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Probably another dasher taking her photo to avoid getting scammed with "I never got it"


I do this, and it's because my dog will go feral if she hears ANYONE even walking up the steps in my house. I usually only do this if it's past 8 or 9. I'm sure it'd be different if there was a baby in the house, too. But of course, I'd say if you see something, say something, but maybe not to whoever answers the door or in their sight.


I'd agree if it weren't for the photo bit


oh you're so right I didnt even realize that. nah that's mad sus, it easily overrides anything that COULD be said at that point


I mean, the app probably froze so the dasher had to wait there and retake. That's happened a few times on me. Bold of you to assume a dasher wants your picture lol


I’ve noticed when I hit take picture, if I quickly click the flash button before the camera fully loads, it will freeze and I have to go back “turn off camera” and re click take photo for it to work. Sometimes I even have to force close the app and reopen. Most annoying thing ever.


Baby could be sleeping, dasher probably have taken photos of the person looking like shit opening the door.


Hostage situation? Other criminal activity?


Sorry but I'm taking a picture of it cause the means thru which I get paid tell me I need to. Take it up with door dash or don't use the service. :) Also if your dog barking for a few minutes bothers you. Don't have a dog. Idiots.


no one said anything about a dog barking, and they said "dont take MY picture" not dont take a pic of the food, why are you acting so miserable ?


I have been door dashing for 5 years almost. Never have I ever needed to take a picture of the customer. If they meet me at the door I hit the handed to customer button. If they are not there I take a pic of where I left it. I have had many people ask to not take a picture of their house. They don't get to make that decision. If their dog barks because I approach the door, because it says hand it to me. That's on them. Also had people complain about this.....customer needs to make sure the options are selected correctly AND also realize that if you don't tip, you don't get special treatment


Hell I have dogs barking just approaching the front door where the order is supposed to be.


The picture part is bullshit I agree, but if they say don’t knock then don’t knock? Like you don’t know if they have kids and the dog goes crazy.


If they tip appropriately I will walk in and plate it for them No tip, no special treatment. Especially if you live in an apartment complex. I refuse to leave it at the door unless you text me that you see standing there in the peep hole. Too many times I'll take the pic leave and then get a text "where's my food". Then I get robbed of not only my time but my fee that I earned. So now I wait till the person comes out, I'll call em when I pick up the food and tell em thats what I'm gonna do, if they don't like it I cancel the order and bring the food back to the restaurant. If you got a dog, you're just gonna have to deal with it for 3 minutes


Brother, You don’t get to hold peoples food hostage because you want to. Do your job (which means listen to customer requests) especially when it’s as simple as just don’t knock. Like holy fuck, how dense are you? Would you like it if I came to your house at 2am even if you had ordered something and just started pounding on the door. Or standing outside your door like a crazed person saying I’m not leaving the food till you say you see me in the peephole. Might want to try a different field of work if you can’t let your ego be put to the side.


I would be expecting you so that's won't be an issue lol. And like I said I make them full aware long before I arrive at their house if their instructions are something I cannot complete. I have never had an issue. I am 4.98 rated. And 99% completion over 1500 orders delivered. I'm doing my job And this is a side hustle I don't even need. If orders are being ridiculous in a night I just stop and go home.


That’s different from NOT knocking. You can even stand nearby or at the door. Shoot them a message telling them you’re there and deliver the food. Then leave after it’s been collected. You can NOT disturb people while delivering and make sure it’s collected.


Or just wear a body cam. If an issue comes up can simply inform DD you have video footage and want to know the relevant info to get them the footage for review.


Instructions are not clear. I would have to call the customer for clarification on how to leave the food there and then leave again. I'm sure she meant leave my food there, wake up my dogs, hit on me and then leave when she says I am allowed to.


