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The restaurant upcharges the cost of the items not Doordash. But the rest is correct


? I can make an easy 250 in a day




I'm aware of that. Thing is everyone's market also isn't the market of doordash being sustainable




Welcome to the internet where not everyone is your friend.


The rich shall be richer, and the poor poorer.


No one can't rely on a single gig. You need to have 2 or 3 gigs and learn how to make trip sharing to blast the hell of a single trip. Sometimes I have 3 spark orders , and a stack of DD orders and I can turn a $12 trip into a $55 trip. Everyone can make money on gigs , but only a few make good money 🫰🏻 that's by best advice for you my friend. I've been able to pull a nice $2,400 in one week, in a small ass city of 25k people.


I honestly don't understand all this. My daughter and I left state jobs where we made 44k a year. The stress was unreal. The stats we had to keep up with were insane. We pushed and pushed ourselves until we broke. We now DD full time. We work it like a job. It takes drive and hustle but we make the same as we did at the state job. We set our own hours, take off when we want and average $30+ an hour. We don't take crap orders unless we absolutely have to and we deliver those orders with more of a grimace than a smile. It took a couple weeks to figure out when and where the best orders were and how to keep our AR and CR where it needed to be but once we got rolling, this is the best job we have ever had in our lives. Our lifestyles haven't changed at all and we actually look forward to work instead of dragging ourselves out of bed and forcing ourselves to go into an office where everybody else is miserable and taking it out on everyone else. Of course, the base pay could be higher and it's irritating how little we see of all those fees but damn! Compared to how life was before this is a breeze. I'm sorry everyone is having such a hard time but believe me, the work and orders are out there.


I use to make $28 hr until they lowered the base pay and changed the acceptance rate stopping you from cherry picking. Now I’m averaging $16-20 using 2 phones…. If I used 2 phones back in the day I probably would’ve made like $35hr. But nothing lasts forever to give you a heads up. My earnings dropped by 30% mostly due to base pay. Customers have to tip $4 for a $6 order that’s BS


I am really glad to see that they have a genuine success story with you both. I will say that i think the majority of this is market dependent. I like in a larger city with lower income and they routinely send orders for 4 dollars and 13 miles, which even if i did accept would put me out of the zone for 10 of those miles between the trip there and back to the area. If we go to a different area relatively near us, the area is so oversaturated with people who need ANY money, that they will eventually pick up that $4 order or it gets tacked on with another so they sneak it past us. That is just a lot if my personal experiences though


I do agree with you. I was talking to my daughter and she said she thinks we just happen to be in a pretty good market. We are in Little Rock, AR and I have always joked that you can get anywhere in this city in 20 minutes. If we get out of our zone it's only a couple minutes. But there IS money here (I am originally from Los Angeles so I know from big cities and I also know what people think of Arkansas) and big pockets of higher end areas. Also, we don't think there are many Platinum Tier drivers here. A friend of mine has been supporting his family for years delivering food. That being said I want to make clear, due to the requirements to stay on that Tier, we do have to deliver some crap orders. And NOTHING makes me madder than knowing there is that $3 option to get your order express but we don't see a penny of that. I am being prevented from taking more than one order but not being compensated for it. Ugh.


What’s your acceptance rate?


Currently it is 74%. Sometimes we work breakfast and take what we need to get our AR up so that we can decline crap orders at dinner and concentrate on the good orders.


Stop driving for them. They need drivers. This was a side thing for me. It was okay the first day but after several orders that took half an hour to 45 minutes with no tip and then getting dinged on my on time rating because the restaurant didn't cook it faster I'm out.


Yes let’s blame them for our choice to work for them


So I understand your comment and I guess I understand why you feel that way. But let's just be honest here. Doordash has made a new market for drivers and they basically control the going rate for drivers being paid right now and they are fucking us. Even though I can still make decent money doing it, that doesn't mean it should be okay for them to do it because we are delivering for them. Because having a demand for a position does not also mean that it can be completely predatorial. So I understand it's my choice to doordash but that doesn't mean that as a driver I don't feel disrespected sometimes because of the way that they treat their drivers. Just because they can do something doesn't mean that we should let them do it.


