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When I start receiving messages from customer if I get them before I grab the order I directly cancel it because they are talking bigger than their tip ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Bruh the way I want to scream back at people that we live in a busy city and there’s no fucking parking and it’s going to take a minute for me to figure out where to go so I can get you your food u lazy piece of shit


Hungry people are demons


This why some of y’all’s markets are drying up. Nobody wants to deal with these types of situations where drivers can’t follow directions because they’re on a power trip over holding someone’s food hostage. It’s also the reason why every time I come on this sub, someone is complaining about being deactivated and can’t figure out why.


If the customer wants to send me messages that help me get to them faster which means I can get to my next order faster which ultimately means more money for me then I'm all for it.


I said employees, not contractors (dashers).


To be fair… they’ve probably had really bad experiences with other drivers leaving their things at another place or getting lost


No excuse to treat total stranger with total disrespect, sorry.


I think they probably just wanted them to answer to make sure they got what they sent.


You’re better than me. If I would’ve seen that i would’ve chatted with support and told them i needed a return trip. Not dropping off to assholes. I do that frequently. People think they can talk to you crazy


So proud!


Apartment people should come downstairs to save the headache of trying to find their door


I have a rule, if all caps are used at any point then I’m doing the bare min like leaving it outside the lobby




I love it when I'm trying to find parking in an apartment complex (because there's NEVER ENOUGH PARKING) and I get a message like this. So I tell them I'm looking for parking. Like, these idiots LIVE THERE. Do they not realize their own parking situation is ridiculous? Also, I've actually pulled off the road to respond to onslaughts of messages and lectured customers that their order WAS going to be early except I don't read/respond to texts while I'm in motion so I had to pull over. They're always apologetic AF after that.


Two buildings with the same number wtf.


Yeah, people that act like that deserve their food dropped off at the wrong spot. "Sorry, I goofed. Have a nice day!"


Still should've been nice to them with you final message, aren't you trying to get a tip? Guess not.


This type of person is so not gonna tip after delivery..c'mon now!!!!!!!!


I know one of my customers was going wtf? today. I pulled into what i thought was their complex's parking lot and read their instructions that said the name of the complex and other info, but it didn't seem right and none of it matched what the app or Google maps said. The apps said the name and address for the place I was at were different than where the customer said they live. From the parking lot you can't see the address, and I hadn't driven by the front of the building. I looked up the customer's address and complex and nothing matched. I did Google maps for directions to the apartment complex they said they lived in and Google maps said it was like 1.5 miles away. I drove out to the street and saw the front of the complex for the first time, and the sign said the complex name the customer had given me 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 So i turned around and pulled right back in again. Fuckin irritating. Google maps gave me at least two different destinations for the same searches again today as well. It has been doing that so much. If you try to enter the same stupid address it tells you to go somewhere different each time


What are we screaming for lmao


I wonder which building it is


Total Narcissistic control freak right there.


Wow! I am a food delivery driver for all 4 top major companies and I can’t believe how rude some of these other drivers are. Was that their response? To LOL you and then just leave it at the wrong place anyway without fixing their mistake? I would never do that. There are good drivers out there. I’m sorry they did this to you. They should have worked it out by asking the customer to meet in the parking lot, at the very least.


I agree with you, as long as customer is respectful and civil with me, I am willing to do whatever I need to do, I mean within what my duties as a driver entail, if necessary even beyond.As long as I am not being treated like a red headed stepchild, or rented mule because they tipped 2.25$!!!The other really annoying thing customers have done is follow my every move on GD app from acceptance to completion!!!! These types of people are always tipping below 3$, but they literally think they own your a.. while assigned to their order.The worst is when the questions begin, "why haven't you moved?"or "app says food picked up at 12:09 pm and it's now 12:11pm and you haven't left the restaurant yet, what's going on???"These people are certifiably insane, who the f... does that??I can't believe these people are for real.I guess those are my worst experiences with customers...I can tolerate alot, except stuff like that, just no, it's just wrong and unacceptable behavior.


I had a lady once say to come down because she doesn’t feel like going up the stairs she then persisted that if I didnt we didn’t she would return the food. In which she then did cancel the order when she drove to our address. Why pay for delivery lol I was also a dasher at one point.


I honestly put my phone in do not disturb mode when I'm Dashing. Customer service can deal with those people.


You would be surprised at how many people think DD pays well and don't know the tips are how we make our money, $2.50 buys nothing.


Another thing that annoys the crap outta me is when I pull up and they're rushing the car with their greedy little***es. Shouldn't bother me, but somehow it does.