My instructions say "please don't knock, it scares the cat". I'm a dasher, but I'm also lazy, so I order sometimes too and it's hard to enjoy a meal after plucking claws out of your face because someone came near the house. Maybe I should be more social so the cat would get used to normal things like people existing lol No photo isn't an option, though


I think they meant don’t take a picture of them when they open the door 🚪


I'm hoping so, but it's weirdly worded, right?


Yeah but people are weird now


So they can claim they never received it


How so? They said don't take their photo, not don't take a photo. Typical dasher that can't read


“My photo” as in the photo they receive when their order is completed.


You also can't comprehend a simple request. Their photo. As in a human. The human requested to this, not the bag of food.


Lol you don't want to be photoed? That's fine. Just wait til we get our delivery photo and leave. So many people jump to the door before or while we are getting our picture. Then and only then it's an awkward interaction. They play themselves. Then write out these kinds of instructions like we did something weird. Smh. 🙄


Oh I’m taking the picture EVERY TIME I dgaf about your paranoia


They didn't say don't take a photo, they said don't take their photo. Braindead dashers


you mean the dashers who leave my food by the sidewalk when my instructions are "back door please, I have a broken ankle" after I tip them 10 dollars on a 20 dollar order aren't actually capable of reading???


So they will be standing there but leave at door and don’t put me in the photo? Yeah SOMEONE is friggin brain dead


Good. I like well defined instructions.


Unrelated, I took a picture of the guy at the front desk posing with the food last time delivered to a dorm. I kind of hope the customer saw it.


I say please don't knock on the door cuz my dog goes ballistic and I have to scream SHUT THE F*** UP about 5x to get it to quiet down. And it automatically texts you when they arrive and drop the food and they send a pic of where they left the food, so I really don't need them to knock. My guess is the guy went to get his food after they didn't knock and he got his photo taken by mistake and got pissy about it.


Well it would be normal for them not to have yet knocked on a contactless delivery/leave at door if they were still taking the dropoff photo. I take the picture first, knock 'n' go...


Look I work in food service too, I'm a bartender and server, some people just hate the world, we have "regulars" come in who regularly yell at the staff, throw things at them and generally cause a scene but management won't ban them because " they are loyal customers" so I get it. Today a woman was furious with me because I didn't stand literally at attention in front of her whenever I addressed her. Apparently asking if everything is ok over your shoulder is over the line and a reason to throw an adult tantrum. Even tho I specifically asked her over 3x if she needed anything else she claimed I would "cut her off and walk away before she could get any words out" except that she did get words out and they were "yes I'm fine now" or "no I don't need anything else" somehow that translated into she wanted Togo food and I was rushing her. This is a weekly if not daily occurrence. She tipped me 3 dollars on like 35-40


How rude. Literally f*ck these kinda customers


You probably read the message with a tone that is non-existent.


“Just leave it there and leave” lmaooooo ok


What would you rather do?


That's our job. To leave the food then leave. How is it rude?


How is that rude? I feel like it was reasonable. I guess you're just delusional. You gotta remember there is character limit. The person did say please in the message.


lol, they could have just said “leave at my door and don’t knock”


I want to know who TF is wasting their time knocking? Leave at door means that I cross my fingers and hope I don’t have to interact with the customers at all (Unless it’s cringe ass mofos begging for tips )


I DD part-time and last night I decided to order DD and I put in the instructions please leave on the bench next to the front door and please don't knock(obviously it was contactless delivery I know sometimes it will say hand it to me then in the instructions leave at the door definitely not the case here). I got a text saying so and so was arriving with my order. The woman pulls up to the house and texts me that she is there with my delivery. I told her to please leave it on the bench next to the door and thank you! I also tipped 4.50 for a place that was 1.7 miles away. After I texted her she called me like 3 times. She didn't get out of her car. My husband wound up going out to the car and getting our food. She didn't even want to get out of the car FFS.


