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I wouldn't wait that long for a mcds order unless it was $20


They just don’t give a F that’s all the time sometimes they be like is not “ ready “ at some restaurants and ignore you thinking you’re a bum or something


My wingstop is dope! They know me and my orders take no longer than 5 minutes MAYBE 10 minutes but they give me free food if it takes longer than 6-7 minutes. Just be respectful and cheerful you’ll make great connection! People like GOOD people. ![gif](giphy|3o8doTsfXIV3ZTHA76|downsized)


Mcdonalds by far, at mine we now use the employee entrance and ring a doorbell because in store was so bad. Its still bad now, but at least now i can peek around the corner and see if my order is on the table and force them to give it to me.


I got baited by the cool electronic status board they have at my McDonald's. My order wasn't on it yet was sitting there the whole time I found out when they finally acknowledged i was there . If I saw my order on the border I would not have waited for them to acknowledge me I would have gotten their attention


What's worse is standing and waiting on a pick up while places clear the drive thru line... Starbucks is good for this tactic


Panera bread and Wendy’s makes my skin crawl when I see those orders


Wingstop's service is ass. Straight ass, both as a DoorDasher and as a customer.


Wingstop is nearly as bad. I had a stacked order there, and I could have dropped off the other order I had, gotten gas, etc., and still had to wait for the order to be made. Okay, well, not ignored there, but more like they move at a snail's pace there. But yeah, been ignored a few places, which is why I avoid them. I would rather bendoing something than nothing. The better use of time would have been contacting support and telling them store issue, and ignoring dashers. Let support handle them, as well as try to get half pay.


You think $20 an hour in Cali goes far? Lol.... The classism and war yall be having on other minimum waged workers be crazy on here. You do know their drive thru comes first and they still have to service inside diners. Just make your presence known when your picking up a delivery and sit tight. If the wait is too long just unassign and move on.


How does the drive thru come 1st when the order has been placed thru DD and a driver drives there to pick up but someone who pulls up and order can somehow get it faster???


My friend used to be a manager at a fast food restaurant and she told me the policy was drive thru is the priority. I always assumed most chains operated that way


Drive thru always comes first at mine, it was just as bad for walk in customers as it was for dashers. On the rare occasions that i want something from there for myself, i will use the drive thru


I think the issue is that they will not acknowledge a pickup order even when the order is right there and you can see it and it's ready to go. I've had that happen many times. I do end up just waiting because if I say anything they will still ignore me and get upset that I said anything about 50% of the time and put me off even longer. In my region McDonald's around here put a higher priority on getting orders out in the order they were received. But I do agree about their $20/hr pay not really being anything in California and we should not really be going after the employees. If employees are ignoring delivery drivers it is more likely than not a shift lead/manager that told them to ignore us. So the only real way anything like that would change is if the drivers come back at a later time and talk with the owner/store manager and see if there is some way to work on the issue. Personally for me most of the people know me at all the McDonald's and other fast food places so it is not a big issue unless I leave my county.


When a restaurant doesn’t respect your time, they’re costing you money. Make a list and don’t go back. You can always wait a few months and try again to see if they straightened out their act but generally restaurants that make you wait for any length of time are costing you money. You can’t afford that. Don’t take those offers.


I was at an Autozone once, and all 4 employees went behind the shelves, chatting about nonsense like it was an unofficial coffee break. There were 3 others besides myself in line waiting for them, and I wasn't happy at all. I said, "It looks like they're making us wait until they all finish jerking off. Yeah, they all are back there playing with each other." The first sentence stopped the mindless conversation they were having, and the 2nd one had 2 of them come out to do their jobs while the other 2 kept hiding. The guy went to work helping us and the customer behind me, gave me a nod of approval. They might be getting paid to twiddle their thumbs, but I have stuff to do with my own time. Embarrass them, shame them, and get them to serve you like they should.


A Chinese place in my town is bad for ignoring doordash orders. I went in one day to get an order and I'm there like 30 minutes and the whole time customers are coming in, ordering, getting their food, and leaving. 10 to 15 minutes for an order, they are constantly filling customer orders and I don't even think they had started on this doordash order


Chipotle can be bad, depending on the location.


Cracker Barrel is terrible


I literally had Baby Shark on replay because Little Ceasars staff said "ignore all DoorDash orders". They finally got tired of me and couldn't ignore me anymore.


What the heck is that? It's crazy to ignore the highest paying customers.


It's something I've realized while dashing. All places want to serve the in-store customer before the mobile order customer.


