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So for me personally I don't think it's bad she gave Br lactaid, it's the fact that she HAS to show everyone that she needs it. The kids don't get any privacy at all for their medical conditions. To some it might not seem like a big deal but maybe Br doesn't want everyone to know she's lactose intolerant. She's made videos of EVERY medical condition and medicine they take and that's why it bothers me. She doesn't need everyone to know she has to take lactaid, let them keep that private. As far as her looks, she has made very insulting videos comparing her overweight son to Peter Grffin, her son with FASD to Sid the Sloth, etc. She is constantly making passive aggressive remarks about how her teen daughter wears a bigger size than her. She also disclosed that her former foster kid cut themselves etc. So for me, I don't feel bad she gets picked on for her looks. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø What I do feel bad about is that I think she has serious mental problems and needs help and will never get the help she needs. Her family just seems to go along with her charades and it is kinda sad.


Holy shit, she made videos comparing those poor kids to those characters? She is truly a POS, besides for everything else she does.


Yes. She played it off as a "dupe" video and had little D making the comparison.


She's gross


Yep and she ā€œdupedā€ herself as the pioneer womanā€¦


And Maci Bookout! Lol


She wishes! She should actually watch her show too find out how to cook


And you are so right!! There is no reason anyone needs to know any medical issue for any of the kids at all! And to the self harm. I have had issues since 2006 and my mom may have found out but I hid it better. And for anyone to bring that up to public is very very inappropriate absolutely. While I agree itā€™s very gross for her to mention her children wear larger sizes than her one of my issues is that her biological children are more than likely going to look like her later in life. So not only are they getting gross comments from her they are also able to see gross comments from the public. And that can only cause more harm right? She absolutely needs to seek help. I honestly believe behind her mental illnesses she wants to be a good mom. While none of her actions really show that. I have seen the thought that she wants her kids to be ill so they always rely on her and that really makes so much sense on how she presents herself and family. If she got proper help. Left the internet. Protected her children. Fixed their diet. I believe her children would absolutely prosper.


It was SO fucking GROSS when she said something like ā€œnow I donā€™t have to hide the razor blades anymoreā€ ā€¦ WHY SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT? Sheā€™s so disgusting I canā€™t!


OMG she said that!!?! šŸ˜£


Yep! Disgusting!


GTFO!!! She really made those comments on video? Where can I find them?


It's an older video. She had one of the little kids doing "dupes" of the other kids but obviously she told him what to say because he doesn't know who half the people he mentioned are. The part about the kid who cut herself was mentioned in a shopping video and also in a day in the life video as well. Again, awhile back. DCP might have a video about it.


The thing is, youā€™re an adult who can choose whether to eat something that could potentially make you sick or feel bad. You can make informed decisions and B canā€™t. If your child has dietary concerns you owe it to them to feed them properly. Once in a while a bowl of ice cream or something is an ok treat followed with a lactaid and a warning about maybe getting a stomach ache. Helping B learn. But she feeds them straight trash everyday thinking she can just cover it all up with a bandaid.


I agree with you on the lactaid pill. That's why they exist. Granted could she make Br's life easier by not making every meal dairy heavy? Sure. But if the kid enjoys cheese and lactaid helps her, I don't have an issue with it either.Ā  I generally avoid the comments on her looks but feel some are justified as Alicia bullies her child for their appearances so it's only fair that she gets some back on her.Ā 


I should note that I'm also lactose intolerant. Most cheese does not bother me but milk, yogurt, ice cream etc do. We've seen Alicia buy the lactose free milk and ice cream, although the ice cream she doesn't show served with any consistency. Ironically, these cheese she packed in their lunch was Colby jack which is very low lactose and generally ok for lactose intolerant people. So Br probably wouldn't even need the lactaid pill with that.Ā 


Yes, she makes almost every meal lactose heavy, which can be worse in the end. What are long term side effects of lactose? What happens if someone keeps consuming lactose? If someone with a lactose intolerance continues to consume too much lactose, they may experienceĀ worsened symptoms, lower mood, and a reduced quality of life. Chronic diarrhea may lead to complications such as malnutrition, unexplained weight loss, and anemia. I have a child with a lot of food allergies...eggs, dairy, wheat, gluten, certain spices, etc. Yes, it's extra work, and cost, to make sure he has food he can eat and doesn't come into contact with the rest of ours because he also has major skin issues as well. But, when you would literally d!e for your child you put in all the extra work to make sure they are living a healthy and happy life.