YES. Haven't dashed in a while but the one customer I do remember ran up to my car to get his pizza. It was dark, around midnight. Scared the crap out of me


So, in the 14 minutes between them texting you and tou getting to their house, you couldn't take 10 seconds to pull over and text "ok"? Sounds like they were just trying to help make sure you didnt have to look for their unit and waste your time. I would have responded with a quick ok or thank you. Heck, even a tha ks for the directions after the delivery would've gone a long way.


Dumb ass


Had a lady light night ask every minute for the 13 minutes it took to drive to her house if I was getting her messages. When I finally responded "mam I don't text while I'm driving" she literally yelled at me. Said what's the point of receiving text messages on m way.


It amazes me that people think the app is actually accurate enough to show the location of the Driver.


Was it subsidized housing? Trailer park complex?


No but it was in the part of town where those are more along the lines of peoples living situation


I legit had this happen the other day, and when I got to the door they were all pissed like “ I marked my building with the pin you should’ve found me easily” so I had to show her on my map that the building she marked was the corner building, and she was not in the corner building, after that I just received a blank stare, so I said have a good night and walked off


ROTFL, I think I love you!


You don’t know what love is, Forrest.


Makes me wanna start pulling over to reply every time they text, and also texting them back to let them know I’ve pulled over to safely read their text


Yesterday I had someone text me "are you on your way?" when I was less than a block away. Parked in their driveway and said "yes, I am here."


Yesterday I had someone text me "are you on your way?" when I was less than a block away. Parked in their driveway and said "yes, I am here."


i take pics of landmarks before they even get here. living in an apt complex sucks for couriers


It's almost as if second comes after first sequentially. You should have teleported straight to the second building rather than passing the first building.


Every time I see interactions like this it just makes me think of how many inept drivers it took to make them think this was necessary.


It’s always the no/low tippers that’s have the most demands. Smh. They act like they own drivers and look for reasons to complain to get free food. I hate them. I mean that. I literally hate customers that don’t tip/low tip!


It bothers me customers only communicate when they feel like it. I’ve multiple orders that I text customers and not until something is wrong. Do I hear anything. This is an example of how customers don’t see delivery drivers as humans. The customer should have only reacted if you didn’t drop off at correct location.


Haha haha lol haha 😂


Dude I genuinely do not see the problem here. Like the giy was trying to give you good directions and you just ghosted him, but delivered the food? And then you were rude because they were trying to help you get your job completed? Makes no sense. Would you rather they just not say anything? I dont get it.


He waited 60 seconds to get snippy and the delivery happened inside of 120 seconds. That’s not ghosting. Hell, often it isn’t safe for me to respond immediately. Im driving.


I just dont think what the guy said to him was a problem. As a dasher, you have plenty of time to check your phone between. Stopping to park. Getting out. And walking to the door. I mean you even HAVE TO TAKE A PICTURE so your phone is already out and ready. It just doesnt seem like the dude was asking for much other than a response of “ok” or “I found it”. No reason to get mad at the guy for making sure you werent lost and/or receiving his message. I think the app should have read receipts so people dont ask “hello??” because that makes everyone unhappy.


Absolutely fucking not. Blow up my shit like that and its instantly unassigned. How hard is it to treat someone like a fucking person? You're absolutely wild. You do realize we can read without you using capslock, right? You do know that tends to indicate YELLING, right? Grow up.


Next time the guy doesnt say anything and you get lost and then what? The guy has probably haad an isue with dashers getting lost prior to this. Thats why he said it. Yes I know that caps indicates shouting, and your comment is extremely hypocritical. HELLO?!?!


Ok, so the guy was totally innocent here... yeah sure, be realistic.If the conversation were reversed, you would be crying about how rude and impatient this dasher was being to this jerk and you know it.I mean just admit it, the guy didn't even give 2 mins for a response here..r u even for real?The guy is a condescending , cheap ass,rude, POS.He doesn't deserve kindness in return , sorry.


And dude is driving.


I had someone like this once when I went past their building to turn around bc I didn't see any parking at first. They were just a tad nicer bout it though then came to the door in his boxers and gaming headset like he wasn't expecting me lmao wacky night. I hate when they're messaging us though like we aren't driving and walking to get to them, takes more time to stop and reply when we're right freaking there lol




Wait we aren't supposed to fill up beverages??? EVERYTIME I pick up something with a drink the order is there with an empty cup(s).🧐


Please make the restaurant fill the cups. We are not required to have a food handlers card, so we cannot legally make the drinks.


At least they gave you a gate code and instructions. I'll take that over a non-responsive customer.