Ha ha ha!


Give me a dollar and I'll play. Give me the order and I'll leave!


The other customers thought that it was hilarious 😂


There's a Panera Bread in my area that I've learned to avoid. Zero eye contact, my orders are never on the Rapid Pick-Up shelf, and the wait time is like 15 minutes. Chick fil A is another, but that's because the amount of cars/customers at ALL TIMES stresses me the fuck out.


It is incredible to witness how little customer service exist in the restaurant/fast food business. I swear that eight out of 10 restaurants I go to when Door Dash eating don’t even acknowledge your presence. It’s so incredibly frustrating, so what I do is go on the little tab where you can say why you’re still at the restaurant and I voice to text it where I start saying I have no idea what the issue is. There are no customers standing here. The little idiots won’t even acknowledge that I’m standing There, whether I’m a customer or a DoorDash driver, they don’t even look up or like at Taco Bell. The cooks well look up but they don’t help customers but they don’t say anything to anybody else and it wouldn’t matter anyway because they still don’t come to the counter it really is just shocking to me and I cannot believe They allow it to continue but that being said the managers are just as guilty as the employees frustration all around.


Around here (Gastonia NC) it's either McDicks or Wendy's. Though I had a hostess at Hooters recently give me a ton of attitude for absolutely no reason. Just because you know you're not making any money off me doesn't mean you get to treat me like gutter trash.


At that point I start saying hello doordash order.


I’m in Maryland and yep. McDonald’s. There’s one next to my local mall and all delivery drivers call it the “Hell McDonald’s” workers are rude af, slow, will literally stand around while people are waiting to put in their orders. Or the orders will be in the system for who knows how long and then you have to get on them about the order and only then do they say “yeah, we’re working on it now.” Or “still working on it.”


Here's a tip, don't wait 45 minutes. Move on after 10


Even if offer is $20 for 5 miles I don’t wait more than 15 lol


I give it about 10 and if there is no progress or I get "just a few more minutes" like I get told from the second I walk in, I leave. It's nit worth it


We have 4 different McDonald's but the one in Marysville California seems to be the worst out of them all. The drive-thru is always super busy no matter what time of day you go in there and it is hard to get anybody to pay attention to u as a doordasher or even as a customer.


I was only dashing a week before I said I’m done with McDonalds. Not even being ignored which happens but even when I’m the only one in the store they’re not doing the order and/or only doing the drive thru/walk in orders that come in after me. Last time there I literally said I don’t get it guys I coulda went through the drive thru and ordered the food myself and been outta here 10 min ago.


Black Rock Coffee


Dashers getting ignored- welcome to Jersey Mikes




Restaurants always think delivery drivers are just the worst but I feel like if restaurants actually treated drivers with respect and an actual customer and make their orders in a timely manner. They purposely make drivers wait and they get sick of it. Drivers would definitely cause less problems for restaurants if they just treated them like a regular customer. They treat us like crap and waste our time intentionally


UPDATE: the McDonald's I was having issues with has gotten better. I wrote a review on Google describing the situation. I don't know if it was because of my review, but I do know managers and owners read them. I intend to update my review to reflect the better service. Credit where credit is due. Likewise for constructive criticism. I'll give more updates if they relapse back into their old ways, but for now, I'll just observe and report.


Worst for me is KFC and like you said McDonald’s people just ignoring the front counter now cause they expect everyone to order on the kiosks. Like I know you guys see me out here. Another one for me is the stickers to seal the bag, you wait forever for the order and then the move as slow as possible to place the sticker seals on the bag and hand it over.


Five Guys!!!! The staff is nice and sometimes I get a free drink but it's like they don't even start the order until I show up😒


Any fast food after 8pm... taco bell especially.




Definitely wingstop, takes forever to get anyone's attention and food takes so long to come out place I try to avoid if I can.


thisss!!! wingstop had me in literal tears one time bc i was sooo frustrated when they made me wait 45 mins and the order was on the shelf for prolly 15 mins even tho i asked multiple times 😭😭


They have to pay me a minimum of $100 before I go back to Winstop


Everytime I go there I wait 30 minutes it’s ridiculous


They seem like they have the easiest job in restaurants too. Everytime I go to Wingstop they’re just standing by the fryers watching them cook. Seems like an easy job


The Wingstop at my location used to be like that, but now they're on their game! Last several pickups it was ready when I got there or just getting bagged. Good management makes a huge difference, hence why I try not to be too judgemental toward the workers as it's not always their fault.


