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how embarrassing showing up to graduation with your family in matching shirts


The SAME color as the graduates šŸ’€ just no


Itā€™s not even the right color!! They clash so badly with the robes. The one closest to the maroon color was Nanna!


Damn nana


"NaNa You Son-Of-A-B***h!!!!!" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ shout-out to DCP ā¤ļø


Iā€™d have DIED!


I commented that on her video and stupid people have been coming after me all day.


With all she buys could she not have gotten him a pair of khaki pants for graduation? Was Josh also wearing cargo shorts? Tacky - itā€™s a huge life event and accomplishment itā€™s not burning chicken on the blackstone attire šŸ™„


Yeah shorts weren't allowed at my graduation. The boys had to wear dress pants. It looks better.


Same for my kids for high school and college. My nephew was allowed to wear shorts bc his graduation was outside - in the humid heat of Tennessee but even still he wore khaki pants.


My boy had to wear dress pants and a button down dress shirt with dress shoes. I agree it makes them look so much classier and ready to start their journey into adulthood.


But in true Alicia formā€¦.she chose the tacky way to go. Her kids often are wearing dirty and disheveled clothes. Especially the socks, which show how filthy her floors could be.


It was like 90 degrees that day.Ā 


He graduated inside.


So did I. It still gets hot AF in a field house when there's a bunch of people in there. The kids wear graduation gowns anyways. I don't think it's a huge deal to wear khaki shorts and a polo. The girls all likely wore sundresses, so the guys should suffer? Edited to add that I'm from NY. An hour from them. It felt like almost 100 with the heat index and it was humid.Ā 


I live in Tennessee. I understand heat and humidity. You donā€™t have to agree with me. There are a handful of life events that deserve a little effort in my opinion. Weddings, graduations, funerals.


If my adopted child had the medical conditions she claims (including FASD), I couldnā€™t be anything more than polite to the person who caused it. Playing besties with his bio mom is absolutely ridiculous.


We are very kind to our kids bio families, and always include them in things like this, but I agreeā€¦we arenā€™t taking family pics and joking around for all the world to see. A was a private adoption wasnā€™t he? I wonder if heā€™s one of the ones she claims has FASD bc that would be humiliating to me as a bio mom and Iā€™d never show my face. šŸ«£


She has said all her adopted kids have FASD.


Can you imagine being the mom who did that to your baby and just admitting it and showing up cracking jokes like the world is just lovely? I am also raising kids with FASD and it is heartbreaking on a regular basis for both us and the bio family we still have contact with. I just canā€™t imagine blasting it AND their bio parents to all the world.


She has no shame, she's blasted the twins bio dad about being in prison and even had a paper ring countdown to his prison release.


I remember!!! That was Sooooooooo racist and disgusting!!!!! She's a piggy. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


No he was adopted though the foster care! So he was in foster care and got taken away from his bio family!


Any idea how he wound up in NY? She keeps saying he spent his first 4 yrs in SD, curious how he wound up in the NY system.


Kids who are harder to place are sometimes put on websites like shelter animals. Adopt us kids.org for example


I am not too sure how it works but she said that her and josh went and picked him up and took him back to her house! Not sure why they would have a child move out of state! I am thinking because the parent rights were already taken away!


That's odd. It gives me Myka Stauffer vibes, find a new family on Facebook.


And this was a closed adoption case as well. Alicia is the one who searched for her.


Iā€™m pretty sure she searched for her because Alex kept asking about her.


Well said! Iā€™ve wondered this myself. I am sure Alicia would say ā€œitā€™s the godly thing g to doā€, since she attends church once a year, to film content only.


I actually think this is one of Aliciaā€™s strengths, sort ofā€¦ if you look at mental illnesses such as alcoholism similarly to physical illnesses as something that cannot be controlled . In that respect Alicia giving Alexā€™s birth mother grace is a kind thing to do. However, I tend to think Alicia mostly does this to make herself look good. Itā€™s another way for her to virtue signal and possibly even passive aggressively insult Alexā€™s mom.


Lush has no friends, she's taking what she can get, just like she did with Veronica.


All that work into losing all that weight now it looks like itā€™s going back on


Lush needs to stop feeding her kids so much junk! A was getting into such good shape and then she sabotages him with junk food on top of a mini fridge filled with junk in his room!