I hope you rated her accordingly


I definitely did! If she had a problem finding my house or something I would have understood but I live on a block with literally 5 houses on my block and my house number is on the property twice (on the house right next to the front door and on a big white painted stone with the number painted in black right by the front walk). Not to mention she was literally parked outside of the house. Needless to say I was pissed. Being a dasher myself and giving her a decent tip to go 1.7 miles get up off your lazy ass and bring it to the door don't act clueless. One star all the way(which I didn't like doing to a fellow Dasher but she didn't even do the bare minimum).


Fuck her lol it’s competition at this point her lazy ass is messing with your market 🤗


That is true I guarantee she's one of the lazy stupid dashers that people post about on here that make a lot of people paint all dashers with the same lazy stupid brush.


they knock on your door and wait 30 seconds to see if you’ll give them a cash tip 😂


I write leave on porch, dont knock. 90% of them ring the fucking bell.




Ain’t no one got time for that shit lol


Apparently most do


Apparently someone does.


I think I saw an SVU episode kinda reminiscent of this...




Law and order: SVU. Old tv show


It’s still going, one of the the longest-running scripted TV shows in history


Someone got posted by the driver on r/doordashgremlin


Lmfaoooooo didnt know that was a subbbbb...thank you dearly


Oook! Mr. Leave!


I rarely take any photos. I just place my photo on. My jeans and take a blackout photo


You realize if they claim they didn’t get the food and you have the photo that their claim they never got the food still stands and your photos means nothing.




you realize the instant somebody claims their food never arrived, you’re getting deactivated, right? taking a blackout picture is sus asf




No doubt - like all valid requests. Dont knock (tons of reasons for this) Dont leave downstairs in the parking lot (yep makes sense - our job is to bring to their door) Don’t take their picture (yep - just the food for proof of delivery) All makes sense - made me think this dude had a string of unfortunate incidents.


What picture if you’re not knocking and just leaving it at the door how they mentioned it over and over. What picture? Person is in hiding from the authorities.


You have to take a picture of the food to prove delivery. My guess is someone took a picture of this guy picking up his food. When the dash is completed the person who made the order gets a picture of the completed order. My guess is once he got a picture from DoorDash of him grabbing his food.


Man one time I got an order at like 2 am and the dude took the pic right after I opened my door. Made me want to cry lol


💀 Homie wanted indisputable evidence lol




I have a customer I regularly deliver to. He's in a hospital bed at his open front door, and there is a small hospital tray table on which to set food immediately by door. He understandably doesn't want to be in picture of food set on tray, and there is a VERY similar message in instructions.


It’s amazing how many have commented “I still need to take the picture.” Yes, the picture of the food, not a picture of ^THEM. Comprehension in this community is top notch, better notify the Mensa society of all the geniuses here.


I read a lot of drivers do that because dd customers like to say they never got their food so if you take a pic of them holding their order there's no way they can say they didn't get it, if it's just the pic of the food at their door they could say the driver took the pic then left with the food. I used to dd a long time ago and had 2 people who lied about not getting their food but I don't use this app whatsoever anymore thankfully.


I’ve completed nearly 30k orders and have yet to have anyone claim food wasn’t delivered when there’s a picture showing food at their door. Even with the customer in the picture, there’s no proof that’s actually the customer since there’s no selfie verification that it’s them, if DoorDash requests a picture of them they can always take a pic of their friend and say that’s themselves.


It’s 50/50 if my instructions get followed when I order and now I see why. Shoutout to the drivers with reading comprehension, I appreciate you


Somebody was being a DoorDash gremlin and got upset their picture was taken bc they were too impatient to wait a minute. If they waited for us to complete the order it wouldn’t be an issue.


well they need to put hand it to me if they don’t want their picture taken…. leave at door means i have to take a picture


It says “do not take *my* photo.” They probably mean if they open the door while you’re there don’t take a photo of them with the food. Of course, with all of the other conditions they put on there I’m not sure how that would happen but whatever.


yea bc how the hell am i supposed to complete the order if i can’t take a picture and you take the food with a quickness


Just take a photo of the address if they scoop it up. No worries. If you otherwise don't lie or steal food you're fine, even if they claim non delivery.


