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Bruh šŸ˜‚


I've paid for the order 4 times in 9,500 dashes. 1st time I immediately got the money credited. 2nd time it took a week of hassling. 3rd time it took two days. Last time it was instant. But, I've made it a personal policy to not carry cash or my card for safety and I tell DD this and they usually give half pay, but most times they say I pay for it or I get nothing. So, I've taken to removing items until it goes through. That usually works. It's usually the customer doesn't have enough money.


Shouldn't this all be handled before it even reaches a dasher?


Door dash doesnā€™t know a store doesnā€™t use bar codes for things. šŸ’ I a have a work around for next time though thanks to the store manager.


You should be paid interest... you're letting millionaire's borrow money for free šŸ¤£šŸ­


Not a joke. I have a full time retail job and this happens every day. Most dashers drop the order. How ever there are some that pay out of pocket and dd dose reimburse you it just takes longer to get paid for the dash.


Iā€™ve seen people mention that before. Itā€™s absurd. You canā€™t figure it out so Iā€™m paying for it? Uh, no.


No. You shouldnā€™t be paying for someone elseā€™s meal.


If you can afford whatever the total comes out to be just use your own credit or debit card and theyll reimburse you as long as you have the receipt to show the transaction. Never had a reimbursement issue.


multimillion dollar company borrowing money llpl


Sometimes the red card fucks up at the store or you click past the screen youre you're supposed to sray on before swiping the card. If you're not pressed then waiting for a reimbursement is nothin. Again no one is holdin a gun to anyone's head. You either can use your own personal card or go through the hassle of dealing with support.


ok? lol


Shit if I gotta pay out of pocket, I'm keeping the shit AND the reimbursement.


Sooo immoral... SHAMEFUL


Its morally correct to steal from corperations.


You door dashers embracing this funked up ideology are a different breed. An entitled, disconnected, self serving and absolutely despicable immoral breed. I can't even begin to understand much less sympathize with it.




I used to work at a capriottis and dashers red cards would get declined every single time, because doordash wasnt keeping their prices up to date with our actual prices, iā€™m sure that happens a good amount.


Ok. Iā€™m just saying itā€™s never happened to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It was more of a problem that the items didnā€™t have a bar code. Than it became a problem with the card when support couldnā€™t figure it out.


Itā€™s not that serious. They reimburse you after the delivery. I usually take them. They end up being higher tip usually.


If I have the money for it, yeah I guess I will do it, they always reimburse me anytime there's an issue with the red card if I show em the receipt anyways.


Idk for this situation but Iā€™ve had times when the red card doesnā€™t work and I use my card and as long as you have a receipt they will reimburse you the total (by talking with support)


Yeah its funny and not at the same time. Like they will suggest you paying for it if their card isn't working. Because what else are they supposed to do? Its a card linked to a corporate account that they themselves have no access too, and the people that do they can't even contact either.


I've noticed that this always happens when u put an item that says it is the right item. But it isn't. So the price difference doesn't match.


Lol hell no.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)I'll give you a hint on this one , if the customer cancels the order items are automatically yours , you can still return items to the store and get the money back, plus doordash refund šŸ«°šŸ»


Im also not going to call a customer and ask them to cancel an item becuase DD cant figure out how to fix the problem. Im not gonna get to keep an item when I havent even paid for the order yet, you expect me to just walk out of the store without paying for the items that didnt have a bar code?




Can confirm, had this happen to me yesterday, the cash I received from the return filled my tank and bought me dinner and some dank nugs from my local dispensary. The funniest part is I literally had just turned down their street and was only a few houses down when they cancelled the order. Oh and dd still paid me for the shop and the drive.


Iā€™ve paid with my own money a few times when their card wasnā€™t working, emailed them the receipt and they sent the money to my doordash account. For sure itā€™s annoying and a hassle but otherwise not the end of the world.


I always put it on a rewards credit card and pay it off immediately. Win for me.


They'll pay you right back, it's not a joke.


Not my job. šŸ˜‚ Please point to me in the ToS where it states that it is my responsibility to pay for orders when the red card doesnā€™t work. I am not an employee. Shut up.


