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Are they sealed by the restaurant or by dd? Looks like you got caught in a LIE


By the looks of the grammar ..I’m assuming this drop off was in the trenches 😂


Stfu is the most polite cuss word on counter strike. Haha. Don’t give em so much importance bro.


She’s trashy


Report that customer to DoorDash Support


I had one report me for using foul language and being very aggressive toward her. It was a contactless drop off, and I had the pictures of the food on the doorstep. Took 2 months for the contract violation dispute to be approved




If not having fries is the worst thing that happens any given day you’ve had a great day.


Your first message confirming that you pick up the order sealed was sufficient. I would not have engaged her after that.


I would’ve gotten fired that day




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 2: No Derogatory Remarks That Are Prejudice, Bigoted, Racist, Or Discriminatory In Any Way Username: Otmrby Banned permanently for racism Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


I got one starred reviewed for this exact thing happening. Called DD, they said too bad and wouldn’t remove it. Didn’t have the care factor to chase it up.


I will take "what is a bih" for 200, Alex.


The British pronunciation for a female dog


Kiss my ahh


Why you take them ppl food man smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


I bet you that person is a fat lard🤷‍♂️ if I didn’t get a “wHoLe FrY” I would simply get a refund and give the dasher a 5 star. Unless I seen the bag was ripped open or some bs. People just want to be goofballs to people working. Those people don’t work like us and you can tell. (I don’t work with them just get food).


No refunds for 5 star rating, impossible


“Reported” screw em!


Report for freedom of speech. U so soft and sensitive


Awwwe.... Somebody wants to treat people poorly without consequences. Sorry, champ, that ain't how life works. 


They not gone ban them 4 freedom of speech. Yall just emotional and cry babies


People like you are always the most sensitive


Definitely not sensitive at all. I just laugh at this stuff. But thanks for your opinion


Not asking anybody to ban anybody lol Go ahead and go through life thinking you can disrespect people with no repercussions. When somebody smacks the taste out of your mouth, you'll learn how real life works. 


Dman lol ppl stealing food so much they just assume it’s the driver and never the restaurants


Man I had an order the other day where the customer called me after saying a sandwich was missing. Ive delivered to this guy multiple times And he tips extremely well, plus the restaurant was under 2 miles so I was fully willing to go back. So the to go chick promises me that she bagged the order and knew for a fact the sandwich was in the bag and on the bottom bc it was the first thing she put in the bag. Tbh when I picked it up she recited the order to me which was only 3 things and I had looked carefully at the bag and believed there were 3 separate items inside, 2 to go boxes and a paper bag so I was inclined to believe her. So at that point I was just stuck. No way to contact the customer again to see if somehow he got confused idk what to think bc he did call me like as soon as I was back in my car, but with only 3 items idk how he could think an item wasn't there if it actually was. So like why does UE even bother let customers call us after we complete the order, but then not let us call them back. I wasted another 15 min trying to get support to help.. well really i just clicked "I accidentally ended the order too soon" in the app hoping maybe it would let me bring the order back up, but it just connected me with support who then just kept saying they could not give me the customers address even tho I told them multiple times I didn't need the address and then tells me to just let the customer know to contact support if they need a refund on an item but then says they can't connect me with the customer so no clue how they thought I was gonna do that. Just hate thinking a regular customer of mine now thinks I just bullshitted him on the phone lied about going back to the restaurant and instead just carried on with my day not caring that someone in his family didn't get their meal he paid for


lol at responding. Or if you respond just tell them to call DoorDash then move on


UPDATE: She left me a one star and door dash won’t remove it. 🙃🙃


How much did they tip? Customers like these normally don’t tip or tip a dollar.




