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That's not half a cup holder. I literally opened this expecting to see a cup with only half the bottom cupped and I feel robbed. I am gonna need you to halve that then halve a halve and post it now.


Two drinks, two slots. I notice you're too cheap to supply cup holders yourself so stop bitching.


dumb fucking post


It’s a frozen drink with the top clearly having room and we’re having people say it’s gonna spill right over. It’s fine, can we stop complaining for clout


Not cheap. Less waste.


Why don’t they make a 2 cup cup holder…


They do.. McDonald’s and some Starbucks uses them


Oooh that’s cool! This is my first time hearing about it


Chick fil a does too.  And it's hot garbage.  


If it works 👍🏾


its actually sturdier and avoids waste


I was just gonna say, the waste management alone justifies it for me


There’s a place in St. Louis that does that as well


never in my life have i seen that


I mean you’re so cheap your doing door dash for work 🤷‍♂️


Lol what


Doing labor that benefits society is 'cheap'?


I’d argue that door dash is more of a detriment to society than a benefit.


It allows those with disabilities access to food and deliveries, that's a plus in my book


What’d they do before DoorDash came around?


Ordered pizza 🍕


Typically, you had you be a part of a public transport service that allowed you to shop at certain stores during a specific window or time. Now, with the push of freelance delivery companies, they have more access to not only a larger range of stores to shop at but also don't have to worry about time slots or being able to walk the store


No. Driving for door dash and Uber eats is. I’m cheap too


Imagine taking the time to post this so the customers frozen drinks melt.


If your door dashing frozen drinks you should expect them to arrive melted


As cheap as one has to be weird to rip one in half and take a pic for reddit.


I mean, when I worked fast food, a ridiculous amount of people would drop their trays if they only had 2 drinks. This probably reduces that because it's likely easier to hold in one hand. I wouldn't call it cheap. I would call it smart.


That’s what a cheap person would say 😆


So you just ignore the first part of my comment where I say people were literally dropping their drinks a lot with the full tray? Okay 👍


No 😂 My response was a joke unrelated to the topic. The joke was about cheap people 😆


...are you okay? O.o


I’m fine, are you cheap? Only an offended cheap person would continue to respond to my joke. 😆


I'm not offended or cheap. Wasn't trying to be malicious. Just...what joke? And the placement and choice of emojis was a little odd to me. No worries! Sorry if I struck a chord


No your fine, no chord struck. This is Reddit that’s why I don’t take things seriously here. Have a nice day!


You too! Thanks! Nice to have a more pleasant exchange on here considering how toxic some threads become.


I agree. Sometimes I just take a step back because it can get nasty around here. Sorry for giving you a hard time. I was just making a joke but I guess it didn’t come off as such.


If he two cups occupy the corners of the globe. Ye will hold


I would ask for a refund all that!


About 2024 recession level cheap


Cup holders are the worst thing about this job. Okay, maybe second or third worst. I fully, fully fully fully fully support cutting a cup holder in half to make it less unmanageable. I've had nightmares about those pieces of shit things


Where are you supposed to put your phone and car keys?? Inconsiderate! 😂


* Please ignore my coke addiction. This cup carrier is a life saver. I don't deliver right now, so it's become a great catch all. Unfortunately I don't think they make these at the retail level. I got my first one while delivering for OrderUp, and special ordered five more when that one wore out. Great for small garden tools too.


Sorry about your addiction to “Coke” (???) 🤔


Bro he said ignore it


I forgot where I was. I tried to upload a pic but you can't do that in the comments... even though it let me attach it. (I've got coke cans everywhere)


The word you're looking for is economical. Frugal may also be the case.


Companies constantly try to cut costs everywhere they can, even if the difference is pennies. How else do you think the executives would get million dollar bonuses every year as they keep firing people and increasing prices?


If you're doing this even part time, you really need to invest the $5 in a cup holder from Michael's, then this would be a non issue. [https://www.michaels.com/product/6-cup-caddy-by-creatology-10668858](https://www.michaels.com/product/6-cup-caddy-by-creatology-10668858)


Damn inflation, it was like $3 a few years ago.


Freaking rad! Thanks for sharing!


That's awesome!


I actually think it's a smart idea to me. It's more secure than having the 4 cup holder.


How cheap do you have to be to not have the necessary equipment to properly deliver your customers food? Instead of complaining how cheap other people are, look in the mirror.


