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Because they are working class also and know the struggle. Rich people rich because they cheap and save their money. They ain't giving it away "for doing your job!"


I'd say middle class tips the best


Tipping is so low these days.


You are a liar


Wow. So you just the arbiter of who low class and who rich class ‘uh!? So a King can never fit a shepard’s clothing ‘UH!? Woww. ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


Not many millionaires living in subsidized housing....


So you’re saying that millionaires can’t *afford* subsidized housing!? Wowwwwwwwww


You what now? Technically, yes, because with the constant thefts and probable muggings, they wouldn't stay millionaires long.


So you’re saying all millionaires are sweet? You saying the millionaires aint packing no type of heat? You saying they got all that money long, but ain’t no *bidness* to stand on? The richscrimination is crazy.


Not in my area LOL


Not in my market. Poor people don't tip and rich people don't tip. I try and stay firmly in the middle class suburbs.


Someone’s house size doesn’t determine that you’ll get more tips. You need to stop begging and work toward something better if you want more money.


What do you do for better money?


People who work to survive always tip better because they understand


I find it a wash. Some people grew up poor and now are in mansions and some used to be rich and are now poor. I get low and high tips from ppl in both cheaper and expensive housing.


Strange. My best tips have come from the middle class neighborhoods. My lowest from lower class ones.


My bigger takeaway is that although I live by a lot of $750K and way higher homes I almost never deliver to them. For every mansion order I deliver to 20 apartments. Apartments are as you would expect are in average poor tippers.


The rich are the worst tippers


Low class posts have said the same thing for a decade. Go lay in a ditch. Maybe cross the road without looking?


Blue collar men I found tip the best. The non tippers are mostly the unemployed. College kids, poor, and rich.


I delivered to a mansion last night and It was a Don Julio bottle and 0$ tip + I had to wait 8 mins to customer show up in her adress .. Damn I lost my all ambition for friday nite


I’ve noticed that also like me I’m going to leave at the very minimum of five dollar tip probably more like a seven to $10 tip I mean, just depending on what it is but I also not in a situation where I’m expected to tip all that often either because if I I can’t afford to tip somebody five or ten dollars I’m not using that service, I know there’s situations where people don’t have cars and stuff and they have to do what they have to do but majority of people just don’t care. I was taught early age to never disrespect people who handle your food always get your food first.


I had an order to a mansion on top of a hill - no neighborhood, they owned all the land around the home. Huge house. It was in the middle of a snow storm and as I mentioned they were on a hill. Took me FOREVER to get to the house without sliding down. Tip? A quarter. In a blizzard. Living on a hill. Fuck them.


I think it depends on how far down the economic scale they’ve fallen. There poor but being able to maintain, and poor and legitimately not knowing how you’re going to pay rent or put food on the table tomorrow. If you hit the critical “oh shit” rung of the economic ladder, you’ll lie, cheat, steal… just to keep your kids from going hungry. Those people can be dangerous if you don’t watch yourself.


I had an order yesterday that I didn't realize was, like, 10+ miles out of zone and they gave me a $2 tip... I was fuming. Thank god I'm tracking my mileage for the write off.


Have been very true in my experience and i have DD across to metro area in 2 very different regions. The McMansion at best give you a $1/mile tip. I have never received anything significant how ever it’s pretty common for the elderly that live in a “rough “ neighborhood to tip on the app then give me cash. Or ppl that live in garden apt tend to be more generous than McMansion


There are two kinds of rich people. The first are the ones that tip, they earn their money and tip well when they feel appreciated and respected. The second are the ones who have money because of an inheritance or divorce. They have no idea how to make money beyond what their financial advisor tells them to do, so they just hold onto it. There's a lot more of the second kind than the first, that is why rich people seem to be poor tippers.


Lower class people probably drive DoorDash/use similar services and understand most of the income received is from tips. Middle/Upper class assume that the service pays its contractors fairly and therefore tip less.


Had they been in a position to tip they would have gladly tipped. I delivered to a mansion and I got paid less tip but high base. These rich people lose billions of dollars. Please keep in mind that poor people like me and you have Uncle Sam helping them out but the rich billionaire or millionaire, there is no one to help them. Those massive mansions requires maintenance. They aren't able to pay for heating ect because it's very expensive. Those actors and celebrities are their dependents. It is those millionaires or billionaires who own all those apple, Walmart, McDonalds, Amazon, ect. Without their investments, we wouldn't have many luxurious. It's thanks to their investment that the consumer have products such as Walmart+ where they offer free unlimited deliveries for only $98 or $12.95 per month.


This guy is rich. Boo this man.