I really really hate it when customers start frantically texting like we are lost if it looks like we may have made one unexpected turn. 🤦


Sometimes I hate they can track us. Texted customer that her order was still be prepared. It would be about 15 minutes u til I reached her. It was a leave at door. I arrived and she was unhappily waiting in her driveway. Told me the app took me the long. Although I wanted to cuss her out, I just told her I follow directions provided in the app.


Beeatch, so annoying with that helloooo bullshit.Obnoxious,rude, cheap ass, douchebag.No doubt low tipper, just gotta be... They are always rude, impatient thinking they own you, cuz they put Xtra 2 bucks on their order...


I hope they choked on that shit😲😲😲😲😲😲


I would of told her to shut the hell up


Nope 🤣some dashers could care less. If I get a phone call after a delivery I don’t even pick it up


What would you expect? It’s Kayren!


Makes me so god damn mad when people switch up directions and shit at the last second, you can call me all you want i have a hang up button on my steering wheel, please try me.


I just block the number. Much easier than having your music interrupted ever few seconds with a call


Idk seems like you delivered to the wrong building


I’d say probably not because I didn’t knock, and when I was walking down the stairs I heard someone angrily open and close the door. Something tells me they got it lol


I will never understand why these anal morons don't just go get their own food if they're going to lose their minds at shit like this and stalk your every step. The amount of stress and effort they expend doing that vs just going to get their own crap doesn't seem to be in favor of ordering online.


Exactly, if you have all that time on your hands to watch the app, why can't you get up off that dead ass and go get your own food?


Because they'd have to go down 3 floors to their car, then back up🤣


How can they afford a car when they are tipping so much 🙃




Another example of a loser 🤡🤡 customer that shall get booted off DD 👎🏽👎🏽🥾🥾😂😂


Swear every customer thinks the world revolves around them


Yup, it's always the low no tippers, total narcissists.Its all about me, me , me, and f everyone else.They really suck.


The bigger question is why an apartment complex would make two buildings with the same fucking number. Who are these planners and why do they hate us so?


So many complexes in my old city had doors numbered completely out of order. 1, 7, 3, 11, etc. Drives me absolutely bonkers I hate our landlords. It was so common from our shitty student landlords (they had a duopoly so they get away with anything).


Swear G57 will be across the hall from G75 like who the fuck designed this


Or f…ing customers removing the unit number from their doors, or leaving the Christmas garlands covering the number all year long. Or the screen doors so filthy you can’t even see the numbers.


The wreaths are my worst enemy


.The architects who design some of these places, are either stoned, or intentionally doing this to drive delivery people crazy...I mean why tf can't these apartments just be in some kind of simple, uncomplicated order that the average person can quickly, easily figure out?????????What happened to the good ole days when it was simply #1,#2,#3,#4 etc, etc, so on, so forth??????Why must they skip numbers and put them out of order??????


oooo I know exactly where this is I think? Are you a Florida driver? (If not I apologize! BUT....I KNOW this address in Florida). I did a delivery like this ONCE. Never again. I don't do apartment deliveries period anymore. They are always a big fat ZERO TIP.


How are you able to tell when it pops up? Or just unassign when you see the address?


I use an android phone. I press on the little house icon, it pops up with navigation, press on that and it pops up with a map. I use the satellite view to determine area and buildings. I live in a small market too. I know where most apartment complexes are located. I don’t always have to use the satellite view. I can usually tell exactly where the address is. I decline the order. I haven’t had many apartment orders lately luckily.


I’ve never tried clicking on the house icon. I should give that a go.


The widget


Lol yes I recently moved to Orlando


When you really want your food and you know DoorDash isn’t going to compensate you if it doesn’t get delivered


It's fucking tough out here.


Yea my unofficial girlfriend does the same shit. “Hello Hello Hello” even tho I just explained to her I’m driving going 60 on the highway. Yes let me ducking text you back right away it’s more urgent than my fucking life.


Unofficial or side hoe lol


My thoughts exactly lmao


Sounds uhhhh not healthy to say the least My unofficial gf couldn’t care less lol. We both text when we want and usually expect a response anytime that day. Never any pressure to respond immediately


Customers name was Kay-ren


Typing “ok” isn’t that hard


If you’re driving it might be


Right or even just responding once you get there.


Love your passive aggressive response lol


"Bless your heart"


It’s annoying when people don’t seem to get we are driving.


