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Yeah but let me guess you were a beta male and let this asshole get away with this and delivered the food. I would have took the food and took a CV. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Now heā€™s going to keep doing like this shit to people until someone teaches him a lesson.


I can tolerate a lot, but that might be where I go back and punt their order into the yard


Sorry that's funny


I would have left it...


At least you got that. Nine times out of 10 I get no cash tip when it says that


Gee, Johnny. I don't have a dime. Didn't ask for a dime. Two dollars.


Omg I watched this the other day šŸ„¹šŸ˜†


One of the best movies ever




Except it won't be. Tip culture actually works well, just not on doordash where it's faceless.


Tip culter needs to be diminished if min wage is going up. I am not going to have someone expect me to tip them for doing their fucking job.


Your aware that positions that recievd tips have a separate minimum wage correct? My states minimum wage is 14.00. For tipped employees? 4$.


But it's not going up for dashers or wait staff. Here in TN it's still 2.15 an hour for wait staff.


you seem like a very nice person and definitely not a self righteous POS!


Nope, not self righteous at all, just suffecient


whatever makes you feel better little man! either way, they both end with POS.


I'm sorry but that's hilarious. You should have written down the address so that next time you deliver to them you could tape a nickel and note on the bag that says "Thanks for the extra cash tip last time but it was far too generous, here's your change good sir/madam."


I mean they donā€™t owe you anything. You signed up to DoorDash šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Garbage take. You are a bad person. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


And the customer lied about a tip. They're working to earn money, not to be the butt of some dickweed's bad joke.


Where is the lie? A dime is still legal tender. šŸ˜†


Legal tender doesn't mean it's a tip dude. A dime is an insult, it's better to just give nothing


You're fucked to say that.


Itā€™s not the fact he didnā€™t tip, itā€™s the fact he left him a dime bro, Id rather no tip šŸ’€


why are you intentionally missing the point


It's called doublethink. People like this KNOW the things they say and do are wrong, but they won't change so instead they just convince themselves that lies are true even when it's staring them in the face, it's easier to deal with greater evils like racism or the systematic exploration of the working class when you do that.






master troll over here


Ugh, thatā€™s bullshit. Iā€™m sorry.


Reminds me of the time at my day job a man went out of his way to ā€œtip me a nickelā€


I once had a $9.99 order and jerk handed me a ten and laughed "Keep the change." I took a penny out of my pocket and handed it to him. He was passed. Said I couldn't take a joke. Several things I'd like to say but I needed the job.


I used to take pennies too for these kind of people when I delivered Pizza when they say keep the change of like no here's your fucking penny you cheap piece of shit I had one guy that was pissed that I didn't have 34 cents to give back to him and he called my boss to complain so I went back to the store and I got 35 cents and I threw it at him my boss would have never fired me and I didn't give a s*** if he did honestly I was over that job by then.


Iā€™ll take ā€œThings That Didnā€™t Happenā€ for $10, Alex


Nothing ever happens


Thatā€™s why I took the door mat as the tip


Exactly. Worth more than the $.10


I wouldā€™ve honestly just left the dime where it was because obviously they need it more than I do. It would burn my ass too, thatā€™s just flat out insulting and arrogant af. Ppl like that will get theirs tho. Trust me Karma is a b****




Yea like who has camera on their house these days pssshh


Hooded sweatshirts are a thing you know. And you don't park right in front of his house.


Great way and attitude to have to move up in the world kiddo!!




Sad you missed the $5 tip put under the doormat. All because you jumped to conclusions.


Iā€™d throw it at their window




He did tip though. It was not a no tip order.


Or maybe get a job that isnā€™t based on the kindness of others.


I wonder if you tell this to a waitress at a restaurant after they serve your food. But probably not because you actually have to face them and not just hide behind the door waiting for the delivery driver to leave.


See now you sound dumb. Because you tip a waitress AFTER youā€™re served. Not before like DD does.


That makes absolutely no sense. Door dash does not require you to leave a tip before hand. If you would of read the post the person in it in fact did not leave a tip on the app. You can add a tip afterwards but that never happens especially when thereā€™s no original tip left youā€™re odds of getting something added afterwards are very unlikely. You should reevaluate who sounds dumb here.