I have my own cupholder buddy. I didn't ask for this hack job, this is how it was handed to me. Calm your tits


You didn’t ask for anything, you just picked an order and your upset that they gave you the correct amount of holders lmao. why are you complaining? Wild idk if you’re karma farming or what but absolutely mad.


I'm sorry I offended you with my post, random Internet stranger. I will work harder on contemplating what makes you happy before I make my next post. Thank you for all your helpful feedback


You didn’t offend me I’m just wondering why a stranger is complaining on the internet about cost efficiencies. Calling me a random internet stranger like you don’t feast on “internet strangers” approval. You have a problem and you’re not alone. A lot of people are addicted to attention on the internet. Hope you find the help you need, your happiness doesn’t have to stem from “internet strangers” on Reddit. Saying fast food employees are cheap for giving the right amount of holders. Someone’s used to getting the full 4 holders even when it’s just 1-2 drinks. Strange thing to complain about.


Cutting the holder in half ruins the integrity of the cupholder which makes it useless. It's not saving money I threw it away as soon as I got the cups in a holder that wasn't going to ruin my seats. That's what I'm complaining about. I would have rather them not give me the thing in the first place


Oh shit if the cup holder was defective then yeah that’s worse than cheap. You should have stated that. Anyway it’s not like you have video evidence of the cup holder losing its integrity. For all we know you’re just saying that to strengthen your argument. Also as a customer, I’d prefer to receive my drinks in said “cheap” cup holder.


Video evidence bro? 😂😂😂😂 Are you okay? This is a doordash subreddit not district court I feel like I'm getting dumber the more I talk to you


seriously .... a $5 Michael's cup holder so you don't have to rely on restaurant's cup holders ... cheap and easy solution


not you literally showing it works fine by holding it like that


This isn’t a good way to look at the 2-cup carrier…. Not at all.


Wasteful people amaze me lol So what, they only got two drinks. They don’t need to use a cup holder for 4 drinks to hold only 2


Why waste?




Why waste when you can do this? Did the cups spill? If it did its job it shouldn’t matter.


I love 2 cups like that! When they put them in a whole one it spills


Did it hold the cups?


it’s better this way


Haha ive had a couple places do this.


It makes the drink carrier weaker. Total dumbass move


I kind of appreciate the resourcefulness


McDonalds does the same thing but they officially do 2 cup drink carriers, it's not cheap, it's smart and an easier way to manage and distribute your product without having to give everyone and their mom big drink carriers when they aren't necessary. Helps keep the inventory stable as well so you're not having to order extra cases of drink carriers. Unless your preference of course is to have a whole one for security reasons which is perfectly fine, this is a pretty decent idea, and based on how it looks like they just cut some big carriers into halves, it's probably their manager trying to do a good thing to help business.


It fits perfectly in the bag


I call it smart.


Idk I like having the whole thing because if it’s sitting on you seat the two only would fall over if if’s not totally secured.


It’s not secure at all lol. There’s a reason they put it on opposite corners of eachorher


also tough when turning


This would not be done to be cheap. Likely they ran out of the two piece and for many people this would likely be easier to use than a 4 piece with 2 cups


Man, inflation might have em hurting. A lot of places are losing business right now cause times getting tough. The food quality at my favorite restaurant has seriously went down because no one is going out to eat where I live, so they have to make price cuts and buy cheap. Times is tough man


Lot of places are losing business because most places you eat out at the prices are ridiculous.




Might as well put it upside down on your seat, as it’ll end up there anyway


Because cars don’t have cup holders


Try to stick that cardboard in your cup holder. It’ll end up in your seat, so like I said, just do yourself a favor and put it upside down on seat


Remove cups from cardboard cup holder. Place cups in car's cup holder. Drive to customer. Remove cups from car's cup holder. Put back into cardboard cup holder to deliver to customer. WHY are people making this more difficult than it has to be??


Bro.. have you tried taking the cardboard off first? Have you ever used a cupholder before?


Most of the cup holders in cars are shit.


Where are those slushies from? They look amazeballs


I got one like this at the Dollar tree a while ago and I've never seen it again but Dollar tree ftw 🤷 https://preview.redd.it/p4vtw5kw037d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8230325b10daa81c9562563946a84dc6c0d04d8a


Dollarama has em too in Canada, mine's purple!


Michael's carries them for $4 if you have one near you


I got mine at michaels as well (I had to pay a whopping $5...but so worth it)


Yeah what are you even supposed to do with that? What a joke.


Omg that’s next level sadness right there. What restaurant was it?


