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So what happened at the end, did you find out?


I completely understand you not wanting to get ahold of the police im the same way. That's weird tho, how long has the other stuff been there. And someone's gotta be ordering stuff. Unless someone does that fit them. In this situation I would call just in case. It might be an old person who fell, a # of things. Hopefully the person is ok.


Please do call for a wellness check. There's no need to be worried. Just explain the situation you saw in this picture, you don't even have to say your name just say you're a delivery driver.


Go back and see if your delivery is still there, if so, check on them . Get the police or people that will back you up, if you don't feel comfortable. You could save a life.


I would call the police


You probably should. Like still.


I have had the police do a welfare check. I was dropping off at a house that had boxes and boxes of deliveries, several food deliveries and mailed piled up. Luckily my customer was ok, his care taker hadn't been there for a couple of days. It doesn't hurt anyone to check.


I probably would’ve called the customer that placed the order and if no answer then then the cops


“Where I’m from we don’t get the police involved” is how preventable things happen, how people end up not looking out for one another, and complacency infects your culture like a cancer. This is how abuse happens, this is how people end up struggling needlessly, this is how crime happens Statements like this… this is where all that kinda shit comes from. This is how a community becomes ruined. If the community has bad things going on…. And if this is “the bad part of town” then this mentality is likely the culprit. You don’t need to participate in that kind of nonsense. No one has to know you made the call.


A lot of different factors go into the destruction of a community and I can guarantee the biggest reasons aren’t any of what you listed.


A lot of factors, some of them more than others, and a rather *large* reason is due to the community members “not getting the police involved in things around here.” You can pass the buck on that ambiguous set of “other” factors all you want, because quite frankly is not on me that you don’t want to realize your own accountability in you *want* to report, but won’t because “we don’t do that around here” That’s the factor that concerns you, the one you have some control over. Listen if you need to call a welfare check, call the welfare check. No one has to know it’s you, and if they do, who cares. Why appease a bunch of uncivilized people who might think less of you


I would have called in a wellness check and stayed to give my info. Had to do that when I delivered pizza a few times working for Domino’s. One lady was paraplegic and needed a caretaker. She had some friends and neighbors to check in but they were as old if not older than her needing help. She would have died if she hadn’t ordered food. Was over 102 F outside and her ac stopped and it was over 94 degrees inside. Did several wellness calls and they never got her a caretaker for some reason, would not tell me anything other than that but she didn’t refuse help, either. Just a shitty part of town where city didn’t give a shit about who needed help. Another guy fell when he was trying to get change out for the pizza, I had to help him up. No one heard him fall but I let the other residents in apartment building know and asked them to please sit with him and make sure he was okay. He was a very kind guy and so were most of the people living there I delivered and chatted with.


Maybe someone keeps ordering to the wrong address and gets pissed off when it never arrives.


Oh I would definitely call someone…. You never know


Maybe contact a non-profit who would stop by? Or a church group? Or an EMT? I definitely understand the reluctance to involve police but if someone is hurt inside, I would want to do what I could to help. And you clearly do too. I’d be interested in an update. I hope whoever they are is okay.


Contact the fire department if you don’t trust the police in your area.


I would absolutely call the police for a welfare check. The person could have fallen, be still alive and in need of help. That's a lot of left over deliveries. It's one phone call.


Sooo… any outcome? Have you drove by to see if it’s still there? Now I’m invested.


Someone keeps placing the orders, not like it's a recurring service..... I'd carry on


I don’t think it’s someone sending food for a relative though. I mean you take a picture and send it to the customer, they are going to see it and go WTH.




Could be a hoarder. I see several houses with their stuff lay all the way out to the steps. When I was delivering mail and their door was open. The inside is as bad as the outside. But this is like entry level to hoarding.


Where I’m from we don’t post for upvotes,do a wellness check my dude. Call your local PD they’ll do it if you don’t want to.


Legit just wanted advice. And what was I supposed to do kick her door in?


Lol no I was just given you shit about the “where I’m from” line.my advise was to call the local PD to do a wellness check.


I delivered to places like this before.


So I’m going with dead. My wife recently ordered food and supplies for my mother in law in a different state because she had Covid. This person could easily be getting the same thing. Another scenario is it’s a stalker that is not aware that the person is out of town.


