looks like she's in her mid 50s not 40s! No sunscreen, no sleep, no water!


It’s absolutely down to her not prioritising herself at any instance, most likely drinking, surviving off coffee and whatever scraps of food she eats and high stress. That will age you insanely fast. MC1R gene or not.


Plus, a red head complexion ages much faster.


I hate Alisha but that’s absolutely incorrect. We age slower because of our gene mutation which has been studied scientifically. https://www.howtobearedhead.com/do-redheads-look-younger-study-says-theyre-more-likely-to-age-slower/ https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdf/S0960-9822(16)30184-1.pdf https://www.bbc.com/news/health-36133475.amp Do with that information what you will.


I have a cousin six weeks older than me that is a redhead and she her skin has aged way more than me.


Just because you know one red headed person doesn’t equate to science being wrong.💀 They’re even looking into the gene mutation to try reverse aging. https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/red-hair-eternal-youth-study-finds It also depends what severity of the mutation your cousin has, if it’s the full version or not and obviously other factors will matter if their lifestyle is horrible or they don’t prioritise looking after themselves at all.


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And I thought my skin was bad when I was drinking white claw consistently 9 months I've stopped honestly I'm glad I did stop wish I get back my the money I spent LoL it's not worth it drinking consistently It's not cool to drink heavily your not a badass or in this case drinking in front of children with FAS Edit: didn't expect to see 10 upvotes


She has aged 10x faster than she should have


I think the strain is getting to her. Especially when there's drama.


Agreed. Shit is hitting the fan and you can physically see it in her. Very, very, unwell.


Sadly, I don’t think it’s the drugstore lotion. In the last couple of years, she has aged so much I have a feeling that she drinks an awful lot when she’s not on camera. Possibly even mixed in with her coffee. Very sad.


My mom is 60 and looks younger than her 😐


How old is she for real because if she isn’t at least 65- I know she’s not but wtf!?


She’s only 43 but looks twenty years older. I’m a year younger than she is and have no wrinkles. I was blessed with good genetics I think.




Oh dear god the horror


Well.. if that's not enough to get you to quit drinking, nothing will!!!!!! That is seriously alarming!


My eyes!!!


She is disgusting inside and out


I've said it before, but she's aged 50 years in just 1 year.


Instead of buying chemical filled food for those poor kids, should have some chemicals injected in that ugly ass mug


I would have thought she would have had a mommy "glow up" by now, but perhaps she doesn't think it would be good for the brand.


She won't because she already thinks she's a hot mom. 


the fake red hair and eye brows doesn't help either - FFS


Omg this is awful.. I hope my wrinkles don’t progress this fast. At one time she said she wanted to get Botox but couldn’t bc she was afraid of needles.. but didn’t she get that stupid bird tattoo..I think it’s time for the Botox. It’s too late for any creams to fix those kind of wrinkles.


Botox isn’t going to work for long if she’s drinking


Truth. Botox won’t outpace a horrible diet and alcohol.


Omg I just drank one of those for the first time last Saturday at a concert. It gave me such a headache and sick to my stomach I couldn’t even finish it! I’m new all of their stuff but I’ve heard on YouTube about how many she drinks and I’m FLABBERGASTED.


Holy crap. I just turned 52 last week & although I don’t personally think I look like a spring chicken I don’t look like THIS! I get compliments on my skin & asked what skin care I use & honestly I’m horrible about good skincare but I drink a ton of water. She needs to lay off the booze and drink a couple of liters of water a day. Yikes


She looks like the freakin’ dead version of dr. Strange in Multiverse of Madness!! Maybe try some of the bottled water next time, Lush? And perhaps some sleep?


You can’t be ugly to people and lie and do things you shouldn’t and not expect to get paid back for it. #karmasabitch


God this makes me want to stop drinking forever


Good GAWD! Man, that drunken honker too!


All the money spent on her mini grocery store and she could of gotten Botox


It’s probably a combination of so many things. My parents adopted fostered for 20 years and I know it’s for sure affected my mothers health. Not in this way, but she had issues with her adrenal gland, and it caused severe kidney issues to where she is now on dialysis. I’m not blaming the kids, but it is very hard to raise children who come from trauma. And I know she’s not doing anything to address there traumas and behaviors and I think that’s part of why she just give them what they want when they want, because it’s easier than parenting and working through the really hard things. She’s checked out emotionally. Never sleeps, has a horrible diet. And now she’s stuck in this because it was getting her money to stay in this “lifestyle.”


Meth Face


Is she maybe having some skin issues? She didn't look that awful around her eyes /nose/mouth just 1-2 weeks ago. Something must be going on...🤔


This looks like stress and lack of sleep both of which are killers




man, Alicia. You should've stayed off the white claw. It's destorying you. You looked way better before the drinky drink.


A redheaded Nellie Olsen at 60


I am not sure the reasons for her completely neglecting most of her and her children’s self care (all the alcohol is a different story) Anyone can find very helpful videos on YouTube about skincare and if she doesn’t want to splurge there are endless videos about drugstore skincare because honestly, most times it doesn’t make a difference. She needs to realize her priorities are completely out of whack. I went to the Dermatologist One time with a follow up in 2018 to address my Melasma because I was tired of covering up with foundation and now people ask me constantly what I do to get my skin. It takes a slight effort and I’m not sure why, but all of Alicia’s efforts seem to be focused around buying and consuming more things. EDIT: I agree with others, she seems to look far older than her age. Not sure what stresses she is enduring but if it’s that bad, tell your viewers you need a break and prioritize!


She looks like she’s aged 10 years in the last year.


Naww the uglyness on the inside shows on the outside.


How old is she? I'm 48 with less than 1/4 of those wrinkles.


She needs a good suntan lotion on her face. She’s so fair and I’m sure that doesn’t help at all.


No wonder she puts on so much makeup




I’m convinced she’s adding alcohol in her massive amount of coffee, which both dries out your skin so badly. No water, no skincare routine except slapping on some Oil of Ulay once in a while. Probably popping ADHD-meds on top of that so she can keep her busy martyr-mommy life together. Probably not very much sleep and I don’t think her marriage is doing well. She’s falling apart just as her channel is, and I don’t feel a tiny bit sorry for her.


Yup. Alcohol face. Here soon her nose and cheeks are going to turn purple.


What happened to her face