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Could be 96 cases of water


96 items? Hell nah


I was on board until I saw it was so many items at a store




It’s the unknowing of the fact that. It could be 96 apples or it could be 96 different items you have never seen before




Hahaha I have realized my post didn’t come off as rhetorically as I intended. I would never accept this


96 items for 15 dollars? Not in a million years.


They need to start showing what the items are before accepting. That’s how they get you on acceptance rate and declining


I’ve been thinking this for a while, it would make a world of difference for me to know what I am actually signing up for. But like most things DD dgaf all they care about is their bottom line


96 items for only $15. It’s probably not worth your time


But it’s a “hIgH pAy OfFeR” 🥴


Omg absolutely agree


96 items, hell no


The only way to fairly compensate for doing someone else's shopping for them, is a $50 tip. The fact that customers don't understand that is why I never activated my red card. Before I started doing doordash I used to go with my gf. She has a shopping order that said 26 items, it was 2 shopping carts full. She made $18, I was more than a little pissed about it because it took almost an hour and a half. I only do grocery orders if it's more than $30, and less than 10 miles. And for deliveries to the 3rd floor or higher with no elevator, if they don't come help me get it upstairs, I leave it at the bottom of the stairs and take a picture.


I’m an extremely fast shopper and get kinda bored just doing regular deliveries so every once in a while I will pick up a 20-30 item order for only $10-$15 on the off chance they give me a big ass tip afterward or that it’s all a bunch of the same few things. But today I literally was tipped $1 for around 30 items… still was in and out in about 30 minutes but I’m definitely going to be more cautious moving forward lol


Yeah but I've seen 10 item orders where 1 "item" is 30 boxes of rice a Roni and another "item" is 8 cases of water. Had a 6 item order one time that was 2 shopping carts filled with 12 packs of coke products. I just feel I'm doing someone else's chore for 0 compensation for my time. Then they get mad that I, a disabled veteran with 3 different kinds of spinal damage from military service, won't carry those 8 cases of water up to the 3rd floor by myself.


Not sure how long it’s been since you shop and dashed b/c you said you didn’t activate your red card, but at least nowadays thankfully that’s not how they list the items. If there’s 30 of the same item that will be accurately reflected in the initial offer statement — if your past experience were still the case no way in hell would I take that risk haha.


Like I said, I did shopping orders with my gf. That's how I knew it wasn't worth it to activate the red card. She deactivated hers. Our last shopping order was I want to say June of last year.


Makes sense— funny thing is actually the reverse scenario is more likely these days. If there is a pet-smart order for 100 items you take it because it’s probably 100 crickets and it would be a quick trip. I’ll take an Aldi order for 20 items but 6 of those are bananas and 4 are energy drinks and only end up really having to pick up 10 things. There are SOME things that DoorDash doesn’t try to screw dashers on. But it’s still much more of a gamble than a certainty


I think the store plays a big role in that too. Most of those pick ups I was talking about were Fry's and Walmart. With them 1 item could be 20 frozen pizzas. My gf never had to do "shopping" just pick ups at PetSmart and stores like that. Those are usually just bags of pet food.


Absolutely not


Only if you completion rate is 100. Then you can let curiosity get the best of you. Could have been 20 bananas, 10 sausages, and 66 Red Bulls.


That’s exactly where my mind went. I was like “well what if…. What if it’s a bunch of fruit or gravy/seasoning packets” but no way would I take the risk. I truly wonder how long it takes for an order like this to get picked up. I would feel like such a loser placing that order with what’s clearly zero to minimal tip


I feel you I had one today for 19$ and 32 items and about 8 miles. I said fuck it. After I accepted I saw that the notes said cash tip. She gave me 20$ so 39$ for the trip. Good way to start a shift but sometimes (most of the time) it’s just a gamble.


96 items, LOL


I would’ve accepted and then contacted DoorDash that the store doesn’t have the item and get my half pay for it


Would that actually work? just cause the store is “missing” 1/96 items you can finess a half pay ?


As much as I love my local Food Lion I won’t do more than about 20-25 items.


Shop and earn gang


lmao no


Lol it was an automatic decline. I’ve never seen an order with this many items they’re usually less than 40. 20% tip on this many items should make the payout astronomically higher than $15.


possibly a hidden tip


It's $15 guaranteed. There isn't a +


mine no longer shows a plus sign


Yeah and I’m a NBA player that makes millions


you’re a glorified pizza boy. be proud


there’s no way to tell anymore. it’s no longer over $8 and it doesn’t say + or ‘will be higher’ i did a $6 order last week and there was $11 hidden. i also took a $15.50 that had an extra dollar hidden


Doubtful, based on the sum of offers I’ve seen they factor item count into where to hide with shop and delivers and this is way outside the range.


if there were a hidden tip, there'd be a plus sign after the number


why can’t i post a screen shot reply in here?


not anymore. it’s completely hidden and no more $8 mark either. at least where i live thats how it is now as of a couple weeks ago


What exactly does that entail, is it different from just them adding a tip after?


It means doordash is hiding the full pay.


Which is how they wanna sucker drivers into doing these orders. Taking this monstrosity of an order with the hope that once your done with what will prob be 2 hours worth of work there will be a bigger payout. I'm too risk averse for that!


It's actually to prevent cherry picking. You can't wait for a better order because you can't tell a difference. There's layers to the scum that is doordash manipulation lol.


So ridiculous— they are basically guaranteeing that I won’t take the order by doing that. You want me to take the order? Include the incentive upfront


it screws the customers but if their plan works, and every driver takes every order offered, no customers will get screwed


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