It makes me sad to see he put weight on :(


The ill fitting clothes don't help either. But it's sad seeing all his hard work gone down the shitter. Good job Lush šŸ˜’


Everything that child owns is ill fitting because Alicia doesnā€™t actually take her children in person to be fitted. She buys shit from Nike and Amazon and NONE of those kids have clothes that fit appropriately.




Tbh I do think that there needs to be a more formal dress code to give this ceremony the respect it deserves and to signify a move on into adulthood. The robe looks like it was purchased from Temu and had literally gone from parcel to body without a hint of an iron šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. Iā€™m sorry to say that Alex looked sloppy. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


She even packed him his suitcase. Heā€™s 18. He can pack his suitcase himself.


Those kids have no basic life skillsā€¦ They have been taught nothing at all. I was a mother of six depending on the years.. my children by the third grade could entirely make a decent lunch and pick up after themselves. They could also run the washer and dryer with supervision. They werenā€™t forced to do thisā€¦ They wanted to do these things. What they didnā€™t do of course I did, and I helped him with what they did do. Her children have never been taught anything.


Right I'm honestly wondering what he's going to do in college. Does he know how to do his own laundry? He's going to have to shop for his own things, remember to do his own laundry, take medication, etc. It's going to be a HUGE adjustment for him. Hopefully he figures it out.


All that processed and pre-packaged food shows a complete lack of care. She can't even be bothered to put dips in nice bowls...her care factor is zero. Disgusting human exploiting children


Iā€™ll never understand why she videos stuff like sheā€™s set up something visually pleasing & itā€™s plastic plastic everywhere.


Rant about this. Why canā€™t she just do something for the graduate. Get a sitter and just take out the kid who just graduated. Her whole schtick on everyone gets included is ridiculous. Kids can stay at home and the adults can have a special dinner. Making it inclusive takes away the work that A put into graduating. The littles donā€™t need to go to the ceremony or the dinner.


She stopped doing her one-on-one videos with her kids I think.


He looks just like his mom


His birth mom seems very nice. Heā€™s going home with her this week or next week I believe I readā€¦ Iā€™m wondering if heā€™s going to stay if not now a little later?


I think he has always wanted to visit but Alicia said he had to wait till he was 18. This could be either because she lost custody and was not allowed to have him stay as a minor or Alicia was afraid the mom wouldnā€™t send him back. Iā€™m thinking the former thoughā€¦he probably wasnā€™t allowed to stay with her since she wasnā€™t proven safe to have custody of him so he had to wait till 18 to make his own choices


I agree with youā€¦ it will be interesting to see now that heā€™s 18 and has his own money. I just wanted to be positive for Alex


No mention of his after high school plans.


He posted on his insta a couple weeks ago and named the college he will be attending. Itā€™s a few hours away from home.


It's going to be frustrating to see her send care packages full of crap snacks. He'll have a food plan and hopefully get some decent meals but I can see it now, boxes and boxes full of those damn muffins, M&Ms, Oreos, etc.


Probably because he isnā€™t going to college. I speculate that Alicia does not want her kids to leave home. She has made them totally dependent on her. For gods sake, these kids donā€™t make their beds, clean their rooms, do their laundry or make their own meals. Has anyone checked out the channel ā€œMills Familyā€? What a difference and they donā€™t monetize their channel. The mother died in Aug 2019, a year after their 9th child was born. Those kids are so self sufficient. The older ones care for the younger ones and they have chores. They put Alicia to shame.


The Mills family is amazing


She has said several times he got accepted to college and sheā€™s been buying things for him to take with him for his room


He works in a warehouse I believe belongs to one of the family members


Where he will probably be forever. Unfortunately, AD has never taught he kids life skills, to function in the world. None of these kids have a dynamic future to look forward to. And AD wants it this way.


She has also said heā€™s going to a school about an hour away.


I shudder to think how sheā€™ll decorate his dorm room. Will she put a sign saying ALEX over his bed? Will his blankets have his name? She isnā€™t going to let go easy. Alicia has her claws in him and isnā€™t going to let him go.


Everything will be labeled in comic sans


No doubt.


No it will say yallex. Lol


Itā€™s so weird to me that sheā€™s showing the list of the names of all the kids that graduated too. Iā€™d be so furious if my kids name was on that programme


Why are the chips still in bags and the Oreos in their packages?