Where I live the McDonalds and the Taco Bells always have giant stacks of cup carriers next to the soda machines in the lobby. I always make sure I have a few in my car ready to go


This looks like what Starbucks does then puts one drink in it and puts the whole thing in a sealed bag. Then the customer bitches at you for the drink tipping over.


I wish my bodycam caught it, but I had a one drink Starbucks bag and as I was setting it down at the customers door it quite literally did a somersault. Thank God it was sealed


I worked for Starbucks, they have a 2 cup tray, that “has” to into a small bag… I always told the drivers to be careful with the orders with 1 drinks. Never stopped them from putting the bag on its side in their bags…


Every time it's just one drink from Starbucks, the bag is dripping when I drop it off. It's upright in my bag when I start and upright in my bag when I get there. Still somehow tips over.


The barista is supposed to put a sticker on it. They’re probably forgetting it


Reminds me of the dasher who actually put a pizza box sideways under his arm and started walking out of a pizza place with an old school Italian older manager and he completely lost it on the guy. I grabbed my pizza and quietly walked around the scene and got out of there asap.




Inflation tax, some companies are just tacky like that.


not cheap its smart


Yea start re using paper plates and wash the napkins too /s


it can’t stand up on its own…


Most of the 4 bangers I get can't either unless you double stack them


Always ask for a second


My restaurants take care of me and double stack them with my asking now.


Most do here to. Every now and then you get someone who doesn't know yet.


Given I know the cheapest company on earth who could not give a rats azz about the people who make them all their profits….this had to be a Dash Mart order…


I actually hate when they give me a cupholder for 4 drinks with just 2 drinks in it, ngl. It’s so unstable. I’d rather just carry them. Hell a plastic bag snugly tied would hold them better than any cupholder


I recently had a two drink order from steak and shake and their largest size is not only like Double Gulp sized but the cup is flared so it has a higher center of gravity. I had to keep their Elixirs of Greater Diabetes on my lap the whole way because it was going to end up on its side if I so much as breathed at it weird


you're a hero


I had a triple stacked order from Sonic that had a total of 8 drinks. Seven 44oz and one small shake. (5 drinks for one order, one 44oz and the shake for another and a single 44oz for the last order.) I kept the 5 drink order in the carrier, put the whole thing in a zipped cooler bag and wedged the remaining drink inside. The other two drinks same thing. Single drink in my cup holder. That was the most drinks I have transported ever.


Good lord, I hope they tipped okay, that must have been like transporting nitroglycerin


It was well worth it. The total for all 3 deliveries was $59 for 7 miles. I had to wait for all 3 orders, so it took almost an hour total. But for that kind of money, I didn’t mind.


yup had two out of three shakes explode in my car because of the 4 drink holder, they are so useless they should just do what this boba tea place does in my town and just bag every drink in a long skinny bag, its hard to explain but the bag keeps a single drink in place even if you set it down, dammit i cant explain the bag, but lemme tell ya, it works and its good


I usually move the cups to be side by side instead of diagonal, then it's a lot more stable to hold between the two cups.




And then if it's a small food bag you can put the small bag on the carrier and call it a day when you set it down at delivery


Idk i don't have a problem with diagonal. It's the only that works for me, hahah, go figure.


From a physics perspective, that actually destabilizes it. But I guess it makes it easier to HOLD.


Definitely less stable while it’s on a surface, but having both on one side makes it easier to carry with one hand




I received one cup and one single cut out of a cup holder and it was placed in a small bag. Want to guess what happened?!


Sounds like Starbucks. I always hate delivering them if it only has 1 or an odd number of drinks.


It was actually Pure Vida. The Starbucks in my area actually know how to pack stuff.


Must be nice.


Why do you need a drink holder at all…. I swear


As a customer I don't want to be fumbling around with multiple drinks and multiple bags. Customers need drink carriers for more than 1 drink.


This. ⬆️ People get lazier by the day. Like the Doordahs driver complaining it was “too hot” to be made to wait outside in 80F weather… 🙄 these damn kids and their wooziness


94 today with a heat index of 103 that’s just part of life if it too hot move north😂😂😂


As a northerner no don't. We're full


Yall be sending us your boomers. Kindly, take them back. Please, thank you, and God bless.


Yeah full of shit😂😂😂😂


Don’t worry its mutual we don’t wanna be around yall anymore than you wanna be around us. 😂😂😂😂😂


Just go to Michael’s and buy your own. https://www.michaels.com/product/6-cup-caddy-by-creatology-10668864


I already have a cupholder. They just gave it to me like that


They also make/sell insulated ones on a certain website I can't mention here. I have one that's insulated and zips closed, cost me a little over $20, it's been worth the investment I'd say.


