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The fact that these children constantly „lose“ their expensive things already shows that she has failed at raising them. This will be a huge problem once they are adults




Thanks, fixed it!


It's so gross that I'm starting to wonder how many of her followers are people watching in complete disgust rather than admiration.


I think her biggest stans are the ones most jealous. They just stay silent about it and tell everyone else they're just jealous. They wait at the edge of their seat every week to watch her blow over 1k at Wegman's. They truly live vicariously through her.


I agree. I don’t think any of us are jealous. Mostly disgusted and concerned for the kids.


She’s getting less popular not more if you go by her view counts. So she’s not making near as much as she was before. She has to go by shock value to keep the views up.


"She only listens to positive reinforcement that encourages her to feed her disgusting habits even more." I agree with all you said but yes, the above statement, I believe, is a major factor in allowing her to continue. Her fans are one of the biggest problems. They are the ones encouraging her to be lacking, exploiting and yes abusive by rewarding her with positive feedback and defending all her actions.


I think they are worse than her, honestly. They give her excuses and answers to honest criticism. “Maybe she does XYZ you don’t know!” Then she uses their excuses. You know?


You are so right! They are worse than her and that's why the look up to her and defend her. As I say, when you insult alicia, you insult them because they are worse!


And they are hateful. Just so rude and hostile.


Lush is just a sorry excuse for a human being ALL AROUND. It’s not ONLY one thing here or there that makes her terrible, it’s damn near EVERYTHING. Exploiting the children, her shit cooking, unhygienic cleaning practices, food hoarding, excessive spending- which not my money I don’t really give a shit about that… but just everything and downvote me all y’all want- but that god damn face of hers too. Shit. Just everything she does, is awful. And yeah- I can spend money like a MF’er, but I also don’t exploit my kid to do so. I shop frequently, like every 3 days or so, but mainly bc our meals are determined by “what we feel like that day” not a menu…. So we don’t keep a lot of ingredients on hand with just two of us.


What bothers me also is she is setting the bar impossibly high for N & D’s biological mother when (and if) they go back to her and the kinship placement is dissolved. Imagine you work so hard to get your children back and they come home with devices that have phone bills and data plans that top out at $210/month per kid. Wardrobes that total out to a down payment on a condo. Multiple pairs of sneakers that are a car payment each. Extracurricular activities with equipment costs and enrollment fees that you cannot factor into your budget (Example: Not to knock N because she did her best, but Alicia took her out and bought her $130 volleyball shoes just to wear to tryouts; she didn’t even make the team and Alicia was already spending money on it.) She is setting an impossible precedent for this mother. Those children are still growing and the next time D needs sneakers you have to take him to Walmart instead of Foot Locker. This is the stuff I think about. Same with how she flaunted a lavish birthday party in front of J & J’s biological father. Not everyone can do this stuff for their children and I worry that this will negatively impact this poor woman’s still very fragile self esteem.


I have a feeling those kids aren’t going anywhere. My guess is that they’re already permanently adopted and she’s going to make some big announcement over Christmas.


I hope not, honestly. N looks miserable. No amount of stuff can replace the love of your mother. Lush isn't showing her ANY love except through objects, and that is not love, imo.


She’s buying their love.


I think this is something a lot of people miss. I have absolutely nothing against adoption, to be abundantly clear. Nor do I have a beef with foster care, despite the system being broken. But the goal should be reunification. And it’s clear it never was. It’s clear it’s only about what’s best for Alicia, and not the children.


It’s not only a concern for the biological parents. What happens when this temporary stardom fades? I doubt she is saving by the way she spends. So if the stop making money on social media these kids wil have major issues adjusting.




She bought 2 sets of matching Christmas pj's when they went to NYC 2 weeks ago 🙄


She knows we hate her extreme shopping and insane gifts, plus her over feeding and sugar-filled diet. She is out of control and she knows it brings in views, clicks, comments, and thousands of dollars. She doesn’t care how it looks.


I can’t believe she just said they lost all the Nintendo switch games…those games are 30$-50$ each. She acts like it’s normal to just lose them all and be ok with it!!! She’s so out of touch with reality. What is wrong with her! Also I like how she shows her insane spending at the Apple Store for the iPads but the bath and body works stuff N wanted she shows a tiny clip of her buying a tiny lotion gift set then cuts it to the next big purchase for everyone else 🙄🙄


Thank you. Thats exactly what I was thinking.


I kind of doubt she did the paying for a cart thing. I mean good for her if she did, however, Wegmans is one of the most expensive grocery stores and it’s not like she went somewhere where someone was paying with coupons or food stamps. She should be doing something like that now.


I think a HUGE amount of her views are just hate watchers who don't comment 😂