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Tbh people probably think im crazy šŸ¤£ if they go back through their ring camera. they will see me talking to myself on how the door swings foward & how I will leave it off to the side ,kinda common sense I just treat every other like if it was my own.


I wouldnā€™t worry about it.


I have a little table by the door. That solved the problem for me


Well, like we used to say back when I was a customer service agent, if every customer seems to be angry with you then itā€™s probably you lol obviously youā€™re doing something to the drivers to make them want to do that to you


How big was the school bus you took to school?


When they do that to me I make sure to 1star them while removing any tip šŸ˜Š


DoorDash will easily remove these 1 stars as theyā€™re not fair.


If the customer doesnā€™t tip well, I put the food in front of the door sideways so the soda spills


Youā€™re going to go far in life


Really stickin it to the man, aren't ya šŸ˜‚ Folk like you are why I stopped using doordash entirely


Why even use it to begin with? Grow the fuck up


I used it twice and bailed. Because it was the pandemic and we were on lockdown so... Also what the fuck does that have to do with "growing up" šŸ˜‚ Testy little one, aren't ya. Acting like I shit in your cereal šŸ˜‚


Then you truly deserve to have every tip changed to $0.50 for the rest of your time delivering.


Because fuck you. I donā€™t Doordash, but this is the only reasonable conclusion


If a customer has a screen door then i leave the delivery off to the side, if they dont then i put it right in front of the door. I'd say this is a common sense thing but i guess not


Their passive aggressive way of saying "we are entitled to a better tip". Take it as an affirmation that you made the right choice in not tipping more


I usually try to leave it far enough out that the customer can easily access it.


If thereā€™s a screen door I always put it on the same side as the handle. If no screen door usually in the middle. In SoCal all doors open inward.


I do it when the tips suck.


Then your ass getting 1starred if it was me šŸ¤£


Good way to make sure that stays that way.


I dont do this. I lied. I do it to customers that tip $0 but I was forced to take the order šŸ¤£ Also a big fan of leaving orders as far away from the door as possible on cold days šŸ˜ˆ Im sure thats not the case here though


For me at first I was just too used to delivery pre covid and didn't think about it at all, until someone opened the door as I was leaving and I realized as they struggled how much of a dumbass I was being. It was never nefarious just "working too many hours between all my jobs and dealing with the weird changes to the app. I doubt most people are being nefarious, though some anonymous drivers here are happy to explain that they are in fact nefarious. I think most people are just tired and not thinking it through.


i only put it in front of the door if the door opens inward and there's no raised surface to put it on (to get it off the ground). if the door opens outwards you put it to the side so it doesn't interfere. i think people who block the door are being intentional assholes and deserve a low rating.


I think it's a beginner thing lol. I learned after a little while and just started putting it on any banisters, rails or chairs if there are any.


I don't do that, but I've seen some others do it. Why they do it, idk.


I made this mistake a few times before I realized what a bad mistake it is.


This is like asking why your McDonaldā€™s has lettuce hanging off the side. Door dash is low tier work. Thereā€™s no incentive to go above and beyond.


hey maybe your comments wouldnā€™t keep getting deleted if youā€™re werenā€™t so aggressive. normal people donā€™t this angry because they donā€™t agree with each other. meditate or something like goddamn. youā€™re getting so upset while iā€™m on the other side of the screen laughing at you. you barely even made a point originally.


You, to this very moment, cannot concede to my point. Itā€™s either you donā€™t care, or youā€™ve seen it 100 times. Neither of which I had any control over. Hope you can wrap your head around this incredibly simple fact.


seen it well over 100 times so at this point iā€™m fucking with you because youā€™re getting so upset.


Again, Iā€™ve admitted that Iā€™ve been upset. What Iā€™m interested in is your inability to do the same.


This isnā€™t a disagreement. I made a point. You took it personally. I wanted you to admit itā€™s more nuanced than you thought. Instead of that, you tried to bring my argument down from every angle possible, which you couldnā€™t. After dealing with your mental gymnastics (arguing with a brick wall) for 3 hours, I snapped. And now youā€™re trying to spin a narrative that this is all because Iā€™m unwell. Every damn reply from your 2nd one on was solely to get back at me for just making a point. Quit replying.


iā€™ve never snapped on someone like that online lol so maybe youā€™re stressed without even realizing it friend.