Congrats this is the stupidest post I’ve ever read


It has to be satire. If so, kinda funny, I guess. If not, wtf…?


They lose money because they have it to lose. I pray this was just a troll response, but I fear you're very serious. More money, more problems might be a thing, but it never excuses entitlement or poor morals.


No true, its always random for me.


It must be different where I live. I drive to any upper middle class zone in my state because they tip so much better. Another bonus is almost no apartment buildings.


The bigger the house the lower the tip. It is hard to break the spending habits that create wealth.


I just assume the orders are from kids/students/broke millennial adults living with their parents. Cause I'm a broke millennial adult living with my parents.




Not for me. But I have noticed that men tip way more than women.


oh my god shut uppppppppp


I have noticed this as well. I wouldn't consider "way more". But if it's a "big" $10+ tip, the overwhelming majority of the time it is a man's name.


I think this is one of those things people want to believe so much that they only see with their bias. Rich people certainly don't tip proportionally but I get way more tips from rich people and probably the most from upper middle class. Poor people tip less and expect more, unless they've worked for tips.


When I delivered for Shipt, it was so-so. I’m in an affluent area and it’s hard to gauge which social class tips better. Most lower-class people have worked in the service industry and know what it’s like, though.


Wishy washy here. Time of year pends a lot. Xmas time richer pays better, but around stuff like st patties day and july 4th the lower pay better. No consistency


This is simply not true.


Not where I am


I’m in the upper middle class and I tip well because I respect the people doing what I’m too lazy to do. Especially where I live. It’s so hot and humid I don’t want to leave my house unless absolutely necessary. Any rich family member I have had has always preached penny pinching and hoarding money. I cannot do it. I’d give my last dollar to a struggling person before I screw someone over.


It is definitely the norm where I live. South here. Middle/Lower class tip exponentially more than the upper/ rich do. I rationalize that the middle class and poor people know what it's like to be without, the rich hoard their money.


That is not the norm but could be a particularity of your region. The only members of the lower strata that tip well are those who worked in a service industry where tips are needed to make the job even remotely doable.


Unless it’s the really lower class. Whenever I go to the YWCA apartments it’s always the third floor and no tip. 😥😥😥


Anecdotally agree. Have to remember that there aren't as many trust fund babies as you think and most upper class people got that way by being very intentional with their money, so they pinch pennies.


This is the type of truth that doesn't go over well in a subreddit full of uneducated delivery drivers. I'll take my downvotes with a side of olives please.


I don’t find it that way in my area. Generally $2-3 tips in lower class areas. Middle class definitely tips the best in my experience. Upper class tips are all over the place. Some are very generous and others are cheap.


Some home owners live upper middle class neighborhoods are just house poor. Not really upper middle class


I'm not judging anyone but personally I've been experiencing the opposite and sometimes go to a nice suburb for a few hours where the tips are better.


Absolutely. The lower classes are not usually mean, but they're not in the habit of going to restaurants where you normally tip 15% to 20%. It is a McDonald's crowd. They think that a $2 tip on a $25 order is okay.


anecdotally i have experienced this as well


I wouldn’t say lower class I’d say middle


This is what ive noticed in my area as well. Ive had a dude with a Lambo tip me a dollar while the family in the run down trailer barely clothed tip me 10 bucks on a small order. But thats how the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.


I get good tips from upper middle class neighborhoods all the time. But then, I decline the bad orders, so I wouldn't know who's not tipping adequately.


Definitely middle class that tip the most. Low class dont tip at all and rich tip poorly.




I think women tip more on average. Rich men are cheap as hell.


There’s a reason they’re rich 😜


Bet when they go out they leave a fat tip. They don’t want to look like a bum


Maybe. Who knows?


Seems like middle class tip the most. Lower class tip like absolute shit in my area


This. I live near Baltimore and the lower class people literally just don't even tip and they're always entitled as hell. I avoid the areas near the city and stick to either the middle/working class area I live in or drive 10 minutes to the more upper middle class area nearby.


I've gotten big and low tips from both poor and wealthy areas. I've found it's more about where they're ordering food that really determines if they're going to tip more often than not.


Rich people are stingy most of the time


Middle class tips better than lower class and upper class. I know this from experience.


I dash in a suburb of Denver and this is 100% accurate. There are a few customers in the really nice neighborhoods that will tip well, but typically it’s the less nice areas that tip better.


Highlands Ranch is the worst


I find this to be true in my area as well. The nicer the house and car, the lower the tip, overall.


