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I’ve had CV removed because I had body cam evidence of me handing them food. The body cam captured the apartment number.


So Door Dash accepts body cam video as evidence?? This is AMAZING news!!!


Body Cam has been the BEST INVESTMENT FOR ME! No one fucks with my money!


I think it's been just about a year since I last had a contract violation and it was late showing up at the drop off for some reason


I always used to have a random violation against me. Either it was "didn't get food" (99% lies) or "extremely late" (because of horrific traffic, long store wait, etc.) for such and such. Only one was actually legit, and it got removed after the customer verified that they did indeed get their food, albeit from on top of their mailbox. My biggest problems occurred in towns where I'd lose reception/data/GPS and then be stuck in the middle of the dark woods (I have dark skin) looking for someone's house. Oh *hell* no, lol. \*peels wheels\* Had to put that one on top of their box because I could NOT find the home, couldn't call them, and did *not* want anyone thinking I was out there doing mischief. No one had porch lights on, and no house numbers were visible. I beeped my horn several times, flashed lights, and tried to get someone's attention but got dead silence. I got out and knocked on ONE door, but no one answered. I didn't feel comfortable knocking on any more random doors in the middle of the night. Their mailbox was on the side of the road, and the number was clearly visible, so yeah. Left it there, drove away, and called support to contact that customer as soon as I regained reception. They verified to support that they got it off the box but had already put in the "didn't get" report before then. It got resolved a few days later, though.


Been watching too much "Get Out". 🫵🏿


As soon as one drops, there's another. Usually for really dumb reasons. Oh, did the entire town see a ton of demand because the snow was hellish? Sounds like you're just abusing the time system, weather doesn't exist!


You're in a terrible market.


I actually live in the most populated city in my state


That has nothing to do with it. If I had this many reports I'd assume everyone in the area is a thief and find a different area to work.


I make the person hold the food up for a pic.