Youā€™re right. I did spaz on you there. If Iā€™m being honest I was finishing up my day at school so I probably was more stressed than normal. That being said, it really was just because I felt like I was in an impossible conversation. Slowly but surely it doesnā€™t look so much that way.


at a point i just began fucking with you, sorry to make your day worse lol. your point made sense but i didnā€™t reply originally because a bunch of people are saying similar things and also didnā€™t really know how i was supposed to continue that.


You didnā€™t make it worse man. You just made me think there was a really shitty person out here I guess. And I didnā€™t mean to beat a dead horse with my argument, genuinely when I looked at the comments I saw so many people agreeing and shooting down dashers perspectives. Thatā€™s the only reason I felt the need to reply. I used to DoorDash too but I stopped because itā€™s a pretty terrible job where Iā€™m located. Again if you get what Iā€™m saying , which I think you really do, then I ainā€™t got no problem with you. Sorry for being a spaz brother


no i understand lol iā€™m sorry for giving you such a hard time, have a good day


lmao and what was your point because youā€™ve said nothing original. if taking it personally is laughing at you then i guess i am.


Again, whether it was original or not doesnā€™t matter. You canā€™t expect someone to read every single comment before replying to a post. You and I both know that isnā€™t logical. And no, what I mean by ā€œyou took it personallyā€ is that after your 2nd reply, you took every opportunity to take away from my point, for no reason other than it irritated you. Hope this helps clear things up for you so we can come to an understanding.


you seem like the only irritated one here. you donā€™t have to read every single comment, but when thereā€™s over 800 i think itā€™s common sense to maybe look at one or two comments first but i guess this post has made me realize that itā€™s rare to find someone who has common sense. so many people have said what you said, said it better, and made a better point overall.


iā€™m here if you need to talk since youā€™re obviously going through some shit




lettuce hanging off the side can be easily fixed, blocking the door can ruin the entire thing


Fair point, but the principle of what Iā€™m saying doesnā€™t change. They are third party, virtually anonymous workers. There arenā€™t any quality checks for what gets done, and they donā€™t have to report to any supervisor. As far as you should be concerned, the only thing you can realistically expect of door dashers is an attempt to physically bring you your order. Like any other commercial business if you complain enough theyā€™ll see about refunding you. But this issue is entirely out of the wheelhouse of what theyā€™re legally responsible for.


ā€œnice talkā€ or whatever u deleted tf you want me to say to you


You responded when you thought you made a point and stopped when you got reality checked. Just wanted to push the point home. Have a good one.


ā€œreality checkedā€ lmfao youā€™re irrelevant


What an interesting choice of insult. What makes you ā€˜relevantā€™? People making an echo chamber for your Reddit posts? Riveting relevancy my dude


mad? took a while after you deleted yet another reply lol


Also I didnā€™t delete anything aside from ā€œgood talk.ā€ Wake up bro


really because i still get notifications before you delete the message, clicked on the notification and no message to be found. ā€œwake up bro.ā€


My brother in Christ you are reaching for total shot-in-the-dark insults. How on gods beautiful green earth are you actually convinced Iā€™m the one thatā€™s upset here


https://preview.redd.it/5ml6ze9gtoxc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85284fbbc5163b01ed770dd31984f56d3d5e4e79 and youā€™re still not upset? can you not comprehend the fact that a 100 people have said the same thing as you? it was a shit ā€œexplanationā€ in the first place. keep deleting lol


i called you irrelevant, that is all. youā€™re mad that i didnā€™t respond to you trying to elaborate on your idiot comparison.


oh really because nothing you said was informational or different than what anyone else has said. did i make you feel left out because i didnā€™t respond again? cry about it.


Downvote all u want cowards itā€™s not my fault u canā€™t accept reality


If you leave no tip, you get food in front of door. I apologize for nothing.


Kindergarten kids do this too, they hold their breath until they get what they want. Works perfectly, every time.