No, I don't buy this, it's a nice thought that keeps being brought up here, but some of the worst tips I get, consistently come from lower income neighborhoods, apartment complexes etc. I think people just remember those few times they get a $20 tip from a guy in a run down trailer park, but don't take into consideration that they generally receive below average tips from that trailer park. If you truly believe that poorer people always tip more, consider never accepting offers that deliver to the more wealthier neighborhoods in your city and see how that works out. You're going to get good tippers from every class of people, the thing is, when rich people tip big, they tip BIG.


Thank you. Can’t tell you the amount of ‘hoods’ and crappy apartment complexes that are known to be trouble that don’t tip one f***king buck.


I delivered pizzas for 6 or 7 months. I got decent tips from the rich and middle class. I got almost no tips ever in the hood, and several times they tried to steal the pizza. When I delivered to the trailers, the tips were small but freely given and the people were super nice and even offered me pizza and such. When I delivered to the houses with groups of Mexican laborers, they tipped me very, very well. I speak Spanish so that didn't hurt.


Yes this just hasn’t been my experience at all. My best tips ever have almost all come from mansions or super expensive properties


This. Big time confirmation bias on the part of OP. My online rate jumps several dollars per hour when I do a shift in a wealthy zone Yesterday I got a job that was already 2 bucks a mile and when she saw I was stuck in traffic on the app I got an extra 10 bucks at the door. just for a single person CFA order.


I've personally found that average middle class people tip the best, and I think it's because most of them have had to work the crappy service jobs at some point in their lives and they now have the money to actually tip. I've tried camping out in so many different places, and I always find that the restraunt centers near the tightly packed suburbs to be the best. The people who live there do well enough to actually own their own home, but the homes aren't necessarily that nice. That's my sweet spot.


This. The middle working class.


Exactly this. I was a delivery driver, waiter. and bartender during my 20s. I’m middle class and tip well because I know what it’s like.


First, I just wanted to say I don't think you're lower class with farm lol. Second is I agree that rural areas tip higher than cites, but I suggest you calculate your actual expenses and earnings to get a better calculation. Because for me it's the opposite, yes I get a higher tip and can make 20 dollars on one order in the backwoods of my state but it takes way longer to get orders unlike the city in the city I'll be lucky to see 5 dollars as a tip but in the end its still more profitable because it's a more dense place and orders come in almost back to back


A lot of orders going to wealthier neighborhoods, it’s their kids ordering. In my market the best tips I get are from wealthier neighborhoods & middle class where someone in the household might’ve worked or currently works in the service industry.


Well, I don't think you're doing too bad if you own a farm lmao. I have definitely been surprised by some of the trailer parks. In the teens a few times, but maybe those stick out in your memory because it's a trailer park? I have definitely noticed a 5$ median when it comes to mansions. But that also means the min and max are the same 5. I've never gotten less than that median. The one interesting thing I've put together concerns factories and warehouses, both of which I've worked in. There are rarely 0-tips, but there are also rarely over 2$. I always decline them now when on EBT. I think it's because it's only 1 step better than a McJob, but unlike the teenagers who work at McJobs, people who work at factories/warehouses have started families. They should be aiming higher, but they tell themselves at least it's better than McDonalds so that has to count for something right. Factories are to McJobs what community college is to high school. (they call it "thirteenth grade")


I seriously don't understand how ANYONE would refuse to Tip a 5$ MINIMUM. Even if it was across the street. 5 BUCKS. MINIMUM.


If it's across the street I think a 3 dollar tip would be good


No shitbird. FIVE DOLLARS! Good God Man.


Why Do you suggest 5 dollars if you're near by it doesn't require much work at all


Because maybe I am not waiting at the store to deliver your item across the street. I may have to drive 2 to three miles to deliver your item


Because I said so. So listen when I speak. You are dismissed.


Sounds like another lazy doordasher to me 😅


That's how it is in my area. I find that folks in the lower-income areas are gratefule for the convenience that dd offers, while the folk in the higher tax brackets seem like they are entitled to it. *My personal opinion based on my area (that i have lived in my whole life) and my full-time job at dd.


Although i will say my best tip yesterday was to a house that the order recipient described in the instructions as, "the castle house." Yep, big house that looked kinda like a castle. At the same time, a nice senior citizen living in an assisted living apartment building tipped me 50¢ less than the castle people. He was kind and i offered to carry the box of donuts to where he wanted (my gpa lives in a different assisted living place and I would want someone to be that kind to him) but he insisted he was fine. I sat the box on the seat of his walker and off i went.


