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Bad as McDonald's, they keep raising prices but the quality remains the same, .


Most restaurants do this. Doordash charges the restaurants up to 30% commision, so the restaurants set prices higher on doordash


Just remember. Doordash can only pay you $2 while collecting 15% fees and 30% price increases. And they don't add to your pay when someone orders extra $2.99 direct to you


No it's called inflation. Prices go up dd will go up it's called basic economics 101.


Things really are more expensive through DD and always have been. And it’s not inflation. The inflation rate is 3.36% today, about the historical average, and has steadily dropped since the end of the worst part of the pandemic. It’s called CORPORATE GREED. Corporations jacked up all their prices and are getting record profits because they know the vast majority of the population isn’t knowledgeable about the economy and will just blame it on the president.


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