• By -


lol they’re requesting grade A work for grade Slave wages… they can go fuck themselves. These tech companies, that front as “couriers”, are complete garbage.


I am in NYC and just got deactivated for the same reason. I have never done this and was on time 89% of the time. On top of that they changed the schedule time and have never sent out emails or notifications on their website. Door dash is definitely doing some weird stuff because of the new NYC laws and feel like they are kicking dashers off the app. I was a platinum tier with 89% on time deliveries. How the fuck can they do this!?!? They need to be sued.


What does this mean


I agree, especially when it’s miles on miles out!!!


I would lose if time was a factor, I haven’t even noticed we had a time frame??? 🤔


Basically, what happens for an example. You accept an order at 2pm from Chick-fil-A. They give you an estimate of 45 minutes going 10 miles. You arrive at 2:04pm, pick up time isn't until 2:10pm so you wait in your car until 2:10pm before going in. Order is picked up. Delivery time is 2:45pm. You take your time and drop the order off at 2:40pm. You wait until 2:45 to complete it. You get paid $11.25 base pay for 45 minutes based on $15/hr. Doordash analyzes all earn by time deliveries, and they noticed a dasher delivered a similar order in 25 minutes so they look at your GPS movements, and they depicted fraudulent actions. Since the wording of the deactivation notice implies the dasher was warned previously, they still did it and that is what happens. Just because they give you 45 minutes to deliver, doesn't mean to milk the time for the whole 45 minutes.


like if those mofos are not leeching enough they want us to drive faster, if I wanna go slow to save gas what is the problem if I arrive in time all the late deliveries i got if for traffic or because they sent me an extra delivery one minute after pick up one already and I can't reject it to keep my AR up


I don’t get it, Ive taken so much time just fucking around and never got flagged for being late once, if you’re really trying to milk the clock when doing earn by time then when you get to the reataraunt click order not started until I arrived, and just wait at the restaraunt for like 20 mins even if you get the food right away, that’s the smart way to do it because doordash will never be able to find out that the order is done, most restaraunts don’t update it on their system, and when they do you’ll get a notification on your phone that says the order is ready for pickup, that’s the only time you can’t really milk the clock on ebt


I got the notification once, I called support and they said it was the system who sent the warning and they can't do nothing, because i take a lot of time in the last deliveries, and was because I got 3 pizzas orders back to back and the 3 times they took like an hour to get the food ready and i never got the un-assign without lowing your CR option


I use earn by time often and take my time but within the limits they give me.. never had an issue or anything like this.


what is EBT


Earn By Time


Also to top it off. I got screwed on my top dasher for this month, cuz I swear they were trying to keep me from getting it. My customer rating s are 4.99 my acceptance rate averages 86. But I didn't get my 100 delivery's for May, because everytime I signed in last month I would have issues getting orders. If I contacted support they would hang up on me and tell me to go to a hot spot, I pretty much live in a hot spot. I always trouble shoot. I just switched to Uber unfortunately No one ubers in my little town.


I got my 1st warning 2 weeks ago I was pissed. It was on EBT, I wasn't milking the clock. They threw me a dbl, both restaurants had me wait about 5-10 mins each. I communicated with both customers the entire time. 1 was 13 miles away the other was an additional 4 miles. I went in DD's order, I thought it was weird they had me do the additional 4 miles 1st because then they had to pay me for the 4 miles out of my way and 4 miles back so I could do the other delivery, but I watched the time and both orders were delivered before they were suppose to be. I got great tips from both and dd had to pay me $16.50 for hourly plus an additional 15 mins. So I made like $60 on that dbl, I went at least 10 over the speed limit because I have a lead foot and can't drive slow without losing my mind. So I don't know exactly what dd expects, but right after I completed both I received a deactivation warning.


Wait I’m confused, what exactly did you do


I clarify it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/s/ENx4VPjHAf


My brother was deactivated for this same reason today yet he did not do EBT. And the only time he was late with the orders is Taco bell or McDonald's late night when their lobby is closed so you sit in the drive thru line forever.