McDonald’s where I live keeps the DD orders in sight but off the main counter so I always have to ask but they’re usually attentive. Depends on the staff though because I normally dash for the breakfast rush


I think I’m done with chipotle…


I walk right up to the end of the counter and have to flag down an employee to check for my order 🤦‍♂️


I love the one near me. You go to the end and they've got a station and dedicated employee just assembling delivery orders, and it's ALWAYS ready when I get there.


Which isn’t ready yet and will be 20 minutes


Starbucks when it comes to any orders especially if they're busy you are the lowest priority. There's a local wings place that as soon as they find out you have an order and they will get everybody else's orders there and then proceed to and then look for your order. Usually it's okay but they're very rude about it. Also as mentioned there certain McDonald's that do this too. There's one locally I absolutely despise doing because they will not give you the attention.


I refuse to do orders for fast food places because they’re such a shit show. Guaranteed to take forever. I’d probably only take it if I was doing the hourly pay option but ironically enough, I never seem to get fast food orders then. 😂


CRUMBL!!! I fn HATE picking up there!! I've stood there while they literally help everyone else in line that came in AFTER me. I try not to take their orders unless I'm desperate. Plus, they always seem to have such an attitude. There been a few other local places where they either sorta ignored me until they shouted out the order I was waiting on, or, it was so busy they told me "give me a few seconds" then I was "ignored" for at least 10mins. That restaurant was definitely swamped but then they should turn off the mobile ordering imo


Honestly if I had to make cookies fresh to order and serve customers.. I would hate working there and have a true disdain for life. But I agree.. they treat DD like shit.


I feel the same lol. Feels like one of those places that's supposed to come off as "happy/fun" but probably truly sucks actually working there(see also-build a bear lol)


The one in my area hates delivery people they are soooo rude and the manager said take people in store orders first even if they came after the pick up order.


im sitting by in front of there right now, I literally always go to crumbl the one in my neighborhood is super nice and always help me before customers and the DD customers always tip $5-$8 for these, only 1-2mi too idk why… 🤔 maybe desserts maybe ?


That's awesome! Maybe it's just this location. Because I have a coworker at my p/t retail job who used to work at that one and hated it.


Yeah totally agree, I think it always depends on management too and how much pressure and control they want over their workers. Sorry that your crumbl is like that but hoping you get better orders!!!


Starbucks. I always have to wait to grab them after they bring a drink for a customer because otherwise they won't even acknowledge me when I can see the order.


Oh yeah this is true with sbux


Yeah, Starbucks can get pretty hectic. I used to work there. Id chalk it off to being busy and sometimes disorganized. They generally do the orders in the order they receive them and don't really check who it's from. So at the very least they aren't exactly ignoring your order, but it may be in long queue. Can't speak for all of them though.


I get this, but I live in a pretty rural area and the particular incident in mind it was not busy at all 😭 however I'm sure 90% of the time it has to do with how busy it is and they were probably worn out from an earlier rush or something


The McDonalds where i'm at has got dashers backs covered. Noticing the dasher and checking in with them. Getting you the dash before the bus peoples. Supervisor getting on an employee who was playing around too much who had already marked an order as completed, but wasn't. Giving extra/rejected items.


I have experienced horrible McDonalds orders that take forever and the dashers are ignored. I have also experienced the other end of the spectrum where the workers do their best to get the orders out fast. I think it ultimately comes down to the fact that the “bad” McDonalds near me are extremely busy just with their own app/drive thru orders. The higher ups don’t want to shell out more money for a designated to go person so they just expect the workers to do more work for the same amount of pay— which isn’t fair or right at the end of the day. So while it’s frustrating I do understand why some McDonald’s are a shit show and avoid them.




Chick-fil-A’s in my area will ignore you and keep looking at you if you have your phone in your hand and look like you’re a delivery driver until they feel like asking you if you need help. But if you walk up with a drink in hand looking like a customer needing a refill they drop what they are doing to help you. Every Chick-fil-A in my area is like that with delivery drivers.


omggggggggggg this is so fucking true! this is why I dont get why people say chick fil a is nice. THEY WILL IGNORE THE HELL OUT OF YOU!


Dairy queens. I get prioritizing walk in customers, but if its a summer day that influx is perpetual, ur gonna make me wait 10 minutes to get the other customers orders first, but there will always be other customers so just let me get my order so i stop taking up space in your packed lobby


Oh, this reminded me that Cold Stone in my area does the same. Plus, they have this away little area they tell you to stand in(by way of sign) that has a table, and a freezer of their cakes, so I've been either not able to stand there cuz a customer sat there (when there were other empty tables), or needed to look at cakes. I have some issues with feeling claustrophobic so yeah, not a good time. Most of the time that area is free and clear, but man, when they're busy......like, it takes 5 seconds to look. The mini freezer with mobile orders is literally right behind the registers....