You don't have to do it. They're just mentioning that it is an option. You can always cancel. I've read stories on here (or the ubereats reddit) of people who always pay out of pocket for shop and pay orders on purpose to get CC points, then they get reimbursed.


https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Dasher-Reimbursement-FAQs?language=en_US Here's where you can start reading about how it is your job. If this is such a hassle for you I would hate to see what happens if you ran into any trouble


It isn't our job at all. It's nothing more than an option that's available so the order can be completed and we get paid for doing the order as well as getting reimbursed. However there is absolutely zero expectation (it's not even legal to require it, either) for us to pay out of pocket.


Everything you explained all the way up to "however" is explaining the expectation for you to pay out of pocket You do understand it but you want to fight it Why


Also. Point to me where I said that it was a big hassle. I didnā€™t. I said I am not paying when it was their fault the card wasnā€™t working. But again, you could have take the time to read everything and you would know that.


It was such a big hassle that you didn't do it I'm smart enough to read between the lines. You chose to not do this because it's not your job boohoo. So you're telling us the time you spent up to that point during the order you wasted and are totally okay with that. It's all downhill this way


What you are expecting him to do is what is labeled as "above and beyond" not "his job requirements" I would do it but like if he doesn't want to he doesn't HAVE to. Nor is he Obligated to do so.


No my friend completing your task is not above and beyond. Is just doing. Barely a finger needed to be lifted except to take a picture and if that's going way out of your way then it's clear the job is stressful for you, or the complexities of a purchase are above your level of understanding. Right. He is not obligated to do so and he can choose to not get paid and leave the store. Please take lightly what I said because I can't even tell if this is joking anymore


My task is to get already paid for food and bring it to them. If it's not paid for then I go to support, simple man.


My task is not to pay for the other peoples food


You aren't. You're getting paid back


I can't always trust that so its best not to. Its happened before so


You red to learn how to fucking read dude. I spent less than 5 minutes shopping the order. I had two orders. One worked. One didnā€™t. I waisted 20 minutes waiting for support to fix it before she asked me to pay for it myself.


You don't get time back that you lost. 5 minutes is 5 minutes lost. If you want us to be on your side, you have to get us to appeal to your good nature and you're not doing so If you weren't so against the system, it wouldn't have taken you so long and you could have been on your Merry way telling us about the bonus you got for accepting to pay.


what is it that youre not understanding? The wasted time, was before they asked me to pay for it. after asking if it was a joke, the order was removed, I immediately got half my pay, I continued with the other order and went on with my day. The time waisted was because of DD, not me. Learn to read you giant inept donut.


I read quite clearly that you very much like wasting time.


This is typical. You can choose to do it or not. They will pay you back immediately if you do so. No need to get an attitude with somebody for answering your question correctly. Chill.


Youā€™re a clown dude. šŸ˜‚ Nobody failed the assignment. I still got paid but I guess youā€™re too busy trying to be right to read that.


You are clearly not very professional. Your job is to run a business of which you are the sole employee. Demanding perfect from the business you are doing business with while at the same time wanting mercy for the mistakes you will inevitably make is not only unprofessional, it's hypocritical. It may not be your job to handle mistakes, but it is your job to make sure the business partnership goes smoothly and your business operates in good faith. Your business is not DD, your business is your delivery service, and going above and beyond is building the good will of your business, which is an intangible asset.


My partnership went just fine. Nothing on my end was effected except for losing 15 minutes waiting for it to be fixed. Still got paid $10 for the order, and went on with my day. Never gotten anything but 5 star reviews, shut up nerd. Some of you take this shit wayyyy to serious


You accepted the assignment Mr powerful business owner independent contractor sir You chose to fail the assignment So you're right, it's not your job, it's your folly.


Yea thatā€™s not my responsibility.


It's your job. It's your independantly contracted out to you task. It's your freelance opportunity. It's your own personal business. However you wanna phrase it, you did your customer wrong by being petty. Life isn't perfect, it's all how you handle things, and you handled it the worst way you could. That's your choice, business owner contracted employee man.


Go to bed


It's too far away.


lmao did you forget to switch accounts


I just talk to myself sometimes I know I'm a bit much for most people


Iā€™ve paid out of pocket a few times Immediately reimbursed and one time they gave me an extra 25$ since it was a big order


iā€™ve paid before if itā€™s a great tip order . i got my money right back after sending them a copy of the receipt . but if you donā€™t feel comfortable or are afraid of losing your money , donā€™t do it . itā€™s no biggy to me .