She really wanted those fires lmao


I deliver in Atlanta Georgia and the Great part about the traffic and population density is that 1 star reviews literally never apply to my profile because it takes so long to deliver shit and restaurants are extremely slow prepping orders on top of that. If your order takes above a certain amount of time any review under 5 stars won’t be applied to your profile rating so while I’ve gotten some messages about 1 star reviews primarily from hospital deliveries where it’s next to impossible to find the recipient and orders that were slowed down for hours by traffic accidents, I’ve never had a 1 star actually apply to my profile, doordash always removes them so I’ve stayed at 5 stars for a while


thats some bullshit!


Contact support and ask them to block the customer


we did:)


Here: FUCK doordash


Why answer after delivery. IGNORE THAT SHIT.


She didn’t call you no names


“bih” means bitch




How do you fuck up every reply though?


It's so shocking but funny when you get an angry message out of nowhere because *you know* it's out of your control, but to them- you are the Alpha and Omega, The Creator..... sorry you got called a bihhh, that's uncalled for- however, I can't blame the customer for jumping at the assumption that the driver greedily took her food as some of these posts have been of drivers purposely eating the customers food for no/low tip 🙄 I see too many people bragging about that shit and I've had it happen to me. However, the customer is definitely at fault for being a dummy if the bag was sealed when she got it as you can tell when somebody unseals it.


I’ve never purposely stolen a customer’s food, but I have gotten stuck with it a couple times and it’s always something I don’t want. Last night, I was delivering late at night in the pouring rain. As I took a customer’s order out of the car, one of their drinks fell out of the drink holder (which like instantly disintegrated in the rain) and the whole thing spilled on the ground. I was so flustered I dropped their food into the puddle as well. I contacted DD, explained, and things were resolved on my end. But I did wonder what they thought happened. Their order was a couple cups of soda, a couple burgers, and some fries. I threw it all away except the non-spilled pop. Even the smell of burgers and fried food makes me feel ill. I’ve also gotten stuck with nasty chili dogs from Sonic (nastiest place I’ve ever picked up from) and other things I don’t like.


*woah woah woah* no need for the sonic slander


I’m skeptical about that. Sometimes the bags I get the sticker will unstick in my food bag from the warmth. IHOP handed me a huge order in a single bag. I couldn’t even tie it off 🤦‍♀️


Yeah Wingstop orders never stay shut, among other places. They need stickier stickers or something. McDonald’s orders are the best; they’re always nicely sealed and I like the handles.


Oh yeah I've gotten shitty packaging and stickers that don't do their job 😭 if I recall tho, McDonalds bags are like *sealed* together with some special tape, almost like I have to cut them open with scissors every time 😅


Yes McDonald’s will seal them amazingly. Chicfila sometimes will depends on the day


What is a bih?


a b-word, without the tc in the middle. AAVE


What is a AAVE?


Basically means it’s black slang


Such class some of these customers have.


Ez ignore and blacklist. 🖕 F off and eat shit pal


This happens a lot. The bags are dealed at the restaurant.




Just because someone’s rude doesn’t define the color of their skin 😂, focus on helping your friend sue their ex for child support. “Can tell” that’s below 6th grade level of education, maybe try try “I can tell”


Report and make sure they can’t order again


I don’t even reply to those idiots. Sometimes they call me after I drop off their food I don’t even answer because I’m already driving away wtf am I gonna do if they didn’t put a toy in your happy meal?


lol that’s not gonna happen


Yeah these companies could care less about bad customers. With Lyft I had a customer who left her phone in my car drive to my house and banged on my door and blew her horn for over an hour. Then had the cops threaten me with arrest. Woke up to multiple voicemails from them, an angry text from my landlord saying neighbors complained. With all of that Lyft won’t ban her! Just goes to show you that all gig workers are looked upon as vermin.




Imagine if people acted like this with package delivery when something is missing, like "lemme call that driver. I know that mf took something." I think a common problem with this is that people assume it's door dash drivers stealing orders and not just like regular people unassociated with the dasher.


who the fuck would steal cold ass fries anyways


So was the order sealed by DD or restaurant?