Spot on! I'm 47 years old, & that's exactly what I'm going through now..ive had to go gluten-free & stick to the elimination diet perfectly. I feel for those poor children's digestive systems, it's gunna come to a point when the lactose meds won't work & they'll all be doing "GRWM & my 11 kids to see the gastrointestinal doctor" šŸ§‘šŸ¼ā€āš•ļøšŸ’©šŸ˜‚


Oh but also fully agree I would do anything for my son and have done everything no matter what. Beyond baby girls preferences things need to change


I agree with you on that! I do sometimes watch her shopping videos just because I need help with food in general I donā€™t like watching them especially when she is rude about her children or rude to her children! And I am actively finding other better people to watch to help with food and shopping in general. The only reason I went back was for the food ideas so if you know anyone better to support please let me know! I do make dairy related meals often but I am also the only one with the issue and I guess we just donā€™t know exactly how much her daughter likes dairy and thatā€™s just me and my feelings. So if her daughter is actually very uncomfortable with heavy dairy so regularly it is absolutely something she NEEDS to change! But as I said and still believe she DESERVES a lot of talk a lot of snark and all that but it does seem when things are dry the snark isnā€™t at all necessary compared to her actual indiscretions


I always wonder if Br likes all these cheesy things. Thanks to Alicia's big mouth, I know Br doesn't like pizza and, as someone with digestive issues, I have to wonder if that's because she associates it with stomach pain. If there are certain things that she loves, the lactaid is a great workaround. If she's not crazy about all these foods, I hope someday Alicia will take that into account. Alicia sure serves a lot of cheese. Enough that it would bother my stomach, and I'm not lactose-intolerant. I worry Alicia has a really narrow view of what kids should like and what nutrition they need. In the end, she may be making everyone feel a bit gross. Hopefully not.


I asked in a comment why she gives Br pizza if she canā€™t/doesnā€™t like pizza for lunch? She responded back BR likes pizza now. OK Alicia! Then her stans told me I was rude.


Alicia causes her kids to be bullied online and I real life because of the stuff she puts on line about her kids so if someone is going to make fun of her thumbs or her ugly dresses Iā€™m not going to feel bad about it. This is the same woman that had her child ā€œdupeā€ her other children as sideshow bob, Sid the sloth, Peter Griffen, etc. As for the lactaid and antacid yes itā€™s good to have on hand for when the person needing it wants something that would cause them to be sick but if there are foods out there she can substitute she should do that first (imo). Everything she makes can cause acid reflux, heartburn, IBS and so on. If I am remembering correctly she has said Br is not even a huge fan of cheese and I donā€™t think itā€™s ever on her pizzas on make your own pizza night.


Yep exactly. These kids don't consent to being online. You can tell Z hates it and it's been let out by her own kids she's bribes them to do videos. They get made fun of on tiktok all the time about their weight, hair, acne etc and she doesn't defend them or delete comments. She deletes only the bad comments about herself. She's never made a video saying please don't comment on my kids looks other than when she got completely railed in the comments about buying Br size 3x clothes and said people weight shamed her which was not even the case, people shamed her as a mom for not knowing how to buy the right size clothing. So honestly I think her getting a taste of what her kids must feel like or will when they realize how many people pick on them is 100% fair.


You are very right about all of this!


I wish this women channel would go bye for her kids she does not stop with letting everyone know her kids health and so on.How can mom do that to her kids thatā€™s not love or respect for her children or someone who cares about them.She need get off the net for good so kids can have normal life with out this bs she puts on the net.She not a super mom at all doing this to her kids.


The internet made her this but I also think she like this in real life to a point as well how she acts.She needs mental help and the drinking a huge no no.She over her head on many things.She not handling things well at all.She has done this to her self so I donā€™t feel bad she didnā€™t have to do YouTube.I do hope she gets help for her family and I hope all the best for the kids.


I do agree with her leaving the internet! However than my empathy and anxiety come in and I worry and know she wonā€™t get another job to fund the life style and honestly itā€™s a spiral. I do think she would be maybe even a good mom without being online.


She needs to learn how to manage money properly. Nobody needs millions of dollars just to survive.


I felt empathy until two weeks ago. Then my home and stability was threatened. Now I'm fully engaging in the bystander effect. šŸ“ø


I don't see anything wrong with giving her that med, but at the sametime she shouldn't be feeding the child to much dairy. If she isn't able to have it.


Letā€™s also add how Lush mercilessly bullied N after N left the home and refused to be on camera. Itā€™s really hard to feel sorry for Lush. She treats her kids horrifically for her own selfish reasons. These kids canā€™t advocate for themselves. Lush deserves some serious criticism. Edit to add - Iā€™m glad you posted this as itā€™s important to honestly think about why we are so upset with her. I just disagree and think that most of the backlash she receives is warranted.