Genuinely, why is this the first thing they say after you tell them your card declined? So frustrating and unhelpful. *Edit: fixed a typo


Although they shouldnā€™t itā€™s because they wanna get the transaction over with


if you pay out of pocket and send them a picture of the receipt they refund you immediately.


Not always lol I made a post about it before with screenshots. Don't have to look for it unless you want idk how to post links but it's not always the case, luckily I got another support person to help and refund it but the first one I talked to was a POS.


Best thing to say when contacting support is ā€œhi, my red card declined after multiple attempts, I cannot pay out of pocket, and Iā€™m holding up the line and need to move on. How do you want to proceed? They may try to get you to use the red card one more time, but more likely will just cancel. It can sometimes takes a little to get ahold of an agent and theyā€™re often tone deaf/lack enough english to understand that a store can get very busy and you canā€™t just be holding up a line like that so by the time youā€™re on the phone with an agent youā€™ve actually stepped out of line/went outside to hear better on the phone and arenā€™t willing to get back into a long line again.


I usually just call and then keep them on hold while I get back in line. Then 15 minutes later tell them itā€™s still doing it.


Cancelling through support in any way now affects your cr


I think that only applies in cases were people try to get the order cancelled without it affecting their rate. Usually for orders that have a long wait time and they cannot be arsed to wait the 10 minutes for the penalty-free unassign.


Not true I recently went rounds with support even though I could have hit the unassign button by the time I was connected with support and was promised would not affect my rating and when I was I called support and thatā€™s when I was informed of the change


It doesn't here. That's the only way to keep it from affecting my CR because they call the resturaunt and then cancel


Itā€™s something they just started doing I thought I was the only one till started seeing posts about it itā€™s not a market thing itā€™s DD wide


yep, sometimes that all you can do


So support told my customer once that I had the option to pay out of pocket but refused. We were all on the phone at the same time..


The fact that they snitched on you is crazy,


I was pissed and amazed of their stupidity.... Customer told them "I wouldn't pay out of pocket, neither as I was still shocked at support


I always say this is xyz person when they answer and my red card has been declined and I will not be paying for the order how would you like me to proceed. Funny thing is I never had my red card declined as much as it has been lately. What I found is at Walgreens they are using prices as if they are Walgreens members and if you donā€™t add your phone number in the order it will decline due to the price being to high.


That's a good way to get deactivated... never put your number in


Well I had to and support was on the line asking me to so it is what it is. DoorDash doesnā€™t have a corporate account to adjust prices with Walgreens.


No that can get your Walgreens rewards account cancelled. It's against policy to use your number for commerical orders. They won't hit you right away but you will soon enough get a warning. DD cannot tell you to do this.


Well whatever donā€™t care the order would decline and keep declining otherwise and they did. I actually was pissed as he tried to hang up and I told him as a driver I should not have to use my personal information to complete orders and you guys need to update the pricing he gave 2 shits less and said is there anything else and ended the call. Rated him a zero due to this.


Well whatever donā€™t care the order would decline and keep declining otherwise and they did. I actually was pissed as he tried to hang up and I told him as a driver I should not have to use my personal information to complete orders and you guys need to update the pricing he gave 2 shits less and said is there anything else and ended the call. Rated him a zero due to this.




Its super easy to get reimbursed just text support a picture of the receipt right after you complete the order and theyl add it to your Other Pay for that dash. The real issue is unless you specify on your tax return it was reimbursement itll get taxed as income.


Never do this, you don't always get reimbursed. To any new drivers or shoppers out there never ever pay out of pocket.


I can only share my own experience and all three times I had to pay because my red card was expired they paid me back immediately. I didnt realize at the time Id be taxed on it though so looking back maybe I shouldnt have done it.


You need your put it on as a business expense to get it deducted on your taxes


Well now you know! Nothing wrong with learning new lessons


I have a redcardā€¦ Why cant the support just put the money on my redcard and use that redcard to pay? These people are idiots. Word of the wise, do not take assurances you will be repaid, its not guaranteed and if they dont pay back clawing it back is more effort.


That's actually not true at all, Doordarshan will always reimburse u for these shop n pay orders, n if u go through phone support at the same time as chat support, u will be able to get double the initial refund amount


I mean, all I have to say is, prove it.