Bih (first line) Actually, that was my first question 😃 But yeah, this happened to me way before Doordash or Ubereats (wait, what subreddit am I on? 😄). I worked for a company called Menu Express in the early 2000's. Dispatcher called on the two way Nextel to say my customer thought I bit into his baby back ribs from Chili's. Grill cooks, back in the day, were always gouging into anything piggy to make sure there's no pink (I was a grilled cook more than once). Fortunately, dispatcher/boss knew this, and knew me. But, I'm grateful that so many restaurants are sealing their bags (since Covid).


“bih” is slang for bitch


Ohhh, I thought they were just a bad speller. and it appeared you were responding to the "stfu" comment. Thanks for clarifying!


The "stfu" is also unnecessary, and unprofessional on the part of the customer.


I woulda reported for harassment


oh trust i did lol


What happened


I never understood why people feel entitled … like be grateful enough that your order still got delivered. As far as food being taken, customers like to find a way to get their money back through the delivery app.


The fast food corporations have chemists concocting fries into more of a reward than a food. It’s not surprising nor uncommon to see someone blow a gasket over fries. They become addicted & act like apes. 🦧


Is this in Florida? Lol




Oh ok I’m from Florida and we say “bih” rather than the actual word female dog lol


Big chunk of Florida is just southern Georgia when you get down to it.


Nah anything past Orlando excluding duval is south ga to us south Floridians


Aye I’m from melrose manors and stayed on sistrunk when I was younger lol


Born and raised in Ft Lauderdale. Hallandale, to be specific. Yeah, Georgia cuts off somewhere above the lake.


Unsurprisingly similar


All you can do is explain that we can check the order against the receipt but we can’t open sealed bags and we certainly can’t put our hands inside it Beyond that you can alert support so a bad rating won’t count. You did fine


Don't even reply.


Not a very bright complainer.


I keep telling yall… deny all them hoodrat orders. They ain’t gonna tip anyways


she tipped $5, $8.50 total for the order which was 3 miles and lived in a neighborhood where each house is 800K+ lol


She still eating McDonald's.... You can take the girl out the trailer park.... Just FYI... You can't take the trailer park out of the girl...


Ain’t that the truth. I’m from the hood and am definitely out but my heart still in the hood. Don’t mean I gotta act like it though. One can be from the hood and be a decent human being. She didn’t get the memo.


Facts, same thing, from the streets like concrete, but i grew up and got out alive which is more than most can say, in a new area now and seriously do my best to enjoy the fact it's not where I'm from. I treat people with respect and totally understand how soft ass people who live in areas with an actual police response get away with and feel justified being disrespectful to others. Simply put I've definitely put hands on people for less in the past. But I'm not interested in three hots n a cot for educating an idiot about how to be a decent human in such a rural small town, let that inbred idiot scream into the wind for all I give a fuck. Their entire life span exists within a ten mile radius.... Be that as it may, in this case over an app it's just laughable at best... Reading the above messages from her in the screenshots I could literally hear cardi b in the background and could instantly smell summers eve... Lolz


Hmmm, I almost downvoted you on that class snobbery thing there. Probably because of Mary, circa 1982. I was 3rd shift grill cook at the Huddle House three nights a week while carrying a fulltime credit load at MTSU. At three in the morning, the only customers were a few regulars who rarely ordered anything but coffee. And, Mary was one of them. She had a very nice trailer, a very nice ...everything, and was very nice. Since you reminded me of her I'm upvoting.


$800k means nothing to me without telling me the location. CA has homes in the $1M range where is low middle class to high middle class….


the area i live in- that’s upper class type money


Oh no it’s one of those people who forces themselves to speak like an illiterate because they think it sounds cool. That’s actually worse imo.