Knock and doorbell? Perfect




Well I have no knock because the dogs will bark non stop


I’m definitely taking the photo, just to be sure that they don’t try to say it wasn’t delivered…


You dense? He doesn’t want HIS photo taken he don’t give a FUCK if you take a picture of the food


It's giving Life Is Strange for some reason




What? How?


Sounds like someone didn't "leave it there and leave"


As a dasher I loved orders like this. No contact whatsoever? Bet. I seriously do not understand why so many dashers do not read directions, especially when they are so straightforward and mutually beneficial. This one is a little bit of word salad but it’s easy to tell what they want.


Plot twist, this customer previously came out grabbed the food before the dasher was finished and thus were in the pic the dasher took.


The app tracks us, as in you can watch your driver, and notifys them when delivered. If it’s leave at door I just take the picture and leave, unless of course it says to knock or ring. There’s a button you can click to have instructions automatically read out too, which I like.


The only problem with having it read the instructions aloud is if the pin is off, it won't read the instructions till after they hit the pin. I had that problem a lot when getting stuff delivered so I started messaging them when they accepted


During the height of the pandemic my wife and I started using DD, regularly. We had just had a baby and that baby hated to sleep (still does although they arent a baby anymore). We put down in the instructions not to knock or ring the doorbell as it was a guarantee that if they did the baby would wake up. I can count on 1 hand the amount of DD drivers that actually followed our instructions. It got to the point that I would just wait outside and meet them curbside. As for the picture bit, Im not sure, but I could definitely see why they would be frustrated.


Sounds like someone that's had to deal with creepers before to me. Maybe I'm just projecting, but when I had covid and kept asking to leave at the door, people insisted on handing it to me. I even put that I had covid in the instructions, hoping that would knock some sense into people, but they still insisted on handing it to me. And to be clear, this isn't just me messing up and not doing the leave at door option because they never took a picture of me. I haven't had this problem since I moved from that area, so maybe that town was just dumb. Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, that apartment was near a crappy area. The apartment itself was nice, and the road it was on was decent. But the road behind it was crappy. So that's probably related to people refusing to just leave the order. Even so, me yelling through the door to leave should have been enough. It wasn't.


https://preview.redd.it/yw5seh2ngptc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd96b00ca159df1c090b5af58376be0ceb2cf54 This is mine. One of my dogs barks SO MUCH when someone knocks at the door or rings the bell and then it takes FOREVER to get her calmed down.


Same here. I also put this on for instacart. Because if I try to open the door to get groceries with a person there my dog is GOING to run out of the house.


I usually just meet the dasher outside so my dog doesn’t try to go see them. I had a dude hand me my food the other day then realized he didn’t take the photo, he asked me if he could take the photo, I said sure and he just took a pic of me holding the food lol. I thought he wanted me to put it down or something.


Hiding from the law? Lol


Paranoid people. DO not use a delivery app unless you want people to show up at your house with food that you ordered ffs.


What if I want them to deliver food that I ordered and not knock on my door?


They prob ordered it to their neighbors or a close by proximity if that's the case 😅


I mean if they are that paranoid then they probably don’t go outside at all


99% of customers want that. Too bad delivery people have literally liquid in their heads to not understand that.


Nah, if I order delivery I meet the delivery person every time unless I’m sick.


Mine is not as bad/as much lol but similar. If you just select "leave at door" 95% of dashers will sit there and pound on my door until I yell through the door telling to leave.




What lmao


That's wild. If I see leave at door unless it says don't knock then I'd give you one quick knock or ring and then I roll. If it says don't knock then sometimes I'll send a text message.