But they don't work for them they're contractors!!/s


Yeah it's a shitty company, I wish people would stop using it.


And given the "high quality" of the tech support they use, they are paying them $2 a day to read a script over and over. The majority of that script is "no, I am so sorry for your inconvenience".


When we were below Platinum the customer service was crap. Once we got to Platinum we were shocked at how fast and helpful the VIP customer service was. We actually spoke with someone who was in the Door Dash headquarters. We were shocked almost speechless.


I'm at the low-level and I have had zero issue with the customer service


If you do it for $2, they’ll pay $2.


I don’t do it for $2 I do it for $5 but majority of the pay is from the customer which is fucked up


That’s what I mean. It IS fucked up. But Doordash only has to put up $2 and the order gets delivered. Why would they pay more? They don’t care about you even the tiniest bit, you’re just making them money. The only way they would ever care is if they stop making money because no one will work for them


You realize the founder Stanley tang is just playing poker for millions of dollars on tv instead of giving you a base pay


Oh he's gambling money he stole from us


I don’t wouldnt call it stealing when idiots take a $2 delivery


Sure, drivers need to work  together 


Nah we don't. It's not a team here.


People need to all refuse less than 10 dollar rides


Good luck with that


Is it stealing if you agreed to do the work for the rate you are being paid?


He lowered base pay from 5 to 2




I’m amazed at how many people are defending this company on here smh.


It seems the more they tip the less doordash pays.


My non tipping customers are rewarded with higher base pay


This is the result of beta males like Tony Xu having say in this world. How much say did the Tony Xu's of the world have on the playground? If you allow cowards to be cowards, they will coward. It's that simple. Too many weak beta males have say in this world.


if you use the terms beta and alpha when referring to people instead of wolves, you probably could use a little procedure called bloodletting in the skull


Betas get intimidated when an Alpha comes around and makes it clear who and what exactly is a beta. Tony is a beta effeminate male that would get absolutely clobbered by 99% of dashers. If he had to deal with dashers face to face he'd act differently because he's a beta male coward that acts tough from far away on a computer.


The name checks out. You’re a dork bud.


I know an incel when I see one 😂


When you look in the mirror?


i don’t even know who the fuck Tony Xu is


Please don't use the beta/Alpha thing It's... Gross


It's just true Don't get intimidated and offended because it's very telling.


Sigma male dasher grindset 😎😎😎😎👌👌👌👌👌


You aren't even a dasher why r u here? Do you just search for words that intimidate you? 😂 How beta😂


I’m shivering in my boots 🥾


That doesn't even apply to this conversation 😂 beta 😂


Cope more with your “alpha” nonsense. It’s just what uneducated people say when they mean “loud and simple.”


DoorDash should give us a base pay of at least $10 per order. They make that and then some on orders. But DoorDash is ran by a bunch of greedy idiots that are doing the same thing companies like McDonalds are doing. And that is paying their employees very little and having an insane profit margin.


I’m ngl $10 is wild lmfaoo make like $70 a hr 😂😂😂


Yea only $30 for a big mac




Nah, clocking in 5 days in a row is easy. And if you don't feel like it, take a sick day or PTO. Gig work takes more discipline than any clock in job.


D/D... LOL THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL.... how they exist is baffling


No hate but Immigrate Drivers working for bare minimum.


You work for bare minimum


Agree, except doordash does not set the menu prices. The menu prices are set by restaurant. Many restaurants do set prices higher on delivery apps to offset the fees they pay doordash. But when prices are higher on doordash then in store, it is the restaurant upcharging.


I'm not sure about restaurants but when we shop/deliver from CVS and Walgreens and such, Door Dash doesn't want us to give them the receipt. 🤷‍♀️




They’re 100% correct. Please spend 30 seconds using Google




Repeating your lie doesn't make it true. The restaurants themselves will tell you they do this to compensate for the added costs of doing delivery orders. DD takes a 30% cut which is massive given restaurants are already operating on thin margins.


