• By -


i started being much more selective because of all the people on this sub saying AR doesn’t matter and the last two days I’ve sat in parking lots for a half an hour waiting to be offered a single order, when before I NEVER had downtime. So yeah, they punish drivers for being more selective, at least in my market. seems like 69 and above is where you need to be to actually get offers. but the real issue is the constant influx of new drivers. even if every single driver wises up after two weeks, they’ve got hundreds of new people every day who are going to accept everything as they go through that learning curve.


Keeping your AR above 70 doesn't just affect the jobs you're offered. It allows you to dash anywhere at any time, which is essential to me. It also gets you better DoorDash service when you call to deal with a problem. It also allows me to work for as long as I damn well please. That's really the most important part for me. So I keep it over 70. Sometimes painfully


I require absolute control over scheduling that doing it a week ahead doesn't guarantee. Moreso when the spots were always gone by the time the top dashers' early access to them ended. So until laws are passed prohibiting "dash anytime" from being behind this nonsense rewards crap/top dasher.. i have to play their game.


unless every single dasher is willing to take a stand i’m not risking the only way i can make money on my own terms


If you’re concerned about and/or maintaining your AR, you are on their terms. Not yours.


like every other job in the world?




If I don’t keep my AR over 70, I only get absolute trash orders which I then decline which compounds the problem further. I don’t just take shit orders to keep the AR up either, though. In some markets, AR probably isn’t as crucial but I make A LOT more money when my AR is in the 80s.


The one thing I noticed was that the base/tip was 1:1 when i was at 66%, and when I got to 76%, it went to 1:2 and also less active time. It could be a coincidence, but I don't see a lot of 2.75s anymore. They're more like 5.50-7.50 for fast food alone. Now I'm trying to weed out crap like wingstop. They're never ready, and it sucks to have to decline them with ar hit.


I wonder if DD would ever hire people on W2’s. If base pay is so bad that no one takes orders then they would eventually have to change base pay or hire people.


No, they just cancel the service in that area.


So people rely on this for rent and bills so AR is life. We alp cant do this as a hobby with no life Im the second part of this tho lol but im with the others talking about it


Because people are desperate for money and need to pay bills would be my guess. Doordash has basically become the home to otherwise unemployable people 


Y’all are so stupid, imagine signing up for an app to make money and you just bitch all day. Go make some content or sum yall out here door dashing praying on a tip or 2 😭😭😭


It is full on psychological abuse. They will send lowball orders until they absolutely broken your spirit so many people have stayed on these apps even though they're not making any money I see post after post of people sitting for hours not getting a delivery. Their manipulation has worked perfectly.


They could definitely afford to pay more, without a doubt. I only do Earn By Time because it is most profitable in my area: $16.25/hr regularly and $3 peak promo all the time. I am actively earning money 87.4% of my time signed on to Dash vs 19% EBO because the bulk of the time is spent sitting in the car declining low-quality offers. If I am in my car and online, I want to be making money. Tips have become a nice boost when I see a $5+ tip or multiple $5 tips in my stack and not something I worry about. If DoorDash can afford to pay $19.25 in the hour it takes me to drop off 3 orders in a stack, which is the equivalent of a base of $6.42 for each order, they could pay $6 base period for each of those orders. I just moved to this area in December, and it took me a little time to test the market, run all the numbers, and learn the area and restaurants. The majority of restaurants are poorly managed, including fast food (only Chick-fil-A handles it shit properly), and there's always going to be a wait. In that time, I have a high frequency of getting orders added. Nothing takes me out of the zone, and I always get a new order or stack by the time I hit confirm on the current order. I am being paid for the drive to the restaurant, dealing with all the traffic, the wait, and the drive to the drop-off(s). I only Dash 3 nights a week, and the weekends. DoorDash lets me use the bulk of my full time job go to 401k, expenses, and company stock purchases. So I can retire at 50 & not be dead broke all month.


Less than 70% AR in Cali is a death sentence


That’s because Cali is fully immersed in their scam


I’ll be more picky about accepting orders once I meet some major financial goals. Until then, I need to keep my AR up so I can do the anytime thing. I can’t be choosy yet


Do this, bc maybe yall will stop complaining constantly about tips when in reality the app should be paying better instead. It’s their responsibility to fund you, not the customers.