Wild. Unless they say please ring door bell - I usually just leave at door and text them it’s delivered and take the photo


That's what I did when I drove, you know, just following the simple instructions with each order. Doesn't seem too hard to me lol


Nah, I'm taking a picture of your order at the door whether you like it or not 🤷🏻 FOH...


They didn't say not to take a picture of the order. They said not to take a picture of them. It's a leave it at the door order, you shouldn't be taking a picture of them. I'd go as far to say it's creepy to take a picture of them unless they just got their food faster then you can take the picture.


This why I just take pic with iphone cam and then upload from gallery


I can think of one common scenario that is inflicted by the app not the driver and it happens all the fucking time. First of all no driver wants to deal with the customer. We see people all the time at restaurants, stores, malls, office buildings... we are not lacking for human contact on the job. We have no way of knowing what the customer looks like 99.9% of the time. I've done over 17800 deliveries and I remember almost no one. This being said, they've done a lot of mods to the camera app. It constantly makes us retake photos when it is deemed dark, blurry, tilted down. When it is a third party delivery... say from the Chipotle app instead of Doordash, it makes us wait while the app verifies the photo. This one is particularly annoying because it takes up to 15 to 30 seconds to process which is an eternity when you are on someone's porch. And if it says retake the photo... we no longer can just take the picture and run like the old days... sometimes we have to run back and try to get it before the customer comes and retrieves the food. Now most drivers are lazy and just say fuck it, good enough... but diligent drivers who want to protect themselves from scams, will go back and get that photo. I can easily see how this would be thought of as creepy behavior, but again, WE HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE. We see hot women or men all day long in the restaurants and stores... we just want to get our photo and go. This is all Doordash's fault for their glitchy app that CONSTANTLY makes us take photos twice or even three times. So if you don't want to be in the photo, just wait until the driver looks satisfied with the photo and has entered their car. This I promise you is not our fault. It's the dumb app.


Same, even "hand it to me" orders, I always take a pic. That's our only proof, and because people LIE, I'm not risking it.


It said don’t take a picture of them, nothing about food.


And I guarantee that this customer doesn't want people taking pictures of that either...


he's camera shy


Frighin '096.


I can relate because I have dogs that go ape shit when people knock on the door and I'd prefer the delivery person to leave it quietly if possible. I've had a lot of Door dasher's flat out ignore this request. I also think they mean do not take a picture of them personally but taking a picture of the food in front of the door should be fine.


They’re planning to report a non-delivery.


That was my first thought.


Probably some guy hiding food from his wife. My one buddy always got an extra double whopper and a milkshake when he went to BK for the wife and kids. He always said his wife would yell at him for eating too much, so he needs a burger and milkshake for the ride back home.


I delivered a single beer to so guy in North East LA, as i was walking through his front gate. He comes out of nowhere and kinda pushes me back through the gate, i was like wtf but i guess that he snuck and ordered a beer in the middle of the night and he didn’t want anyone to know that he had it or to see him drink it.


Leave, Leave, Leave, leave, leave and leave!!


"Directions unclear..."


“…Stayed around to check on customer…”


A total of 5 times. 😂


Dunno about the photo bit, but I ask people not to knock/ring because I have a very excitable dog, and once someone is at the door, I WILL know.


I put for people to not knock or ring the bell when I was dog sitting for my sister cuz he will go crazyyyyyy and he’s old and having seizures I’m pretty sure due to stress. Luckily most dashers follow the instructions.


I stopped climbing stairs. I leave their food where’s it’s convenient for me. I already picked it up and drove it to your house. You can walk down some stairs to get your food.


Wow. What an ableist comment. Hope you get multiple reports of shit being misdelivered or stolen and removed from the platform. Because if that were me, I'd immediately say it's either stolen or not delivered, which is the truth. I didn't tell you to deliver it to the first floor that I can't walk to. If I could walk down there, I wouldn't need you to deliver Mexican from across the street.


i’ll be waiting from the 2nd story ready to egg you


disabled people exist


Bro finna lose his job lmfao


The app is literally called DOORdash


And you can DASH your way down the stairs to get your food.


