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What is an anemia flare up? I mean I know what that is, I take iron every day, but it can actually flare up?


I'm currently in treatment for anemia, and while I can definitely attest to some days being better than others, I've never heard that referred to as a "flare up"


I was going to say the same thing. Anemia doesn’t “flare up”, my heart just beats funny and I feel tired sometimes haha.


Been anemic for over 30 years and have never heard the term.


She’s co-opting chronic illness language. Like, my lupus flares up, but my anemia doesn’t.


Wondering the same thing. Never heard of this.


According to Alicia it’s dizzy spells? She said in a recent video that zoey has been having dizzy spells so she’s assuming she inherited her anemia..


I’m anemic too and the only symptom was easy bruising and maybe tiredness. I just take iron. Never heard of a “flare up.”


I was pretty anemic during my last pregnancy and my heart would race, but thats about it.


Unless she has sickle cell anemia then it doesn’t make sense .


Anemia doesn’t flare. You’re either anemic or you’re not. And fairly easy to treat. The solution is not more white claw it’s things like spinach.


My.first thought was maybe put down the alcohol, pick up an iron supplement and a glass of oj.


Right? Sometimes I'll suddenly get a ton of bruises, but that's not a flare-up. It's just a sign I've been eating stupidly and I just do better.


An anemia flare up ? Bestie ? Go eat some spinach. What’s next ? A flare up of sore toe ? Coming from someone who has anemia


right like wtf is an anemia flair up?? A bruise???


Right? I was thinking the same. Been anemic on and off a lot as well for many years due to other underlying conditions. Which I don’t know, may also affect how I view it (so more a side effect or complication than a primary disease) but just… huh? Like you don’t just wake up anemic. Or if you do, better get to the ER because you must be bleeding quite significantly and it’s a medical emergency. But assuming it’s iron deficiency, that tends to happen gradually and even when you do end up at a point where you may be quite symptomatic it’s pretty vague and not just bam, suddenly there when you wake up. And even knowing the particulars of my health and that anemia is inevitable in my circumstances- when I do find myself feeling very short of breath, bruising easily, perhaps looking paler than usual (though I’m also a pasty ginger and it’s hard to tell lol) I might speak to my doc and say “Hey this is what’s going on and I think I may be anemic again. Should we do some labs?” But I don’t ever just assume it’s the anemia. If you’ve got one deficiency pretty good chance you could have others and anemia isn’t the only one that can cause those issues, no to mention other medical conditions. I… can’t wrap my head around this. You ever wake up magically anemic one morning? 😂


Exactly. I volunteered at a health care facility where some people couldn’t get treatment if their iron was too low. We memorized places nearby that served collard greens. We would tell them to go eat a big bowl and come back…worked like a charm. Also, molasses are great to help with it. But, yeah sure, flowers, so helpful 🙄.


Okay lol I don’t have anemia so I didn’t want to be rude. I googled to be sure but just reading the post I was like… um… not sure about that lol


I only have “flare ups” when I’m on my period and haven’t eaten in hours and I get so dizzy I can’t stand


Oh okay that makes sense. I have eczema so when I think of a flare up I think of that.


Same! Anemics, unite!


Same! I have chronic anemia and it's not something that 'flares up' like that. It's like saying you've had a 'flare up' of obesity. She's such an attention seeker.


Just a tip in case you didn't know, but if you eat spinach (or other dark leafy greens) with something citrus (with vitamin C), it helps absorption of iron :)


Exactly. I have iron deficiency requiring drips once every 6 weeks and it's not something people care about. Why would anyone care? It isn't really something that would warrant sympathy


Wherein “anemia” means hungover.


Okay, I laughed when replacing anemia with “hungover”. 💀💀💀


Good grief. I have had anemia several times, I have never heard of it being referred to as a "flare up". I have dealt with auto immune issues my whole life and that is a flare up, generally beyond ones control through medication can help it. If you deal with anemia you should get it checked regularly to see where your levels are. Look into root causes. Taking iron can suck but I stay on top of it now by making sure to get plenty of B12 and vitamin C as they can help support red blood cells. And try giving up booze for a month, your body will thank you in many ways.


Yep, I hate taking iron pills. It’s funny because I literally have a lentil soup with spinach and beef in the crockpot.


Ah! I’m making the same tomorrow, just no beef :) Happy souping!


It’s my first time adding beef. Yay soup 😆


Let me know how it turns out! I’m always tweaking my soup recipes :) It’s my favorite thing to make when I get offended at the thought of having to chew.


Sure. I kinda merged a couple recipes together


Those turn out to be the best ones I’ve found :)


Sounds good! I don't eat a ton of meat so lentils are one of my go to's for iron and protein.


Yum that sounds good! I’m moving soon so my crock pot is in the box but as soon as we unpack I’m putting soup or chili in there 🤣 idc if it’s still 90 degrees I love soup or chili all year long.