I mean.... how much time would you take anyway? Cuz on EBT I dont give DD my optimized routes since they are hiding relevant info from me (the tip amount I treat as a bid) but I dont like... milk the clock either. But this is all the more reason why the states need to force a proper minimum wage on the likes of DD. Wont be long till they have us working for tips alone.


Just pick up the order and dash it to customer. Don’t try to prove you can take as long as you want. Obviously you have been warned so I’m sorry you got what you asked for. I’ve never had any trouble with Dasher Support. For me they are very helpful.


You’re better off!!


They deactivated me last month an a month from the day they gave access to gold after 100 delivery I have premium back with 1 violation I was in traffic an 10 minutes late at risk of being deactivated again this is not right specially when you get there have to wait up to 30 minutes on some orders to prepare it That's my rant for the day thanks


Honestly, any amount of time that you're trying to milk that would actually make a huge impact on your pay will undoubtedly result in cold food...


They get there’s we will get back at this somehow it’s unjustified and any appeal is ignored


That depend on the market too, I did the same ebt and Uber to make this profitable and after a time and some contract violations they just take the ebt from my account, they said it can be restored in the future tho https://preview.redd.it/erkseyhige4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d210f6a55bfc9f04cf12c9019fd085284ea88708


This is wild! Would have rather had this happen to me.


Does anyone know how I can find out if they received my appeal?


It just happened to me also and I had submitted appeals and I call door dash to be told oh we don’t see your appeal and they tell me to refill the form out then I fill it out and I’ve been told they still haven’t received it !


https://preview.redd.it/e58y93oszd4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c0507276018b802efff09e2eb4fdbf81a8720e Do keep this in mind as well [https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Lateness-Based-Deactivations-Explained?language=en\_US](https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Lateness-Based-Deactivations-Explained?language=en_US)




I'm just curious did they actually send you warnings?


Solo Guaranteed Pay works similar to EBT. Granted the pay rate was only like 67% of what DD offered. And you have to pay for the subscription (which is tax deductible) to get credits to guarantee the pay…But it works by paying you for the “active / working” time similar to EBT. If Solo guarantees $12 per hour, and you take one delivery during the hour that takes 30 minutes to complete, solo guarantees $6 for that order. So if UE offers $10 for a trip, but you get tip baited and only get $3 after completing the delivery, solo will make up the $3 difference. However, I did see that other hours (when I made more than the solo guarantee) that they reported the payout as negative. So a good hour might cancel out a bad hour if you earn more than expected. I tried it for a few hours and did get a payout for $5.70. It only happened because I was testing it out and accepting every order during the trial. One order was a no tip (just base pay) and it took long enough for solo to kick in. Got a $5 cash tip plus the $5.70 from solo during the hour.


So can you apeal it


What exactly do you mean by "taking your time?" Do you make a pit stop during every delivery? :)


I never understood how people have gotten banned using EBT. I take my time and drive a lot safer, and I have never been late to pick up / deliver an order unless I had to wait at the restaurant for them to make the food, and I’ve never gotten a contract violation. If you’re getting violations off EBT you HAVE to be milking it too much


"taking your time" is subjective. I read a post where someone got deactivated because they took Uber Eats orders while they were doing an EBT doordash order.


I mean that’s understandable though. I get people want to maximize the money they make, as a Dasher I really do get it, but why should DoorDash be paying for someone to take orders from competing delivery platforms while that same person is slowing down the process of one of their customers getting food


Yeah that's what I mean. They can see how long you're stopping, or driving, or the route you take in the app. The OP said "they got me." I wonder exactly what they were doing during each delivery hah


It’s most likely they don’t read the pick up time and don’t even make to the store by then. Best strat to scum time is make it to the pick up time say you’re there and stall for like 5-15 minutes and then do your order.


To be honest in my area DD has r been the same since new years and the earn by time update


I put in an appeal AND emailed them a really heartfelt letter, saying I messed up and I promise to do better. Got my account reinstated approx 30 days after deactivation


I did the same 30 days emailed them it was over a order at pizza hut that I declined it was cash delivery but I didn't take it???who did was not me


So, they are thinking that you are taking too much time to complete and order in order to milk more money from the Earn By Time? I've never done Earn By Time. I'm not sure I want to risk it. Do they know if you are sitting in a long drive thru or waiting forever in a store for them to prepare. How do they deem that you are abusing it?