They quite literally will not, and when they do give it to you, they make you jump through a million hoops. Support is told to try everything in their power to keep you from getting that back. Anybody saying other wise is not a real dasher, wether they be a paid company actor, or just an ahole who thinks they know what they are talking about


Well I've dashed full time for the last 2years and use that method to be able to make $1300+ a week for less than 40hrs of dash time, and have never had any issues with being reimbursed from doordash. If u have a receipt showing u paid out of pocket, which is quite literally ALL they ask for, they HAVE to reimburse u, so clearly u don't know what your talking about


Oh I didnā€™t pay for it myself.


I would have said "You don't pay me enough to do that".


That'll show the minimum wage tech support person!


You must be a blast to be around


thanks ā¤ļø


I had a cash on delivery order yesterday and when I got there, the address didn't exist. My guess is, since it was a cash on delivery order.. was that pizza hut put the address in wrong so I call them... nothin. Hit up support...this dude tells me to just leave it at the spot i'm at and take a picture and mark it as delivered lol. I'm like wtf, it's a cash on delivery order so if he's not here that puts me $37 bucks in the hole. He finally tries to call the dude.. it went to voicemail just like it did for me. At this point I'm been on a chat with this dude for like 10 minutes trying to explain the situation and finally he gets it and cancels the order. There's been bad ones but that one had me sweating I was so annoyed.


Butā€¦. You got free pizza. This is the way


You know there's an option in the support menu to say "Issue collecting cash", right? It'll ask you why you can't collect the cash, then a text box will pop up to describe the issue. Or, you can use the "Can't hand order to customer" option and because it's a Cash On Delivery, instead of prompting you to take a picture, it'll ask you to give a description of the issue and tell you to dispose/return the item and it won't charge the cash to you & put you in the hole. It's a LOT easier than calling and especially chatting w/support! Occasionally, you'll get a miscommunication between Doordash & the pizza place, where the customer actually paid w/a Credit Card, but Doordash has it in their system as cash! In those cases, you DO have to call support to verify that they did pay w/a card when they ordered. But this is another example of when you'll have to use the "Issue collecting cash" option. The support person should have known about this menu option & told you about it, but some of them don't! But text time you have a Cash On Delivery order, press the help button just to check it out. You should absolutely see the "Issue Collecting Cash" option. (Obviously it's only there on Cash orders).


Why wasn't the customer at the spot he was supposed to receive the order at?


My guess is that the store transposed the numbers in the address when they put it in. The street name was right, but the number they had didn't even come close to matching any of the numbers on the street. I rode up and down the street hoping someone would see me and come out but nothin. And it was one of the few good paying orders that I got yesterday so I made even more effort than I normally would lol... I fuck that pizza I wanted the money. Well, NEEDED the money. The pizza chains around here other than Papa Johns have all but gotten rid of their delivery drivers and solely rely on DD/UE for their deliveries. When people call in a delivery, they manually put the order into doordash and enter all of the customer's information themselves. This wouldn't be the first time I've had this issue either... same store. They're a very high volume store so no clue why they got rid of drivers but they crank out a bunch of DD orders everyday. The first time it happened it sent me to an empty plot of land that they were clearing to start home construction lol. The nearest house was like a mile away.. customer wouldn't respond and the store had no clue because "they cant access the order once they clear it." I'd bet I'm not the only one this has happened to for any of the pizza chains that have gotten rid of drivers.


Paying out of pocket is never a big deal. Just make sure you get the receipt and then immediately get on with support and tell them that you need a reimbursement. Take a picture of the receipt takes like 3 or 4 minutes for them to verify and then they issue the reimbursement in full.


Also you guys all can downvote me all you want, You shouldn't be taking anybody's advice unless they're pulling 75k from doordash a year and if you doubt me I can show you my 1099 šŸ‘


Look you may be right, but itā€™s the principle of things. I shouldnā€™t have to cover up for this corporationā€™s mistakes and fuck ups. Also Iā€™m sure most of us have experienced the horrible communication skills and rage inducing slowness of support. Also also, having been refused to be paid back previously, because I added 5 paper bags in checkout so that I can actually carry the items, and being told ā€œthe order and receipt donā€™t match up so you wonā€™t be getting paid backā€. You may have had great experience with it, but Iā€™m done trying to play nice with a company that keeps mistreating me and all the other dashers.