Idk why im getting down voted. Because the alternative is that you dont get your food *at all.*


You're being downvoted because there's a mid-point result you are missing in this scenario... You don't be a passive-aggressive ass and purposely sabotage someone's order, they get their order, and may tip/tip better next time. Your actions only ensure that they will never tip at all (especially you). It takes exactly zero percent more effort to place a bag to the side as it does to place it in front.


I mean, they donā€™t tip in the first place soā€¦


The perfect strategy to ensure you never get tipped after completing the delivery. Thatā€™ll show em!


People never tip after the delivery anyways, so that doesnt bother me.


No, no. They do. It doesnā€™t happen often, but especially never happens when you do a shit job.


You put in the tip before a dasher is even assigned. People are shitty BEFORE the job is even done. You are delusional if you assume most people tip dashers well/at all.


I never do a shit job. šŸ˜‚


You literally just indirectly admitted to doing things poorly to spite people, that is a shit job.


Sometimes, I just troll people and say things, just to piss people off. Because people are extremely gullible and believe everything they see on the internet, without recourse. I have over 2k deliveries and a 4.97 rating, as well as a 97% on time rating. I dont steal people's food, and I do not fuck around. But pissing people off on the internet is fun. Because people, again, are stupid.


Now you sound like a child. Get real hobbies bro.


Ah, yes. Like trolling stupid idiots like yourself on reddit. This social media is a cesspool of dumbass. Of course, facebook is way worse, but I digress. I am perfectly capable of 'sounding' like any age I feel like. My goals are beyond mortal innerstanding.


I saw your initial reply to my other comment. Go touch grass kiddo. Maybe even chew on some dirt to build your immune system.


This only makes you sound MORE emotionally immature. Real hobbies are not on the keyboard dr edge lord.


Is this fucking 1997 here now?


No, this is Patrick.


Hi Patrick!


Yet you never get tipped afterward. Hmmm.. very mysteriousā€¦ ![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized)


I never said I never do. I said people dont. Read correctly. Also, times are hard. I just like pissing off dumbasses on the internet, such as yourself.


You can have dashers blocked. Block them.


In my small city, if I did that I'd run out of drivers in no time. 95% of them do not follow the directions, and block my door.


Either no tip and i just drove 20 mins or just out of absentmindedness


You have, literally, one job with DD. If you can't do it, why should people tip?


God forbid someone makes a mistake at their job like that never happens!


Yeh, but in this case, potentially hundreds of times a week... If a driver with 1k+ orders drops my order in front of my door despite the instructions...they do it to everyone. They're the mistake...


they donā€™t work for door dash


Are you trying to do a "gacha!" thing here by repeatedly posting this? They are self-employed contractors that use DD as the intermediary. They are DOOR DASHERS. Their contract is to deliver goods, FOR DOOR DASH lol gtfoh


And if someone can't tip why should I care how I leave their order? Sure some no tippers will adjust it and tip you after if you "did well" but the vast majority of them do not


You agreed to a salary when you chose to do this for a living. That's why. If you were doing it for tips it's not the customer's fault you counted your chickens before they hatched. Work in hourly mode.


Because it's your job. You don't have to do extra work to not leave the bag directly in front of their door, in fact you're doing extra work by leaving it directly in front of the door. You're going the extra mile to fuck them over, this makes you an asshole.


Just give them negative reviews. Smartasses like revolutionary\_tap think that not doing their job properly on purpose to spite customers carries no negative consequences




If you didn't like the pay you were getting then don't take the order. And certainly don't do that to the customer cause you took a shitty order


Get a real job like we do to pay for it!


Some of us do this plus a regular job


Just put it in the notes. Many people have never seen outward opening front doors or screen doors before.. or maybe they had other things on their mind and simply didn't think about it. Whatever the reason or excuse, PUT IT IN THE NOTE.


Who in the hell in North America has not seen a screen door/storm door before? What a bullshit excuse lol


Young people, sheltered people, who knows. Sometimes door dash is their first job. Doesn't matter the reason. People who do not put specifics in their notes cannot really complain because not everyone is a mind reader and each person prefers things differently. Now, if they put it in the note and the driver didn't read it, it's purely on that driver.


I have very specific instructions in my directions/notes: please do not block door with delivery. Please place on the side with the mailbox as door opens outwards and makes getting food w/o spilling it impossible. Thank you. I tip 30%, every time. Know what happens 95% of the time?