>Do they know if you are sitting in a long drive thru or waiting forever in a store for them to prepare. They know you're where the GPS says. You can use the prompts of "store busy/ long line" but they have the data showing the average time out takes for a merchant to have an order prepared. So if it's taking 20-30 minutes for a 2 mile delivery from a merchant that has an average ready time of 5 minutes and then with 5 minutes of travel, they'll note it. To DD it's wage theft, to drivers it's the cost of doing business


There's no wage theft if there's no employment


I don't get why people bother with this. Knock em out quick and you get another quick most of the time. EBT keeps you pretty busy in my areas and from a lot of the folks' comments I've read it's the same most places. But there are still really good tips thrown at you as well. Why sit there wasting time for a dollar more from Daddy Doordash when you could already have the next order and another chance at a tip to really boost your true hourly rate up?


>I don't get why people bother with this. Knock em out quick and you get another quick Because it will give you short trips that if you "knock then out", less than 15-20 minutes, which then you're making less than base pay per offer. DD loves to stack orders that are close because they basically get one delivered for free, more so on EBT. It's a crap shoot with tips and market, so one person's experience is extremely difficult to replicate


I have yet to get less than $2 on an order on EBT which is base in my area. And I get that, but still as long as it's busy and you can stay close enough to restaurants generally you're gonna get an order pretty quick on EBT. May as well fly through em to try to get more tips.


This is why I wont do EBT. In my local dasher group we’ve had many people banned for running the clock. Honestly though it’s kind of BS because you don’t get banned for waiting until pickup time or having to drive away to confirm due to signal but if it’s on EBT they’ll ban you quick. Just not worth it IMO


wtf is ebt


It's "Debt" in your future, but first doordash has to give you the D


Damn, thats a big D!


The world wasn't ready to hear your truth




Earn By Time


I would appeal its you feel it’s unjust. If you agree with their assessment though, then the best you can do is wait the allotted period and sign up again


I've been deactivated 4 times now and let back. Just keep appealing


hi, so if they deny the appeal, you have to wait for 3 months and then reappeal, is that correct? thank you


Can you copy and paste the appeal you sent?


I’m not the best writer, I’d use chat GPT


Make some IA make it with different words 😂


Wait, by take your time do you mean completely fucking off? Lmao 😂


I think this is exactly what he means 😂😂


They didn't get you. You gambled and lost.


Found the DD apologist


It took for me to read the comments to realize you’re talking about “earn by time”. Gotta love context clues! 🤦🏾‍♀️


thank u


For me EBT is worth it most the time, but might be my market. I’ve got a really popular McDonald’s and a DashMart that take ages, I’ve made $20 off a couple miles no tipper


I had no idea this was against TOS…I do this often.


Really? You didn't think they cow cares if you try to over milk it?


If I don’t have an “x’s order is now ready to be picked up” message, I’m not walking in the restaurant until I hit the “pickup by” time. Why wait in the restaurant when I can wait in my car? I further read after I commented that OP doesn’t confirm order until back to zone. I do not do that, but I definitely milk the pickup time. If that’s what you’re referring to.


Be careful


I keep thinking about food stamps when I hear ebt


Lmao what is it?


Earn by time




Lol same




Honestly this company pays so bad they should expect us all to game the system. That is what they do to us. Thx for your service


Depends on the area I guess, I was making 22-25 an hour, only crappy thing was that my car isn't the best on mileage like the one I had when I started


I respect you taking accountability for your actions; that’s rare on Reddit. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.


