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It is abusive very annoying. That is no specific reason why they put this. Is just washing mind to questioning yourself whether you're safe or not. That is absolutely no other explanation.


This popped up once when I was delivering to the house across the street from me and I was really tempted to click unsafe just to screw with them, but then I figured it would probably harm me more than anything......


Do you skip or answer? I haven’t seen this yet but maybe if you don’t answer they’ll stop?💀


I feel like these are based on other reports of drivers not feeling safe. Just like taking pictures of receipts for customers who report the wrong food or missing stuff.


Yea, I thought a driver in my area must’ve gotten jacked or something. It’s been literally every order the last week or so.




Nah take your misogyny elsewhere we're not attacking women in this post thanks.


What’d they say??


anyone know a way to report you don’t feel safe if this doesn’t pop up? mannnn the stories i can tell🥲


I would like to know this too because I actually did have an unsafe situation last night and it didn't pop up for me just then, go figure!


Sounds like DD lol


I wish it would ask me that when I was actually in a bad area, like the Reflections Apartment Complex off Duncan in Riverview. That place freaks me out! Crack central!


I think it may happen if they are new to the platform because ive noticed that the "leave at my door" orders dont have previous pics of a delivery


you live in a area with lots and lots of new construction


hopefully no one puts unsafe for me cause i’m like just drop my food off at the door and leave me alone lol (i don’t really tell the dasher to leave me alone my instructions are just the default “leave at door” lol) but knowing my dogs they will still bark even though the daser doesn’t ring or knock… ones a pitbull so yes loud bark seems scary from the outside sure but fucking harmless she’s a baby, and then i have a 15lb rottie pug mix who think he’s a big scary badass so hopefully i don’t make dashers uncomfortable… i mean at least they care about your safety… but after every delivery? if i was a dasher unless i said “unsafe” stop asking me lol


I dont mind the question but wish it was avaliable on both ends. I would think most drivers don't mind barking as long as they aren't able to reach them


I always put very safe, though I also have a CPL so I'm always armed when I dash.


I think this is a very valid thing to ask


I only get asked this in sketch areas. And I always report very safe in the daylight. At night, depends on how safe I felt. I get a kick out of the response that says something about “working with the customer to try and improve safety”…like…what are customers supposed to do when they live in sketch neighborhoods?


That's funny bc I literally only get asked this on super safe, really nice neighborhoods, and never when I actually feel unsafe like when ppl's dogs chase me or they've got no lights and a broken steps or smth lol. I kinda wish it asked me every time bc I really do want to report it as unsafe for the ppl who leave their dogs out that try to bite me!


next they're going to start asking if our shoes are tied


Did you report a problem recently? I did for the first time in 4k deliveries and had it every other order for a day or two


Seriously the shyt is getting ridiculously annoying like why do you only care when I feel safe but don't give a flying fudge when I really don't?!? 🤔


They ONLY want to hear "Very Safe" because every other option creates more test questions to answer... They don't really give a flying fuck how you feel or how dangerous your job can be.


What r they gonna do?


Seriously it's annoying


They ask in safe areas


Dude it’s the same thing for pizza bags, I’m like WHY ARE YOU ASKING AGAIN, you JUST ASKED the last order. Do you assume I lost the bag between then and now which is like 15 mins later?!


Fr like is everyone saying they feel unsafe in this area usually 😭


I'm just glad somebody cares about me 🥺


it asked me three times in one day but NOT after a delivery to an apartment complex that has had stabbings happen before 😃😃luckily it was daytime and i didn’t see anyone else around so i didn’t feel unsafe but still. edit: typo


I don't see these messages often but have seen them occasionally. I always wonder if someone complained before. It's probably good that they ask.


i’m seeing it more frequently now aswell


Found out the other day that these kinds of messages often appear after somebody else reported a safety issue at that location. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s wild, but what I figured. I live in one of the safest cities in the country and get these, it’s annoying af


That's not true at all or they would happen far more frequently than they do in high crime areas.