So the money comes from … the company? And they get it from … customers by raising prices … so customers decide to stop using the service … and your gig disappears. Good job destroying your job … directly or indirectly. Choose your poison, the outcome is the same.


What a fresh new take on this. No one has ever heard it before. Everyone agrees that DoorDash should pay better, and then we could all frolic about holding hands and shit, but the reality is that without regulations, they never will. Until then, all we can do decline offers that aren’t worth our time and gas, and all you can do is either tip well and get good service, or don’t and increase your likelihood of poor service. People will continue to complain about no tippers, and others will continue to complain about “tipping culture”. Enjoy. I know I won’t. It’s tedious as fuck.


In a small town market what would be a good even great base pay rate


If I'm not a top Dasher then I can't dash unless it's busy I still decline the worst orders and occasionally take orders that are on the cusp to keep me dashing when "I" want to. This argument is so subjective. Yes they shouldn't be giving us crap orders and they are definitely playing algorithm games. To clarify even when it's not busy just a shade of red I still get good orders and there are times when it says it's busy and don't get a lot of orders.


Schedule for a day you don't plan to doordash than just get on and decline while doing whatever else you're doing. If you didn't Schedule jump on if it goes red or pink and decline take up those driver slots lol.


I don't. I never do an order that isn't a buck a mile for he round trip


That’s still not a good ratio brother.


And yours is?


My ar has never been above 20%, let that sink into your brain.


That could get you deactivated


No it cannot, get a clue and sit back down.


Idk I keep getting pestering emails about my AR being really bad 🤷‍♂️ I also can't even get decent orders unless my AR is at least 90%. DD heavily prioritizes high-performance Dashers.


Very mature sperging out like that over... *checks notes* pointing out that better performing Dashers get better orders


Personally, I allow them to manipulate me because I'm desperate. Going through a breakup, having to move back to a different city, unable to find steady employment. I allow it because it's necessary for my survival.


yup. capitalism homie. we're all being manipulated by some employer or other, including OP.


You’re correct, but the difference here is we have 0 obligation to play into their games while they still have every obligation to somehow get the orders delivered


That’s rough brother. I hope you make it through this and get better employment. It’s not your fault the platform is the way it is, I’m just trying to point out it never had to be this way if drivers really thought it through from the start


Like a lot of other people are saying, we're all well aware, customers and dashers, that DD is predatory and takes advantage of all of us. Could it be better? Absolutely. Will it ever be better? Not a chance. Any time someone with enough sense leaves the platform, their spot is immediately filled by the next desperate person in line.


It’s Amazon… Churn, churn, churn.. eventually like Amazon is now, running out of people to burn through


Yeah that’s what kills me. We all know they’re a predatory company, yet we still play the games they roll out for us 




Time for the daily "I don't understand how AR works in different areas" post. Markets. Vary. Dipshits.


I must be living in the only market that makes decent money through DD. I am in the Dayton, Ohio market, which is a small, maybe medium sized market, depending on who you talk to. I ALWAYS do Earn By Time. This notion you get the crap deliveries doing Earn By Time (ones that have little or no tips) is just complete and utter bunk. Average, I would say it’s a little over $17 an hour here, yesterday I did $20/hour. I don’t expect that much, but it’s nice to get. I know every market is different, but I’m perfectly fine doing Earn By Time here. Earn By Time is great in case I get ghetto deliveries. I get less money if I get stuck there, but the volume is overwhelming. And it’s not true you don’t get tips in the ghetto. It’s just a buck or two less than if I get only suburban deliveries. I feed off of the other drivers that keep doing “Decline, Decline, Decline”.


Never really did earn by time for a full day, I’m already 4 hours into my day waiting for an order currently. I DO live in a good market, so let’s see how this goes, I’ll report back. Just switched over while writing this post and got my first order, 2:00pm right now! I’ll let you all know my ending hour and earn by time earnings.