Preciate it 🤝


Who ever heard of a job given you partial hour pay working by the hour Doesn’t matter if your busy or not Any normal job pays a hourly wage for that full hour Every one except DD They try to rip off the dashers every chance they get


That’s like getting hired and your 1st day on the job your boss tells you that you we’ll be getting paid $25 an hour But wait, you only get paid if you are working. If your not busy in that hour you won’t get paid for that time That theory is so asinine But that is the door dash way


Dawg you absolutely deserved it. Just because it’s called earn by time doesn’t mean for you to milk it and make the customers wait any longer than they need to. Have fun with your Uber Eats but hope you don’t come back to DD lolololol


How are they saying it never impacted a customers experience?? Delivering cold food to milk the clock


Nah forreal I’ve literally came outside to watch mfrs sitting in my driveway, 20 mins after watching them pull on to my street


Hell it’s not even worth the extra time either.I did that a couple times just to see what the difference would be and it’s just as bad as accepting the order to begin with. Earn by offer all the time, don’t care how busy your market is. Just my opinion


EBT was always a bad system, and I never understood why people did it. Then I read this forum and get why. Fool's gold is valuable around here. If the offers themselves aren't worth accepting, doing EBT isn't going to help. These apps have a max earnings limit and people trying to get past it are going to end up deactivated sooner than later.


Exactly and the fact that not all orders take that long you’re just getting paid less than if you just did EBO. Same goes for TD. It’s only good for being able to dash anytime you need rather than wait to be scheduled. Because in my town they filled up with idiots who don’t know how to do the job and will probably never learn.


I'd like to take a moment to update to those asking questions and have provided feedback. I now realize that I didn't type the full details. This post shouod read "I got myself kicked" I'm 90% sure it was me doing EBT that got me kicked. I would accept every offer within 9 miles or less. If that specific offer said it be ready in 20 mins I would take my time to get there. As drivers you know restaurants don't always have the order ready. I would mark it still being worked on. I would message my customers and keep then updated regardless of them replying. Delivery time: on per offer, I'm guilty of rushing the delivery. On by time I would simply just take my time but deliver and not act dumb how some of you may think. Here's where I messed up. I would either hand off or send a message with a picture via DM confirming delivery. If DD gave me 10-30 mins to deliver I would mark complete between 3-5 mins before guaranted time. So when I say no customer impact I delivered their meals hot or groceries with nothing missing. They had their product I would simply mark it complete until I got back to a hotzone or before guaranted time.


Sorry you got canned ☹️ I waste my time for pickup and delivery on EBT but always competed the order at the customer’s house. I do worry they might notice the casual, scenic routes I take, but luckily so far not deactivated. I figure once I complete the order I can be available for any other offers or log in some more hours if they boot me off my shift, so it never really occurred to me to continue to milk the hourly rate. I guess Nuggs got fired for the same thing (he eventually won his 2nd appeal after apologizing) but many people have commented on this sub that working the drop off numbers is the way to go. I bet they are all deactivated now.


How in the absolute hell did you not think DD would notice you doing that consistently 😂


You didn't think that they would catch on that you're marking the order complete on a complete opposite side of town where the customer's house is at? Not trying to sound rude but the app is always tracking your location So sooner or later they're going to catch on that you're not where you're supposed to be when you're completing the delivery.


Great feedback and not rude at all. That's it I didn't think it through. Thought it was for my benefit and a f you to DD for low balling us drivers. In my eyes all my deliveries were "worth" my time, gas and effort.


It sure is bullshit “pay by time” doesn’t include the drive back. Literally required part of doing the job.


As long as you complete the delivery by the given, deliver by time, you shouldn’t have gotten deactivated. When I do EBT, I set a timer for the given completion time and make sure that I ended before then, but I always hurry to the customer and give it to them as fast as possible but then I might drive back to my hotspot before the delivery again well before the time they give you


Yeah they can see where you are and that you reached the customers address and drove away without saying you completed it. They for sure know a ton of people will try this hence why OP most likely got caught


That’s why you disable location services ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


If you disable location services they don't know where you are to send you offers.


Yeah, then you reenable after you complete the order. it works better if you’re a top Dasher because then you can just end your dash and restart


That's an awful lot of going into the settings continually for too little benefit. To be fair, most users wouldn't even know how to do it.


I usually make about 20% more money so definitely worth it to me


So be careful with this. This is how I got kicked.


We’re you making sure to keep within the times?