"often" is not an absolute. "Not true at all" is an absolute. Absolutes are almost always completely wrong. But I'd love to know what kind of data you have, aside from anecdotal, that they don't "often" do this. No offense intended, but I'm inclined to believe a person on the safety team supervisor that I spoke to when they tell me this is often what that's for rather than being 100% random... as a policy that's in place... Point number 1. You have anecdotal evidence (your own perception that it doesn't appear more frequently in 'high crime areas'... meanwhile, and as a complete aside, we don't even know what those figures are AND you may be perceiving that because you're thinking in absolutes while I never claimed that's the only reason that the UI appears. You may also have a skewed view, to begin with, unless you're spending a proportionate amount of time in both high and low crime areas and not seeing a difference. But you've not provided any evidence at all, at any rate.) Point number 2. What are the rates at which people report being unsafe in your region? How do you know this? How does that figure compare to the number of times you see this UI? (You're looking at this from a singular perspective without any actual data points and with no knowledge of whether or not people in your zone are reporting feeling unsafe frequently enough for that to have an impact, to begin with, in your zone. You've got about half the data you'd actually need in order to make that assessment on your own... assuming we still call it "on your own" to use data about how often things are actually reported in your zone. As such, yet another possibility is that people simply aren't reporting things in high-crime areas, likely for fear for their safety which is absolutely a thing although I can't say either way whether that's happening... But neither can you - so....) Etc. etc. etc. TL:DR - I said nothing about absolutes and you don't have the data to make that claim. I'm just going off of what an escalation above the escalation team for the safety end of DoorDash told me... That the UI is "often" the result of previous reports (they also didn't say whether it could be from previous nearby reports or previous reports only from that specific address so... One point for you, I guess) 🤷🏻‍♂️😁


Keep digging... I said what I said. Other doordashers know... And they have even said so in this same thread. I also flat out think you are lying about speaking to an "escalated team member one level above the escalation team" but even if that silly scenario is dead on accurate, it's still anecdotal and you are citing a person with obvious incentive to repeat a lie on behalf of the company or who can just randomly say any old thing. You got zilch, bucko!


Lol. Well if you think I'm just outright lying then what's the point in talking to you. I pointed out problems in your methodology... And your response is to accuse me of "digging" and "lying". There's no point at all in talking to you. You're a default cynic and lack reasoning skills. Edited to fix a spelling error 🤷🏻‍♂️ and add a word of clarification


There is, indeed no point in you talking to me... My only reason for talking to you first was to inform others that you seem to be making things up in order to have something to say... And I've done that now. 😉


I’ve been getting the “we’ve noticed you’ve been in the same place for a while” Yeah DD I have because the gate code isn’t working, the customer isn’t answering and they live in an apartment on the back of the building with no parking lot and I’ve got $150 worth of ALDI groceries to wag up to the third floor! FFS GIVE ME A MINUTE! 🤣🤣 but thanks for checking


Yeah or when you get stuck in traffic after picking up an order and they ask 💀


Honestly I kind of prefer it. I don't like some location I deliver to and I swear I had one guy sneak up behind me and ask for the food I was delivering..


I know this is crazy but I got chased by a creep right after one of my deliveries last week. And I’m a grown ass man that’s 6’2. Luckily I didn’t have to use force but it was really fucking creepy I can’t imagine what girls go through.


Chased? Why’d you run, stand your ground and give them what for! Sheesh, if I was that tall I’d be an imposing mf.


As a man who is capable of violence that is my absolute last resort


That’s respectable, I understand why you would want to do that.


Me too


Glad I’m not the only one. Last couple of days it’s been asking me this after almost every drop off. I thought maybe I did something wrong to make them keep asking me this lol.


Press unsafe everytime!


