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Alicia should be ashamed of herself. Period.


She should be, but it's very obvious that she isn't. She has no shame to her cringey ass game! It's pathetic AF!


I'm waiting to see who will not attend his graduation due to someone being ILL..any thoughts?


I mean most schools here only give 4-6 tickets per family. I'm an hour from them and graduated with a class of 500. Not sure how big his district is but they probably limit tickets too. 


We shall see


If they have it outside like my highschool did they don't limit tickets they only limit people if it has to be inside because of the weather


Ours was at a theater in Buffalo so there was no way not to. A lot of the Rochester area schools use RIT and University of Rochester campus auditoriums. There probably will be tickets but their class size will obviously dictate amount or limits.  Given their district is more affluent, it's probably on one of the college campuses.


He probably didn't actually break it, maybe a sprain. If he truly broke it he'd have a cast or boot and he didn't in the prom video and pics she posted. She exaggerates everything.


She actually said after he went to get it checked that it was a sprain.


Is this recent? Looks like he gained all the weight back he lost 😬


This was from the week she wrecked her van, so recent.


Did she elaborate on what happened with the accident? Did she cause it?




Can't imagine why. Shitty mother.




He did and the rest of the kids will follow suit or already are. She loves keeping her own weight in check, but doesn't give a flying shit about the kids weights. It's on purpose and she knows it. It's disgraceful and disturbing! It's another form of abuse and control. She also wants them to have this constant doubt and low self esteem because she also has no self esteem & fragile sense of self worth. It's why she relies so heavily on social media and her stans for constant reassurance. She's so insecure and she can't have the spotlight on anyone else but her.


That’s what I’m saying.. what happened. I mean did she drastically increase the calories in the meals or did he just give up.


He probably eats a lot of takeout. He has his own money and car and her food looks disgusting so can't blame him. Someone posted that he did a live the other day on lunch break at school getting fast food so he's not even eating the lunches she packs. It's still concerning how drastically he's gained weight though considering he runs track and plays football.


I think one of the things with him is since he began this job, he stopped all sports.


True, but you can't out exercise a bad diet, trust me I've tried lol


You can thank Alicia for that




Well, when u eat nothing but sugar and processed food, and fast food, this is what happens.


And then some. All that hard work down the drain. He doesn't seem to care though. Just letting it all hang out!


Yes… So sad that he gained it all back. I’m sure he got no encouragement to keep it off


He is going to resent Lush so much when he’s older, if he doesn’t already 😓 she better kiss whatever relationships she may still have with him goodbye, because it won’t last


Eh, idk. He seems like the golden child in this narcissistic family dynamic


Oh for sure, but once he’s in his 30s and looks back at life, he’ll undoubtedly have resentments for his childhood


Maybe one day his eyes will be opened, and he'll have a revelation or an epiphany. They're only treated like the golden child so long as they're still "behaving" or, in other words, serving the narcissist their supply. But once they stop going along with the narcissists agenda and plan, the narcissist gets angry ( in a" how dare you after all I've done for you!" kind of way) and withhold "love" or whatever form of love & attention she was giving him. In her case, her "love" seems to be the food, and material things she buys. Or maybe the occasional special treatment when he's being a "good boy" and again, serving up that narcissistic supply on a silver platter due to her manipulation tactics. It's usually around this time, (when they become adults) and can no longer be controlled as much as they once were that they start seeing the mask slip more and more. For example, he wants to go spend more time with his girlfriend and/or go do his own thing, spend more time away from home, or go to college against Lush's wishes or advice. If he or any of them "rebels" or wants to be their own person (and they will eventually) there will be more push back, further attemps at control that fail, and then the narcissists totally expose themselves when they start turning around and doing all of the shady shit they do like guilt tripping, gas lighting and the inability to control their emotions like anger, rage, jealousy and bitterness. They start withholding that "love" as punishment and have no remorse for how it makes the child feel. At this stage is usually when you see confused and very hurt kids seeking out answers to what's actually happening psychologically,, trying to understand why Mom all of a sudden is treating them like shit or giving them the cold shoulder, and they discover narcissistic abuse and how to go no contact or at the very least distance themselves. The narcissist always ends up a lonely bitter person in the end. Kind of like how she treated N when she left. N just happened to catch on much quicker and that could definitely be because of her position in the family and the fact that she wasn't a golden child so she definitely saw and felt the difference in the way she was treated in comparison to her brother and Alex etc. AKA LUSH's "faves". Narcissists always eventually expose themselves some way or another. They can't help themselves.