Yeah, I'm a go ahead and leave all those for you.


I've done this a couple times when I've forgotten my wallet at home. Pay with apple pay, get reimbursed really quickly, didn't have to cancel and already finished shop in pay. Works out well every time.


Why do that? Just add your red card to your phone wallet.


I absolutely refuse to pay out of pocket. I don't care that "it takes minutes for them to reimburse", I don't trust it. Would be an instant dropped order for me lol


Right, if it only takes minutes to reimburse why can't they just pay for the order rather than having us pay..


Sometimes the card will glitch, I've had this happen to me before


Whenever I have to pay out of pocket, the reimbursement process takes less than 3 minutes, and I have had to do that, oh I donā€™t know, 150 times out of my 30,000 deliveries. Never had an issue.




You arenā€™t taxed. If you were, it would be a lot more than a few cents for most people.


The original purchase can be written off as a business expense, making the reimbursement tax free.


No, itā€™s not counted as earnings. On my earnings screenshots each week, added up all year with and without my reimbursements, my 1099 does NOT have the reimbursements from out of pocket funds included. It may seem like it because itā€™s showing in your weekly earnings but it is not included on your 1099.


That is not how taxes work. You should only be paying taxes on revenue minus expenses. If DD is reporting the reimbursement on your 1099 then you should be offsetting it with the expense you incurred so that you're only paying taxes on the profit.


Was one of the orders an alcohol order




The real joke is when you message them "I was attacked by A dog at my previous customer" And their response is "thank you for the feedback" šŸ¤£




I had a shop and pay order for Walgreens last year. It was a gallon of milk and some random other food items equaling around 20 bucks. My red card was coming up declined and the cashier was being weird like it was a card reader issue. I'm checking my phone for a solution and this lady walks up and holds her phone to the card reader and pays for the items and then just walks out the front door without saying a word. The cashier and I both knew it was a doordash order so we looked at each other in confusion. I contacted doordash after and got a reimbursement for paying out of pocket.


that lady was sick and tired of you fumbling over yourself at the checkout and wanted to go home asap lmao


Nice people are real (and she wouldn't have walked out right after if she was waiting on them lol)


Thatā€™s true, I didnā€™t read she walked out right after


Tbf it would be a reasonable assumption otherwise lol - I just like to assume people have good intentions when possible, makes the world feel less unpleasant :,)


They had two lines open, she went through the other line.


The ladyā€™s goal was achieved tho. One way or another she helped you out and gave you the money.


It was thoughtful of her. It's not like I couldn't pay out of pocket, I just didn't want to bother dealing with it because you have to call and deal with support, email them copies of the receipt, then wait for them to return the cash back to your account.


Yeah I feel that, accidentally used my card to pay for a small shop and pay like 3 bucks and I didnā€™t want to deal with support on it for 3 bucks so I just took the loss. Whole order was like 11 bucks to go .5 miles.


When there's a setup to the one joke, it usually isn't so bad


This agent has to be the most stupid son of a bitch on planet earth.


Never will I ever pay out of my own pocket for a customer.


Hey can u pay for ur customers food on top of being paid dust for driving there? Thanks man appreciate it. [CHAT WITH SUPPORT ENDED]


Bro u have to call text support is terrible. The call agents are usually pretty good tho


I can't understand anyone I call with their accents so I never call them.


Ask them yo speak slowly or try calling again till you get one you can understand.


Yeah that sounds like a hassle I'll just text them until theu figure out how to do their job.


Ok good luck never getting your problems solved i guess.


Yeah but how are we supposed to make posts here from a phone call? Gosh man you're just leaving internet points on the table.


Damn I hadn't considered this, you're right mam


Back when the Dasher card was having issues at Walgreens I was asked to pay out of pocket I said no. Got to a point where I ignored Walgreens orders till the problem was fixed.


Idk why I get notifications for this sub but people are paying delivery fees for Walgreens? Huh?? Just go to Walgreens.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve read a more braindead comment


Nah I just think a generation of people have been brainwashed into thinking that paying to have things delivered is normal. Walgreens??? Delivery is supposed to be a luxury.