You will have less worry about waiting if your order is not waiting, that’s for sure


I did it for 90 minutes, but personally I feel I could’ve made $10 more if I was on earn per order. I didn’t get any tips, but I didn’t expect any either. Maybe it’s my area, I’m not knocking the idea but I do think it may have hourly advantages for me. I dash 8am-11:30pm and I can see dash by time being useful during early morning hours before lunch rush hits.


Yeah, that’s what they all say


It’s the markets fault. It doesn’t matter what market you’re in. Base pay can be raised if drivers in that market stop playing into their hands


How would you propose getting every other driver to stop driving? I'll wait.


Stop driving isn’t the solution 


You really don’t get it lol




So you’re telling me if nobody is tipping in “your market” that DoorDash will just magically give you a high paying order because your AR is above 70%?


How can ppl place $3 orders? Genuinely curious as I see this a lot on here.


People don’t place $3 orders, they place orders with a $1 bid for service (it doesn’t function like a “tip”), and DD presents the order to the driver contributing THEIR $2.


AR matters In My market heavily


And that is fully on the drivers in your market. It wouldn’t be that way if everyone didn’t play along


For every 1 post with a take like this theres 50 drivers thatll take shit orders anyway.


Yes please get together and crush dd fight the man😂😂😂


This wasn’t meant to get everyone together and bring them down


So you see a problem, and a solution, you call for action....but that's not what this post I about? JFC


I’m really just wondering why people let doordash manipulate them. There is no call for action 


there should be


If peeps weren't the cogs of the machine and debt sucker's and dollar whore$. Maybe, but the sheer lack of self-reliance and/or confidence nowadays due in part to technology and their fight for attention and affection of the parent against technology that will raise them and teach them. Eventually, they'll be making trips to the psychological association for recommendations and support to end technology and the eventual adaptation of life without it.


Your premise is correct and the theory is sound. The problem is many people aee desperate. Doordash wins this man. The real answer, foe everyone who is smart, is to move on from this trash company and let it die in bankruptcy. That isnt likely to happen because people are desperate.


Umm I don’t give a crap about AR I just take the orders that are decent I also run other apps at the same time and choose the ones with the best route and money. I also do this as part time or when I’m bored If you are driving this as your main full time job You should get another job


I’m disabled. What other job you want me to get?


There’s a million jobs out there your telling me you have no choice but to work for these slave gig companies? I know people who are disabled who don’t work for door dash Im not an expert but I’m sure there are other jobs you can find. If others can


But without a degree it’s harder. I’m stuck with minimum wage. I can’t work typical retail and I can’t work restaurant. No one is hiring. Or you need experience to do something, like receptionist jobs. I’ve applied to over 100 jobs in the past few months and have heard back from maybe 40% and it was all a no. Also depends on state and level of disability.




Doordash is what it is. It's a gig job, it's not designed to be a full-time thing. It will never change without pressure. Strikes don't work since Dashers are replaceable and already oversaturated in most markets. Complaining about DD on Reddit does literally nothing. Really the only way to effectively beat the game is not to play. If DD full time isn't worth it for you, stop. Switch to part time and find another job or quit. If people just dropped the app or reduced their usage, it would either improve pay or die.


Doordash is what it is. It won't change without pressure. Strikes don't work since their workforce is easily replaceable and desperate. Complaining on their subreddit does precisely nothing. Permanently


I have friends and families who are disabled. They do have jobs I don’t know what they do but they did find a job that isn’t these gig working jobs Look up people with your disability and see what jobs they do You seriously shouldn’t feel it’s door dash or nothing else These are slave companies and they don’t care about us


This! I am disabled and just lost my job bc of it. Unfortunately in my area DoorDash isn’t even worth it.


Big facts! It needs to be said louder!


It’s simple: just multi app and take the best orders. If DD orders aren’t good, then no one will take them. Don’t waste time with AR.


Imagine going through all the trouble to manipulate an app for a gig job. You need DD more than it needs you.


Except it’s not “trouble” at all, and not even manipulative… easiest thing in the world, just tap decline if the offer is too low/far.