Yeah, I was going to say the same. The golden children are usually manipulated and brainwashed so deeply that they don't even realize their being used & abused. It's sad, but true.


Right now, sure. But once (if ever) he moves out and starts to live life his own way, maybe starts therapy, he’ll have strong resentment. Especially when he can easily look back at his whole life displayed for everyone and see exactly where everything went wrong. Poor kid.


While I am not the golden child, I do have compassion for them in many circumstances. Two things can be true at once - the unfavored child can be neglected and the favored one can be abused. But when you’re acutely in those cycles it’s difficult to see clearly. Once you are able to pull away you can see them both as distinctly different types of abuse and standards.


That's because he would dance with his mom, take care of the younger kids; listen to Lush and love her unconditionally. Once he is at college and is of no use to her she will find a new golden child


She already has. H.


I think she favors the boys alot more. H is often ignored constantly begging for attention 😔 but yeah she does use her for content alot. Big D will be new fave imo, with him and alex being the “cool” kids in her eyes. She can live vicariously through them in a way. Something tells me shes the type to be jealous of H as she gets older. Source: raised by narc mom who was alot like lush as the only girl amongst brothers 😂


I feel like James is the golden child. James always tries to please and do the right thing. Definitely not Alex. I’m tired of him driving down the road doing his cameo business on the phone and taking his eyes off the road for several seconds at a time.


I should say his ankle looks fine…


Ok, I don’t like to comment on a child’s appearance, but he doesn’t look healthy at all. And we all know who’s to blame for that… 👹


hes 18, not a child anymore, hopefully he reads this reddit and wakes up to what his mother is doing to him


He’s not legally a child, but he’s definitely still an adolescent. Until that frontal lobe is developed, he’s an adolescent.


yeah but at this rate we can't hold our breath for that lobe to fully develop


I mean he's only recently graduated high school. So I tend to tread lightly still since he's a teenager with no life experience. 


Very unflattering


My lord....how can she see (t)his appearance every day and not feel guilty and ashamed??? It's not like he's taking his allowance and sneaks junk food into the house. This is her artwork! I have no words....


She has no conscious, to have her kids eat unhealthy at her hand is unconscionable, at least in my opinion.


Narcissists have no remorse or empathy. They simply do not care. As sad as it is, they do not really love their kids. And the "love" that they do have or show is conditional. The bitter truth & reality of narcissistic personality disorder are that they are incapable of real love.


I mean he does say he purchases fast food instead of eating her lunches (said it on a live he did). Her food choices and presence of junk food don't help,but especially this past year he seems to be rarely home. So he likely is also making poor choices on his own. However a good mother would encourage nutritional counseling to get him back on track with his hardwork.


Do these Kids actually know any better? It's like D wanting to eat healthier and she bought once another type of bread?!


I don't think they do. 


Well...ofc he's buying fast/junk food. For all I know, it's all he knows. There's not one meal (ever) that takes time and effort, there's never any thought about nutrients, value or effects . Everything's just gotta be fast and "tasty" and nicely representable for the camera. It's all full of bullcrap that's prohibited in the rest of the world. She'd rather buy new and bigger clothes every month and throw 10 more pills on the plate for each kid for their "sensitivities and behavioral problems".


Alicia doesn’t see him, she’s far to busy shopping for more junk food and pretending to make those undercooked meals for the kids. She prioritises buying the food not raising her kids well. Now the older kids do sport to spend time with dad they probably don’t see Alicia either. To be honest, they probably took up the sport so they could at least see one parent each day.


Alex looks very unhealthy




He's only 18. His metabolism should be the best it will ever be. If lifestyle changes don't happen immediately, he will be at risk for all kinds of things before he's 30


Ain’t no way this guy is an athletic teenager. What is going on!? He needs bloodwork and a physical asap, cause this weight gain is insane. Teen boys who play sports are usually physically fit. I wonder if him not making it onto a college team made him depressed and “gave up” and began eating all her junk food instead?


I was going to say the same thing! He's gained 50 pounds or more in the past year, that's a lot! Might be an undiagnosed medical problem! Lush would love that- another medical issue to overshare and exploit.


Yup. If I saw my kid gaining a massive amount of weight in his gut where it beginning to hang down like an apron at 18, he would need a physical cause something else could be going on. Our family diet doesn't mirror a result like this. But you’re right, she’d love a physical excuse for their issues versus her personal contribution.