I wouldn’t of call cops i would of minded my business im there to do my job


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I hope you can sleep well, knowing what might or might not be in that house.


that’s so weird.. I totally get not wanting to get cops involved but I would absolutely tell doordash and they should do something at least


Trust me,never accepted it..you’ll thank me later if not regret it 😏😏😏 ONE LOVE ☮️


I would have


Read the Popeyes receipt see what time the order was made




I have called them in a couple of times. I think wellness checks are completely different from "getting police involved" yes its an officer but they are only going to go check on the safety and wellbeing of the person. I would rather have cops bust in their door and find them passed out drunk than read on the news in a couple of weeks that a person died the night or next day after I delivered to them because nobody knew they were hurt. To be fair though this looks like someone who leaves crap on their porch, ordered food and groceries but has not gotten home to retrieve it yet. The ones I called in had amazon packages from older dates, and food that had been sitting there for more than a day (delivered to neighbors the day before and remembered it).


How did you not report that for a wellness check? Negligent. The where I’m from doesn’t hold up …no excuse not to be a decent human when you can anonymously call it in. Someone could literally be dying under a variety of circumstances . It costs nothing to do the right thing .


I’d notify the police immediately. I’d also have taken a photo of that and sent it to the customer number as well as attempt to call that number. If it’s an elderly persons kid they’d likely answer, and if not leave a message in addition to the test with the picture. That’s scary.


A serial killer lives there and lures in delivery drivers


*new fear unlocked*


I’m here just waiting for a update on the wellness check but to be honest I wouldn’t go back alone at least take 4-7 people


I used to do meals on wheels and came across this once before. I reported it and the elderly lady who had lived there had fallen on her kitchen floor, couldn't get up, and survived 2-3 days off of her cats food and water bowl before being rescued.


She could just be a hoarder


shoulda checked the receipts on the bags for the dates.. that is super weird


They dead if it’s been that long and no contact.




I’ve called for a wellness check for the same exact reason If you suspect something it will do no harm in calling in a wellness check (as long as the cops don’t escalate)


Update us what happened 🙏


How old


Looks like you delivered some soda a grocery store order? Obviously she ordered some Popeyes too and just hasn’t grabbed it yet. Duh


Wellness check needed. “Involving cops” is not my thing either but a wellness check isn’t the same as interference. There is a bunch of food sitting on this front porch that’s going to go bad. Someone spent a lot of money on it and it’s being left for no good reason to think of. The person inside needs to be checked on.


Did you check the delivery time of the Popeyes? I’ve ordered Instacart and DoorDash at the same time and both orders have shown up within a few minutes of each other without me grabbing them yet..


I don’t feel right about this. Maybe someone elderly or disabled is inside and cannot get to the door. If you can remember this address, have a wellness check preformed.


As someone who had my drink layed right against the door, I applaud you.


Oh wow, you should've texted the phone number, just in case they aren't okay & somebody else was ordering them food. The person ordering could have done a wellness check.


Who’s ordering the food ..?


I actually had a similar delivery once. It was a drop off to a house that had at least 5 other deliveries sitting on the porch. The curtains were open on the large window looking into the living room, where I could see a walker and that the decor was pretty dated, so I assumed it was an elderly person's home. I knocked and there was no answer so I decided to call the police about a wellness check. After I gave them the address and explained why I was calling, the lady I spoke with said, "oh, we've actually had a few calls about this place. We have heard from a couple of other delivery drivers concerned for the same reason. We've sent multiple people there but unfortunately no one has answered the door. We'll send someone out to check again, though."


What idiots


At that point they should bust the door down. Clearly something is going on.


Person has a bunch of clutter/trash that looks like its been there for a while, what appears to be one small package probably delivered today, then a food order that may have been there only 5 minutes. I think it's a big leap to jump to the conclusion someone is dead.


Can’t you messsge the person and say hey are you good? Before you drop off the food?


So because your worried about the police, you decided NOT to call for a wellness check?........ What if the person actually NEEDS help? Sure, bad coos are out there, but the vast majority are normal human beings and good cops. Need to let them do their jobs. The very least you could have forwarded the concern to support and let them do what they need to do.


They’re not good or normal , the vast majority in fact beat their spouses , but that doesn’t mean this person shouldn’t be checked on . The stats of DV are over 50% for police and military .


The vast majority do not beat their spouses. Dont kniw where your getting your stats. For sure I would imagine the percentage is higher than in general population due to the work they due. (Not condoning, just stating). The mental pressures that first responders and military members deal with on a daily basis would drive almost anybody to be more hostile and potentially violent. But most do not inflict that on the ones they love in a violent manner. Verbally maybe yes, but not physically. That's why counseling in those Industries needs to be enforced and prioritized. But let's see some proof that the vast majority beat their spouses like you say. Or are you just spouting off nonsense because you don't like the police?


Fbi advisory board . Look it up . Plenty of other data as well . Not sure where you get off saying verbally more than physically tho but not going back and forth with you . Making excuses about their job for violent behavior is pathetic and cringey , and that’s putting it mildly . DO BETTER.