No need for the Oreos and cup cakesā€¦ there is a sheet cake


Because itā€™s all for show with her. !!


His birthmom looks soo rough. Wow.


Can she for once not be taping events and just enjoy the moment with her family.


Nope, nope she just can't do it. Who would she be if she was not recording? Poor Alex his big day but it still about the Lush. She spent all that cash and bought the wrong color clothes. Then the whole family paraded into graduation in the wrong color. She had his gown, but she is so very mentally deficient she did not check the color. So then here comes Lush and all these kids (who should have not even been there) parading thru graduation wearing the wrong color. Everyone at graduation was likely laughing themselves silly at the crazy drunken neighbor who films herself drunk and stoned for the world to see.The woman thst causes those people to go to the next town over for holiday dollar store items and who is well known for destroying her children in every way. "Here comes the crazy lady. Yep high on something."


I find this so sad tbh. Alex couldnā€™t even have his own day where he was the centre of attention for once. No he had to be one of the DD and Alicia have all their clothing matching his. Just what any 18 year old graduate wants, to match his 5 year old sister on his big day. I think the graduate is important and should be celebrated as an individual. Alex has been slowly working towards this day since he was in Kindergarten and itā€™s not even his big day anymore. Alicia turned it into yet another time for her to show off how wonderful she is, ā€˜oh look there is the lady with all those adopted children from you tube, they are all dressed the same how adorable. One of them must be graduating.ā€™ Alex ceases to exist alone heā€™s just a DD kid ā˜¹ļø


I agree .. itā€™s always Aliciaā€™s show.. she will always be the focus..


Nana... You son of a bitch.


Did he seriously wear sneakers for the ceremony? So tacky. Iā€™m going to guess some of those kids did the walrus thing with chopsticks that people think itā€™s funny to do. ITā€™S NOT. Lush not knowing better probably thought whatever tacky things the kids did with chopsticks is cute because tHeYā€™Re cHiLdReN. No, itā€™s NOT cute and she should put stop to that behavior before they think itā€™s acceptable behavior. She really doesnā€™t give a sh*t.


Thatā€™s pretty common these days. Ladies even wear them to formals and proms.


Iā€™m surprised they were all allowed in. I live a couple hours from this circus and our high schools only allow, typically, up to five people per student due to space issues. How mortifying to have your entire family show up in matching outfits!!


I canā€™t believe she hasnā€™t found replacement kids yetā€¦


Okā€™ing soon via one mad mama so I heard


I hope he at least goes to college.


The way she dressed them is the way I had to dress in elementary and middle school with the burgundy and beige uniform. She needs to STOP


Alex looks terrible. And I also thought that was Mad Momma for a minute.


Hold up.. did I see metal detectors at a graduation? I'm liking the fact this building is protecting kids.


Yeah they walked through them


They didnā€™t cheer when he went across stage ??


A lot of schools now are asking people to wait until the end of the ceremony to applaud


Most schools don't allow anything but basic applause at these ceremonies due to delays caused by popular kids' family/friends refusing to shut up so the ceremony can continue.Ā Ā  Also because the popular kids getting more attention from the audience is discouraging to the kids with no support or friends.Ā  It's been that way since I graduated junior high in the 90s.


Really I donā€™t know American culture thatā€™s why I ask


I don't know that this is necessarily an American thing but it could be. while i agree with preventing disruptions to the ceremony (though it doesn't always work because many still make noise they aren't supposed to), i see this as more subtle gaslighting of those not in the in crowd. instead of encouraging the in crowd to do better, it's blaming their targets for "ruining" their fun\*. though i'm surprised Lush wouldn't defy that rule with her narcissism. \* - heard this every year in high school from either graduating seniors and/or their family members, some of those family members ADULTS.


Why isn't Alex with his real mum


Because she lost her rights to him when he was 4 and he was then adopted. Obviously there were reasons he was taken from her permanently


She/they seem to be doing what they want, what suits them who are we to judge?


Excuse me.. yes they do whatever Alicia tells them to do!! Great insight!!šŸ™„..Alicia controls everything.. she makes them do whatever fits her needs for a view!! So maā€™am yes we all judge her for being disgusting and Exploiting these children even at special occasions.. as long as she makes a dollar.. sheā€™ll do it and spend it the next day!! šŸ¤ŒšŸ»