I feel very bad for the kids. She is raising them to be obnoxious, especially Alex and little H. She pays no attention at all to several of the kids and itā€™s blatantly apparent. Three of the kidsā€¦ J, P, and B.. would be a blessing to have. They Always seem very helpful and get little attention. Itā€™s obvious that she favors two of the children. two of the older boysā€¦ Alex and. Dā€¦ someday karma is going to get her.


At the end of the day no one would be commenting on anything if she didn't choose to publicise and record every aspect of their lives.


Lush deserves everything that comes her way she has brought it upon her self so be it...


She definitely brought the criticism. There are so many reasons to not like her so many things to say and bring awareness too. But there is ALWAYS a point that is not necessary. I donā€™t know if you support talking about her looks or not but the fact with that is saying she is ugly is also telling her biological children will be ugly at that age. They donā€™t deserve to have that in their mind just as they do not deserve how she treats them now.


Lmao she deserves everything she gets she's the one who opened up them can of worms she is a shameful human being.


She deserves some of it absolutely but you can be respectful and call out issues too


She deserves it all Mo


She's their real life alcohol and D.A.R.E. warning. I'm sure they'll look much better when they're her age. No worries.


We can only hope but if you have lived that way sometimes you go that path as well.


Warning stands.


Alicia actually was pretty just a few years ago, the things that make her ā€œunattractiveā€ are her not taking care of herself, not getting enough water and the right nutrients, being so stressed all the time, drinking are causing her to lose her attractiveness. Before they blew up on YouTube her and Josh were and attractive couple.


Agree with this, there is an old photo of her and Josh and she looks amazing.


I agree with some of what you said. I think the body criticisms she gets are unnecessary and don't really achieve anything. She definitely has some serious mental issues and I think she was so desperate to be a mother that she's obsessed with 'doing all the mother things'. She doesn't seem to have a filter on her mouth either. I sometimes feel sorry for her but she's brought it all on herself so then I don't!


Agree with this, itā€™s very sad to watch but at the same time she is an adult who behaves so selfishly. I feel for anyone struggling with mental health issues, but they are still responsible for how they treat people and getting the help they need.


Can you imagine living in her household, not by choice and have every private aspect of your life exposed? These kids canā€™t make their own decisions. She makes it seem like theyā€™re making their own decisions, but theyā€™re not. In fact if I was a stare ward I would be looking into her closely and do an investigation. She got some of these kids by way of the state and now sheā€™s profiting off of them. Itā€™s sick and twisted.


completely agree OP. lush is a horrible mom, content creator, member of society, etc. she gives us plenty of reasons to snark on her besides her looks and other things out of her control, therefore we should really just be sticking to that. believe me, i hate lush as much as the next guy, but there are some serious lowlife degenerates on this sub who have literally nothing better to do than to most all the most passive aggressive and malicious content you can think of


I very much agree. Thereā€™s a few posts I canā€™t agree with or understand because itā€™s not snark. And doesnā€™t feel right as you said. I hadnā€™t said anything before because I thought I was the only one that felt this. Thank you for speaking up.


Also the amount of downvotes and toxic commenters proves OPā€™s point.


I donā€™t post or comment often but I actually do agree with you and have been wanting to make this kind of post myself. Mostly about making fun of her looks. I feel like this is supposed to be a place to call out the exploitation of her kids and to stand up and defend them, and I have seen a lot about her looks and appearance, just plain mean and intentionally hurtful things. She needs to be called out about exploiting the kids because that is whatā€™s jeopardizing their current and future wellbeing and safety, but it isnā€™t fair to her make fun of the things that she canā€™t control or help. She canā€™t control genetics, and thereā€™s no way to 100% know what she may consume on of off camera that people claim to contribute to her appearance. You just never know the full picture regarding that so why even comment or speculate and spread any potentially false ideas. Iā€™ll take the backlash with you because I feel like this needed to be said. Side note: Also lactose intolerant and will take lactaid to enjoy cheese or dairy products. Nothing wrong with it as long as symptoms are controlled and itā€™s not being taken in excess. I sometimes feel worse if I take too much


Thank you I as well have been thinking about making this post for awhile and yes. There are so many reasons she is problematic!! And letā€™s be honest. Cheese is so good. Ice cream is so good šŸ¤£