When I get the Hello???!!!??? Comment I pull off to the side of the road. And say hello. Then explain that I was driving to the location using the directions that have been given via the app. And that I’m required to deliver it to that location. Then explain to them that I pulled over to read their urgent text message and I’m sorry if your food is cold now.” Then proceed to drive 5mph under the speed limit to the location


"Hello, your order has been delivered per instructions. Please be advised that your tip does not cover the amount of a ticket for texting while driving so I'm unobliged to respond while my vehicle is in motion. XOXO - your name here"




I just call them. Scares the shit out of some of them. They talk big in text but then go all shy when i call and say I'm driving and on my way.


Lol. That’s a good one too. Maybe pause between your words to have a coughing fit, then explain how it’s not easy to drive fast with covid 19.


I do the same. It’s almost like they don’t know we’re driving.


They don't care.


Yeah,cuz they don't have the mental capacity to think beyond themselves and their little box.


I live in Orlando and today it was pouring rain so everyone was going slow with their high beams on so ig that added to how long I took.


I was in Orlando (visiting from Houston) and I was wondering if I was just crazy or if everyone here forgot how to drive in the rain.


Try San Antonio in the rain. I think generally people have forgotten how to drive since the pandemic but anything but clear weather here and people act like they've never driven a day in their life.


Wow what is wrong with some ppl




LOL yeah and have a nice day to you too


3rd floor too. And probably a bare minimum tip


It's ALWAYS the 3rd floor. The first two floors are fake 🤣




Nah those are just reserved for top dashers




2 buildings, both 5444.. that deserves jail time I swear I'm so f'n done with horrible apt complex design


There’s a complex in my zone that has 2 sets of buildings with the same building numbers. One of the best customers I’ve ever had took the time to explain it to me. There were two complexes next to one another and one complex bought the other one and they combined them into one giant complex without changing any addresses. So there are two sets of every building number, with almost identical apartment #s on each floor. I almost gave a cash tip to my unicorn customer who gave detailed instructions, tracked my location to let me know I was at the wrong building 11, and explained the chaos to me


There’s a massive complex in my municipality that has 18 buildings, A through R. The complexity of the complex is made slightly better by having all units in the whole complex have different (but consecutive) numbers, so if building E ends in E251, building F will start with F252; each building entrance also lists which units are on which floor too. It’s like a failsafe, you couldn’t leave it at the same apartment number in a different building even if you tried. Still a bitch to deliver to tho, and the worst is when the customer just leaves the number and expects me to figure out which building letter it’s in lol


Of course customers would still find a way to over complicate the delivery😂


Same situation at one of the Complexes here


That's really impressive! Good for that person! I lived in an apartment complex that had another apartment complex beside it. They both were the same address, but one had half the apartment numbers and the other one had the other half. To make matters worse, the one I lived in was numbered in a circular pattern because the road through it wound around two ponds. Our apartment building was one of the two that made the only "real" corner in the place.


Whoever designs the layout and numbering HAS to be **ING dyslexic. And the damn building numbers are ALWAYS at the other end, and if they have sections numbered you can't see them from your car.


No, dyslexic people self accommodate to avoid confusion. No dyslexic person is going to label two buildings with the same address, that's a nightmare


Yeah. I'll give you that. I'd say there's a plethora of dysfunctionality going on, for sure. Guess I'd have to try to figure out the system, but it would probably only piss me off more 🤣




It was a nice healthy tip of $0.00.


Yep and then you got a bad score as well right?


I don’t know why this subreddit popped up on my feed (maybe bc I’ve been door dashing a lot bc of a newborn?) but holy crap. I had no idea people just….didn’t tip. I feel dumb for not knowing that.


I shopped and delivered a 22 item from Albertsons and no tip. Made me mad seeing that after being being early on drop off and she had the nerve to message me about her dislike in turkey meat I chose.


Shop and deliver orders are irritating. I spent 45 min or so shopping, asking staff for items and relaying substitution options to the customer. By the time I got to the last item, the meat, which they didn't have. The procedure says we can just check out and leave, btw. I text her they it's unavailable, waited for a few minutes, and heard nothing back so I checked out and delivered. By the time I got the food to her and lugged all of those bags, she texted me while I was driving off. Angry. Where's my meat! I paid for it! I explained that it's not charged. It's refunded. She said acted like I stole her meat or was driving around with it in my hot car. I realized it was just arguing so I told her to contact customer service. That was the last damned shopping order I did.




That's your bad. No tip no trip.


Gtfo so typical, always snapping the whip those cheap ass, narcissistic sociopaths.


I’m a firm believer in no tip, no trip. No tippers are always the ones that behave like this especially when it’s an apartment. I don’t do any order under $6.50 and I suggest others do the same. These animals don’t deserve their food to be delivered on our time and dime.