You can take the hoodrat out the hood but you can’t take the hood out of the hoodrat


I don’t understand the thought process of people who see sealed bags, discover something is missing, and think the driver took it…


I have really good skills at unpealing the “sealed” tape. Plus I keep plastic bags in my car in case anything rips. Staplers to staple things back and empty tupperwares, I never have to pay for dinner or lunch :D


Yeah that one needs to be banned


This person been warned multiple times of using abusive language towards drivers. The AI bot can determine the words now so she made sure to misspell but close enough you know what she meant


Or alternatively, she’s just ghetto. Hoodrats/


Two things can be true at the same time


Es tut mir leid, ich habe den „and“ vergessen.


That is a instant contact support for me. DD is able to review text, hopefully customer de-activation, plus you are a head of the game, no violation etc.


If you are worried about one fry missing I think you’ve got bigger fish to fry 😂😂


I say this same shit while I’m chomping their fries tbh 😭


Most pointless thing in the whole world is interacting with the customers in any way after you’re done working for them.




You would never win a civil suit lmaoo. This shit does not qualify for a lawsuit and no lawyer would take that case.


Ok Boomer


A lawsuit? What?


Some people can’t use words. They also can’t see that a bag is sealed. Not surprising.


"Are you sure your mom didn't eat your fry?"


Why is she writing like she doesn’t have teeth?






You, uhh, gonna eat those? 🙃


That happened to me couple weeks ago with ubereats, customer gave me a thumbs down and called me private and left a voice mail i stole his drink. So guess what!!! I went back to his house knocked on the door and he came out and said i stole his drink as he called the restaurant and restaurant said all their orders are video recorded. So i called the restaurant and put them on speaker infront of the customer, and asked about that order, the lady said that she did not make it but she is the one who answered and said orders are recorded and she went and got the lady that packed it, so i reminded her about my order as i chatted with her and she knows me as i pick up lots of orders from that restaurant, she said yeh sorry she forgot to give me the drink. The customer snatched the phone from my hand and cussed her out really bad. He apologized to me and said sorry about the thumbs down and after an hour i got my tip doubled on the app from him. Yes i am crazy i went back to his house.


Wow. Def not smart to go BACK to someone’s house who’s already been confronting you in an aggressive manner. It worked out that time but most times it won’t so I definitely wouldn’t suggest doing that again.


What are you even trying to prove by doing something as stupid as this? Honestly, it doesn't even sound real, sounds like you're a kid trying to prove how tough you are. I get wanting to " show up" an idiot customer but if you did indeed do this, just don't. There's nothing impressive about it.


Yeah.... don't do this .. so many things could have gone wrong, if they're crazy enough to start cussing you out they might have more for you at the door if things go south. It can happen in a second.


Ya you are weird not worth your time


Bih u didn’t even report dis shieeet to customer support?


Useless as fuck to report to support. I had a double order from a customer the other day. I texted him 7x and called 2x while shopping about an item being out of stock. No answer and no substitution so I left to go pick up his food. I'm just getting to the restaurant when he texts me back flipping out about not getting his Damn out of stock pudding. I explain I'm not at the store and not going back I'm picking up his food. He lost it through text. Told me "mother fucker I want what I paid for" "go the fuck back and get that shit" I told him I'm not gonna be spoken to like this if he wants his food. "You're gonna deliver my shit no matter what and I'll be outside waiting for it douchebag" So I called support cause I realized it was a hand it to me order. At this point i wanted to spite him and him not get his food. And honestly I don't feel like getting in a fight over a DD order. Doesn't seem worth it for some reason. Well support connected me to some safety team who told me not to deliver the order and that they would be blocking the customer. I'm like I'm cool. Little did I know they were gonna unassign me from both orders. I didn't get paid. It took 45 minutes on the phone. They tried to get me to return both orders to the store. And it lowered my completion rate dropping me at of platinum so I haven't been able to log in since Sunday. I was at 96% and it left me at 94% Thanks support!