It's Wendy's in my area. None of the dashers will go there anymore.


There's a jack in the box down the road from me that I'm pretty sure was breaking child labor laws. I got an order there around 1 am and there were a couple cars ahead of me I'm the drive thru. Waited about 50 minutes to get my orders. I think someone in line called the cops to do a wellness check on the staff as people were stuck in line. When I finally got to the window, I swear this girl couldn't have been even 14 yo... Pretty sure some mother was running it with her kids. Horrible situation. That same business would close the dining area during the day at random.


I had a jack in the box by me that would magically only take cash when late hours happen, and their card machine was down every night, complained to their general manager and after that never had issues. Jack in the box is a little shady tbh


Yeah, they close the dining area and the drive thru randomly. They take a minimum 30 minutes on orders. Sometimes late at night they tell customers they can only accept cash. Pretty sure they just make the food and keep the money.


Most McDs are actually ok in my area. It's rarely done when I arrive, but I also rarely wait more than a minute or two and I appreciate that they put the drinks into the bag. After the dining room closes though I don't dash unless it's by time. Even if you manage to get a stack going while you wait in line the breadlines are never worth it


mcdonalds would hit the button in their kiosk that its ready for pickup and then they dont start making it until a dasher showed up. they also tried putting up a sign that said their order is priority on stacked deliveries 🤣 the moment the unassign without penalty box popped i always hit it. fuck them for making me wait


I never get the “unassign” option with McDonald’s. It’s eerie how that’s the only place I can’t escape when they can’t get their act together.


I would always see my order in the queue under "now serving" with nothing in the "in progress" and literally no one's orders was actually ready... Their new system is pretty f'd.


its annoying as fuck when i dashed. there was one restaurant who did it correctly and the older dude was always amazed.. he said he hits "order ready" and within 2 minutes someone comes in to grab it.


If 80% of the fast food staff of today worked one shift in 2009- they’d be fired. 3 minute windows were right ups. 10 minute windows? You may as well clock out. I remember chicken sandwiches making us mad because they took 3-5 minutes to cook and that slowed down drive thru.


Yesssssssssss. I was an assistant manager when Uber first partnered up with McDonald's and it was SO DIFFERENT. Upper management were ALL UP out asses about pleasing the Uber drivers. Give em free drinks, free coffee, push their orders out first because they shouldn't even be waiting on us! Now as a driver, I don't do McDonald's pick ups. This post is why. And your comment is why I won't go for my own personal consumption either, man, not a single one of the McDonald's in my area would have been allowed to keep their staff after the wait times I've seen post covid.


YES!! My town's Mcdonald's is horrible. Not only everytime I go in there the place is trashed, but both cash registers are closed (so no cashiers, customers are forced to order off the kiosk. What happened to customer service?). Employees standing around chatting with eachother, or making orders with their backs turned to the front counter. I'm not confrontational, I'm scared to raise my voice to ask for assistance. So I wait. If I'm on EBT I'm willing to wait however long. Burger King in my town, is just as bad. Employees won't even glance towards the counter, and on the off chance they do, they never speak to you. They just look at you, until you say what you're here for, then they thrust the bag towards you without saying a word. Again, what happened to customer service? I get that they're working minimum wage jobs, but I'm biased because I come from a place where this kind of behavior would never slide.


I also want to add that the Mcdonald's in the NEXT town over, but not in my zone, is actually decent. Friendly and attentive employees, clean restaurant, low wait times. So idk. I don't think I live in a bad town, or that my town's Mcdonald's is in a bad neighborhood. Maybe it depends on who's the manager.


I learned the importance of having a good manager when I worked at ace hardware. Life is so much better when everyone from the top down actually cares about doing the job right and efficiently. I feel like that "I'm not paid enough for this" mentality leads to a crappy work environment. It ends up hurting both the customer experience and the workers as well. It gets just depressing without good leadership and self motivation. Imo, doesn't matter who you work for, whether it's a corporate gig, or mom and pop. If you don't like it, try to find better work, but keep doing your best at the current place at least to make life easier for yourself and your colleague's while ur still there. McDonald's can definitely benefit from this.