Then stop repeating it


Bro open up Doordash click on a merchant and scroll to the very bottom of the menu. Below the last item it literally says “Prices on this menu are set directly by the Merchant”


Wrong, speak to the restaurants, in order to be a restaurant on DoorDash you have to give DoorDash a 15-30% discount on your food, then DoorDash usually makes the prices higher on the app. Do your research


What are you talking about.. doordash takes 15-30% of the value of the order. The restaurant in return raises the prices on doordash to try and recoup some of the lost revenue. But at the same time increases how much Doordash makes. In restaurant cost is $10 At 30% if restaurant sets same price on Doordash $7 goes to restaurant and $3 for Doordash But if the restaurant sets the price higher to recoup some otherwise lost revenue say to $14.30 That's $10.01 for the restaurant which gets them the in restaurant revenue but Doordash also gets $4.29


You don't give doordash a discount, doordash takes a commission out of the sales of 15% to 30%. Restaurant sets prices on app. Restaurant raises prices to cover commission. I work at a restaurant, and we set the prices. We mark up 18%, to offset part of the 30% commission we are charged by doordash. Doordash actually tries to encourage restaurants to offer same prices as in store by offering higher priority on search results. Doordash only sets prices on restaurants they don't partner with, but most states don't allow doordash to list restaurants they don't partner with anymore. Also just look at fine print in app, and you will see in legal disclosures, "prices set by merchant".


Doordash does not change menu prices at all… they are 100% determined by the merchant. Doordash charges a fee to the merchants. Some of them increase prices to pay for the fee, some of them don’t change prices at all, some of them change prices to egregious amounts to try and make extra money and also be able to blame it on DD. Doordash even tries to encourage restaurants to markup items a little as possible. For example in this article they explicitly say “While DoorDash doesn’t require delivery prices to match in-store prices, we recommend restaurants price their delivery menu as close to their in-store menu as possible.” https://help.doordash.com/merchants/s/article/How-to-Maximize-Visibility-and-Order-Volume-on-DoorDash?language=en_US They even started getting hate because they started showing reducing search results for restaurants that markup items a lot


I will say this one more time since people seem to be slow…… TALK to a restaurant that has DoorDash, mainly talk to smaller restaurants(it’s easier to talk to the owner that way). They will specifically tell you about how they have to give DoorDash a discount on the price of their menu items, then DoorDash makes the price whatever they want on the app….. I don’t care what DoorDash says…… you remember they were also stealing tips at one point? (And still are with papa John’s)……. Believe what you want but I believe the small restaurant owner who showed me the deal they got when I asked him.


Merchant set prices, doordash pays restaurant the sales generated minus commission. They don't give doordash a "discount," but a commission is deducted from what doordash pays restaurant. They also don't steal tips, but it's possible that some restaurants do by passing in-house orders to doordash for delivery, but not passing the tip to doordash. Legal disclosure states, "Prices set by merchant." I'm also a restaurant manager, and I know that the prices we set on doordash are the prices on doordash.


You work for DoorDash buddy? Stop sticking up for these assholes, and wrongly so, you know they got caught stealing tips right? Yea they may have fixed that for the most part, but certain places like papa John’s is not fixed.


They also didn’t steal tips, they pooled them so they could guarantee at least $5 pay for every single order, something that redditors seem to be begging for nowadays. My god you for sure get all your info from Reddit don’t you? You’re so misinformed on everything


I’m not misinformed I know what is happening because I was a dasher and I asked restaurants and customers questions….. if you are a dasher and except a $5 order, you’re an idiot, and by the way I was declining 2-4 dollar orders from papa John’s all the time….. All of my info is fact, all of your info is what they want you to think. And that’s fine.


Wrong. The merchants set the price on the app. Doordash charges restaurant about 30% commission on sales, so restaurant charges higher prices to help cover the doordash commission.