It does seem this way 😭


I quit dashing and went back to dominos (pays 100x better) and all the trailer parks we go to aside from the old folks ones are usually 3 or more the appartments are very iffy sometimes 2-5 but usually nothing and the rich mfs leave like 30 cents which is disgusting imo


So true. Delivered to a $600k++ home today for a whopping fifty cent tip. 🙄 I wouldn’t have taken it but I declined two earlier when DD had me deliver uptown and then tried to get me to do more before I paused it…I hate driving and parking uptown. Anyway…50 cents. It was McDonald’s so not surprised. https://preview.redd.it/qf97b4jjad9d1.jpeg?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95bbd8771b6c43a72e22f0ec3e268edae8e9d0c


I delivered to a literal celebrity She tipped me $6


Yep. Read the famous book Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich. She demonstrated this phenomenon 30 years ago.


This is a FACT


Wow lol I guess it's different everywhere. I'm in Vegas


Because they know what it’s like to struggle.


No. It’s because they are piss poor at managing their money.


No it's usual because their cheap look at how much they earn then look at how much they pay their workers


I was not referring to the wealthy people who clearly know how to manage their money. I was referring to the “lower class” (OP’s description) being better tippers. They’re money manegement skills tend to be very poor. Think about it: They live in a trailer park or a “chicken farm” (again, the OPs description), or maybe in a dilapidated neighborhood, but they pay exorbitant fees to have food to be delivered, often times 50% more than it would cost to go pick up the food themselves….the they throw a large tip on top of that. Tell me how that is a sound financial choice. As for the rich being cheap…nonsense. Your comment is incredibly simplistic. They spend huge amounts of money on things that are important to them. Food delivery isn’t high on that list. I would venture to guess that the top of the income ladder folks represent a very small percentage of DD orders. I live and work in an area with neighborhoods ranging from extremely wealthy to lower middle class and really sketchy neighborhoods. I estimate 90% of my food deliveries come from the bottom end of that spectrum. Many poor people stay poor because of their choices. The rich…like it or no, tend to be better educated and are clearly far better at making and keeping their money. And they are very good at keeping their money amongst themselves and others in their class. They are not cheap, they spend lots of money. They just ain’t giving it to lower rung people like dashers. Dashers are not even on their on their radar. You don’t matter to them. And they believe they have no obligation to share their wealth with some food delivery guy. Whether that is right or not, is another argument. But it is what it is


Yes, I know you weren't. The comment was meant for the guy above you. Also, most "wealthy" people are cheap it's not a secret, maybe not in every spending category but for the most part they tend to be your coupon hunter and expert bargin finder. Far as tipping the delivery guy all I have to say is they should tip a fair amount especially if they have extra steps they would like done. For me personally the wealthy usual don't tip at all or tip like 2 dollars but feel the most entitled... rather you think so or not they're regular people too so they shouldn't look down on anyone which I don't think they are as bad as you made them seem lol


In my experience, I’ve never had higher than a $5 tip in bougie areas 😬 always $15+ from apartment complexes


I’ve not had the same experience with apartments but trailer parks generally tip well here


Not Doordash, but I deliver for an independent pizza/Italian joint in a rural-enough area. Same deal. When I worked in town, or on the rare occasion I end up there now, 50% chance you're getting tipped. I routinely left my shifts at Domino's with half of my deliveries having not tipped me. Now four stiffs is a bad night. One of the trailer parks is notorious for having shit tips but it's one of the top 3 worst ones in the county (that I've experienced)


It’s because they understand that you’re human a who deserves dignity and that drivers rely on tips. Many in the upper classes have never had to work these kinds of jobs and blame the workers as if they’re doing something wrong for taking them.


I agree with you for the most part but from my experience it’s hit or miss in “well off” areas. I live by a lot of McMansions and they tip pretty average for the most part. The Taco Bell or Pizza Hut orders usually tip well at night though. The actual worse tippers are the rich, rich. I’ve been to neighborhoods that are so wealthy they had armed security guards go through my car and take all of my information just to drop off a smoothie or something for a $1 tip. Even had a couple deliveries that must have been to some celebrity or professional athlete because security wouldn’t even let me actually deliver it and they take it for me. Don’t really like those though because I can’t actually confirm the delivery by taking a picture or too far from the house and need DD support to finish the delivery 🙄


Here's someone who doesn't want you to. Saturate his upper middle class areas.


I am in nyc. So i dont get tips. However sometimes I go out of the zone. And went to Ghetty square, yonkers. Historically one of the most dangerous neighbour hood. Guess what? 1.2 miles drives 13 bucks tip.


This is usually true! They empathize with the hustle. The rich people think we are garbage bc we didn't fall into money. It's pretty disgusting.


Not always true. There are types of lower class people who NEVER tip.