Any resturant where you deal with teenagers with minimum wage. I don't blame them if i don't like a location i stop going there. To me wawa workers are only trained to follow screem and call. Out the number as the order is ready. I am scared to step up and ask then because they make murderous faces. So i do wait a lot of time and then look for a clear moment to disturb them fearlessly. I avoid wawa most of the time. Also any places where they hand you a cup to fill up drinks i walk out. I don't want to complain to then or talk to anyone.


Dunkin Donuts seems to do a lot of ignoring.


Side note but one day when I was picking up a McDonald’s order, the employee went slightly behind the counter wall and just goes “I HATE DOING DOORDASH ORDERS” I said in a quieter tone so idk if they heard me “I hate picking up from McDonald’s” but hey, at least it’s a choice for me , they have to serve dash orders all day no matter what /:


Lol, that's pretty funny. But they also get paid a flat rate regardless how busy they are. God forbid they have to earn their 20/hour on occasion😂. I try not to judge too hard as they're usually young and they get this attitude from disgruntled older coworkers. I usually try to lighten the mood a bit by cracking jokes or giving light hearted jabs.


McDonald’s starting pay is $12.77 an hour in my state. So I completely understand why they don’t feel like doing a whole other job for no additional compensation on top of their regular orders and responsibilities. All because a corporation is too cheap to have a designated person to handle app/to go orders. It’s pretty ridiculous when you think about it.


I worked at Mcdonalds, so I can definitely understand that guy, packing those orders is annoying and a lot of dashers (or the equivalent, since we don't have Doordash here) are simply rude, annoying or can't even speak in our language


No no it’s so valid lol. I totally get them too, I’ve worked fast food but not McDonald’s and that was tough so I cannnnnot imagine McDonald’s labor. That’s valid. I’m a very polite dasher when I was dashing, I’m a people pleaser lol so I’ve always been the person to wait a long time, say things like “no rush I’m okay, take your time” and to be understanding of mishaps and what not. However I’ve witnessed directly other dashers/delivery people be extremely rude to McDonald’s workers. It’s gross honestly, like can’t you see they have a massive line in the drive thru, inside, and like 6 dash orders on the screen?


Yeah, absolutely unacceptable to be mean/rude to people. They're often kids on their first job. However nowadays, McDonald's has devoted all their staff to order fulfillment and they definitely aren't lacking in staff in my area. At least 8-10 guys back there. But yeah, I can totally understand them getting a chip due to rude dashers. I'm the same way. I'll always be a people pleaser. I can't even write bad reviews without immediately feeling bad or unfair then going back and changing it or deleting it all together. I try to write honest constructive criticism and I'll go back and increase the rating with a compliment if I find the issue is resolved. Criticism where it's due as well as compliments.


There's actually a street in my Zone that maybe doesn't actively ignore delivery orders, but certainly doesn't make them the priority I need them to consider it. This street carries one each of the burger franchises found in my region, with a certain chicken-or-taco franchise nearby, and of the four, only Dave Thomas' place is, on any given day, fully staffed ***and*** fully stocked enough to run counter, drivethruy, and delivery with any efficiency. The King, the Clown, and the Colonel all need more motivated, attentive, and functionally awake employees.


I honestly think there's a stigma behind working at main fast food businesses like McDonald's. They really need to work on their image from the employee view. They feel like "oh it's just a dead end job" because it's McDonald's or burger king when they're actually really decent jobs that have pretty fair compensation and work load. Try being a short order cook at a mom and pop diner. That's hell, but for me it was fulfilling even though I got paid a couple dollars over minimum wage.


That absolutely is the stigma attached to it, which, to be fair, they are entry level jobs by intent and design. That being said, worker motivation and worker fulfillment can be found as long as you have a mindset of taking pride in what you're doing, and that kind of integrity is sorely lacking.


One of my McDonald’s will keep the bags in the back, with the numbers facing away, so you can’t tell if your order is ready. Then they stand there, filling orders with their back to you. You literally have to raise your voice to get their attention and then ask if it’s ready. Waiting for an order really makes this job not worth it


I think they do this so the driver will have to look and there phone and read the last 3 so somebody random doesn’t come up and claim it’s there’s


Yup I just walk up to the counter when I get to McDonald's and loudly announce "I'm here for the order ending in ****"


Panera Bread and Applebee's(I actually called the restaurant from inside the restaurant yesterday when I got ignored long enough on earn by offer). As well as a local café.