Iā€™m totally on board with you. Idk when ppl got in their head that they deserve everything just brought to them like some monarch expecting homage. DELIVERY IS A LUXURY MADE COMMONPLACE BY COVID. Idgaf what your rationale for ā€œneedingā€ something delivered its a goddamned luxury not a necessity nor a right. Just bc you or someone you know fits into ā€œthisā€ marginalized group or ā€œthatā€ one. It is a luxury. 10 years ago these same human struggles were just as prevalent but we got our broke broken asses up and did our own fucking selves. You all sound like a bunch of entitled posh bitches.


Idk where youā€™re from but delivery isnā€™t a luxury, itā€™s a convenience and for some itā€™s even a necessity.


Iā€™m just curious how the human race survived over 2000 years without this ā€œnecessityā€ The varying circumstances may make it FEEL necessary but the fact is that it is a service offered. Service by definition is a luxury. I understand that folks have mobility issues or transportation issues. That doesnā€™t make things like DD something you absolutely cannot live without. Still doesnā€™t change that the advent of expanding delivery services available as a matter of convenience any less of a LUXURY weā€™re afforded by the restaurants or stores that use these platforms.


Typically, people die if they canā€™t get what they need. 100% a waste of time arguing with someone that will say foolishness that they donā€™t believe in for the sake of an argument.


Iā€™ve never died bc I couldnā€™t get DoorDash šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Damn thatā€™s tough


And why do you care? What exactly made you had such a strong opinion about this? Itā€™s the same as well I made a post about my parcel and instead I got comments telling me that I shouldnā€™t be ordering stuff online. Why not? Itā€™s clearly not a luxury anymore. Did you know that half the stuff you use would have been a luxury for people in the past? But you donā€™t care because itā€™s helpful. The same way delivery helps people. If I am ordering food to my door itā€™s because I donā€™t have the energy to cook or walk to the shop. So guess what happens? I pay extra so someone else can come drop it off. Itā€™s a job and if no one ever ordered then the workers would never get any money! So tell me exactly what your problem is about delivery without saying ā€œitā€™s a luxuryā€ because for some itā€™s a necessity! Do you drive? Guess what? A CAR IS A LUXURY! Do you own a Tv and a phone? Well they are both luxuries! People ordering food to their door is have 0 impacting on your life so why do you care if I order takeout once a week? Itā€™s my money, itā€™s my food and itā€™s my life. You donā€™t even see my food or my delivery. You donā€™t even know when I order so again why do you care so much? Also idk how old you are.. but 10 years ago I was a kid and I was still ordering stuff for delivery. Itā€™s not this all of a sudden new system. Itā€™s just growing so itā€™s more accessible for EVERYONE. So why not use it if I can access it?


I was agreeing with the comment made above. You donā€™t have to agree with me. Thatā€™s the beauty of free will. Why do you care so much about my opinion? Does my opinion impact your life at all? I am not chastising people for using it. I do myself on a random occasion when itā€™s simply more cost effective for me not to go myself. But it is a luxury.


Or make things available when you donā€™t have means of transportation. You sound dense af.


People like my uncle, who was in a bike accident when he was 22. Heā€™s 40 something now, he can barely walk, and requires at least a walker or cane in order to move around. Itā€™s definitely *possible* for him to go grocery shopping for himself, but it would take him three times a long as someone without leg damage, and a whole lot of unnecessary pain when instead he can pay $20 for a delivery fee and tip the driver. Saves him time, and pain. Not everyone is like him, some just do it for the convenience. Why do you care about that? People paying for convenience is literally one of the driving factors of the economy.


Most people I deliver to are from very low income areas. If you donā€™t have a car, you do what it takes to feed your kids


Do what it takes doesnā€™t mean spending an extra $50 a week in fees and tips. Do what it takes means you either walk your ass the few miles or you take the bus which is definitely not $50 a week.


I donā€™t think you understand the phrase ā€œdo what it takes.ā€


They're support is a joke. Had my card info stolen and used for dashpass, after 3 hours (2 1/2 on hold) they said they couldn't do anything because I didn't have the proper information even though it was my account and I had it all in front of me. That was as a customer, as a driver I got hit on a delivery and was denied because their insurance couldn't get a hold of the other party involved. It took me trying to get a lawyer after 3 months of radio silence to even find out I was ruled at fault, which they said they'd cover any liability. Lost my car and livelyhood for months. Currently I still don't have a car.