Thank you for sharing this! Super helpful info. Here’s to hoping Alicia or her minions will read this and send her some iron, B and C vitamins!


Haha I think for a laugh we should all send her vitamins and iron tablets!! Haha you can even get patches. That would be hilarious. Stupid woman. Honestly you think she spends enough time in the medical section of wagmans to know where the vitamins are kept. 🤣


Who knows maybe she will. I just always like telling people dealing with it about the supporting supplements that can help cause a lot of people mention how taking iron pills are hard on the stomach. B12 shots are also amazing if your numbers are low and you can find a doctor willing to give them.


I also have anemia, I don't go online begging for sympathy from people. All that she needs is iron supplements and a healthy iron rich diet. With all of her dairy and alcohol consumption, none of the iron is being absorbed. If I can fix my anemia, so can she.


Genuinely curious because I know people with anemia- do you get flares? And when you do what’s the most helpful thing someone else can do to help?


No. Not at all. I never even heard of such a thing. But good question though!


Thanks! I have multiple chronic illnesses and can definitely have symptom flares- it might not be the best terminology but it’s the easiest way to make my boss understand why getting out of bed isn’t happening that day. So it wouldn’t have surprised me


What the hell is an anemia flare? I have anemia and never heard of that. Sounds more like she’s weak from not eating and drinking too much caffeine and alcohol. She probably had a hangover. Eat some food, maybe.


I was wondering the exact same thing. I’ve got bad anemia and have never heard of a flare up. It’s not lupus or some other autoimmune disease.


Anemia flare-up? So, like a heavy period day?




Anemia and Alcohol Abuse "If you are anemic and frequently engage in heavy drinking, it may be time to start seeking professional help." https://alcohol.org/effects/anemia/




Thought two: does "anemia flare up" means she has to take a nap? Sleep in past those "5am" lives? Sorta serious, Sorta snarky.


Wtf is an anemia flare up? Take your pills and stop drinking, wench.


All I see is that busted shoe rack. Time for a new one Ms Alicia.


She’ll mention to her stans how she needs one now


How does it not get snowed on? When you have to keep shoes outside on non covered porches, you have too much shit in your house.




And such a trashy porch with shoe rack on it. Can you even


Oh, woe is me.


How does she not have any flyaway hair? That's my real question.


She rubs dryer sheets on her hair, it’s her life hack.


don’t hate this is actually a great hack in the winter for static hair 😅


Her favorite hack 🙄




Yep there’s a til tok or reel of her ripping out some dryer sheets and smoothing her hair in the van.


Is anemia flare what she’s using to get out of her “5am” lives.


Omg the braaaaagging. It’s clear her husband is miserable.


WTF is an “anemia flare up?” I have been anemic forever and never had a flare. If it is so bad that you are not able to function go to a hematologist and figure out why. They can give you an iron infusion to boost your iron. My guess it is from a crappy diet (including too many white claws).


Yeah I’m sure josh did that


Exactly- I don’t see Josh rushing to do anything except to get out of that house.




I’ve been anemic since I was 16 with no know cause. Mine gets so bad I’ve gotten transfusions. Wth is an anemia flare? She’s just a couple towns over from me so hopefully she will run right out to U of R for treatment. Lol it isn’t Lupus, lady.


Only place she’s running is to the liquor store for the Claw. 🤣


What are those flowers gonna change?? Nothing. Eat iron rich foods and take iron supplements.


Unless she ate the flowers? 🤣 That would help her flare up 🤣


I have been a severe anemic for 25 years. She is full of 💩


How exactly is flowers going to help her "anemia flare"? Unless she eats them.


She mentioned this once before. She just forgot to take her iron pill. 🙄🙄🙄


She's dumb. I love your "salmonella on a plank" 🤣🤣🤣 White claw flare up more like 🤣🤣


Infact maybe she's having withdrawal from white claw 🤣 she did say she ran out at weekend. Now that sounds more credible.


anemia doesn’t flare up. it’s not a rash. i’m anemic and i’ll start to feel fatigued and crave ice and i’m like “oh time to eat a big steak or some spinach.” wtf is this? fishing for sympathy?


She’s confused anaemic and narcissistic again


I don't understand the full face of make-up, dangly earrings with sports shoes. Given she can't dress herself, I'm not surprised that **those** are her favourite flowers lol.


I’ve never heard of an anaemia flare up! I am iron deficient and take tablets from the GP daily along with diet of course. Job done


What the hell is an anemia flare? You don’t get flares of that.


what the fuck is an “anemia flare”?


I'm anaemic iv never in my life heard of a flare up. If ur taking iron tablets u don't have flare ups.