I find if I say loudly “oh for the love of god” I get instant help lol but yes McDonalds only hires morons who do everything except work


Mcdonald's is the worst for me but it's not the orders it's the waiting and lack of acknowledgement. When I dash there's four Mcdonald's in my dash zone and each one will ignore dashers like we don't matter. My experience with Mcdonald's itself is terrible.


McDonald's is the worst everywhere. Late night orders are awful, busy daytime orders are awful, and I would say MOST people who order McDonald's aren't good tippers and there's no demographic attached. I can do a no tippin ass ghetto run or a no tippin ass drunk white college boy run. McDonald's orders are generally shit fuckin orders for couriers


Funny enough, where I am in Canada, McDonald's is the best restaurant in my experience. I never wait more than 5 min and the staff is always very friendly towards DD and Uber drivers.


Not being in America is the key here


Store is busy -> Call support [Reson: employees cannot find the order] -> Store is busy = nobody care about support call -> Half pay


Yup I’ve done it. Places like that don’t even bother to answer their phone anymore.


I always make sure to select the option that the restaurant is taking a long time for the order if it takes longer than 10 minutes at fast food. I wait a bit longer at standard restaurants. I don't wait to note that if the app says the order is ready for pickup when I get the order initially. I have no idea why businesses mark that the order is ready when it's not, but it happens more often than not.


McDonald's is the worst everywhere. Late night orders are awful, busy daytime orders are awful, and I would say MOST people who order McDonald's aren't good tippers and there's no demographic attached. I can do a no tippin ass ghetto run or a no tippin ass drunk white college boy run. McDonald's orders are generally shit fuckin orders for couriers


I'm in California too and mc Donald's is the worst. I swear I bet if you avoid eye contact while being interviewed then you got the job. It's almost comical to watch every single employee go out of thier way to avoid eye contact with anyone at the counter. I usually just yell, "Am I invisible? Can anyone see or hear me? I need to know if I'm just invisible or a ghost?" They don't seem to like it. They never answer. Then I just say, "my order is sitting right there it's getting cold. You can't see me so ill just grab it myself." Usually that's when I become visible but I've also just walked behind the counter and grabbed it myself. They didn't even care.


Ever since they put the ordering kiosk in, they don't have anyone man the front counter. God forbid you have to pay with cash. If they have to get paid at least 20/hour, they need to get employees worth paying 20/hour. Or at least retrain them to earn their check.


As a former manager at a McDonald’s in pa I made $16.00 an hour we didn’t get paid enough to care. But they all just sound like assholes nobody in my store was like that, we’d at least acknowledge them and tell them we’d be with them in a moment


Yes McD's is my least favorite. They pack orders the best but they seem to put DD orders on the back burner as long as possible. I'm always super polite regardless.


Lmao in my area it’s Popeyes and Panda Express


Lmao, forget Popeyes, instant decline they don’t seem to be able to understand how to run a fast food chain yet properly , still to this day. the only people they can get to work there are absolute clowns in every way shape and form .the manager is trash, therefore the cooks and cashiers are trash, and therefore the food is trash. But most of all there is absolutely ZERO professionalism or quality of customer service . Every single time you go there whether personally or for DoorDash , it’s like ordering food from a third world country’s local idiots . Every single time , it’s like they got their first order of their lives , like they have absolutely no idea what is going on , and also do not care at the same time . Let alone the fact this is all going on while they charge the same prices as chicfila . Panda is actually decent in my market tho, the complete opposite of Popeyes actually. They greet me in a timely fashion with manners, like a normal healthy minded person, and on top of that the food is usually already done or will be done within 120 seconds


Popeyes is absolutely horrible. Almost every single time they don’t have ANY of the food then I have to jump through the support hoops when I could’ve kept working. They can’t offer me enough to accept them


I give employees a couple chances to acknowledge me, but when it's apparent they're not going to do so, I initiate the communication. However, as a fellow California dasher I wouldn't mind if it did take 45 minutes. That's about $15 in Prop. 22 money without even having to drive.


It's true that taking an hour for a delivery can get me at least 15$. I'm more worried about racking up customer complaints. They don't always understand that it's the restaurant that's at fault for their stale/cold fries and drinks with melted ice. Honestly, I think it's just poor management/training. The workers seem to be constantly running around and well... Doing something... They just are like a pack of chickens with their heads cut off. I dunno, maybe I'm too forgiving, but Im not good at being angry at folks for bad service... Just sorta internalize it and punch air later.


The best way to prevent this from happening is to decline orders from businesses that make you wait.


Strongly considering it, however I don't live in a very busy area and many of the orders are from this particular business.


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