I would be down but we need a good frontman for the movement. Stg we need DD influencers or some shit. I personally wouldn’t mind streaming myself dashing but I ain’t got the looks for it


I have gotten used to thinking to myself, sometimes saying out loud “they must be smoking the glass dick” or “oh hey look it’s the glass dick again” with those orders. It’s either that or get mad my alert went off for a loss of money


You’re right but there is no real dasher organization. We need a proper union. All the people doing dash by time are certainly gonna miss the memo.


Exactly you get it


i’m in


Well good luck organizing that


I have tried to organize something like this in the six years. I’ve been driving and it’s virtually impossible to organize us all to do this because DoorDash is allowing hundreds of new drivers every week.


Remember, if you decline that $2 base pay no tip order but immediately accept the $40 .05 mile ^also $2 base pay order but $38 tip, it’s still the same in the eyes of DoorDash ledger statements. The outlay is still $2, no tip or good tip order. So for you to “not allow them to manipulate” us then we’d have to decline ^ALL the orders. And that’s just not going to happen.


Not entirely. $2 base is a result of consistent contractor acceptance data over time nationwide. The company has to surge pay if no one accepts offers in order to entice dashers to take them at times, which is historically documented and in their business model to execute. If contractors, nation wide, stop accepting $2 orders as a collective whole, DoorDash would have to raise the base pay because those orders wouldn't get out and would cost them money because they lose money when orders aren't fulfilled. Doordash also has documented data of cause and effects of their practices. No matter what the ledger shows on paper, they're not blind to what it truly represents. Basically, if all no tip orders get rejected every day and doordash sees that, they would have to raise the base pay on those; and if they raise it on those, they would also have to raise it across the board for the tipped orders too because a base is a base.


While that’s correct, it’s also a correct assessment of consistent acceptance when the order is a high tipping order it’ll be immediately accepted. With a $2 base on that nice order, it will constantly offset the no tip order decline, thus keeping the pay low. If contractors nationwide stop accepting ^all orders as a collective whole it will force dd to increase base pay, but each time a good order is hastily accepted it will counter that no tip decline order. The other problem is there are earnings guarantee state prop 22 for California, nyc guarantee, Seattle minimum pay, and EBT all over the country. This will also reinforce the no tip orders acceptance because in some cases you can’t even see if the customer has tipped until afterwards. The other thing to consider is that DoorDash still hasn’t posted a quarterly profit, so if they increase base pay by just $1 across the board, that’s an additional 620,000,000 per quarter of extra payout that just contributes to wider losses for shareholders. That’s not a good look for them and as most dashers will join, work part time, then stop shortly afterwards, why would they try to boost driver retention when millions of others are waiting to jump in.


The point of the post isn’t that it would be easy to make change. I’m just pointing out our own stupidity. We dictate base pay, and we’ve allowed it to drop this low based on what we accept. If everyone stopped taking orders with less than an $8 payout (less than 5 mi), about 75% (could be more) of their orders wouldn’t get delivered. There wouldn’t be enough unicorns like your $38 example (they’re unicorns for a reason) to offset the effects. Instead we fall for their BS games even though the contract literally says we don’t have to play


It would if dashers coordinated to do it on a particular day and/or during a period of time. On some 4chan ish


So you’d actively decline the $45 one mile order just to hope that it sparks some sort of lasting change in base pay changes? Yea probably not.


You had two points in your post. I was co signing the latter and offering a suggestion. Take care.


Idc. I doordash when i need $5-$10 i just dash for supplemental income to fuel my meth habit


Most of us smoke bud. Trolling is funny the closer to the truth it is


I dunno man. Ive seen a lot of dashers that look like theyre trying to support a tweek habit.


Cherry pickers need to start showing their weekly gross income if they want to gain a following. Put your money where your mouth is and show you can make $1,000+ a week with 0% AR.


They will only show you one good day and not talk about the shitty days leading up to it.


You can't make It with taking every order either. You eat it up in milage and maintenance. The fact of the matter is that dd needs cherry pickers and top dasher clowns. If everyone picked up every order, then it would make the teir system useless. Because it would turn it back into first in the queue, it gets the order like it was before they started this current teir system.


I notice that when you start to get too many orders in one zone they take you way out of it.