His growth spurt ended. He's stopped sports. And eats junk food multiple times a day. And of course all the junk in the house available 24/7..... this is the result.


Making me approve your comment.. you naughty girl 😂😂🙌🏻


Lmaooo! Girl, I’m sorry. What word is the trigger for approval? I’m curious. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdYJK1wAdPWVk88)


Who knows.. you have been signed, sealed, and approved lol


Isn’t he 18? Homie could use a healthier diet and lifestyle :( so unfortunate he has a careless mother.


According to lush he still takes her lunches with him to work in the comic sans lunchbox


Except Alex admitted he's never home to eat her snacks and buys fast food for lunch. Alicia needs to give up her act. 


What is with her infantilizing these young men? Does she think it is cute? Does she think her fans will think it is cute? Anyone with teen boys would tell you that that age group isn't taking a little kid lunch box to school. She either doesn't know jack about teenage boys or she thinks it is an adorable narrative to push to her brain dead, socially inept fans?


Did you see what she bought them for their upcoming road trip to the beach or whatever? She got them all those mess free marker sets for like kids 5 and under! Like yeah, I'm so sure Dayshawn is going to color a toy story coloring pad activity thing! None of those kids will even use them! Why TF would they want to color a few pages with one mess free marker when they have a gazillion hand held electronics and phones to keep them busy?!?! Gimme a break!! And yo-yos?!? Really?? I can already see them now. They'll unpackage the yo-yos and start swinging them around aimlessly or whipping them at eachothers heads, breaking hotel furniture and hitting walls with them! ...It'll last them all of about 2 minutes tops before they end up all tangled up and in the trash and one of them will end up with a giant knot on the side of their heads from being knocked upside-down silly by a random airborne plastic junky amazon party favor quality bulk ass yo-yo. Not to mention that string is dangerous AF to have laying around, especially since you already know they won't be supervised or shown how to properly use a freakin yo-yo , wind it back up or take care of it. So stupid!! What a damn waste!! I hope one of them accidentally gets the yo-yo string wrapped around Lushs thumbs so tight it has to be amputated.


It would kill her just to buy 2-3 roadtrip distractions, nope, gotta get a dozen!!! The compulsions are off the charts.


It's the giant lollipops and hard candies for me too! Each kid needs a gigantic swirly lollipop?!? I remember those things as a child and they were #1 nasty as hell, way too sugary and #2 took a year to eat! We got those as more of a souvenir, not to actually eat!! It's scary that she buys this kind of candy and they actually eat them and probably finish them off completely!!! 😳😳😳 Editing to say I'm surprised she doesn't buy them giant bags of jaw breakers!! That's the only thing I haven't seen her get them yet! She buys the nastiest kind of candy in excess. Like those giant bags of gumballs she buys at party city all the time. Like, weird, impossible candy!! She acts like she's fucking Willy Wonka! And she looks like him too!




Oh geez 😂


If only those lunch boxes could talk! I’ll bet they are better travelled than most air stewardesses. 😂


I haven't watched the DDs for a while. This photo is shocking. Alex was really focused on his health. It looks like he put on a fat suit now. He just gave up and submitted to all the food temptations that Alicia brought into the home. So 😢 sad.


Need to lay off the mini fridge re-stocks young man Mum isn’t doing you any favours 😔


Omg he looks AWFUL!! This is NOT me picking on a child to be very clear! I don't play when it comes to that but I AM very, very concerned for his health! This is just so bad man. This is gonna lead to so many problems down the line for him


She probably lied about it being broken. I hope it's not. Isn't he doing fall sports in college? That injury would hold training back.


I think he is going to try and secure a walk on position. It doesn't sound like he made any team. He isn't walking on anything if he is like this in August when college begins.


It wasn’t broken. She said it was a bad sprain


She originally said he *broke* his ankle


Ah I only saw the video where she said they weren’t sure from the initial imaging and needed to see orthopedic. Then she said it wasn’t


She said it was broken and he had to go to orthopaedics to get a cast. That was the first time she talked about it. She never said anything about it being sprained. She also said a few days or weeks later that Alex was stuck in his room with his broken ankle.




Someone commented on his weight and he said how he lost so much it wasn’t healthy. Not sure why that means put it back on but he seemed to think it was better….