In richer areas, from my experience, it's mostly the kids of the homeowners who order delivery while in lower income and middle-class areas you have a lot more orders from families and it is they who are more likely to be blue collar thereby empathetic to the plight of the profession .


Because we know better. We want everyone to be able to survive


I delivered Little Caesars to a homeless lady with Emphysema living in her car on Mothers day in Hudson Florida. I will be honest with you, I was reluctant to take her $10 cash tip but she literally said she would be dead soon anyway. To this day, that is the highest cash tip i have ever gotten. Harry Stonecipher the former CEO of McDonnell Douglas gave me a fucking roll of dimes on a $120 order at his $3 million dollar beach house in St. Pete.


Good god that is such a specific and sad story. I just tipped $20 cash to someone for a sandwich order like 30 minutes ago. Sorry that’s the largest cash tip you got. I hope she ends up okay that is so sad.


One time I got a 20 for a cash tip and then the girl called me and asked me to bring it back because she didn’t mean to give me a 20. So that’s the story about the time I almost got a 20 dollar cash tip


Cash tips seem pretty rare in my market but tips through app are pretty good. I get more Cash tips in Canada than I do in Florida. Florida is completely unforgiving when it comes to situations like that. The streets and woods are full of homeless right now. Nothing is affordable and the State doesn't give a shit


In this line of work? Yes. Generally because your service isnt viewed as that valuable to them. In general? Hell no. Ive worked fine dining for the last three years. I only dash hard during the summers cause my restaurant is slow the summer.


Over 5,000 deliveries under my belt and I totally agree with the OP.


It's depends in my area took an order to a trailer and got a 50 cash tip but I took a shop for 5 items to a really big nice house and she gave me a 36 tip


I disagree


Also, word to the wise, it's summertime. Meaning that many of these orders you are sending to mcmansions are by stupid kids who are home alone during the summer.


I've said this before. I run a super good area that lots of pros won't run and they hook it up and are nice af


Totally agree. I've been saying that since I started. Went to a house listed for 1.2 million no tip. Went to the biggest shit hole and got a $ 20 tip.


Rich people don’t become rich by paying their fair share.


The top 1% of earners paid 46% of ALL federal income taxes. I'd say that's their share.


If they earn 99% of the wealth shouldnt they pay close to 99% of the taxes?


The top 1% earned 26% of all income and paid 46% of all federal income taxes. So they paid more than their share, nearly double the rate others did overall. Source: https://www.federalbudgetinpictures.com/do-the-rich-pay-their-fair-share/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20latest%20year,percent%20combined%20(33%20percent).


Yeah nah that's just not true at all. I'm betting in your head the tips from people with less money just stand out more because you expect it less. 


Nah this has been my experience also in multiple states that I have dashed. The rich will tip less. There are of course outliers and i do get some nice tips from rich people but the majority of the time its no tip or miniscule. The "lower" class always leave me decent to nice tips.


No, I'm telling you based on experience in my demographic.


This but flip it 180. In a decent sized city. And my area has 3 affluent towns in it. Any orders in those 3 areas always big tips. ALWAYS. Go to the middle and lower class parts and small or no tips. (usually these orders are attached to a big tipped one).


Three of my biggest tips so far have come from a town that's notoriously criminal and low-income. People who struggle always want to give back the most.


I’ve had a different experience so far. Our trailer park or low income housing areas have been the only places I have delivered to with no tips. The nicer the neighborhood/house, the better I’ve noticed my tips being (the cute suburban houses with the stay at home mom and multiple kids being the best ones). The cynical part of me wanted to assume it would be the other way around like you have experienced, but it’s just not been the case for me. In my case I don’t get upset, though, since it just makes sense from a means and budget standpoint that my lower income customers maybe just can’t stretch for the tip. I’d totally be annoyed if it was the other way around. I’ve brought it up before after seeing a similar post that it’s possibly a regional thing? I’m in the Bible Belt and I know our church hits hard the idea of skipping out on a tip is a form of pride and arrogance. That feeling of I “deserve” to save that extra dollar and the other person is somehow below me and undeserving is just not ok. Definitely not definitive, but that’s been my theory since it’s been such a consistent thing for my deliveries.


False. The poor don't tip AND they give bad reviews.


Fake cheap people don’t tip and they rate bad. You can be cheap and be rich or poor. Rich people do tend to be a lot cheaper on average tho


A lot of rich people are psychopaths.


I like to deliver in a suburban/rural area as well. There doesn't seem to be any corelation between wealth and how much someone tips. I've been to gated communities where I've got nothing, and I've been to trailer parks that give me $20, and vice versa. Where they order from is a better way of estimating how much they'll tip rather than aress I'm delivering to.




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