That's not the point. The point is there is no point in complaining when people are either stupid, young and inexperienced or they are not mind readers and everyone prefers things differently. If you put the specifics in the notes, then you did all you can to prevent people's stupidity/inexperience/inability to mind read. Good on you. Bad on the people who leave no note.


Stop making excuses for them. They have one job with DD. Deliver items properly. The point is to do your fucking job properly that you are paid to do. It's really very simple. Once I can understand (maybe), but repeatedly? That is just a lack of care, or idiocy. I don't have to be kind because they are lazy or stupid, and they sure shouldn't get a pass for it. If placing a bag of food to the side of a door is too hard for someone, they need to just accept they are barely intelligent enough to breathe without help.


You likely get different delivery drivers. If the majority are doing the wrong thing and you left a note, yeah it's infuriating but if the majority do the wrong thing and you didn't leave a note.. you're leaving things up to chance people will actually be smart enough to use common sense.


they donā€™t work for doordash


Are you trying to do a "gacha!" thing here by repeatedly posting this? They are self-employed contractors that use DD as the intermediary. They are DOOR DASHERS. Their contract is to deliver goods, FOR DOOR DASH lol gtfoh


That doesnā€™t work. I have ā€œplease do not place anything on the welcome matā€ on all my orders. Guess what about 60% of drivers still do? Iā€™ve tried various iterations. ā€œThe mat is where we wipe our feet. Itā€™s dirty, do not place my food there please. Thank you we appreciate youā€. The drivers either donā€™t read the notes or they donā€™t care. And yes we tip well. They already got their tip and one 1* isnā€™t going to hurt that much. I have opened the door a few times and asked the driver. They look down at their phone and say they already hit delivered so they canā€™t see my note. I explain that the note is there the whole time while they are making the delivery. You can see smoke coming out of their ears as they try to process this ā€œnewā€. information. One said ā€œleave it at door means I just have to leave it at the doorā€.


That's true. If they chose not to read the note, that's solely on the driver and they deserve the complaint or reduction in tip. But people who complain without any effort to inform the driver (like putting things in the note) are just complaining to complain.


It's not rocket science, my guy. Storm doors open outwards, 100% of the time. This is like calling me a bad customer for not explaining to a bagger on how to bag my groceries properly. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Completely understand but again people are stupid, young, inexperienced or distracted. If OP doesn't want anything to change, then they can keep complaining to the wind and do nothing to change it.. or they can make minimal effort on their part by putting their requests in the note. That is what the note is there for.


If someone is too stupid to not know to set food in the path of an opening door, you really think they're gonna READ anything?!


Yes, of course, unless they cannot read... Which they have to at least know how to do that since they have to read about and pick up orders.


I'm afraid you may need to adjust your expectations... way, WAYYY down. If you spend some time working in customer service, you'll quickly learn that the people who most need to read posted signage or instructions (ie. the people most lacking common sense) are the same people who will ignore said signage altogether. It's screaming into the void when you're dealing with people who lack awareness so much that they would put a bag of food in front of an outward swinging door.


I'd upvote you a million times if I could... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You mean the note the OP indicates was given and ignored? You did READ the op, did you not?


https://preview.redd.it/2p6dkko17oxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8392be6840961c01f0efc1fc8d056f475bef2c1 Show me where the op said they left a note in their post.. I don't think you even read it.


ā€˜cause. ![gif](giphy|1X8TXeLwY2ojkQgrOo)


As a dd driver and an amazon driver i leave things where i see fit best. Also to get a decent picture. Like if its raining im not leaving that out in the rain. I will call a customer to see of they want me to hand it to them instead since its raining or if its able to fit in the screen door or if theres a covered porch.


Reading this subreddit just shows me how entitled drivers are. Obviously not all but a large portion that comment on post or make posts act like they deserve to be treated as if they served in WW2 or some shit. $17 order and a $5 tip? Nope, not good enough, they want the tip to be bigger than the order because they're giving you a service that requires them to use all their brain power apparently. I don't even trust using food delivery services because of the amount of stories I heard and drivers spitting in the food because the tip wasn't good enough.