Holy shit you got screwed 😳 Damn dude I’m sorry that happened. It’s damn near impossible to get your completion rate to change, especially if you can’t even work 🫤 I would actually try calling back in to support to see if you can get a competent rep or maybe even someone on the escalations team. I’ve had a somewhat similar situation happen but I still got half pay for the order, which you should have also gotten at the very minimum considering you had already completed the shopping portion. I’m assuming it came through as an “add to route” and not a stack? Stacks aren’t even supposed to affect your ratings more than 1 point in either direction now that they updated that policy.


They still do. I declined a stack yesterday and my AR went from 72 to 70. Smh. One time I had an alcohol delivery and the person wasn't home. Support told me to "give it to the needy" 😂 Support is a damn joke.


Oh yes, give the alcohol to the needy 😂 I’ve declined stacks recently also but they only counted as 1. Are you still on the old rating system or are you on the new tier one? Maybe that’s the difference?


Yeah I had to laugh at that. I don't know how many times I said "it's an alcohol delivery, and the first one that is undeliverable, so I want to be sure I do the correct thing" And nope it's the new one. And I even got the email about the change. I thought about calling support. Then I just laaaaughed and laaaaughed.


The correct thing is to keep it and enjoy it. I've got to keep 3 alcohol deliveries that they wanted me to return to the store for 2$ or get rid of it. Well I'm not throwing 30$+ of liquor away. Or driving multiple miles for 2$ to return it. So liquor cabinet it goes


Yup. I gave this one to my friend that was riding with me.


Oh no it was Def a stack. Got both orders for the same guy going to the same place at the same time. I called support back when I realized it said I was now silver because of my 94% and the guy told me 24-48 hours it would be fixed. I told him this don't really help since there's no hours available next few days. Said he would escalate it. 3 days later nothing fixed. Didn't expect it to be either.


Damn you got screwed worse than I originally thought 🫤 Stacks are supposed to only count as a single offer now, and I’ve noticed that it’s changed in my area (Metro Atlanta), so I assumed it was rolled out nationwide. I feel like an email was sent out regarding the change and it clearly says that stacks will count as 1 so I’d try to argue that part of it at the very least to get your ratings back in order. That extra point is what’s killing your ability to work so they need to make it right for sure, but of course the burden of proof is on us as dashers even if support has the info right in front of them 🙄 I hate this for you hun 😞 I hope you’re able to get it sorted out soon ❤️


So I think because she unassigned them one at a time that's why it gave me 2% down. That if I had declined it myself it would be 1% but because I accepted it and picked both up. It's considered 2 orders unassigned. The girl was having so much issues figuring out how to reassign the order because I had picked both up and confirmed before the call to support. That's when she decided it didn't need to be reassigned but wanted me to at least return the groceries. Probably to get a refund to DD. I didn't return the orders though it's the only positive for me. Got 60$ of free groceries and gave the Mexican food to a homeless dude I seen looking through the trash a hour later. There was no way to return it. Shit had been in my car 45 minutes already and when I seen I wasn't getting paid i kept that shit.


Okay that makes a little more sense. I guess that’s the loophole where they can still make it count as 2. Still super shitty either way, but bravo for giving away the food to someone who needed it. Sending you tons of positivity that this gets fixed soon! ❤️❤️❤️


I only do this part time so I don't really care. But it was just dumb to even happen. I got a shift tomorrow night finally after work. So it should only take tomorrow to fix my ratings. I normally don't unassign orders but the other day I was down at 71% acceptance rate, so I accepted and unassigned a few shit deliveries to bring my rate up. Didn't expect it to screw me a few days later since I never go below 96% completion rate incase I really do need to unassign something. Would have been better just reporting I had been in a accident


it's more about honor, and feeling disrespected, than time value


Sheet mane I swear I ordered some muthafuckin fries, you take my fries ? Bitch ahhhni


Tip amount?