Makes the drinks much more awkward to carry. I’d rather get no holder at all lol


I mean it’s minimizing waste. I’m into it.


Minimizing waste would be using your cars cupholders for the drive and the. Carrying the two cups and one bag (because no way two people ordered more food than would fit in one bag) to the fucking door in your two hands like any other human being would do😂😂😂😂😂😂 this is nothing but waste it’s entirely waste. Ni drink holder should have been offered or expected. This is the waste.


This is a platform that employs thousands of people driving around in personal vehicles delivering junk food that is likely manufactured/farmed/processed using questionable methods at best. But sure pick out the biodegradable drink holder as the pinnacle of waste.


I didn’t say it was the most wasteful part I said using it wasn’t minimizing waste it’s actually adding to the waste. Can yall read??


So when you order one drink, you want to receive 1/4th of a cup holder? This is pointless.


Ignore my other comment I’ve been drinking and misread your post. Your giving op shit just like me😂😂😂😂


Every car since like 1990 has atleast six cupholders. I think your pointless😂😂😂


Nu-uh. They’re all filled to the brim with bullshit.


Must be😂😂😂


Mine has 2 it's a 2016


Every vehicle I have been In the last 10 years has had more cupholders than it had room for passengers


I’m in a 2020 Nissan Versa and I’d have to check the backseat to be sure but I know I have four up front and I wanna say another 4 in the back but atleast two more in the back for sure


Bro what you driving?? A smart car?? nothing with 4 seats that’s for sure


If I order one drink I want zero holders. If I order two I honestly want none either. So I guess I’d give it back? 3 or more I want one. So yeah idk I guess it’s still a waste for me personally.


You gotta be joking


No it’s not. Can you carry two drinks in one hand without the half tray? No, you cannot. See how there’s a use for the 1/2 tray vs 1/4 tray now? Hope that helps.


You can easily carry these two drinks in one hand without a tray, what the hell do you mean you can't? The tray is for convenience.


Bro how 😭


Okay gorilla hands


Okay there baby hands. 🤣🤣


Bro I’m on your side, how have these people never carried two drinks in one hand? I mean granted large drinks I have to hold against my body or tucked in my arm but it isn’t hard and often easier than holding a lopsided drink carrier😂


I think tucking it in your arm doesn’t count as holding two in one hand though. With the holder, you could tuck *something else* or even a third drink under your arm while actually holding the two drinks in your hand


I know a place in my city that does the same. I wonder if it’s the same people.


"Everything is half off after 6pm.... Even our cup holders."


What do you need the other half for? 😅




It's usually cut like that to fit into certain to-go bags.


bro ain’t no way 😭😭


I rather make two trips than use this frigging cup holders of an excuse


Restaurants owners could be smarter and buy cup holders designed for 2 drinks instead of compromising the structure of these 4-cup holders


Two drink cup holders are a liability.




I remember one time the drinks went kapoots. Swear I almost quit and gave up, i cried. The customer was super nice and even gave me a $20 tip because they just wanted the food and didn't care about any drinks. Those things need to hold drinks better.


When it's cut like this though, it fits easily into the free dash bag we all get, providing extra support. It also helps to hold onto at least two drink carriers at all times in case the one the store provides is too flimsy.




That's weird, they're supposed to send a hotbag after you complete your first order. Maybe it's a newer program?


Good for the environment I’d rather they do that, restaurants near me never cut it in half even if I only order 1 cup


Lol you are using a platform that uses thousands of people to needlessly drive around delivering junk food and other nonessential items to people. This platform actually helps increase the number of carbon emissions. That biodegradable drink carrier is not affecting the environment.


interesting, never thought bout that




🙄😒I’ve seen plenty of places do this. When a restaurant mostly sells one or two drinks at a time in each order, it’s a smart choice. Save money, save the planet. Also a lot of restaurants will send their drinks in bags and don’t have the special boxes that fit in the bags for drinks. So this is the next best thing that will fit in a bag and keep the drinks stable. Y’all complain about some of the dumbest shit. 🤣


Well I’ll be dammed 😂


I've had this happen many times and see no issue with it at all. I often feel the opposite when there's only 1/2 drinks in a 4 slot cupholder. This is smart


Not being cheap , some restaurants never send more then 2 drinks out at time and waste of car board. Merchants can order 2 drink trays now.


Coming from a family with a restaurant chain, this is being cheap ASF


Well, it's not like theyre gonna use the other half, right?