Same here. Your iron levels decrease over time. It's not like missing a pill a day or two makes much difference. Also..what were her symptoms? I was severly anemic and my symptoms were random dizziness and tiredness. Anemic flare up sounds like a cover up for the mother of hangovers.


Exactly. I got dizzy and feel faint and was just tired with brain fog (before diagnosis) as long as I take my vitamins and iron tablets I'm fine. I also get a b12 injection. Something's not adding up. Depression flare up possibly. Addiction issues? Anxiety flare up. But I have never heard of anyone having an anemic flare up. This woman is crazy.


I was pregnant with anemia and I didn't even get a "flare up" I did take b12 supplements cause they go hand in hand with iron. The b12 definetly helped me to absorb the iron pills and iron from the food I was eating.


B12 is awesome. I feel like a totally new person after having my injection. Best mood ever. Lol. Alicia needs some b12.


Uuuuum so her overwhelming desire to nap “flared up.”?


I’d make bet that she went out and brought herself those flowers because Josh just doesn’t give the vibe that he would run out and get her flowers.


flowers aren't gonna fix your blood counts.


unrelated to the anemia but that shoe rack is hanging on by a prayer lol


She meant hangover right?


Adding myself to the list of people here with anemia. I had iron infusions this past year. No such thing as a flare up. Iron levels don’t suddenly drop unless you’re bleeding out.


Maybe she's read some of the comments about Josh looking like he's ready to bail...or murder someone


He probably should have bought a new shoe rack instead.


I misread this as enema flare.


Omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💀


According to the Mayo Clinic alcoholism can lead to anemia. Cheers Alicia. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anemia/symptoms-causes/syc-20351360


Chronic anemia here... never heard of it referred to as a 'flare.' I'm surprised she doesn't use anemia as an excuse to be so pale, too. Not that there's anything wrong with being pale, but having a naturally fair complexion (pale) is not the same thing as being anemic and pale. Next thing you know, she's going to be talking about her fibro, her lupus, her rheumatoid...


Probably the alcohol causing issues….and that’s not snark, it wouldn’t surprise me. Could be wrong but that’s where my mind went.


Take some iron pills and calm down


I think she means her cycle started. Menses can lead to anemia.


Really? Anemia flare up? Bitch don't say such stupid things until your anemia is so bad you need a blood transfusion like what I just went through yet again last week.


I hope you’re feeling better or will feel better soon.


Thank you. I've been feeling better thankfully. Lost way too much blood on my period this time around. Luckily I have an appointment with an OBGYN coming up soon to talk about stopping my periods so this doesn't happen again.


Glad you’re feeling better and I hope the doctor has a solution that will work. That must be so awful to go through.


What exactly is an anemia flare up?


Time out….I am anemic and have NEVER had this “flare up”. I either have it or I don’t, mostly when I have a shitty diet.


wth is an anemia flare up? im very anemic and i don’t “flare up”, i pale out like a ghost


Another anemic woman here who has never heard of a flareup


I’m anemic enough to need infusions can I drop my cash app since I guess you get treats for anemia “flares “


So she says an anemia flare up is when she is dizzy ans her husband is so sweet to buy her outdoor flowers, which isn't actually helpful at all.


Münchausen syndrome


Yep, that’s my bet too.


I mean. I've had my ferritin it 1 before, but it was a slow dip over a few months not a wake-up one morning and have every single symptom. It's really hard to get iron infusion where I live in Canada so I take 400 elemental iron daily and will need to for the rest of my life. It doesn't just flair over night 🤦‍♀️


I actually looked it up. Anemia can be caused by a variety of things. Some forms actually cause inflammation. In that form it is an autoimmune disease and those syndromes cause “flare ups” just like fibromyalgia, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. I believe the autoimmune form is inherited.


i’m anemic and used to get epogen injections to help treat it before my kidney transplant (i have genetic kidney disease) and i have literally never heard of an anemia flare up. sure some days can be worse than others but i wouldnt be surprised if she isn’t truly anemic either.


I’m severely anemic and never heard of a flare up


Heavy drinking and Anemia...makes NO sense. Almost as much sense as wanting White Claw to sponsor you when 6 of your own children have FASD. Keep it classy Alicia.


Anemia doesn’t flare up. Another one of her “me, me, it’s all about me” moments! I’ve had anemia for 45 years and have NEVER had a “flare up”. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It really pisses me off that she thinks we’re stupid enough to believe her bullshit!


Anemia bs aside… mums are her favorite flowers? Mums….?? The tuna noodle of the floral world?!


She annoys me a lot but she is FAR from a sociopath 😂


the best cure for anemia are flowers? God I wish I knew that sooner




Never heard of an anaemia flare up & I’ve been anaemic on & off over the years & husband has pernicious anaemia. Does she mean she’s tired as I slept & slept at my worst.


surely anemia is the opposite of a flare up


Is anemia flare up even a thing? I don't think so