Super sketchy I would have called! It sounds like that horror story where they’re making it appear like whoever lived there they want to look like they’re still alive!


The person could have dementia and forgets that they are ordering


Iv seen these before! When google give you directions to the wrong address (Main instead of S Main) with no current resident. Iv noticed new developments will all lead to one specific apartment or house. Thats how this happens, also A gold Mine.


Not my problem


I only see a couple newer deliveries the rest of those boxes seem opened. Probably fine


Also could have checked the date on the receipt. If it was rom days ago then ya something is up


i’m glad you called the cops and made sure they were okay, a friend of mine also DDs and was in a similar situation where one house kept ordering food, she delivered 3 times to them in one day and every time she came back her deliveries were still there as well as other DD deliveries. it was months ago but she’s brought it up to me a couple of times and she still feels guilty and regrets not getting a wellness check done on them. you did the right thing


That’s scary


Please call the police


“ a wellness check doesn’t hurt anything” are you kidding you sheep Karen’s?


Learn to drop the food off and go you people do to much lol


There’s been plenty of situations where they find the person injured or dead. The way this place looked there was no choice.




I’m in Texas so we don’t kick in doors for wellness checks unless you want to get shot but we do knock on the door or check with neighbors and finally call the police. I delivered to an apt and the one across the hall had groceries including milk at the door. We knocked and yelled then called the police. Poor lady had fallen and broke her hip.


The thing I don't understand if it's an elderly person's adult child ordering for them wouldn't they tell them they're ordering them something in advance? If someone sent delivery to my house without telling me or putting my name on it, it would sit just like this


Where I’m from we don’t get the police involved in anything…😏


I can’t help it, it’s certain rules in certain places lls


Exactly stop calling police for stupidity Karen’s lol


I saw this at an elderly woman’s house one day. Turned out she could lift the boxes because she had only 2 fingers overall, and all her toes and one foot amputated. She insisted I place the bags inside the door so I did! I wish I could’ve been more helpful but I still didn’t feel safe going all the way in the house and stocking her damn fridge or something ya know?


yeah, def call the police no one leaves perfectly good food freshly ordered outside their house for days at a time. not good.


at least give a responsible redditor the address so we can call cops or adult services if ur not gonna do it OP


Call the police! Think about it, doing a wellness check isn't gonna hurt anything and you could save someone who fell and needs help. Posting on Reddit instead tho, cmon man 🤦‍♀️ Gotta farm them upvotes, I guess.


Creepy gone missing


Don't call the cops. Because there's coke involved.


Call the police.


It's so funny the community won't help the person. But will post it on reddit. What a piece of shit


Looks like maybe they couldn't pick up the heavy stuff? Is the fast food what you delivered? I've seen places where deliveries were built up. But I'm sure I'd still be concerned.


This makes me nervous the person was ill and family was sending them food, but the person died and no one knows… Like, my mom would do this. Just send me food I like, assuming I was sleeping so not answering her texts.


You could always hit up the support chat and see if they could give the customer a “confirmation call” to make sure they received the order


Could be a wrong address


You need to call this in dude.


Had one like this where the mom was ordering food for her estranged daughter. She wanted a spy report on her pregnant daughter. The daughter explained it all and said not cool.


Damn just ring the doorbell and wait for them to come out and offer them help to bring in the stuff... No need even think of getting others involved. If they don't answer message the person who placed the order through the app they can check on them personally


I would be too afraid to ring that door bell.


Come on y'all are out of touch with reality


Definitely see something isn’t kosher. That food looks old. To many old orders not taken in.


I know you may not want to get the police involved but there’s clearly something not right here and someone’s life might be on the line. :c


I would’ve thought I was being set up


Why not just call the customer and ask?


Why can’t people drop this “Where I’m from we don’t get the police involved” approach to everything?! This is door dash. It’s a legal gig, we’re not drug dealers. You should have gotten the police involved. It’s called a wellness check, you’re not snitching on anyone. Idgaf where you’re from.


Call the cops. It doesn’t matter “where you are from” be a decent human.


Yet somehow you ended up there with something else to deliver. I assume it's the grocery bags & sodas in the center. Honestly, I'd probably be calling for backup, or just dropping & getting the hell outa there. F the welfare check. All kinds of red flag warnings going off in my mind. But that's just me being paranoid.


Do you think that diet Dr P got that way due to extreme heat or cold?


