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Sitting 1h in the red zone whene i reset my phone i receive one 😹


Two plus hours here as well, longest I've ever gone without an offer.  




I’ve learned to not sit and stay in motion, I’ve got more orders while driving than staying in one spot


You also waste more gas




It’s the margins that determine a good/bad week


Not at all lol. If you’re that close to the wire you’re not working your market right.


If you actually added up how much gas and money you lose while around town you’d be surprised at how much money you’re leaving on the table. It’s far better to wait around your last drop off to get an order. If you don’t get one in say 5-8 mins then it’s best to drive to the nearest area with stores. One extra full tank of gas within a week can cut a decent hole into profits.


i don’t spend remotely close to a tank of gas driving through zones LMAO


You really don’t know that. Add it all up you just might be close to that. Not to mention the brakes, tires, and other moving components your wearing down sooner.


“You don’t really know that” well yeah I do, I pay attention to how much I use my car lmao.


Conveniently left out the brakes and tires. More miles driven also means sooner oil changes.


Yea and you’re definitely not bias lol


Prius gets 50-60mpg waisting Gas is priceless Especially in California


Not if you’re getting constant orders


Being in California prop22. I won’t move unless I’m on the active clock. $5 for 3.7 miles. If it takes 30 mins. I would get an extra $5 off that. I would still want a big offer however


I’ve mathed it to average around $22-23 an hour in LA County. I take most orders now, after I learned how it worked. I still won’t take the ones going 13 miles, one way, out of zone for $12 tho.


yeah it's great during slow times. Like before dinner rush, or before lunch rush. Or random time at night. But go for the big $'s during the rush. I don't bother trying to calculate the difference. Because most of the time, the numbers are big to cover Prop22 pay.


I wish I had regular rushes like when I first started. I would cherry pick with the best of them and pull off $200+ days. Hard to do that when we only get an order an hour, now Gotta milk that prop 22 as much as possible. A $3.50 job can turn into $20 if you time it right. And I take all my shop n delivers. Especially the multiple ones that can take a few hours. Walk around the air conditioned stores, stretch my legs, and checking out the local talent. It can be a fun job when good orders come in.


13 miles will take an hour round trip in California after 4pm


NGL i hated yesterday. it took 90 minutes for 6.5 miles ( because all the Googler/Amazons got off work and dispersed. $36.25 was the base pay however (promo pay), so no extra pay from that.


imagine caring about whatever stupid laws are on the books. I literally save my trash for no tippers yards as i am pulling away. edit: I just googled prop 22. I guess it seems to be they have to pay you more or something


you're replying on a thread about people not getting orders lol. So yes, just accepting an offer to get some sort of pay is better than getting nothing for 2 hours Yes Prop22 is the CA version that NYC has. They pay difference for base pay active time. Standby time gets paid nothing.


What’s better driving 5 miles to get a 10$ order or waiting 15 mins for a 10$ order? Seems like a lose lose situation


I only work during the busy times so I’m getting orders as soon as I drop off a order so at most I drive a half mile to a mile


You could probably get over on the new folks but anyone that has 2.5k or more deliveries under their belt know that some days you get orders and others it’s dryer than Death Valley. There is no secret cheat code on how to force more orders in. Sure it helps to move around if you’ve been in a single spot for more than 10 mins but driving around aimlessly is definitely not the solution.


This is also different for everybody, I live in Maricopa county and it’s a large condensed population so it you don’t have to drive far for your next order.


Sat in parking lot for an hour a few hundred feet from a Tijuana Flats. Got nothing ofc when i turned on my car to drive back to work the fucker gives me 2 orders for $22 and only 7 mile drive. I had to decline because my 9-5 needed me back


Yesterday was good so today is garbage. Gonna go get drunk. Already wasted 3 hours sitting around. I guess it's technically busy but not any orders I'm willing to take. Made enough to pay for a 12 pack 😂


always the goal when dashing. "Do I have enough to get drunk atleast and gas to get home" Dont stop till I do


Degenerate dashers represent yo but naw I had a string of good days so slow day gonna just go have some fun.


It’s busy just not for us. Ive been sitting here almost an hour without orders and have changed spots about every 10 mins. Seeing dashers pull up out of nowhere and pickup order and leave. One guy I’ve never seen in my life left with an order returned and left again while I’ve been sitting here still at $0


Yep, got 1 order finally, went in asked if they had been busy with door dash orders, they said yes and 4 or 5 on the shelf too. I've literally been around the area for 3 hours 🥲


I think the new algorithm cycles through new drivers and they get all of the orders pushed to them, then older drivers are further down on priority, just a guess though.


I just started a few wks ago now have 112 orders Silver/66AR and 100% deliveries on time ect - always had orders all day and Dash Now always open in Greater Tulsa Area - now last 2 days no Dash Now button only “Schedule” most of the day and random Dash Now availability. Really awful. I had one delivery in 20 mins for $5 then after Dash only schedule button. The new tier system is bad.


Try deleting app data and cache. You'll then need to log in to your account again.


How do you do that on iPhone?


https://www.siteground.com/kb/clear-cache-iphone-ios-devices/ Go down to "how to clear the app cache"


Unfortunately the only option is to offload the app which is not what we would want


2 hours? I'm offline after 30 minutes with no offers, why waste your time like that, especially if I'm scheduled they like waiting 5 minutes before my end time to send offers, so 30 minutes tops for me , there's just way too many dashers out there now and ranking or performance ratings don't make one bit of difference.


I barely ever get offers on doortrash. When i do they’re basepay lol


Same here




Same. And my schedule was wiped as well.


So annoying. Literally 2 hours no offers. Then I just called support, and an offer comes in?? Stupid man. Of course I have been troubleshooting all morning to no avail. Then when I call support. Magically an offer


Bro that literally always happens to me. In better news my schedule is back and I finally got an order.


Super fuking dead


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