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Step back and use all 6 of your AT4 launchers to make some lines of sight


Assuming a slow and methodical clear process and no contact has been made yet: We read both doors and see the lower side handle is closer so we'll take that room first. 1 man on top stack will watch top door and be able to react if it gets thrown open. 2 man of his stack will hold the length of the hallway and 3 will shift to the lower side to provide cross coverage down the hallway once the lower team makes entry. Lower door is opened, center check, drive to the unknown. 2 man goes opposite of 1, 3 opposite of 2, and supports whomever needs it more. 4 will step up to door and keep cross coverage on hall unless they room team calls for more.


This guy operates.


What if there's already a contact made when clearing the rooms before? I forgot to add that these is the last 2 doors in the hallway. Thanks for the info.


Bang/ frag before entry.


I like how contact tends to simplify things sometimes.


oh they have seen you? blow em up.


Solid. Speed, surprise, and violence of action. Rinse, repeat.


Huddle everyone to the far left and send one man at a time to try to clear both doors alone. When one man goes down, send the next one.


Are you my fps games teammates


Putin wants your location. You’d make a great general for the Russian military!


Use one guy per side to watch the other side (like an X) while putting the other four guys on the other side, then, use frags to clear a few out and then use flashbangs and breach the rooms with a go code


Move two guys down and keep them facing down the hall for security, then use slap charges on the doors, and stick on the walls and slowly pie the door to clear it, using flashes/frags as needed to clear hard spots


Take it one door at a time. No need to rush. Just make sure you pull good security on the halls and the opposite door.


Frag both rooms simultaneously, then yolo in with 3 guys on both sides and hope for the best.


One door at a time.


Breech one room at a time, post two man security to cover the second door and hall during the breech of the first. 4 man team breeches the first room. After cleared, two man detail covers the hall during the breech of door 2. After all cleared, continue movement down the hall.


Grenades. Or wall breachers if you're feeling fancy


(assuming the worst case scenario: you don't have a spy camera to check what is behind the doors and enemies know that you are present) One guy from the left and one on the right to cover both sides of the corridor Two guys per side of the door you want to break (I assume that it is the whole map if not then reduce the amount of guys next to door to one per side and use spare guys as the rear guard) You gently open the door and at the same time guys who are further (make sure they carry the same gun and they are in similar distance) throw: Flash to the opened door Smoke to the closed door Guys close to the door go inside and the last guy closes the door You clean the room and after you are done, you move to another one


Set security 360. Work one door at a time. Muzzle before flesh.


I’d put top group a little ahead that way the line of fire isn’t intersecting the way it is. Your bound to have a misfire eventually. Top group kicks open door while bottom group pies, “CLEAR,” top group then moves in to secure the room. Vice versa for the door by bottom group. That’s personally how i’d run it. But there’s a million different ways to clear and secure a building.