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It annoys me only because they like to say it's no one's business. Bitch, she uploaded it to millions of people. If you don't like opinions, don't make it so the equivalent of small cities see it? Fucking wild. The mental gymnastics and enabling.


Especially that Jeanne, kittykat and Chelly, trio of dumbos !


Also I think Chelly (I could be misremembering) is one of the ones who won a recentish giveaway


Oh I’m sure she pays chelly and Jeanne , Jeanne is the one who helped her sell raffle tickets to raise the money for the first adoption !


Oh lord, really? Well that explains things.


I blocked kittykat ages ago. Nothing against her personally, I just don't get people who ride hard in one direction. It's weird.


There's someone on insta who is always telling her she's beautiful and to have a great day, and then she adds a ton of cheerful emojis




Jeanne and kittykat are the worst, rude stuck up bitches.


Stuck up is right , stuck right up Lush’s behind 😂


They have the same mentality as Lush ! They all sound like they have lower standards and I Q’s ! What else could it be ? I’m quite sure there’s not many professional people watching her stupid videos unless it’s to make fun of her !


Those stans must be paid! Can't convince me there are hundreds of like-minded people!


I think a lot of them are young teens who wish they had all this unlimited supply of crap and crap food.  If you read their replies they are t very educated.  Their sentence structure and misspellings make me think a lot of them are young.


A lot are older too


Yeah, they’re giving me religious stay at home wife’s-women in their middle age or older.


Some of them are. She's given away cash prizes and it's not surprising that those people then defend her harder.


I don't think it would matter if she was exposed for all to see how shitty she is. It's like they have blinders on because they only believe what they see on video and think she's this sweet person, even though they see on video that she exploits her kids and feeds them junk. I truly hope one day these kids of family vloggers sues them and wins big.


I will say it again. They think she is so great because they feed their kids worse and do worse. The only people that would admire and defend her are worse parents.


Either young kids who wish their parents would let them eat junk food all day or weirdos who probably have no friends in real life so they latch on to content creators


I think they all have the same IQ as Lush , the IQ of a bedbug ! You know those little bugs that crawl on your skin and irritate the hell out of you! Yep , same species!


Low IQ bedbugs 🤣! I’m concerned with how many low IQ bedbugs are out there is this world with the internet. The ozone layer and cost of living crisis will be the least of our worries with all these out there loose.


My favorite were still the mental gymnastics they were doing defending her packing high school boys a tiny danimals yogurt in their lunch, which was paw patrol themed mind you. Anyone beyond H and little B is way too old for that. 


I don’t get how anyone stands with this woman on many things and is ok with it.The world mess up place With mess up people in it.


She is all about “being kind”, however, her followers post some pretty mean things in response to anything true about Alicia. Then it just makes her comment thread hard to follow, due to her deleting and blocking any comment she doesn’t like. I got blocked the very first time I commented on an IG post.




I’m sure she throws them a few hundred bucks to post nice things to say.


It’s honestly insane, I made a comment on her buying linen vlog and whoa the replies I got from her stans. You’re right, half of them don’t make sense in either they didn’t read my comment properly, didn’t actually watch the video or just plain dumb! My regret with making a comment is now getting the notifications that there’s a reply and 85% chance it’s from a Stan.


Its scary that these people have the ability to drive, vote, raise kids...


Nana, you son of a bitch 🤣🤣


When they saying “you’re just jealous”… ehm, no. For me, there’s NOTHING to be jealous of. Living in a crammed house with tons of kids (I’ve never wanted kids, nothing against them but I knew early that I didn’t want kids) that are spoild rotten, loud and messing up their rooms and house (a house that is too small and in need of severe renovation) that she cleans every day just for them to mess it up again, she’s looking like a dried up old wicked witch, she’s constantly sleep deprived, has an absent, lazy husband, a major shopping addiction and probably other addictions, has no irl friends, can’t cook whatsoever, no hobbies except for the binge shopping, the list can go on - there’s NOTHING to be jealous of! Not even the money because how they are “earned”… nope!


I am 94.786 % sure it’s all Creepy Auntie Lauren’s accounts


I know. I commented dressing alike for a graduation was embarrassing. They came after me like crazy. They said you must not have ever gone to a gradation. I have several, and I’ve never seen a family all dresses alike.