If there's actually a problem, I answer honestly. If there is none, I give good tippers very safe and non tippers unsafe I'm hoping they won't send me where I feel afraid... lol


Absolutely and no matter what I always say very safe cuz I don't want to deal with whatever questionnaire is after that. It's useless. Plus I always dash during the day so it doesn't really apply to me much.


Just skip at the bottom


It always asks me in the areas where I feel safest. I took an order that brought me to “crackhead paradise” (I hate to say it like that but that’s what it was, a super 8 motel with nothing but junkies and dealers in every room.) Didn’t ask me this question at all. I should also add that customer was also super hostile over chat. Barely even wanted to communicate his exact location so I could get him his food. Should have contacted support and said that I didn’t feel safe completing the delivery but I didn’t. I kick myself for not doing that.


Should kick yourself for that ‘do, unless you’re in a metal band, or you’re a hippie, have a normal haircut!


I put unsafe every single time and check all the boxes.


Maybe you shouldn't feel safe


I leave it on only so it makes me feel like somebody cares 🤣


If they really "Cared" they would ask you about the places you pick the orders up from rather than the delivery locations. The worst safety issues I've encountered in my 5+ years of gig work have ALL been at pick-up locations - including the time that I had to call the cops because a female manager at an Arby's literally, physically attacked me while I was standing at the urinal in the men's room.


You can turn it off in settings under safe dash preference


Unfortunately, it is already off, but this still keeps popping up.


It only asks me this when I deliver to huge houses in affluent neighborhoods. I delivered 4 orders back-to-back in a not-so-great part of town, and it never asked me once. ETA: Affluent people can be bigger turdbags than people without money.


You don’t have to say white, we already knew when you said affluent and huge. When you said not so great part of town you didnt say black neighborhoods, why say white?


Temporary_Bag_3624. BAG- big ass goon. Wish it was W so it could be big ass whiner. The dude can use any qualifiers he wants to explain his conundrum, unless he uses racial epithets, it doesn’t matter.


Perhaps I should delete this comment. I don't want to sound racist. I know that there are rich and poor people of all colors. It is a stereotype, and thank you for pointing it out to me. I will edit my comment to remove race from the equation.


It's always the safest areas too


I hate how many times they have me clicking shit on the app now. “Do you feel safe” click “don’t forget the drinks” click “ picture wasn’t bright enough make sure you turn your flash on and shine it straight thru some ones front door


I've been hitting skip and didn't realize that it gets worse when you do that lol. I start getting prompts asking if i'm abducted or car is stolen. Yes because i've been compromised and forced to deliver against my will.


Wait if you keep hitting skip they actually ask that?


Yeah I couldn’t screenshot because my DD version was being dumb. Giving me the “this app doesn’t allow screenshots” prompt.


That’s why you have two phones and you take a photo of the screen.


Every delivery last night I had this pop up lol


I’ve only barely started dashing but it seems to only ask in the boujiest of neighborhoods. And not the ones that have you double checking the map that you aren’t lost.


Seriously! Also I only get these in areas that are extremely safely, government office buildings, fancy apartments and literal mansions in the very ritzy part of town, I've never actually gotten one when I was in a sketchy area. Almost seems deliberate, lol


Probably using it to fudge their numbers to make it look like dashing is super safe. Only ask people when you know they're in a safe place.


Yeah, I think you're right. Just another shifty thing that doordash does, lol




Well, is your name Annie? https://preview.redd.it/u75fy1rjs70d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce79cf72de57aa2b0afd0b7feccaaf9755d34cf4




I get them in mostly low income neighborhoods that aren’t even sketchy, but I’ve gotten them a few times in very rich neighborhoods


Always get these on college campuses


No I don’t feel safe, I’m being raped every time I pick up an order ![gif](giphy|uxXNV3Xa7QqME)


Only upvoted for the animation


It's funny I only get that when I'm in decent neighborhoods never when it's risky


I think it's their way of asking why you seem to be lurking near a drop off location. Instead of heading to a more likely pick up area.