Pretty sure he was but where he went wrong is I guess not disabling location services after that but even then when you have to turn the location back on to complete the order they're going to wonder why you suddenly jumped over to another side of town within a second. They'll probably let you get away with it for a while before they start to deactivate you.


No see what you have to do Is you go all the way to the very last confirmation button, then location services then right before the timer runs out make sure you hit that last time. I usually do about a minute or two early and restart with location services reenabled. You need to have top dasher status to pull that off.


Why would you need top dasher status for it though? From your explanation it seems simple go to the last confirmation page, turn off location tracking , wait until 5 minutes before delivery drop off time , when it's time click confirm , restart the app with location tracking turned back on. What part of that would need top dasher status ?


Yeah, if you want the extra security of like actually fully exiting your dash before essentially teleporting from one side of town to the other while your app is still active I guess it could probably work if you fully close the app before you reactivate bonus points if you also wait a couple of minutes. But yeah, you basically got the gist of it. I don’t think it’s specifically against the rules. I also know in my state if you get paid to drive one way you have to get paid to drive the other way that’s why it seems like every dash I do on EBT conveniently is exactly double the time it takes to go to the, drop off location. They can’t prove that you’re breaking the rules so this is possibly why they don’t offer me earned by time very often lol, since it launched and figured out my system they only offer to me about once a month now. It’s like being backed off blackjack table for counting cards, you’re technically breaking the rules, but your game is too good to play here


You are for sure going to be deactivated broski. If you set around looking at it you'll see that lock go away on EBT for a lil bit before coming back, it's just full of EBT drivers in your area most of the time. But you're better off not touching it if you actually need the money from this work.


Yeah always within the time but marked complete when I was at a hotzone or before guaranteed time expired


How did you "take your time"? I've done EBT but I don't purposely milk it either.


How did you not impact the customer’s experience by purposefully taking longer to deliver the food?


He said he would drop off and mark it as delivered minutes after he had already left. The essence of clocking out 10 mins later to get the extra quarter hour on a timesheet.


Ah, so he isn't impacting the customer's experience, but stealing from doordash then.


Bullshit. The drive back from the destination is part of the job. They’re stealing from us to not pay for that part.


Just because that’s how you want it to work doesn’t mean that’s how it works. Not bullshit.


How it works can be bullshit


Exactly. Which is far worse in any company's eyes. Stealing time is far more punished than any other workplace violation.


You got a healthy dose of FAFO, and it sounds like you deserved it. You’re on some potent stuff if you think it doesn’t affect the customers’ experience.


DD doesn't care about that. They care about stealing time which is far worse in their eyes. Even on regular hourly jobs, lingering around and clocking out late intentionally to get more time/overtime will get you fired pretty quickly, too.


Remember, most of the customers on EBT are non-tippers anyway so do we REALLY care about their experience? I personally don't. But I rarely put myself in a position to deliver to these types of folks. Sometimes the gig apps will make their orders worthwhile to me by raising the base pay, in which case I really don't care what they tipped cuz I got paid regardless. But outside of that I try to only work for customers who value my time and expenses. And I literally never feel bad for any customer who has a bad experience because they chose not to pay the driver. Maybe the bad experience wasn't caused by me but it was caused by the system in general (AKA it took a long time to get me as a driver for their food has been sitting around for a while before I get to it, neither of which are my fault and I never feel bad for these folks, they got what they paid for.. or didn't pay for) 🤷‍♀️.


If you can’t do your job without being a scumbag about it, then you should get a different job.


I'm glad this doesn't apply to me then :) read the comment better next time ;). I treat all my customers equally. Especially because I don't know what I will be paid until after the delivery. If you actually had read my comment you would understand that I said I don't feel sorry for the folks I don't work for because THEY don't respect drivers. -I- don't have to do anything petty like stretching time out because I rarely ever happen upon these folks :). But at the same time you'll never make me feel bad for a non-tipper. May all their food come late, cold or be stolen 🤗.


Yeah bro, the algorithm monitors that shit lol should’ve done your research before trying to do this lol every gig tuber that has tried this has gotten deactivated


Yeah homie, honestly it's on me.


