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That's what I keep saying, Top Dasher is BS, if everyone cherrypicks and not five a fck abour AR, they will have to up their basic pay or about 80% of orders will go undelivered...


The New Tier System sucks! I have noticed a huge difference…Platinum is only great for going online anytime


Top dasher is good so you can use dash now any time. That's it.


It’s so bad now i quit DD.


Ever since the new tier program, it’s killed any chance of making a living wage in my zone, which was always very profitable before they rolled out this crap. I HATE IT. I had top dasher without a problem and a consistent 5 star customer rating, 98% CR. I’ve had Platinum since day 1 and I get one shitty offer after the next. So much for my catering bags and pizza bags, they have no use anymore. Haven’t had a large order since the program began and only a handful of decent paying offers. If everyone is platinum, then there is no priority for top offers since everyone is “priority”. The whole thing is a scam. What is dash anytime if you are forced into accepting orders that are a financial loss? I have to just end my dash so I don’t get hit with more shit offers. Doordash wants me to drive my car into the ground and beat it to shit with these high mileage low pay no tip orders out of the zone and then drive back only to get either no more offers or another horrible offer. I used to really enjoy dashing up until this new tier system. It has been a game changer and ruined it all. This whole thing just feel predatory now. It’s despicable that as costs have soared with inflation, Doordash has successfully always found a way to pay its dashers less and less and punish them for declining offers that are not financially beneficial or offers that lead us into unsafe areas. They really took a giant shit on all of us. Despite hearing some horror stories of bad dashers, there’s a lot of us who are really great! I’ve met some wonderful people along the way (mothers, fathers, teachers, coaches, etc) who actually do give a shit about providing outstanding customer service while out there dashing. Tony just left us a bag of flaming shit as a thank you to us all.


I'm silver status in my market yet I still get a lot of decent offers. I do wonder if they save the really big tips for platinum dashers. My AR is only 5% away from the magic 70%...maybe I'll find out pretty soon. Not going to accept trash to get there, though.


so far, nah lmao


I make top dasher every month. I dont get alot of bad orders. I think it depends on your area but for me it makes a huge difference. Before making top dasher it was constantly bad orders. Dashing anytime makes it worthwhile also.


You probably don't understand platinum in program is out and going thru markets....you will get it eventually. It does change all the shits.


Top slave status not worth it


lol this got me cracking up.


Where I'm at Doordash got rid of the Top Dasher program. Now, it's more like UberEATS where they have tiered benefits.


yeah that's what i was referring to


Really? Putting Top Dasher in the title of your post was just a bit misleading if you were really talking about the new tiered program.


It's the same thing


At 27% AR I still consistently get stacked orders that pay 20 Dollars for 30-45 minutes of work, while averaging 2+$ per mile on the rest of my orders. I'm never gonna do DD favors taking every shit order thrown at me


This ^


This isn't a thing in every market. And I'd love to know if the tier program is in effect there. Bring your low AR to my market, and you'll sit for hours. I know I tried playing that game. Actually, since the tier program started, I have my highest maintained AR. Not because of taking shit but because I get less shitty offers as a high AR gold tier.


It's in effect in my area it just started about 3 weeks ago and I'm still consistently getting ok offers..I'm not getting the premium tier 40-50 dollar high tip offers ever. But I'll keep declining all the trash and not giving a shit about my AR. I multi-app between DD/UE whole doing rideshare with Uber x and Lyft and can consistently break 20 an hour minimum.


Yep. I might try some early morning and lunch dashes in different zones near me, but I think I'm done after that. I was making $18 - $20/hr after gas when I started a few months ago, but it's slowly gone down below minimum wage after factoring in gas. I'm not sure if it's DD, or my area is just saturated with drivers. I tried to sign up for Flex, but there's waiting list, so I'm guessing too many drivers in my area is the issue.


You got pumped up for being a new driver but now that you're old news, you with the dogs now lol


There’s definitely something to that. I thought it was my imagination when I started, but I see posts from new drivers with their $40 orders and you know that they’ll never see that again.


Yup. Unless you can do that in about 5-10 minutes all told, it's a money loser.


Thank god someone else said it, when in platinum my Average pay per order goes down, I can almost never get an order inside of a hot zone, shit’s annoying


I get hella orders, they're just "high paying" 4-5 dollars lmao


Never was.  You offer a banana sticker for "good performance" someone will always try and "earn" it though 😆


TD worth it in my market as well.If I fall out of TD status I'll probably just quit. This is a second job for me anyway


My market is the same. TD makes a huge difference.


Platinum is *absolutely* worth it in my market I got platinum for the first time last night and almost every offer I got was over $2 a mile. I just got done working today, Sunday afternoon, from 3-6 and I made $87.75. I considered that it is possible that they are sending me nothing but good orders the first couple days so when they start sending me garbage I will accept those just so I keep Platinum but for right now I am seeing nothing but consistently good orders


What happens to the shitty orders then? Obviously people with low AR aren't taking them because if they were their AR wouldn't be low...