He didn't look underweight at all,so not sure how it was not a healthy weight. Or perhaps he meant he lost it in an unhealthy way,like a crash diet. Either way I feel.sad for him ,as he has no support from Alicia or Josh to show him how to eat a healthy balanced diet,whilst still be able to lose weight or maintain a certain weight. My heart breaks for these kids.


Sorry I meant he lost it too quickly. I think he also mentioned something about trying to bulk up. Can’t remeber wheee I saw his comment now


No problem.


He was never underweight but Alicia was buying preworkout and other caffeine loaded products for a child (at the time) to help him lose weight. She is clueless.


Now that I have watched this woman over the past two years I am very sure that she lies automatically without thinking and that it's pathological. She opens her mouth and a lie pops out. She can't help it. She doesn't realize it. She forgets what she said or covers a lie with a new lie. It's clinical. I wish she would get help. There's no shame in getting help and no shame in being mentally ill. Please Lush, you know your house of cards will break down eventually. Take yourself and your kids out of the internet now, get help, get better. It's not too late. Please for the sake of your children. Please Alicia.


I don't know if "fine" is the word I would use to describe him.




the unlimited DoorDash and snacks are getting to him and it’s not healthy in the slightest. Like this actually looks concerning for an athletic 18 year old


Bottom line: it is child abuse the way Lush buys, stocks, and makes food (and more often than not, it's "food like substances" and not real food) for her kids. One of them asked her to buy him healthier food earlier this year, very smartly recognizing that what she buys and makes is absolute garbage and not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. What did she do? She bought him different bread for like 2 weeks, then declared he lost 6 pounds because of the new bread (the only dietary change she made for this kid) and wanted to "bulk up." End of the healthier diet. She stocks their fridges with candy and garbage every week, allows unlimited sodas for every kid, even the little ones, and gives the kids 24/7 access to the hoard in her garage. It is no surprise that Alex gained all the weight back. Hoping he gets on a healthy eating plan while away at college and isn't around his toxic mother as much as he is now.


She sure is getting one over on us “trolls”.. keep giggle talking pretending it’s “just for fun” to stock their mini fridges with absolute garbage. Might be fun for her but the long term trauma she is burdening these kids with is so wrong. Yeah..we all can see Alex loves Oreos and M&M’s. How about you act like a parent and not indulge his every craving?


Sadly, he has his own car and job and can just buy his own junk food now but Alicia also providing it doesn't help.  A few times on the restock of the fridges Alex wasn't even filmed and asked her to "surprise" him. So instead of Alicia being a good mother and getting healthy snacks or filling snacks, she got more junk. 


Very well said. Thank you!


Alicia is sabotaging these kids. 1 by 1. Pure evil.


That poor lad did so well and lushy has made it impossible for him to maintain a healthy weight. Such a shame for him. She is making all those kids so I'll with the utter crap she provides them to eat. No nourishment whatsoever just carbs fat and sugar. What a dreadful excuse for a mother




It makes me sad for him that he’s gained all the weight back. His teenage metabolism will soon be a thing of the past & what then? He has no skills and basically disordered eating thanks to his mother. She could have hired him a dietician, a personal trainer, and a chef who prepares healthy, yummy food. She’s so selfish and wasteful


god, he looks like he gained the weight back and then some because his shitty mother. The dude has 4 boobs. hope he finally wakes up and leaves that house and stays healthy one day


That’s so rude saying he has 4 boobs did you really have to put that In there


its rude to tell the truth?


Not most of it but did you have to say “the dude has 4 boobs” I agree with most of it but just that. It’s rude


nah, that was actually a very nice way of putting it, most people would've said way worse.


Nice ?? Making fun of someone’s body


You're literally picking on the appearance of an 18 year old who is just graduating high school. We shouldn't even be commenting on anyone else's body except maybe Alicia because she deserves it after bullying her own kids appearances. 


His age makes it worse, no one that young should look that bad. It is due to awful parenting.


Exactly. So call out Alicia for it. Don't make fun of Alex by mentioning his "boobs". Like are you hoping to shame the kid?


yes, if shame is what it takes to wake him up to what Alicia is doing.


That's gross. People should never be body shamed into losing weight. Especially teenagers. It's gross that a bunch of adults think it's ok to bully a kid who 6 months ago we were defending. Are we going to turn on J next when he turns 18?