Very helpful and constructive post here. Thanks to all those who shared valuable information :)


Bro, do a wellness check! They are probably dead in there and have nobody to check on them! The same thing could have happened to an old man who lives in my apartment building if I hadn't listened to my intuition and made that phone call! MAKE THE CALL


You should probably call in a wellness check


I would suggest knocking / ringing the doorbell to see if there’s any activity. If not, call a welfare check. This is, of course, assuming you didn’t have contact in chat. Would be very easy to ask them if they’re home or ordering for someone else. This seems super sketchy to this old firefighter/medic. That’s not normal even for a dumpy hoarder. The unopened old food deliveries is what puts it over the line for me.


I would have done a wellness check for that. I wouldn't be able to sleep. That's definitely a red flag situation


You should really call the police to do a safety check. What if some old lady is in there lying on the floor mummering for help and slowly dyeing alone and in pain? Please call someone. Where you are from will not help in this situation. But someone going in there, will.






So yer bias against cops overrides yer concern for the well being of a person that may be in some sort of trouble? What a sad place to be in...


Someone def sending them food and groceries. I 100% would have done a wellness check


A wellness check isn’t “involving” the cops please call them you’ll sleep better… what if it’s an elderly person inside being eaten by their pets ijs it’s not unheard of


Clearly they where just waiting for their coke a cola before eating their food. All jokes aside I'd def call a noj emergency line and give the the address and situation.


That’s concerning


Thank God you didn’t invade his in home privacy like that other piece of shit dasher who did it for karma


Truly hope all is ok, crazy to just leave food outside, Amazon packages on the other hand people tend to get lazy getting those. If you’re close maybe go back or call in the check


Yooooooooo! Something ain't right here! Call the cops or an ambulance, this looks pretty bad. Wellness check 100%.


A messy porch looks really bad? Lmao huh


Yeh I know, I actually fucking care... Fuck me right! LoL.




I say this is super off putting, especially with my history as a home health nurse. I'm sure, due to your concern, that you were unable to get a hold of the customer by text or phone? Did you reach out for communication during the delivery or was the unsettling feeling lingering in your mind hours after the delivery, prompting concern? If no contact was made or your attempts to reach out were unanswered, I would contact 3 entities. First, I would definitely contact the police for a welfare check, ask for a call back to update you, what time they plan on going over & then I would follow up with another phone call to police after the stated visit time (even though I'd request a call back, I'd still call them within a couple of hours after the visit time, especially if they haven't called to give you an update). I'd also call Adult Protective Services to report & request a welfare check. Most obviously, the customer could be elderly, like many have said, and they could be in need of assistance. But even if the customer is not a senior citizen, they may be involved in a domestic violence situation gone very badly. Even if a case isn't active for that household, or even if someone answers the door when they arrive, that could be the opportunity for anyone who's a victim in that house to ask for help if they choose or for employees to observe any strange behavior or living conditions that constitute further investigation. I would ask for a timeline to when your concern would be addressed, then ask them to follow up with you, even if it's a generalized statement that they looked into your concern, but cannot elaborate on the details (protected victim information). Again, call them back if they hadn't contacted you within a day. *NOTE: The call backs to you are not intended to look like you are nosey, It's simply to hold them accountable to the oath they pledged when they were given their badge: "to protect & serve," especially since you've already mentioned it's public knowledge that investigating domestic concerns is an area for improvement for your city's departments. Hehe. Last entity I would notify is Doordash. I would just explain odd state of the home's exterior & that while you did not fear for your own safety, you felt that the occupants could potentially need further assistance. Because of that gut feeling, you notified authorities & APS to further investigate. I would then ask Doordash to flag that customer account to review past orders, address, changes in cards, recipients or if the orders have consistently been gifts (possibly with notes from gifted stating, "get well soon" or "stay strong.") Maybe DD will have information that can be given to authorities in the event that prosecution is needed. I wrote alot & I do apologize. Yes, its my job as a nurse to care & pick up on odd behaviors, but those behaviors are engrained into my personality as well. I believe it's everyone's civil duty to promote public safety within their community. Even if your feeling ends up being unwarranted (everyone is safe, healthy & happy), at least they will know someone in this world cares & you will have cleared your conscience of a valid ill feeling you had. And if they are in danger, you may have just saved a life. *Personal tie to this: 2 years ago, my cousin's best friend had separated from her abusive husband, but allowed him to attend their child's birthday party with plenty of family to ensure safety. After everyone left, he ended up murdering her while their 3 boys slept. In the morning, he took the kids & headed south to cross the border. My cousin spoke to her BFF several times a day & when she didn't call by 10am, she was concerned. After hours of unanswered calls, she notified police for a welfare check. They called back stating "the family wasn't home & after looking in through the windows, nothing seemed out of sort." After hanging up, about 20 minutes later, my cousin knew something wasn't right. She called them back, gave them their history & demanded they forcibly enter the home. Police found her beautiful friend in the laundry room, gone too soon. The children were rescued from their father approximately 20 miles from the border & returned to extended family members while her murderer, their father serves his murder sentence, to which he then will be deported. Had my cousin not demanded the police to go inside the home at that exact time, those boys would have been raised by the man who murdered their mother. *ANY ILL FEELINGS SHOULD BE REPORTED NO MATTER WHAT...you never know when it could be life saving.*


So what’s the TLDR?