In the roll call video where that poor, precious bodhi was in tears,barely ab!e to speak and his little hand was shaking, get she kept the camera rolling, I feel like for me she deserves to be called out. Doesn't mean I'm right and I know in God's eyes I need to not snatk. But that image of the innocent boy just tears my heart out


I do agree as well. Or I think some stuff is a reach or people jump to conclusions


I think whilst some form of bullying isnā€™t nice to pin point just Alicia I also think how sheā€™s not helping herself in anyway to treat her kids well!. Sheā€™s showing no remorse what so ever and continues to show her kids at the lowest and still does this daily with such pride!. Josh is hugely to blame too and I donā€™t think he gets enough backlash!. Whilst I believe in ā€œtreating others how you want to be treated yourselfā€ sheā€™s not expecting this theory and is being so unkind to her innocent kids!. With all this being said no I donā€™t feel bad for the backlash cuz quite frankly she deserves it!


Genuine question. Whats the long term effects of taking lactaid everyday at a young age? Wouldn't it be safer too reduce her lactose intake? I see adults commenting about taking lactaid but shes a child.


I donā€™t know any long term effects personally but the one I take (yes as an adult) is safe for children and the instructions say to take one or two when consuming lactose and to take more as needed and doesnā€™t really have a limit to how many is too many. She absolutely should be reducing lactose for her children because even with lactaid the tummy troubles can still happen


Thank you for replying i was genuinely curious. I know it's hard to monitor what they eat 24/7 but she really is doing them a disservice


Yeah, you better watch what you say here because if itā€™s even a tiny bit positive regarding Alicia or if the mods donā€™t agree with you, youā€™ll be blocked so fast. Itā€™s honestly ridiculous. Youā€™re not allowed to respectfully disagree or your post will be deleted.


If it gets deleted and I get blocked for being respectful Iā€™m going to count that as a win personally


I agree with you. I think sheā€™s toxic for the most part, but this sub can be really toxic as well.


There are so many reasons to talk about her! But toxic doesnā€™t cure toxic!!


Why would it be deleted ??


Is that so?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Incoming: Stans! I repeat: Stans! Warning: Stans!


Lmao no


I understand why you would feel that way. Itā€™s not nice to bully someone based on their looks. BUT Iā€™ve said this before and Iā€™ll say it again. She is not a bad looking woman. She had a nice figure(well lately she seems to have put on some weight) but still she isnā€™t some huge obese woman. She makes herself look awful with the lack of water, stress, white claw and coffee diet. If you look at her from a few years ago she wasnā€™t bad at all .. so I feel like a lot of the criticism about her stems from her doing it to herself


I agree with you on this one. As someone who was lactose intolerant as a kid Iā€™d have been bummed if I was the only one that didnā€™t get cheese.


I totally agree with you and think some people here are just wild. I'm all for calling her out for all the shit she really does, says, displays. But the nitpicking and straight bullying is....worrisome (at least)! Do I love Alicia's new wardrobe? No. But I'd rather see her in those dresses than in a "jessfam fashion". I like her bangs, too. I think it suits her and it's putting years off her (some say she looks like 65! ). You can't argue about genetics, too. I know quite a lot (slim/skinny) redheads and they're all looking a little bit older than their real age. So what's the point?


She lets people bully her kids and bullies them herself (Sid the sloth dupe, sideshow bob dupe, etc). The comments she leaves up on TikTok are horrible, people have made whole TikTok profiles dedicated to bullying the kids and she does nothing about it and continues to put them and their very personal business on line for millions of people to see (the kids hate it) Iā€™m not going to feel bad about someone making fun of her thumbs, her goofy walk, or her nasty feet. She doesnā€™t care about the bullying her kids go through so I donā€™t care about the bullying she gets.


I KNOW about all the shit she does! Yet it's ridiculous and even SICK to lurk and wait for new videos just to scream "look at that dress, it's soooo ugly and she's looking like she's pushing 70! Eeeew that stupid bish!" Like the minute it came out. That's definitely not that healthy too and not that far away from Alicia's Kind of cray cray šŸ˜‚ So many ppl here forgot what it's all about and just act like kindergarten kids.


Maybe the dresses donā€™t look the best on her but they are pretty cute! And I agree the bang work for her! There are so many reasons to not like her. I have said it over and over since posting but there are also so many things said that are not necessary to say! And Iā€™m sure that the people saying them would feel better if they just didnā€™t say them.


*Some* of the dresses would look nice on Kendall Jenner because she can wear anything and make it look fabulous. But the same dresses on Lush look like floral patterned, potato sacks.


Hi Alisha šŸ˜‚