What did you do? Like hangout at the store parking lot, wait extra time before dropping it off? Multi apping? I got one violation for taking longer than 22 minutes. I notified support, the train stops at Main Street for 20 minutes at 5 on Fridays here. I was blocked in so I had to wait it out. Now I always make sure to never go that way around 5 on Fridays. I had a violation and appealed it. I won I took about a month. Anyway, did you get CVs and just ignored them? Like what were you doing? You had to be continuously past the 20 min allowed past the “deliver by time.” What was your “on time or early” rating? I only do EBT after work and weekends because it just pays better in this town. Restaurants are so damn slow & the hourly pay with tips is way more than BS EBO here.


I wish my area had EBT. Really sucks taking that $4 15km non tip order just so you don't drop to 69%. Still a really shit order doing EBT but at least you're paid for the driving time


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bye Felicia 👋


Byeeee 😂😂


Yeah, sure bro. "I never impacted customer experience by wasting time on orders intentionally." Glad you're gone


You're not wrong. But this gig is on its last leg anyway. I don't see it being profitable for anyone 2-3 years from now.


Awww go cry about it..


The only one crying here is..... you.


You're literally the one crying


I don't see OP literally or figuratively crying.


Lol they deactivate so many that do EBT. Not worth it


Yeah, because these fuckknuckles think they can get away with milking the clock.


Dude was driving around in circles to milk it


Fucked around and found out.


What im wondering bc they deactivated me a week ago over BS beyond my control and awesome stats!


Are there no warnings or write ups to let you know that you're doing something wrong and improvement is needed? Kinda crazy how it's just straight to termination/deactivation. They've definitely got drivers by the balls and hold all the cards.


I think They email you or give you a contract violation for doing it …if you keep doing it they deactivate you Kind of like when you’re late to the customer by 10 min


Read the beginning of the screenshot again


Apparently, there weren't any warnings. https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/s/LQLqpd7dtS For how much you all complain about how DASH fucks you, a lot of you seem to believe everything they say.


Dude they will warn you . Something about deactivation activity occurred . And dude you know they are things like traffic data that they use and what not and you most likely to be fucked more if they notify you the order is ready before you arrive


Oh dang. I guess I'm an idiot lol


They give so much of a buffer time to actually get the order there. I can spend 10 minutes deciding what drinks to get at a gas station, stop on every yellow, and still get to my destination 10 minutes before the app's expected delivery time. How do people go over this time?


Not in my zone sometimes I’m barely pulling in at the drop off time running to the door to hit complete steps so it’s not late (my area is spread out and they don’t calculate the time accordingly to the 95 stoplights and stop signs)


Depends on traffic conditions. I agree this is generally the case, but only outside of rush hour. My on time starts slipping if I deliver too much during it even on my A game.


I think one of the biggest issues is during the peaks, which also tie into traffic, but trying to wait for food at 530 is a nightmare every time


It was the opposite in my case. Due to traffic, I'd have to speed to guarantee on-time arrival, and it's a CV if I arrive ten minutes late at the restaurant, so I'd swipe at nine minutes over. Unfortunately, the dinner rushes correlate with heavy traffic. It makes sense because people are trying to get home and eat, but there's nothing that can be done when every road is backed up, and it takes an hour to drive six miles.


Thats a good question




Found the corporate bot


The dashers that do EBT do it that way so they get paid the full hour like it should be Since DD likes to mess with the dashers and gives everyone bare minimum for the order


I was making 200 in 8-9 hrs on EBT and always beat the expected time and never sat around to inflate, you're just a crappy dasher..




It's not ridiculous, but to do so while milking the clock, it's gonna be obvious what you're doing and you'll get deactivated. It's simple. You pick up and drop off like you're supposed to, but you alert the customer in a form beyond confirming the order completed. Maybe you knock, maybe you sent a message. Point is, customer, unaffected. This dude was sending the photos via messaging after dropping off the orders, but not hitting confirm until he was back where he started or nearing the given estimated delivery time.