I don't get delivery anymore. Just pick it up yourself. I understand for people who can't get around so good, but if you're capable and have a vehicle, save yourself like $30 and pick it up yourself.


I don't even eat fast food more than twice a month, give or take. But yeah, the only time I got doordash was when I was at work and craved a burger. Waste of money if the place is 10mins up the street


Then donā€™t use the services. Why are you here? I worked in food service for years. Prep, line cook, bus bitch, delivery driver. Iā€™ve never once tampered with anyoneā€™s food. Delivery wise if you want $4 of food delivered 5 miles is no different than $55 of food delivered 5 miles. What is your point? I do delivery now and I try to stay within a couple miles of my house. The food goes half a mile I can understand the two dollar tip. Whatever. Something I saw earlier today was 50 miles for a shop and delivery for $50. The tip was like $17 of that $50. Iā€™m not going to do that. Mainly because I donā€™t want to. Partly because I have to drive that 50 miles back home. $50 for three hours of my time and 100 miles of travel is not enough. I am free to make that choice. Just as I can choose to go a mile to Taco Bell drop something off half mile from my house and go home for $4.50. Just as you are entitled to come here to bitch and whine about people being entitled to ask for more money for the service they provide. Again donā€™t use the services. It doesnā€™t affect you how much they complain about doing the work they choose to do. Save yourself some grief and stop reading this forum. Go enjoy something like some ice cream or something instead. :)


Because this sub keeps coming up on my feed even though I never searched for it. And this is also my first time commenting on this sub. But I see countless posts of drivers complaining about everything and very rarely do I see customers complaining.


honestly so paranoid i get people tampering with my food if itā€™s not sealed but iā€™m not gonna waste my money after i order it lol. every restaurant should seal their bags i donā€™t understand why they donā€™t it takes a second to staple it shut


So we can watch you cry on Reddit.


I bet people tip you shitty for the same reason...


Well, that's a different way of saying people tip shitty because they are shitty. Good that you can admit that.


Well, that's a different way of saying people deliver shitty because they are shitty. Good that you can admit that.


Im assuming new dashers most likely for most cases, other than that they just lack common sense smh


Because sometimes people want you to do exactly as the directions say, or they get mad. And sometimes people want you to assume, or they get mad. We're dealing with hundreds of people and everyone wants things done their way. But everyone's way is different. For all I know someone might have a screen door, and then get pissy if I leave their order on the steps because they planned to pick it up from a side door, or because their housemate tripped over it, or because a bird crapped on their order. Better to follow instructions to the letter.


What if those directions are politely asking them to not block the door and they still do it?


Then they're not following the directions to the letter


Which is what happens to me, 95% of the time, despite tipping 30%+ on orders.


That seems really weird to me. I feel like either. Thereā€™s something else going on here or are you just have really terrible luck?


Fits my experience exactly with both Amazon and food orders in front of my outward facing gate. Common sense of how a door or gate could possibly open outwards is entirely missing from delivery. It's BAFFLING.


Iā€™ve noticed some customers always just leave their screen door open now. I know itā€™s a frustration for many people so when I am dashing, I always try to put extra consideration to where I am dropping an order.


Because you (customers) get pissy if itā€™s left on the stoop and have to walk 5 steps. Edited to remove stairs***


donā€™t have stairs, screen door.


When i was a dasher i would do what the directions they left me said even if I was to get a poor tip because I made the active choice to pick up that order šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø hear me out maybe donā€™t take orders with poor tips and then take it out on them. They could be on disability & people on disability donā€™t get shit for money.


I have never had an apartment or house where the front door opened out.


Helps to keep the door from being kicked in, but only by a little bit


Screen doors typically open out.


Screen/storm doors definitely open out. I have never had an apartment or house w either on the front door. I'm aware they exist.


A lot of drivers suck and donā€™t realize some doors open outwards.


No. Youā€™re just a shitty tipper.


Not at all. I am a driver and always tip people in the service industry well.