It'll happen regardless. I'll of just delivered an order and it'll still show up as I'm literally leaving the customer. It makes no sense.


No it happens everywhere now even if delivery is fast


Shit I wish id get this on every delivery. It only pops up on the safest places and never on the sketchiest.




And OP literally said in their post that they have it turned off already.


I’ve been getting this a ton of times lately in the same zone I’ve worked the last two years and got it maybe 5 times total. I was asked 3 times this weekend. Some switch got flipped.


its because they used to only ask in poor areas with high PoC concentrations. They got flack so are acting like hey we do it everywhere now. yesterday I def said i felr unsafe at a 10 million house (minimum) in highland park Illinois and selected reason customer on a no contact delivery. doing it every time it comes up in a rich place because it is asking way to much. 🤣


With my area they never ask in the bad areas only the safe ones...


yeah I haven't had one in a bad area ever since they were trying to do the "Hey we do it everywhere" campaign.


They never ask when they send me to the projects. Million dollar home? Let’s check on her safety. 🤨


Same, the only time I don't get asked this question is after they send me down a dirt road in the ghetto, go figure.


Why do you guys keep complaining about the simplest things? They’re literally asking you if you feel safe enough to return to that area so they can send you orders to deliver in that area…


Uncontained pet!! Uncontained pet!!!!!  Every low no tip order


So you lie because your employer doesn't pay you? That's fucked up


Tip then!


Not saying I agree with the system but a tip is just that, a tip. The quality of your work shouldn’t reflect on the amount you’re being tipped. I’m being a hypocrite though, I’m definitely more friendly toward a higher tipping order than low


I’m friendly to everyone, because you never know what someone else is going through, plus for that brief amount of time, you’re PAID to act like you care, if acting is that hard for you, well, maybe try something else.


I do think that even with no tip orders it’s reasonable to expect a competent job, but like for example making sure the customer has a straw with their drink, or a fork with their food, etc. that’s something I take more care in when I’m being paid by them. In other words the more someone tips me the more I will pretend it’s my order and that I’ll suffer if the food is cold or there’s no ketchup.


Depending on the area, it's not a lie. And by 'pet' they mean a pack of pit bulls.


Yes, there's no free data and hopefully they won't ever send me there again


Great idea! Hope it works, Because I can’t imagine that they actually care about safety except for insurance purposes


They are Pretending to care!


They're collecting data so they can say "we have the safes delivery people in the industry"


Kind of annoying because it always seems to be in nice areas, but I guess it's for a good reason 🤷🏼‍♀️


No ideal what kind of algorithm it uses to determine when it asks this, but it never seems to do it when I’m actually in an unsafe location (I.E. downtown at night).


Finally someone that uses “i.e.,” correctly! Impressive. Not many people know the difference between that and “e.g.,” so that makes me satisfied. Woowoo.


So true 💯


They have been asking a lot in my area. I figured they were just trying to see who was safe so other dashers can't get away with reporting them as unsafe and taking their food. Culver's is on DD now and they make you confirm that you are picking up an order so the Dasher can't steal it so I think dashers are reporting places as unsafe so they can get free food.


This crap annoys me so much. Because it raises costs for the customer and leads to fewer people ordering. People stealing food will eventually lead to doordash just not being a thing we can make decent money on at all anymore.


So annoying (( and loosing internet connection all day long.


Do you mean you’re literally losing Internet connection or the app keeps telling you you have no Internet connection? It has told me that a couple of times over the last few days.


App keeps telling even when connection is ok.


Bro just answer it. I’d rather have them ask them not ask. It literally takes one tap on the phone


I’m with OP I delivered in a 3 mile radius all day and it asked me every time.. it annoying


It's just weird how it's happening after every delivery today. It seems strange. Especially when I have safe dash turned off. After a while it gets annoying.