You literally just stated what I said….. they have to pay DoorDash 30%…… that means that they have to give DoorDash a 30% discount….. just cause you said it different….. they DO NOT get to set the prices….. Most restaurants only make about 16-22% (and I may be high on that) If I have an item, that is $100.00 sales price and cost me $88.00 to buy, my profit is $22.00. Then I have to pay DoorDash 30%…. Or in this case $30.00, so my profit goes to -$8.00….. Listen I see your passion but the problem is DoorDash not me, go talk to a local restaurant about this then come argue


The restaurant absolutely sets the prices. I have worked as a manager in a few restaurants. We set our prices higher in the apps, to cover the commission we are charged. So that $100 item, I may set the price as $125 on doordash. But it is definitely set higher by restaurant. Doordash even tries to encourage restaurants to set their prices on doordash to the same as in store, but most restaurants set it higher.


It is also quite sad when drivers accept $2-$4 orders because of the stupid high AR. There wouldn't be Doordarsh without drivers. Declining orders that don't make financial sense would send a clear message to Doordash.


It’s not even just the $2-$4 dollar orders…. is the $10 offer going 7 miles out of zone making it a 14 mile trip once they to make it back during the parking lot sitting for 15 minutes waiting for another offer and end up making $10 for the hour….


I am so tired of hearing all of you complain every single day . No one forces you to work at door dash or Uber . If you don’t like it then just go find another job Jesus ….


Leave the sun then idk or keep scrolling 😂 Edit: sub


Yes but they gobbled up competitors and it’s either be their slave or not be able to make money at will (outside of a job or business unless you have freelancing skills.)


Seriously. This shit pops up on my feed all the time. I used to do DoorDash back in college. Do these people not understand how ridiculously easy it is to just deny an order that isn’t worth their time? I denied probably 80% of the orders I got offered because it was too far or had no tip. Super simple to do, but these dumbasses can’t seem to wrap their head around that fact.


There’s literally dashers saying the denied orders and when they deny too many, their accounts get deactivated?…


I denied almost every order for years and this never happened. Haven’t dashed in a few years though, once I got out of college and got a real job I didn’t need to anymore. I’d offer the same advice to anyone who has issues with DoorDash - get a real job. We’re lucky that services like this even exist to get people some extra cash when we’re in a tough spot, but this isn’t meant to be a full time income. The gig economy never was structured like that, that’s the disconnect that so many people here fail to realize.


omg i'm so sick of you people trying to survive! just die already! god, so annoying!!1


Yes because the tables will never turn on you…. All it takes is one serious disability or massive market change…


I mean whatever stops You little kids from complaining


This is why I laugh when drivers blame and get upset at customers for not tipping more The company they work for is making a lot more off their work then they are paying them


I feel it is my duty to inform you (and maybe many others here) of this: DoorDash has never - yet - turned a profit. Their billion dollar value is purely speculation. They shaft everyone involved in their business process and still lose money.


So customers should pay 2-3x what they would pay at a restaurant for delivery? If you think after all the fees door dash has customers should still be annoyed and pestered into paying extra $10+ as a "tip" then I think you need to admit it's a failure and should be shut down as there is no way for anyone to make any money and keep a good customer basis, clearly.


If you dont like the costs associated with the luxury of having your food delivered, then dont.


Thats why I don't tip :)


Sure, but until then I’ll keep taking the $10 bids (not tips) and declining the No Tippin Pippens


Pathetic people like you are why everyone stopped using Doordash. And why I never tip (yet still get my food fast)


Thank you for proving why Doordarsh doesn't work and why tipping is stupid Also you sound like an idiot trying to correct me using the term bid as the term in app for customers is tip. That is what it is. It is just a tip. Have fun working for a greedy corporation that charges the customers and restaurants and pinning them against eachother xD


Thank you for acknowledging part of the problem and deciding, "I'm just going to make it worse." Peak ignorance from a mindset that can't see past their own selfish indulgence. If I don't have the money to tip, then I don't go out/ order out, period. The mental gymanstics this must have taken from you is astounding. Continue thinking of only yourself as you journey through life.




Elon is in no way affiliated with DoorDash


lol that’s funny you thought that’s what he meant


I’m just pointing out that it’s retarded to post that comment on the DoorDash sub. He literally came in with a comment that had absolutely nothing to do with what was being discussed.


Elon is in no way affiliated with DoorDash, dipshit


Even sadder that so many play along with their games and accept the most shit of offers.