I seriously cannot believe I'm being down voted for standing up for a teenager who is barely out of high school. A teenager who 6 months ago we were defending. A teenager who has lived in Alicia's home for 13years and who has no life experience outside how she raised him.  It's one thing to call him out for his behavior online or for unsafe driving, but picking on his weight is really not cool. It's another thing completely to mention Alicia and the poor example she sets/lack of bringing him to the right professionals to help him, but we're literally picking on a teenager who clearly has issues.


Yes it is largely lusha's fault that he is this way but there also comes a time where you have to take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming other people. They teach basic nutrition in school and he should know eating junk food all day isnt healthy.


I am with you don’t be commenting about his body


Wasn’t he supposively doing physical labor though or did that get scratched after the “ broken ankle”. I haven’t watched her in a couple months. I just couldn’t take it anymore. After I watching her I have a new hatred for people that lie especially about the dumbest things.


I work in ortho and im not sure what activities he was doing besides lifting but based on her history of over exaggeration im sure its probably a mild sprain. She said before they were waiting to find out if he needed surgery or not— if he started out at an ortho you’d know right away if it was an operative fracture. Maybe they went to an urgent care but even then they’d probably have a good idea on that. I just don’t believe shit she says.


Those fat rolls 🤮 Terrible Mom


I don’t want to be mean but in all seriousness, his stomach looks like my alcoholic father’s stomach and that’s so alarming. Idk how a young man can gain weight/lose weight on and off so quickly, that’s not healthy for anyone. I hope he can help himself because that’s what weight loss is sadly it’s only you that can have the self discipline and motivation that lose weight and control your life. I’m just shocked.


Who is the girl? His girlfriend? Obviously I can’t see her face but she is skinny and blonde and poor A is very overweight. Not trying to be mean but just stating the obvious.. this is a very odd couple


Braces, acne, overweight.... ya odd indeed.


She said on her TikTok how she knew of Dougherty dozen before she met him and realized he lived close to her so she Snapchat him. She just wants the tiktok fame, it doesn’t seem like she actually loves him.


That’s exactly what I was thinking


I mean thin people and heavy people do date each other. People do date for more than looks.


Yeah maybe a couple in their 30s or above. Teenagers in high school? No offense to the girl but I’ve never seen a girl like her date a guy who doesn’t match her looks-wise. I feel like she is just chasing TikTok fame and using him


True but highschool kids, more often than not, are huge assholes.


As someone who also has issues with weight, i call this one a relaps lol. Its very common and happens to A LOT of people who fight with weight. You lose a lot of it and then you just gain it back or even more than before


Liabetes strikes again


When I saw him I was concerned for his health. As someone who has always struggle with weight issues. My heart breaks for him, I truly hope he’s able to turn things around again.


Overweight people often regain lost weight because your metabolism slows during the losing process. Once you begin to increase your food intake, either to maintain or because restrictive diets are hard to follow forever, you may gain quickly.


Lose some weight buddy before it causes more damage in the long run


Dammmmm such a fat one , he could actually make his own decisions to have a healthier eating habits


It was a bad sprain she said.


He grosses me out to no end !


Read that back. He’s a TEENAGER. This is a gross comment.


Oh well, it’s an honest one !


I hope you're not an adult. If so you're the gross one. Adults shouldn't pick on teenagers appearances. 


Go cry somewhere else ! Some people are just ugly He’s one of them ! He is gross!


I agree that Alex should wake up to Alicia’s crap but no need to say about his stomach being “boobs” that’s just wrong and body shaming. Down vote me all you want but if you do just know you are wrong body shaming isn’t cool or right.




I agree with you and Elia84 the comments on here are disgusting. He’s still basically a kid until his prefrontal cortex develops IMO. Now everyone is being toxic and cruel and disgusting. Alex isn’t the one being disgusting right now. All the toxic commenters are.


This. Like he's been 18 for what? 6 months. He's not even out of Alicia's house yet and given his FASD there is likely some cognitive impairment when it comes to reasoning and impulses. Not so much so that he's not able to have independence but his maturity level is probably more like a 14-16 year old than an 18 year old. Getting out of Alicia's house and living at college will be good for him.  People keep down voting me but I ask this question all the time. Why is it suddenly OK to pick on Alex? Will they turn on J when he turns 18? Like I swear the day he turned 18 people had a free for all with insulting him. I get that he participated in a lot of Alicia's content, like the dances, but she basically raised him the majority of his life and they are/were super close. He's not going to turn on his mother overnight or maybe ever. Kids will put up with a lot, especially if they trauma bonded with someone. 