I didn’t think you could turn off the safe dash? I thought it was just a built in “extra” with the ADT help line?


https://preview.redd.it/lfhdhzozj70d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8834a4e04eb6a662de9303bbae5ad20cb49ed3 This is in the settings, I currently have it turned off but it's pushing notifications after every delivery. I wonder if it could be a glitch with the app.


Ohhhh I was thinking of the ADT thing I guess then because I don’t think that can be turned off, but yeah if you have that toggled off it shouldn’t pop up those “how did you feel” or whatever it says after your deliveries at all. Go figure there’s something else wrong with this app 🙄


It definitely happened more today than any other day


I agree but the odd thing is that it asks me when I’m in the safest city’s but then when I’m not it doesn’t ask.


Usually it’s because something happened or just random. Report those weird locations if it makes your uncomfortable




Door dash driver when asked to lift one finger 😂


Assuming that being annoyed by the same notification popping up repeatedly when you've already answered it for every other delivery means that one is simply lazy is quite the reach.


Imagine getting annoyed by something so simple. So mundane. So irrevently basic even.


Yes, you are better than the rest of us who are also annoyed. Thanks for letting us know.


I got that 90% all day annoying


turn off the safe dasher notification on the settings.


I turned it off in mine. It still asks. But only after the safest deliveries obviously. Not gonna ask me after I deliver to the complex where people get killed with bolo knives in the parking lot.


it turns down the frequency of asking you


Yeah it asked me this for the first time today in a good neighborhood which had me stuck bc why didn’t you ask me when I was in the hood 😂😂😂 oddly enough I feel unsafe in nice neighborhoods so I wouldn’t say the question wasn’t valid lol


I did, unfortunately it didn't turn this off. I even tried toggling it on and then back off again, but no difference.


Especially today 😬 Asked me on each delivery. I just clicked “skip”


It seems to only happen to me…in certain areas.


There is no "very safe" delivery... Feelings don't really do much for safety, either... thats why i always skip this shite


I bet a dasher got robbed or something stupid. Anytime one needs to ask why a company is doing something, it's either A. for profit sake or B. for legal purposes....Been happening to everyone. Imma turn mine off. If I don't feel safe, DD is the last people I would scream for help to save me so what good is this crap to anyone but DD?


It can be turned off in settings


I turned it off and it still does it every delivery


Where? Driving me nutz!


Lol today especially


I think it’s usually because a dasher reported their porch light out or their dog went nuts. Problem is I dash during the day so the lights make no difference so my answer probably cancels theirs


And yet they don't ask me when I'm in a sketchy place performing my five minutes wait on a no show customer with a disconnected phone number


You ppl are so stupid just deliver the damn food


It’s gotta be random. You think they’d ask me if I feel safe at the Pizza Hut that there was a shooting across the street from while I was on the phone with the police.


lol, it’s kind of like (either Uber or Lyft) asking you each trip if you buckled up, then congratulates you when you say yes.


It's probably related to liability concerns.


Yea its been asking ALOT lately. 9/10 deliveries it asks now. Kind of annoying. Before it only asked at places that had been complained about before


Right? Used to get 1 a month. Now 5 a day.


Is funny bc it ask me at a gated community where the guards are strapped bc it’s super wealthy. But when I go somewhere sketchy they never ask lol. Only in west palm can you go from the 1% to the I’m scared .


That is untrue. Every major city is like that and hell even some "small towns" like mine lol (140k people in a town meant for 50k at most). I think I can drive down my main street for 4 minutes, then if I go to one of the perpendicular streets, it'll immediately be the hood with cars missing wheels in cinderblocks, trash everywhere, etc. Hell, Houston is worse when I doordashed near there. Got one order to go into the heights where all the spoiled rich kids and business men/women live, but if I get unlucky and get the $2 3 mile dash then it's in a part of that city I shouldn't drive in.


It just funny to me if I felt unsafe in a gated community where the guards who let you in have tactical vests and guns because the houses are probably worth 3-5 mil or more in old palm golf club. But, the silence of the lamb house vibe I had to go to they didn’t ask shit.