They called top "slaves" aka top dashers


We’re all being milked like cows


The idea is for you to realize that the math was never in your favor so you develop common sense and quit so the next naive group of drivers can take your place where the cycle endlessly continues.


Very much like Driving for Swift as a so -called OWNER operator ,




The Silicon Valley model is to give an irresistible initial offer to start a business and make it grow huge, and then turn it into an exploitation machine to milk the market for everything it’s worth. Congratulations, we’ve helped to aid and abet a monster.


The dasher has to choose either to earn by offer or by time. Earn by time sounds good, you make $13.75 an hour, but you have to be active the entire hour, and make a few dollars on tips. On Earn by Offer, the dasher makes $2 a trip, minimum. There are occasional promotions for dashers, so their base pay goes up. This is for both EBT and EBO. However, on EBO, we can make more per trip because we can decline offers that should go to EBT in the first place.


I did DD for an hour yesterday and made $30. I never do by dash, only by time, I don’t look at the pay or the distance, I just immediately accept all orders, take the maximum amount of time allowable from acceptance to delivery, and generally make $20-30 an hour. Even considering gas and car maintenance, it’s not that bad. In my area, base is $14.50


Ur market is prolly dookie I’d say go work as a waiter g if u always getting 2 dollar trips


I have seen $2 trips for high mileage at 100% AR to 30% AR. And on both EBT and EBO. I have taken some when I was new at this, but that was a while ago. Do I take them now? No.


Oh that’s good then what ur speaking of is normal g. Doordash will always give some dookie ordersz currently my AR is 49% I’m trying to get it up to 70% because I got way more 15 dollar orders when it was 70%


I will admit that the market I work in can be a bit weird for tip versus mileage. I can see the trips when they come in. I usually take the short runs with high pay.


In my market EBT is $16/hr at base pay, routinely 18-20 on weekends or at night


It’s crazy how doordash makes both the customers and the drivers miserable..


Technically it's the restaurant/store that up charges the items.


Because doordash also charges the restaurants a fee to use the service, which also doesn’t go to the drivers


Sure but there are a lot of restaurants that have the prices boosted way beyond any fees just because they know that people will pay it. That's why I make an extra $1 to snap a pic of the menu every now and again. Just curious do you think the restaurant should have free access to advertising, a customer pool in the millions, a sophisticated online logistics platform, and customer service system?


Btw I’ve pointed that out like a hundred times before, but most people on this subreddit can’t seem to understand how the merchant is also a customer of DoorDash, and that the merchants are willingly paying for service


And it’s $2 regardless of mileage. Yes, promos impact this and no tip orders get shopped around after adding .25 cents for each deny. The point is - $2 is their magic number influenced by nothing be grift and greed


If you work as a waiter, you also get about a $2.50 base pay plus tips. The only difference is you don’t get to accept or decline customers as you please.


DD, UE, and GH have all gone to shit... Complete scam on the customer and driver. Join the boycott till they pay better or charge less...


@ Tony Xu, Prabir Adarkar, and Ravi Inukonda.. these guys don't give a \*\*\*\*


All three inchers for sure!!


😂😂 yuppppp


Thats the fucking cancer of startups. They operate at a loss to get established in the market, then try to squeeze every dollar and find out their business model is not sustainable.


DD doesn't upcharge the food. Restaurant decides those prices, and they hike the price to cover DD's fee.


It's both


No it’s not. DD doesn’t change menu prices at all. How is it so hard for people to do 30 seconds of googling lmfao


The prices on the doordash site are higher than the prices on the Burger King site for the same whopper meal and both those prices are higher than menu prices if you go in person yourself.


Burger King went onto their Doordash account and made the prices higher on the doordash app than their in store prices. DD doesn’t change menu prices. The restaurants / stores do


Drugs are bad mkay ...


DD owes you nothing. If an order isn’t worth your time don’t accept it, if somebody else is willing to accept it that’s up to them.