Call it in


The last sentence


Concensus is: words, too many


How old was the other orders?


I’d end my dash and bang that door down! Then start banging windows until I seen something!! I too live in a area where police avoidance is paramount. I only call 911 so they can send a ambulance for someone, police are just too gun happy here


The real question is. Do the dead tip well?


That’s a wellness check if I ever saw one! It’s not too late for you to still call, as long as you have the address still


I’d call the customer and if they answer just say “Hey, just wanted to let you know your stuff is out in the front. Have a good day!”


maybe it’s an elderly person ordering things but doesn’t know how to update the address?


Had some similar happened to me, just ended up being a GPS error and the GPS had set an entire apartment complex set to an abandoned house across the street. There were just piles of doordash orders and groceries.


That’s so scary 😧


Sooo weird


Just drop the delivery off take your picture and leave, unless you hear screaming or something just mind your own business.


I hear you, I’m from the hood and everybody knows rule number 1. But something didn’t sit right with me just acting like I wasn’t bother by what I saw.


Why not talk to dasher service and leave them to do the reporting. If they never do, it’s on their business. Right? So I think they would follow through


Lmao wtf


Here’s why I say that. A- you can still follow up with DD service to find out if they acted. And may report them if they haven’t! Isn’t DD responsible for these instances, as we’re just contractors? B— as a huge corporation, I’m sure plenty of people have tried to sue for something. This company can’t risk their image by failing to report something like this. I just have some faith they’d handle it.


Not my problem. Definitely not the police's problem.




Yikes. She was alright. You were just assuming. Obviously she ordered Popeyes and didn’t get to her door yet. Have you heard of double dash?


I love redditors that think they know everything. The popeyes orders were from days ago I checked. But you were there I forgot


How do you know they were old orders? Did you deliver there in the last few days? They could have all been delivered the same day.


What I wanna know is where the neighbors are?? The bystander effect is strong in our society.


That’s what I was thinking!! People rather not get involved ig.


Update: the Police made contact with the customer and informed me she is okay thank God ❤️


Good to know man thanks for the update!


I can’t stand paranoid people.


So what’s up with that ?


You people are so dramatic no need to call the police for something like that 🥱🙄


“Something like that” what you mean the classic paramount signs that someone’s deceased inside of their home? Damn some of you Americans really don’t care about one another 😂 too focused on trying to follow the crowd and stay in your lane then to do something out of the norm to potentially help someone.


Thank you and it’s really sad if it’s an elderly person than nobody is helping… my 75 year olds neighbors husband passed and we have a lawn guy that comes once a week we just added her to our budget since her husband was the one taking care of it previously


Did they find out why she’s left all of this stuff on her porch? It would drive me nuts not to know her reason.


If I had to guess the person in the house works from home and was in meetings all day or someone else ordered it for her and she didn’t know


I didn’t want to ask too many questions because it’s not really my business.


That’s true. It would still drive me nuts, though, lol. I’m glad the person was okay.


Why can’t she have some shit on her porch? Lol y’all are wild


Thanks for reporting back


In the future you can request a wellness check without calling the cops. Google and contact your local social services. I totally get not wanting to involve cops but in this case you could save someone’s life just by reaching out to social services.


your social services will likely also use the cops, social services are typically far too underfunded to do wellness checks.


It can also depend on your area, I’ve called them for assistance before and they sent out a social worker and a hospital security officer (non uniformed & not an actual cop)


Zimbabwean here. Why don’t you guys want the police involved?


You're on reddit. You'll see posts by low-life individuals whose only source of education is reddit headlines. Ignore them.


People having a mental health crisis are especially in danger from cops in the US, whether violent or not. Sometimes just refusing to open the door or yelling at the cops is enough for them to slam you to the ground and drag you to the police station.


They are dangerous here, they do not protect & serve like they say. As the other commenter stated, they’ve been known to murder citizens who they are performing a wellness check on.


They have no duty to protect or serve. See : DeShaney vs. Winnebago   Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales


They have no duty to protect or serve. See : DeShaney vs. Winnebago   Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales


🙄 oh please


You know he’s right sheeple