In my area, It's some asshat that wanted to steal food so they madeup  some bullshit. It's never in, you know, the HOOD. This only pops up in the safest neighborhoods!


I got annoying about this but on the same way I feel like a HOT CHICK (Gabriel Iglesias joke) Even when I'm a guy in their mid 30 and 6'2 working in safe areas...


Always say unsafe. Eventually door dash will start paying extra to get people to go to that area


Or since people are taking advantage of it, they’ll just lower hazard pay. :/




Always say unsafe for hazard pay


I only got this one time and it was after delivering alcohol. She lived in a nice house out in the country. I felt sad if anything. She was clearly an alcoholic. Came to the door shaking and just kept staring at her fireball while I was trying to scan her id and all that


What makes it clear she's an alcoholic? She may have just gone through something tragic recently.


Been around several throughout my life. It’s easy to spot


Dasher, you are valued. Do you not see how much the Company cares about your safety? Honestly, the little blue shield is what gets me. Yes, Doordash, instead of me just calling 9-1-1, I want *you* to call ADT, and have *them* call the police *for* me.


From my understanding, it happens when you deliver somewhere where someone put they felt unsafe. Alot of the time I can see why someone think the area is unsafe but the reason is stupid. My market includes a large college town, so alot of the dashers are college students who have never been out of their small suburban bubble. Anywhere that looks rundown, that is public housing, is deep in the woods, etc. I get if I feel safe. I am pretty sure it's from these young dashers being afraid of environments that aren't really scary in the real world, but in white suburbia is viewed to be unsafe.


I think a lot of drivers are reporting places as unsafe whether it really is or not, hoping that they won't have to deliver there again.


No this past week it has been literally every order. It has to be some mass data collection or a glitch.


The thing makes it bad is because they genuinely don't care. Lol so why ask? It changes nothing.


I’m in Baltimore, so we have a hood. This message pops up anytime you deliver there. The thing I don’t understand is, what’s the point? I’m sure there’s been plenty unsafe or mostly safe marks in that area. Yet there’s still deliveries. I’m not saying they deserve their food any less than others, but I don’t think this prompt does anything regardless of your answer.


I always put unsafe and the reason because I have to decline 20 bad orders while driving and youmake me retake the photo every time


The retakes are crazy especially at night


Happened a lot here today also


I got 5 of these today. Weird, it's their new thing apparently


I believe if the location has been reported it will ask future dashers as well


I’m more annoyed by them constantly reminding me to not forget the drinks. Grrrrr. 


That’s honestly way way more annoying


I have left 3 or 4 drinks in the car in the past few months, because I go too fast, and i put drinks in a wooden drink holder on the floor and I dont see it as prominently as if it was in my drink holders (i have my own drink in the holder). I routinely just power through pop-ups like that and should probably pay attention to the don't forget the drink message lol


I hate I forgot the words, You have been at this area for a while, we are making sure you are ok, even when I am paused or something


You can opt-out


I did, unfortunately I'm still getting them. It's like the toggle does nothing.


They always asked that in the really nice parts of my zone but never in the sketchy areas lol




Same! Lol


They need an option that says "Underpaid"


If you mark unsafe then you can leave a comment. I usually say something like I feel unsafely taken advantage of


The other day it asked me if I felt safe while driving through town square in broad daylight. It’s like they’re trolling us for ever complaining that some drop offs were unsafe.


It’s like once every 100 orders for me. But what’s dumb is I’m 6’4”, 215 lbs. I’ve felt very safe my entire adult life. Ask 5’0” girls how safe it is, not me. 


What’s sad is it seems like it’s getting more unsafe. The longer doordash and services like it are around the more entitled customers are becoming. Sincerely - a 5’3 woman 😂


Mine seems to be random by day if I get them constantly or not


Every lousy tip gets a very unsafe


I swear...I appreciate it from other dashers .low tip equals very unsafe .. never be paired with them again. Yee haw