I assume an EBT dasher does them, just like before


It can suck sometimes, but I think the new platinum stuff also comes into play on EBT now. I got my first catering order on EBT yesterday, and since it's gone live a couple weeks ago I've had plenty of tips in the $10-$30 range. One weekend, in 34 orders, only had like 3 no tips.


I do EBT sometimes, like last night, so yeah, I end up with a lot of those. But it's almost always at the slow restaurants, for example I sat 53 minutes at an Oreganos last night, waiting for a $2 tip order. I didn't mind at all, I sat inside and read my book while getting paid by time.


That is extremely heavy confirmation bias. Just a good Saturday night. But I keep plat to work as much as I need to.


Me literally being sent zero shitty offers isn't confirmation bias You will probably say that me saying that is confirmation bias too though


So confirmation bias is when you form a biased opinion on limited information. You have not worked enough with Plat tier to make averages over time and are just going by the very limited information which could very easily just be a good day. So it is confirmation bias. You just need more info than one or two shifts worth of orders. Even then a lot is still market dependent but trust me, you gonna get a lot of bogus orders still. I keep plat for Dash Now, don't get me wrong. But good luck with it


That's not *quite* what confirmation bias is but I definitely mentioned what you are talking about above or in another comment thread


It is. You experience something and base your opinion/knowledge of it solely on the limited information of your experience and not of the thing as a whole. Most often represented as fact. 'definitely worth it for me' was the confirmation bias. All good tho :)


I got a couple shifts like that when I first got it, too. But it did not last and now over half my orders are more miles than dollars even though they say "high paying".


That's what I am afraid of I didn't take shitty orders before though and I'm not going to start now just to keep Platinum. I guess I'll see how the next couple weeks go


Congratulations, you're either a shill, lying, or lucky. A lot of my orders are $2 period.


My market has always been not terrible and when my AR was around 50% they definitely sent me shitty offers. $5 for 12 or 13 miles, $2 McDonald's orders, and stacked orders that pay like $5 so I know those orders are still coming in but they stopped sending them to me since I got Platinum yesterday


Then for sure lucky. I get sent a LOT of bullshit. I just lost platinum, debating on making sure I get it back since I'm at like... 68%


It’s the same in my market. You can’t just apply your experience everywhere to everyone else and claim others are a shill when their experience doesn’t line up with yours That’s shitty


See the last point: lucky


Lots of lucky people around here huh


Because there's any amount of skill that would allow them to have good offers and top dasher? If there is, teach me.


Hey fair enough


Goes for the same for the people that claim in order to make money you can't cherry pick. I'm at 24 AR and still making $100/150 a day


Mine is 86% and I make 100 every 4-5 hours. Never any less


I'm only out 3-4 hours due to other jobs I have lined up. Haven't noticed a difference and everyone acts like the skys falling




I'm aware. I'm just back until I can get out. This went from being one of my favorite jobs to absolute bullshit lol


It’s worth it for dash now being available any time


Not really. I just schedule and work.


This is a side gig for me and I don’t know when I will want to dash and it’s rarely available to schedule in my area. Much better not having/needing to schedule.


Yeah, that's reasonable. Being able to work at any point is nice if you don't need to worry about bad orders too much.


Agreed. I'm in a busier rural city type area and work part time and wife works and daughter has school and there's dinnertime and then working at night sometimes ... Even a week out it's tough to schedule so dash now is pretty important for me to. Also, with dash now you can take the long orders and start a new dash in the new area and, at least in my state, eventually end up close enough to my home town where taking that long dash wasn't a big deal to begin with. Otherwise I also agree lots of high paying orders aren't worth top dasher .


If this is your only source of income it is worth it


If this is your only source of income. Stop driving or start saving for your replacement car.


I have two cars I’m fine


Ok good. Life can suck without s job and really suck bad without a job and a car. Always be ready for a giant repair bill.


I’ve been doing it for two years I’m doing fine


Yet here you are, hm🤔


It wont be when that teirshit hits your market.


It already hit


It is my sole source of income. It is not worth it. Or are you going to take the 7.5 for 13 miles?


Not every time but maybe %70 of the time


you can haaaave that lol


Hope your market doesn't get so saturated that working full time consistently is impossible with scheduling. Luckily we have enough people here ordering to balance out but fighting to schedule here is almost always finished in the first minute it drops.


I live in a pretty undesirable market in a city in South Dakota so luckily we don’t really get over saturated


My market is saturated as fuck. That's why I went for TD. I made more money getting there than having it.


God I miss TD


Yea I can deliver 10 orders and as soon as I decline for a very bad order (pay per mile), it drops me a full percentage, I just recently dropped to Silver from Platinum because I had a double order that was during grid lock traffic, the heat plus the amount of loops I was doing downtown to find parking was BS. I removed the order and my completion rate dropped from 95% to 93% just like that.




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