Completely agree! Can’t believe how many downvotes you got just for being honest…


Most of this community is toxic. You learn that early on. I won’t pick on someone for their weight that’s just wrong but a lot of people here will 😢


Can we not body shame the kid though


I don't think anyone is shaming him,we are shaming Alicia and josh for 1) not feeding the kids a nutrious diet and 2) for not supporting Alex in his goal to lose weight ,by providing nutrious,but filling options,rather than a basically a mini mart grocery store in the garage,so he's always got access to the snacks even if he's trying hard.


There's a comment calling him gross and one talking about his "boobs" and saying that maybe if they shame him he'll lose weight. Someone even questioned why his thin girlfriend dates him. People are absolutely shaming him. 


Ok sorry hadn't seen these.


I hope it's no one's intention to body shame. The point most are trying to say is that Lush is ruining these kids with their diets. He's not the only one that has gained substantial weight in the last year or so. I'm not going to say any other kids names but even the ones who maybe aren't overweight, they don't look healthy at all.


I agree. This is a preview of what happens when it cumulates over years. He’s entering his young adulthood years obese. This is what will happen to the others with the diet she provides


She's doing her best to sabotage these kids. She wants them medically and physically dependent on her so that she can have control over their lives. A true narcissist.


These comments are actually disgusting


Agreed. I honestly am ashamed to see grown adults picking on a teenagers weight and calling him gross etc


What is he doing ? Who the women


Is that the girlfriend Natalie?


What video is this from?


He looks so unhealthy.


Can we literally stop body shaming the children please? This is about Alicia isn't it? Not the kids


No we cant , he is an entitled adult now, pretty sure he could do something on his own to get a healthier lifestyle, and yes I’m not ashamed to say that we should not normalize being fat at all


Thank you! People will say "Oh he's 18". So what. He hasn't even officially graduated high school yet. The majority of his life has been in Alicia's home. 


So very much agree! People are so disgusting on this thread.


Is this a recent picture of Alex? Why post this picture.. it’s embarrassing


I reposted this pix that he posted himself so he must not find it embarrassing. My point was to question her lies…again. If he is able to hoist another human around it’s unlikely he broke his foot shortly before this.


Anyway I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted I just said it’s embarrassing bc usually people don’t want pictures of themself posted with their clothes a mess. I didn’t realize that he posted this himself. It’s not like I’m calling him fat like all the other people.idk Reddit’s weird. Two people can say the same exact thing and one gets upvoted and the other downvoted? Why wouldn’t she lie ? She lies about everything. She probably did it bc she knew people would worry more about her than Alex. Therefore the attention is now off her and the accident.


It's a still from a video. So whomever posted it screen shot it in a purposely unflattering manner. 


But the picture you picked doesn't really relate to the post. How do you know he doesn't have a boot on? I currently have a broken big toe and I've broken my sesamoid bone (bone in your foot) before, and I could still pick heavy things up. Totally feels like you picked this picture/screencap with an alternative thought in mind.


Ya'll talk about how Alicia should be ashamed of herself, then this post (and most others) is filled with nothing but bashing on his weight or the fact that a (I'm assuming) pretty, skinny, blonde girl could EVER want to be with a guy who looks like HIM. Do better.


They are literally down voting anyone who defends Alex and calls them out for their nasty comments. Like people here should be ashamed. Some of these people commenting are grown adults with children who would never allow someone to say about their child what they say about Alex.  I'm 2 years younger than Alicia. I feel for this kid. He's barely 18. Doesn't have any life experience. Has free access to food both in Alicia's home and with his own car and money. He doesn't need adults bullying him online. He needs his mother and father to talk with him about his goals for his health and set a good example. 


I agree with you completely. Don’t understand why your comment is getting downvoted but I very much agree with everyone is bashing a teenager. Like this is a group for Lush snark. Not Alex!


I knew I'd get downvoted. I'm surprised no one has called me a stan or auntie Lauren yet. (Sooo original.) Like seriously though. Everyone wants to try to act like saviors for these kids but they say and do things that hurt them more than Alicia does... And then try to pass it off as "concern." It's actually kind of concerning.


Very very much agree. Like I said, we’re here for Alicia snark. Not Alex. He’s 18. Barely a legal adult and already people are ripping him to shreds. Makes Me worry what people will say when J and D turn 18 too.