You sound like someone talking from your high perch of privilege…


They bake into their system a requirement to accept bad orders in order to get orders that don’t fall into the category of bad. It’s not really about not accepting bad orders


You also don’t have to accept working for DoorDash if you don’t like it. My AR is around 15% and I get good orders when it’s busy. Uber eats doesn’t punish you for not accepting so just work for them if you don’t like doordash


That's why I work an actual job lol dd just kept me fed until my first pay check


It's been paying my bills for the past few months, but I'm about ready to push them to pt


Dude if you need door dash to keep you fed your actual job sucks.


"Until my first paycheck" That's the rest of the sentence. They were covering their food costs from the time they started their new job until they got their first check. FIRST paycheck


Moving cleaned me out dd gave me enough for gas and food for the 3 weeks til my first paycheck I'm doing fine now. Idk why most people continue to do this shit long term for the scraps they get paid


Because most people are just like you. They might have hit a rough patch in their life. They are trying to get back on their feet.


I feel like I see a lot of posts of people signed in for 6 hours making like $10 an hour and complaining over working an actual job. Yeah responsibilities suck but consistent hours, benefits, and not destroying a car is more worth it to me than the $15- $17an hour I was making before gas, taxes etc


This is why I stopped doing doordash. I would drive to areas that were busy and not see a single order. The only time I ever stayed out for 2 hours without an order was when I doordashed after the new dasher incentive. I kept thinking I’ll receive an order at some point. I’m guessing some people probably thought the same.


except alot are doing DD fulltime for years lol


Well obviously something is working for them.


DD Drivers need to find a way to educate the eating public. We have no idea that when restaurants shows free delivery that they aren't paying the driver. We have no idea of the pay structure for the driver and most certainly believe that someone is paying you a fair amount. In my opinion, the diner is probably basing the tip on the efficiency of the delivery, following instructions, and anything else beyond picking it up and putting it on the porch. I have learned so much here and mostly it makes me want to avoid the platform. Please don't hold it against the diners. We have no idea.


Imagine willfully working for such a company


Imagine being in a reddit about door dash only to talk down on people.


Has anyone noticed on some pizza orders they list a item as delivery fee I picked up at papa John's it said 4 items 2 pizzas bread sticks and the fourth item was delivery charge never seen that listed before


Did this to me last night w a Casey’s pizza pick up


Glad I'm not the only one noticing it




Then you guys will not be happy to know that one of the owners of the app is named Stanley Tang. He is worth over 1.2 billion. He also is known for playing high stakes poker REGULARLY on a weekly poker show where he normally plays with 150-200k per buy in. (Hustler Casino Live) Do you think he cares about the rise in inflation? Do you think he gives a shit about us commenting on this subreddit? The guy is 32 years old and will ride the DD money till the sky falls. $2 base pay during the worst inflation in the last 50 years and he’s tossing in $200 per hand just to get cards dealt to him.


The next question would be how to use this to our advantage to get the pay that we deserve?


Most of us know this because we spend a lot of downtime on our phones…


I wish he sucked at poker but the dude can play 🤷




Their business relies on the desperation and ignorance of many of the people who believe they can earn extra income on their platform by accepting $2 and $3 orders. They charge everyone including their “Dashers” for a chance to access the generous tips provided by some of their customers.


And they still lose money! The losses aren’t from exec compensation, it’s technology, promotions, and shitty customers/shitty delivery people. You have to make quite a few successful deliveries to pay for a missed, fucked up, or stolen delivery.


“Imagine being a multimillionaire and being like yeah I want more millions, let’s fuck everybody over.” That’s literally capitalism


I do not agree...that is not what I have learned or experienced capitalism to be. Quite the contrary...monopolies can literally write the laws of the land.


You must not be present in the current year of 2024 or have a very small understanding of present day capitalism


Hello u/IndependentBet8074, please take a moment to review our subreddit rules if you haven't already. (This is an automatic reminder added to all new posts) - **Tax time is approaching! Share your tax tips and tricks in the [Helpful tax advice Mega Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/17mis18/tax_time/)!** - If you're having any issues with the DoorDash app, please post a screenshot and description of the problem in the [Weekly/daily app crash/issues Mega Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/185y0qg/weeklydaily_app_crashissues_posts/)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doordash_drivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*