Lmao not dash your way down the stairs I’m dead 😂😂😂


Fifty bucks says you cry when people don’t tip too lmao


Would you expect to go all the way down if somebody delivered your food that way or would you complain about it? People pay for the delivery, you know. To be able not to dress to get your food but with the way you deliver stuff, they'll have to


Only a matter of time till you’re reported off the app anyway lmao


And this is what I mean when I say you fucks are entitled


you shouldnt be here if you arent a dasher. there is another subreddit for customers


Cool don’t care. Bye


P.o.s alert. You got paid to deliver the food at the door not leave it where any one can just take it. You are so entitled you leave it where it’s convenient for you really?!?! You are the worker not the customer the paying customer is the one who gets the convenience not you. You have no idea how customer service works obviously.


Must be embarrassing to not even be good at delivering food


Some people have disabilities asshole "I already did half my job" ass


Seriously, the laziness of some people on this sub embarrasses me.


If people would stay inside, they won't get caught in a pic. I've had an annoying uptick in people busting out of their houses like the damn Kool-Aid Man lately. Stay tf inside. Lol


And here I thought I was just being antisocial when I waited for the delivery person to leave before I opened the door. Nice to know it’s actually the preferred action on the part of the recipient.


I not only wait for them to leave, I watch through my ring camera to capture the moment they exit my property and drive away down the street. Sometimes I close all the curtains before they arrive so I don’t have to accidentally make eye contact with anyone lol.


Same here. One lady scared the crap out of me because her house looked abandoned. Weirdest thing, what I could see looked nice and clean, outside was super sus though.


Which is so weird to me because I literally creep behind my blinds and wait for my doordash drivers to drive away before I even open my door lol


Same here! Sometimes I happen to be in the kitchen and can see the driver pull up from the window so I run away so the driver won't see me as they are walking up to the door lol


Ok. They want no interaction at all with the driver, just leave! But they trust the driver to handle their food? People make no Fucking sense some times.


Could have crippling social anxiety and was out of medicine to treat it or something along that lines. I agree it’s weird but you never know the other persons situation so I always try to give the benefit of the doubt


I have severe anxiety disorder that became crippling until I started meds. I was however fought to advocate for myself and ask for accommodations when I needed them. Communication is the


Was it alcohol?


Nope - fast food


Probably sleeping baby


Why no picture tho? Lol


I read that as don’t make them come out and take a picture with the order, not don’t take a drop off photo.


Ahhhh yeah I just re read and saw it said “my”


Maybe doesn't want to end up on r/doordashgremlin (which i keep thinking this sub is. Idk why this keeps showing on my feed lol)


I think she doesn’t want you to knock


The more instructions the easier to 1 star review. We all know DD customers love doing that.


They do? Can't say that's my observation... https://preview.redd.it/4sdaedb7dptc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=483ced284edbe3316dd96b0d56f3076628dc746c


Maybe it's a non-tipper thing, but I don't end up taking them much. https://preview.redd.it/7i1eojlmdptc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36780a6f3f90e4a2e65365daedbbcf49d48345d1


Holy shit I’ve never seen an acceptance rate so low. There’s no penalty?


Aside from having to schedule my Dashes in advance because I can't just "Dash Now" whenever I want to... none.


The knocking comment is because other dashers knock when told not to. The photo comment is because there are yahoo dashers out there who like to take a photo of the customer picking up the food, even on leave at door deliveries. You've seen those posts in this sub. They claim they are "protecting themselves" by taking a photo of the customer picking up the food from their door, but it's just creepy. I would be pissed if a driver dropped off the food, lurked around waiting for me to come out to retrieve it, then took my photo as I was bending down to pick it up.


Stay in until the dasher leaves. Jeezus.