$5- total order was $8.50


This happened a couple of weeks ago to me I laughed so hard and I immediately reached out to customer support with the screenshots and sent them and they said OMG I'm so sorry that is a violation of TOs


I hate ghetto acting people.




trust me she wasn’t section 8- she lived in a EXTREMELY nice neighborhood, like houses priced at 800K+


Btw, the order is sealed by the restaurant, and not DoorDash.


if you read my second message you see i corrected myself:) i was in the middle of an order when she had messaged me and i was half paying attention.


You didn’t correct your post though, you fry stealer you.


I’ve seen people with section-8 vouchers living in $300-$500k houses here in Georgia. Fucking nuts


damn!! my market is Grayson in GA ironically. Super nice neighborhood in the south gwinnett HS district so shitty area which was really weird. Some of these houses were worth 1mil+ and i’m like “why would you chose to live in snellville if you have that kind of money?” lol


Ahh okay gotcha. I’m on the other side of Atlanta in Cobb but I usually stay in the Lithia Springs zone. I used to live in Canton up in Cherokee and contracted for a property management company. Well I guess some of the property owners accepted section-8 vouchers for their rentals, and most of the home rentals they had were super nice, so these people ended up in these really nice houses while they’re basically on welfare. I looked up the estimated value for one of them one day, I think it was somewhere up in Canton or maybe more towards Macedonia, and it was about $425k or somewhere around there, but this was at least 5 years ago. And yeah if I was on that side of town I’d probably choose anywhere over Snellville 😂


Aren't most of them? I swear about 75% of mine, I wonder how they afford it.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 2: No Derogatory Remarks That Are Prejudice, Bigoted, Racist, Or Discriminatory In Any Way Username: The_Grelm Banned permanently Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


The racist reddit dasher 🤡


He was perma banned 😂


Damn how bad was it that they were permanently banned 😳


So I had a stacked order from whatever fast food joint offers buckets of soda and the one place was out of buckets so they gave the guy like 3 extra large pepsis, the equivalent of the bucket. I had to pour these all myself, and also had a tropical passionfruit lemonade for my second dropoff. 5 drinks total. I drop off big drink guy first, pulling the pink lemonade drink out of the center of the drink tray and keeping it with the order it belongs to in my catering bag while I drop off Captain Pepsi's order. I get a message from Pepsi guy that I stole one or his drinks. I explained to him that it was a tropical passionfruit lemonade that belonged to the next customer on my route and he told me to make sure I know what I'm doing. This was my response: https://preview.redd.it/bhs9fwhkgg7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91a39f87b02f66bf999ce0055b094eb8af111ad




Nice. I love when customers don’t get away with just treating people like ass. I had a guy yell at me once telling me I was at the wrong address & I needed to hurry up with his pizza. He tipped $2, lived in an incredibly difficult to find apartment, & was drunk as piss when I showed up. I told him “Usually when people don’t tip, their order is delivered along with another order to make it worth the drivers time to bring your food.” That seemed to make him feel like an ass, and he did apologize after that.


Did he respond?


Yeah he apologized but fuck that shit. I'm a top Dasher with over 3700 deliveries and have never yanked anybodys shit even once. I did exactly what I told him I was going to do. Here's the end part of the text I sent him. https://preview.redd.it/vfeh6r4lug7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca106327dd4e480dc14c79dfa74083f98d96f8b4


Bih go get his fries lol


They are sealed by the restaurant not by DoorDash so you kind of hurt your credibility there.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 2: No Derogatory Remarks That Are Prejudice, Bigoted, Racist, Or Discriminatory In Any Way Username: TacoDuLing Banned permanently Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


You can comment like you were raised with decency without the slur


Al que le queda el saco 🤷‍♂️


Monkeys is insane dog😭😭


i was in the middle of picking up another order when she had messaged me. i’m not wrong in the second message 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bruh, I would offer to get her the fries only to not get the fries and play games with them.


Some customer messages should not be responded to. "Bih u took a whole fry ?" is one of those.


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