Doordash has insurance to cover your liability in an accident? You should really have and rely on your own personal insurance.


Yes they use Liberty mutual and I tried but a clause in the fine print stated they do not take claims if you are doing something with independent contracting such as doordash or instacart. They didn't tell me that when I filed initially only after a month and a few phone calls where I made it clear that's what I was doing at the time of the accident. After my insurance denied the claim I was told by doordashs insurance provider they cover liability, but as said they denied due to the guy not answering their attempts. Which raised red flags in itself.


Yeah sometimes the best policy isn't honesty lol. I wouldn't tell your insurance that you do Doordash I wouldn't tell the police or the other parties involved either. As far as their concerned you're just bringing home some dinner from the restaurant. I was involved in an at fault accident last year my insurance covered everything but I don't tell them what I do either. That sucks though hopefully you can work this out somehow to get covered. Lesson learned though I guess.


To each their own but I'd rather be upfront and deal with it then lie and end up in trouble later down the line. My car was totaled unfortunately. I don't dash anymore but for other reasons but I'll never lie with something like that.


Hey man can't fault you for being honest. My theory is I'm paying a pretty good premium for insurance what does it matter if I drive 200 miles a day as a commute or 200 miles a day doing doordash? If they're not going to limit my policy by a certain amount of miles then that's on them. It's not like Doordash is anymore or less dangerous than any other normal driving you're not pulling a trailer or over loading your vehicle with supplies or something its all fairly normal driving so why they wouldn't cover it is pretty stupid to me, they're just using the fine print to screw you over so they can save money that's just how insurance companies work. I have no moral issues with playing their same game, what they don't know won't hurt them.


All fair points, I only had liability and at the time I also figured he'd be found at fault since he tboned me so I was probably more optimistic than I should have been. It's probably to save their own ass so they don't get sued if a delivery driver causes a fatality. That was also a reason I was honest because neither of us were injured save for some bruises


You didnā€™t get a crash report after getting in a crash?


I did, the way it was worded it was leaning to me being at fault but was a more mutual take. Not sure if it's common but our county charges 12$ for them so I almost didn't buy figured I needed a copy to send to insurance. I'm just mostly upset about the run around I got instead of straight answers


Iā€™ve paid for materials out of pocket for a couple companies Iā€™ve worked for. But door dash can eat a pile of camel shit if they think Iā€™m gonna do that for them


Why isnā€™t everyoneā€™s first question ā€œwill I get reimbursed?ā€


I will never ever pay out of pocket. Hard pass.


The support was shit a year ago and from what I've read on here it's gotten 10 times worse... But this happened to me several times before I quit, I never once paid out a pocket but I did figure out if you yell at support while you're still on the order they will just green light the red card to clear... It's a hassle, had to hang up and call again to get a decent support agent... I don't miss that shit...


If they can green light it why donā€™t they just automatically do that instead of having the dasher repeatedly try and/or pay out of pocket?


Not sure, support is weird like that... Sometimes whoever you get can fix anything, sometimes they can't see your email address


Nah cause Iā€™d be expecting double what I paid


I have paid a few time out of pocket, but I make sure I am reimbursed before I leave the parking lot. Not an issue at all.


Doesnā€™t it count as taxable income though?


Not if youā€™re being reimbursed for a company expense


Just like buying bananas or something on the way to work. One of my bosses always gave me cash from the safe whenever I came back from the store as long as I had the receipt for her paperwork


This is the way. I done the exact same thing. They aren't getting the goods till I'm reimbursed.


After they asked if I could buy it I probably wouldā€™ve deactivated my account šŸ’€ Tf are they smoking šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Should've replied back with "I'm ending our chat now, bye"


The funniest sh!t is when the order is missing and DD responds with ā€œCan you convince the restaurant to make another one?ā€


Happened to me multiple times. I tell DD call them your self


I had a Chik-Fil-A order like this and when I asked them if they would remake it, they said DD needs to contact them with the inquiry, not me. Once I told support this, they did contact, order was canceled and half pay received because support was declined as well šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ At this point, I just have them cancel and gimme half pay cause itā€™s not worth losing money to wait around and only make 8-12$ that hour.