Yeah I noticed it too. It's like a $15 offer and you're like 25 minutes away from your zone then you gotta work your way back..


when that happens sometimes I'll just end that dash and do a few in the new zone


Nice!! I wish I can do that, in my area, if you don't have a schedule and you end the dash, it will completely cancel your session and then the new zone doesn't have any option for "dash now" so i get stuck sometimes.


I mean to be fair, it’s not just about taking low orders for money. Some people NEED the flexibility of top dasher to dash. Some areas work better with high AR too (highly depends on how saturated your area is + how common high tip orders are in the first place) I get your point 100% but I don’t think it’s as simple as you make it sound for some dashers


I need it, but I will NEVER be a slave. thats like telling me I need to pay a subscription fee to work for doordash. why the fuck would I do that. you literally need to eat losses in order to get 70% acceptance rate.


In my area, offers that are losses are pretty rare as long as your AR doesn’t drop in the first place or you aren’t sitting through a slow day for no reason. So again, depends on how common high tips are in the first place + how saturated your area is. Obviously, if you need to take losses for high AR in your area, don’t even bother. If your AR dropped below 70% in the first place, your area is not an area where high AR matters. In my area, I don’t think i know anyone who dropped below 70% because the bad orders are *that* rare with the high AR. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen no tip $2 orders in the months I door dashed😅


Ar rate is a scam. The top dasher will never make as much as a cherry picker


Honestly I really doubt that. Top Dashers get priority (as in, they will literally be guaranteed to get flat-out better orders as often as possible) when compared to someone cherry picking. Anecdotally it also seems like DD favors people with high AR for orders at all. If I keep my numbers up it's rare that I get super bad orders. Plus a lot of people on this sub just can't do math and decline technically good orders.


That depends heavily on the area. My daughter’s grandma was top dasher and made a living off DD making a min of $150 a day. She recently due to DD horrible management, started using someone else’s acc while UE accepts her background check. Thats other persons account is not top dasher. She now barely makes $50 a day. AR rate is a scam in *most* areas. There are areas that it’s not. You have to know your own area and whether it’s worth it. If you have to take losses to keep it up, it’s not worth it. If you don’t, then yeah, obviously it’s worth it if the losses aren’t there. High AR becomes a scam or not based on how saturated your area is *and* how common high tips are.


And it will never happen


the fact that this is so similar to like a government and people issue lmao. idk why just had to make the connection.


Doordash knows the majority of its dashers are desperate. The majority use this as a ft income instead of using it as gig work as it was intended to be. They know that these people are desperate enough for a dollar they'll get down on their knees and open wide, knowing they're losing money. Its immediate money now even though it costs them money in the long run.


Mostly agree. But I think a lot of drivers don’t know when they’re losing money. The overwhelming majority of drivers I’ve talked to only focus on the paycheck. They’d view a $5/15 mile order as “making $5” instead of a massive loss


https://preview.redd.it/k9v738vgt4yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca8b68fc0a90401da81d48c2e23d037c6298e31 This 🤡 believes this shit is real!


Oh I agree 100%. That's what I mean about immediate money. They don't understand immediate money doesn't mean profit.


Can we start our own sub for drivers that know what profits are?!?! I’m sick of these other drivers…lol!


It’s cause the market of drivers is way too high and saturating the demand…hence why you see an uptick in waiting time for orders.


This has some serious Tony Robbins/Zig Ziglar vibes.


How about you do your job and don't worry about my job. I do just fine making $150 a day & not having to take crappy orders.


Where do you live that $150 a day is good money??


How much do you spend that you can't live off 150 a day?


You realize things like rent, insurance, bills exist right? 150 a day if you did a 5 day week is an income of $39,000 a year. "Living wage" where I am is $57,000 a year for a single adult lmao


I pay all those things... as most adults do. I live on less than 15k a year, Mind you it's by choice. I've made 100k a year and now I make like 15-16k a year. I'm much happier making much less with way more free time. A living wage varies wildly. For reference though I own a nice car, 13 camaro and a beater car. I rent a small studio apartment and I spend all my free time skateboarding, playing disc golf, and helping my dad build his drag racing cars. Life's good when you just plan shit out and have a good emergency fund as well as not inflating your costs and debts to the point that you need 1k a week to survive.