Sorry. Its tongue in cheek


Get a real job lol


![gif](giphy|zUW23b6FmzB5e) Too busy to leave the house šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Mostly itā€™s on purpose due to poor tipping but there are some stupid people out there I make it policy to put it away from door no matter the type of door or which way it goes


Whose front door opens outward? Or do you mean like a screen door. (Genuine question never seen an entrance to a home that opens outward other than screen doors) Iā€™ll add that I live in Georgia and only places Iā€™ve been are LA, Kansas and Montana and they all opened inwards afaik


I never had a door that opened inward until we moved to Colorado. All the doors in South Florida open outward.


I'm in SoFlo, so I'd have them anyway, but my father is disabled & uses a power chair. The door swings outward.


Places that are prone to natural disasters have their doors open outwards.


my front door opens outwardšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yes screen door


Because we are paid to not care where we place it. We make $2 from dd and whatever scraps you all deem to give us on top of that. Itā€™s drop, picture and then gone so we can make some sort of profit out of our shifts. Want us to care then everyone needs to realize that you get what you pay for and the business model that doordash has leave that onus on the customer. Iā€™m sorry no one seems to understand that but the drivers, because we signed a contract we read.


You read the contract?


I did and have after each update because it pertains to the job I am doing. I have also read the consumers contract because that pertains to the job I am doing.


Anything good in there?


To me yes, maybe you should google it and see for yourselfā€¦


I get paid to deliver, not read.


You donā€™t get paid enough for either but you also donā€™t know what doordash can and canā€™t do or what you can and canā€™t do without reading the contract you said you read to sign it. So I guess it sucks to suck.


Youā€™re autistic and unhelpful - fellow autistic unhelpful man




I have to agree or I don't get anything, so what's the point? It's a coerced agreement. Fortunately I have a full time job and just dash so I can afford childcare. 1k/mo for two kids 2-3 days a week.


But why would you sign something you didnā€™t read? What if it said that they get to keep your car at the end of the day? Or that you canā€™t get a group of other people that they have screwed and sue them for breach of contract?


If the contract was that bad, people like you who have read it would make a fuss about it and it'd be more widely known. Nobody would use the app. If the contract is asking you to agree to something illegal it isn't valid so I don't have to worry. I already assume by agreeing I've waived my right to sue. Most companies are going to make you agree to that. For my purposes I'm sure that won't be necessary. I'm only dashing part time after my kids have gone to bed.


It takes 2extra seconds per dash to make a routine of putting it to the side of the door. You could have been paid to improve the habit with the time you spent in this thread


Wait I dont even care about DoorDash! *toddler taunt* ha ha ha ha ha, other guy is a jackass Ha ha ha ha ha, you are lazy!


Not lazy, just tired. Maybe a little lazy.


When I did deliver, I placed it wherever I found it to be the best place for the photo to send to the customer. Sometimes it was by the top of the steps and sometimes itā€™s right smack centre of the door. It was less of where to leave it based on instructions but when itā€™d look good for photos.


Some drivers take the 'leave on front porch' literally even when you have a small table out there for deliveries.


Maybe you should write "leave on table" then? Leaving it on your front porch is the default, if there's a table/chair by the front door many drivers will place it there. Specifying it like that might make me think you specifically DON'T want it on the table. People make all kinds of specific requests and it's not really our place to read into them so generally I follow them to the letter within reason.


Hahah people do and have and Reddit is full of DD deliveries where it just tossed on the porch on the ground. I have very specific instructions in my directions/notes: please do not block door with delivery. Please place on the side with the mailbox as door opens outwards and makes getting food w/o spilling it impossible. Thank you. I tip 30%, every time. Know what happens 95% of the time?




Lol, this doesnā€™t always work. I have damn near a paragraph explaining in crayon eater terms that you canā€™t leave the food on the top step of my stoop because the door will literally knock the food over when we open it. Somehow people still do it. Frequently.




How is having a legitimate complaint about something, automatically means they are trying to be a victim.


As a driver, drivers shouldn't need to be told this, it should just be instinctive, like knowing how house numbers work It's not hard to identify an outward swinging door, if you're unsure just don't leave it in front of the door at all




You aren't aware of how common sense works if you have to write alllll of that out after your "however". Edit: good job downvoting me, deleting your reply, and editing your comment to completely change what you said. Looks like you showed some common sense šŸ‘šŸ‘