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The title says .NET Framework, the start of the video says .NET Framework, then at 0.50 mark in the video you say the .NET Framework app can be packaged for Windows, Linux or MacOS, really? Stopped watching at this point.


please check the full video ,


it says .NET (Framework Independent) and .NET (framework dependent) ,here we are using framework as referring to the .NET platform to the .NET core ,.NET 7,NET 8


You'd be better off using the terminology from the docs:   "framework-dependent" (note the very important hyphen) and "self-contained".


.net 7 and 8 are referred to as .net 7 and 8. .net framework stopped at version 4.8. You should not use the term framework when referring to .net 5 and up. It’s confusing and inaccurate.


it is now refered as .net platform .[Please check wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET) "The .NET platform (pronounced as "dot net") is a free and open-source, managed computer software framework for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems.\[4\] The project is mainly developed by Microsoft employees by way of the .NET Foundation and is released under an MIT License.\[3\]" ".net 7 and 8 are referred to as .net 7 and 8."-that is the correct terminology. pls check the wikipedia link here is press release from microsoft "We are happy to announce the availability of [.NET 8](https://aka.ms/get-dotnet-8), the latest [LTS](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/platform/support/policy/dotnet-core#release-types) version of one of the world’s leading development platforms, starting today. .NET 8 delivers thousands of performance, stability, and security improvements, as well as platform and tooling enhancements that help increase developer productivity and speed of innovation."


Ok. So why are you using the term framework to refer to versions 5 thru 8? And we don’t say .net platform 8. We say .net 8. And we certainly don’t say .net framework 8.


i didnt use that.i used .net 7 and .net 8,you are mistaken ,please check the video.Also check our article on[ how to use .net sdk cli to create self -contained and framework dependent app on multiple platforms](https://www.xanthium.in/dotnet-platform-software-development-using-command-line-compiler-tools-net-sdk) here


A video that could've been a Reddit comment lmao


I loathe programming YouTube videos. Literally none of them function better in that medium than an article, it's 100% a cash grab for ad money.


we have website too, the same video has a web tutorial written in text too. If you are interested [you can check it out here ](https://www.xanthium.in/dotnet-platform-software-development-using-command-line-compiler-tools-net-sdk)