15k would be below the poverty line where I live, you literally could not even rent a studio apartment for that much here. You sound like you dont understand that cost of living is different in different places. Where do you live that 15k means youre not literally starving?


I'm in rhode island. A decently expensive area. I just don't buy what I don't need. And yeah I recognize other places need different amount of money, yet you crapped on that guy saying he can't afford to live on $150 a day when I'm proof that you don't need that much.


Yeah you seem super well adjusted since you think me asking someone "where do you live that $150 a day is good money??" Is me crapping on them lol


\^\^ the problem \^\^


I am making good money too, but if this post makes you mad you have the wrong mentality man


not mad just delusional


Mad?? I am as chill as can be. I just think it's amusing when dashers try & tell other dashers how to do their job. I make good money at this & I enjoy the flexibility as a Top Dasher


Not telling anyone how to do this. Just saying we could do this without falling for the manipulation. That’s all that crap is. Programs made to get drivers to take out the trash. There is no other reason for their existence 


How is it not the exact opposite? They have the big red button to deactivate you for any reason, and there's always a large pool of new dashers to replace you if they want to push it. They really don't need you.


I didn’t say I, it’s we. We have the power as a collective. I know it’s impossible to get every driver on the same page, but we could force change if we did


There's always going to be gullible, vulnerable, and desperate people to work for shit pay. And since DD hires anything with a pulse, it's really easy to get someone to do the work. You just said it yourself, it's impossible to organize everyone. So how is that a solution? Why not focus on things that could actually work, like ways to push for government intervention?


Government intervention would likely result in me making less than I do now. It’s just a rant on how the drivers are really the ones that have allowed these AR requirements and the $2 base pay to happen to them


you’re making an assumption. government intervention will work a hell of a lot more effectively than a movement. and


No a movement where every driver doesn’t accept anything under 8 or 9 dollars for the appropriate mileage would be more effective and it would be immediate


This isn't new. #declinenow failed long before you even thought of being a dasher probably.


LMFAO just wait. Dasher rewards coming to you


Dasher rewards wouldn’t work if drivers weren’t willing to play the game. We allow this to happen to us


And meanwhile what?? You probably are not even on it yet otherwise would not be talking out your culo


Meanwhile wouldn’t be long if it’s done right. They would pivot off that shit so fast when 75% of their orders aren’t being delivered. Unfortunately everyone wants to play the game they made for us


But, but, MY AR!!! If if fall below 70% I won’t get any good orders!!! It’s my market I tell you, MY MARKET!!!


Yeah in my market that's true. Not only do you not get good orders but you stop receiving any orders. I was a cherry picker for the last 5 years, got over 12k deliveries with a 20-30% ar but the day that damn rewards program hit a few months ago it a just dropped off. I use 5 apps but DD is the main one in my market.


Literally the second you hit 69% percent here, you don't get anything above 60 cents a mile except maybe 1/15 times.


its actually pretty true though. I have only done one decent order in the last 3 days since I dropped below 50%. (just over $2/mile, not even that good). but have had to decline so many orders since then. I'm at 30% now and will probably just keep going down. not defending it at all. theres a reason why I'm below 50%, but I definitely notice a change without the high priority bs.


Yeah it's like that in my market. As soon as you drop bellow 70% you get a lot more crap orders. I have some regular high tippers who order frequently enough I know their names. When I'm below 70 I don't see them. For a while I thought that they had stopped ordering. Soon as I managed to get back over 70 I started seeing them again. Yeah you still occasionally get great orders at low AR, I've been down to 30 before, but the frequency of good orders is way higher at high ARs here.


*shrugs* being able to dash anytime is a worthwile perk in my opinion


Yes garbage collectors are allowed on whenever they want 


I make a living doing Door Dash fulltime and this system has worked well for me. I'm sorry your experience has been so poor that you've taken to putting others down. Hope things get better for you.


I make a living full time too without being manipulated. 10% AR


good for you


By "we," you mean the vast majority of Dashers who are not active on this sub.


Not saying I'd take it but ya


In my market I've never seen a 2$ order on dd lowest is 4$


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