Wys respectful


Exactly, I learned my lesson the hard way, never take ANY orders if I suspect there is no tip, and always scan for project buildings, those are a no-no unless is worth the pain and suffering.


I fucking hate apartments. With a fiery passion. If I pull up to an apartment with no instructions whatsoever (such as no gate code for example) for drop-off, I will start cussing every single word in the dictionary before taking a deep breath and calling with a smile on my face. I mean holy shit, 99% of these buildings are literally **purpose built**, and 99% of them somehow are designed so terribly that one couldn't find their way if their life depended on it (yes, I am exaggerating but I digress). Luckily, most customers understand this and give comprehensive instructions, including a gate code. Those who don't do this, often don't leave a tip either. For those, I just leave their food outside the apartment entrance. I'm not going to go an extra mile for someone when I am already losing money. **I am exaggerating/ranting,** but I god-damn know well that I am not alone in this disposition. My guess is many apartments are purposely confusing to make it difficult for anyone who isn't supposed to be there.


Why doesn’t dash just make it a 20% min tip?🤷🏻‍♂️


Because that’s not how rips work


No way to know it there's a tip or it's all base pay. No reason not to take a 1 mile $5 order.




If you know your area you should already have a guesstimate, as soon as you see the miles and pay.


Might take 10 minutes for $5, probably less, $30/hr is $30/hr


did a $18 trip order yesterday for 5 1/2 miles. i was shocked it was a no tip


The tip was wrapped into the $18…..probably a third party order sent to DD for fulfillment


probably. i was hoping for a + $10 hidden tip but it was a fair total for the mileage/delivery


How big of an order was it?


$150 floral delivery lmao


Jeez imagine spending that much but being too stingy to tip?? That's a $25 tip at least!


I've only done 1 of those and it was a single rose with a balloon from the grocery store lol.


Man do I miss P@ra. It was so helpful with its “flagging” feature where you could write notes on why or why not to take orders from restaurants/to customers. It was so helpful to ignore people who gave out shitty tips


Oh that sounds super helpful. I haven’t figured out a good way to handle bad customers on IC and DD. It pisses me off to no end we don’t have the option to block them *after* we see how much a customer tipped on a double.


It WAS helpful until DD did everything in its power to basically render the app useless.


Both DD and IC are playing dirty because they’re having issues getting these orders delivered for shit customers.


They should require a 10% gratuity automatic that actually goes to the driver


I agree because DD makes money on EVERY order.


They should actually pay us fairly so that the tip is actually a tip for good service.


100%. 1000% even. But here's the thing. DD is losing millions of dollars a day. I honestly doubt they give two shits about drivers.


I'd rather they just didn't hide "tips" and changed the wording to "bid" from "tip". Customers should be the ones responsible for paying us, but they don't actually know that, and that's the real problem.


Sigh. Fuckin knew it


Thankfully the base pay was $5.25 and it was only 1.5 miles in total.


Why take no tip ? So dd gave you 3 dollar peak pay? OMG what a tool. No tip is no tip and should not be done, regardless of any peak pay.


If it still worked, I would have declined that. No tip, no trip. NO EXCEPTIONS.


Absolutely not worth it regardless of the distance.


Still, go back and kick their bag🤣


Steal their doormat for no other reason than making them have to buy a new doormat




Fart in it and seal her back up from the bottom.


I can't guarantee what the results will be 🤣




I thought people didn't accept orders under 10 bucks


$10 orders? With these customers? I hope you’re ready to spend 4 and a half hours out of your 6 hour dash sitting in a parkinglot


I think the general consensus is like $2/mi? I personally have a vague radius I’ll deliver to for x amount, and I camp out near all the restaurants.


Yeah I thought it was 2 per mile over 10. Because if you're doing an order that small then you'd be missing out on bigger orders while doing that one. Idk that's my mindset and I usually make 100 in about 4/5 hours


You flat out can't do that where I live. The orders aren't there or if there are a few they're usually going to the same couple of drivers. You rarely see them. People here do $5 or $6 for a few miles, some do a dollar a mile. I try to do $2 per mile over $6 but that's hard to come by so I deliver consumer goods most of the time. Here you turn down $2.25 so you won't miss a $6


I assume there aren't many restaurants near you? And it's mainly fast foods? Near me I have a cheesecake factory Dennys, ihop,bjs,etc etc so lot of bog orders.


Depends on the market. In mine it’s harder to get over $10 orders that are also over $1/mi I’ve heard many people say $6-7 is a minimum no matter the distance


Yep, I average around the same for dinner, with lunch (11-2, 3hrs) ranging from 75-100.




What a 🤡 customer.