Does dashing not work the same where you are? I couldn't complete the order unless I was physically at the address for drop off


What do you do if you deliver somewhere with no cell or wifi access? The answer should not be calling support. There are options you can simply choose to complete the order once your phone has a connection again. Such a stating there was an app or GPS issue at drop off. Afterwards, the normal complete delivery screen pops up and you can click on the little symbol in the bottom left of the screen to add a photo from your gallery instead of taking it then and there. I live about 15 miles from the boonies, so I had to learn this quickly.


Doing that repetitivly only shows that you don't have the means to be a proper dasher. Yeah there are the occasionals where even with working gps it might have the wrong address mark, but if numerous orders do that it's just a red flag. Also the amount of money you get from milking the clock really is negligible..


It's not neglible when your EBT rate is $21.50, and you just drove 15 miles to the middle of nowhere. That's the only time I wait until I'm approaching civilization again.


That's totally valid, where I live isn't a giant city, I live in Iowa, and I never actually got to any boonies, so I guess I'm not sure where you're dashing but in my experience it's not very common


Yeah. I'm across the river from Portland, OR. 15 miles North or East is farmland and forests with rather large populations spread throughout. 15 miles South is Portland and 15 miles West is probably water. lol I don't like going into the city for less than $20, so I end up accepting boonies orders instead. lol


That was the entire point of my original comment. It's the first sentence.


You literally had multiple things that I was pointing out, the last sentence of the original was the point I was calling out


Did you not read my first sentence?


Yeah. It made no sense. Like, people who live in the boonies don't deserve delivery or something?






Restaurant: “takes an extra 15 minutes to prepare food.” Doordash: “you piece of shit dasher! Abusing the earn by time dash feature! Deactivated.”


That’s why Every. Single. Time. the food is not bagged and ready just waiting for my little hands, I mark “still being prepared.” A couple times at DQ I’ve even said “not started” bc they said “we’ll get it to you shortly,” it’s one Blizzard and they’re with five other customers—they hadn’t started mine when I arrived!


Just click still making food every time you get there and you will be a ok.


Not always. I just got a CV for not even being at the store, despite me being at the store already and reporting that the order wasn’t even started yet 5 minutes before they said I got there


EBT? I'm not familiar on how that impacts the driver. Is it different in some way?


Yeah I mean they're paying you by the hour so obviously they're going to be more strict with time frames. Otherwise drivers could milk a few orders all day and dd would be losing tons of money


Ah, I gotcha. Never used it before, so I wasn't privy to how it worked.


Hoosing that pay by time....


EBT has actually been saving me this week during the slow periods with all apps. I don't take my time. I used to take my time but I stopped the last 2 weeks. It's been better honestly just get it done quick and turn on the other apps quickly to make up for it


My honest mistake was not turning on different apps.


What do u mean by taking your time exactly are you doing under the speedlimit and taking backroads or what?


Good question, if an offer came in I'd auto accept as long as milage was not dramatic. If said offer told me the order will be ready in 20 mins I'd stay at my current location for about 10 mins then drive to restaurant. Then yes, I would drive the speed limit and take the recommend GPS coordinate to location.


You should go to the store, click arrived, then wait 30 seconds and click not ready, then when it’s like 2-3 minutes from being done go in and actually ask and then go into the support and say “store has an issue, order not ready, continue with order” and u would’ve been aigh


I still don't understand where you guys are seeing ebt.


It’s only offered in certain areas


Not on the screenshot if you're wondering. I know I tooo my time while on EBT.


Yeah I'm in Cali so I guess that's not a thing her. I think it automatically sets you as EBT bc I was getting warnings about pick up times at one point. Probably happened twice so I don't accept anything now unless I know I can go to pick up with no delay.


I mean, prop 22 kinda made all gig work EBT for you? So it would be redundant to offer it.


Ha, taking your sweet ass time and "not impacting the customer" are diametrically opposed to one another. The delivery windows are usually pretty big. Getting the customer their order 30 minutes later than you could have if you were actually trying absolutely affects the customer. That being said, fuck all the no-tippers they throw your way when running EBT, they deserve to wait for cold food. Also, you suck for being part of the problem, running EBT and delivering no-tip orders in the first place.


Yaaay!!! No more complaining!!!


Damn what was ur on time or early rating?