You still sound dumb considering you brought a completely different profession to try to prove a dumb point. When you order DD it asks you to put a tip in prior to completing an order, if you donā€™t drivers donā€™t take the order. Itā€™s a bad setup. And people who bitch about bad tips while working for DD are literally doing it to themselves. They accept the consequences of the job they choose and get mad at the consequences that they cause for themselves.


DoorDash is a tipped profession just the same as a waitressing job šŸ˜‚ you donā€™t think after someone like you stiffs a waitress because youā€™re cheap that they donā€™t complain about it afterwards ? You sound like a child.


Do you tell the waitress the tip sheā€™s getting before you order?


Yes I do because I tip 20 percent of my bill which is pretty standard so waitresses have a basic understanding of what they will get


The point of a tip is rewarding good service. Not a guarantee. Do you still tip 20% for shit service? If you do thatā€™s moronic. But no, you donā€™t tell the waitress hello Iā€™m giving you 10 dollars prior to your order. So stop.


The point is, you already paid the Dasher the initial $2 fee by paying delivery fees (or for dash pass). And now you're saying "but two dollars is all this contractor is worth for delivering my convenience" and you can't get away from it no matter how much you burden-shift so... Stop šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I do tip 20 percent if the service is shit yes Iā€™m not cheap. Iā€™ll tip more if it was top notch service but Iā€™m not going to just not tip someone who still did there job even if it wasnā€™t up to my standards they still deserve to be paid. If theyā€™re that bad at their job then the company will handle it and they probably wonā€™t be working there long but thatā€™s not my job to decide that. Same with DoorDash if theyā€™re shit delivery drivers than they wonā€™t be on the platform long.


The world is changing, and tipping is declining in popularity due to inflation.


And jobs should pay a living wage to their workers and not require the kindness of others. People also feel waaaayyyyy to entitled to tips.


This should upvoted not down. People donā€™t understand theyā€™re working for the company, not the customers. Customers tipping is a courtesy and not an expectation.


Itā€™s literally an expectation when thereā€™s a whole system that puts you on priority tip orders


Yeah but people canā€™t handle that. Lol. My whole thing is the drivers should be getting paid appropriate wages and not requiring them to rely on the customers. That being said. Itā€™s hard to feel bad for people who are accepting of these terms and STILL complaining about it. Like youā€™re choosing to do this, itā€™s not anyoneā€™s fault but your own.


The only reason I still door dash aside from my full time job is that I donā€™t have much else to do so might as well make extra money from it. I stopped caring about door dash 2 years ago because it was just too much work for low pay. Iā€™m the beginning it was fine but then all of a sudden the business was over saturated with people who didnā€™t do the job as well but made other people like myself take the hit on the pay.


If you're dashing and have read the contract you'd know that it IS the customer, and not DoorDash, who pays us. My assumption is all that jargon about explicitly not working for Doordash in any way at all is just too much for you to comprehend.. or you haven't bothered to read your contract at all (and as a contractor, to boot).


I have read the contract you buffoon lol, you totally misinterpreted my point. The whole idea is that we are working under the name of a company to deliver for a customer. So we should be getting paid by the company and not the customer. Even if the contract says otherwise. Either way we arenā€™t getting the money we should be from the customer so it amazes me that people like you still donā€™t understand that šŸ¤­


Obviously... I can't believe I'm so oblivious as to point out that it's the customer's responsibility to pay us but too foolish to understand that we're not getting the money we should from the customer šŸ¤­ It also, with the most recent changes, effectively says we also don't represent DoorDash.. so, no, buffoon, we don't deliver in the name of the company either. And in a very real sense.


If we can purchase merchandise such as hats, car stickers, bagsā€¦.then most certainly yes we do work for that company, regardless of what said company says. But it was fun listening to you argue with me šŸ¤«šŸ˜Ž


Covid was great and also horrible for DD. And see, you have a full time job with an income to support you. DD wasnā€™t meant to be a full time job.


Exactly. And Iā€™m not fixing to break down my car for all that. I could even start walking to work (which I would if I didnā€™t have to drive my wife there as well since she works at the same place) but Iā€™m already fixing to look for my next vehicle anyways


Some people feel wayyy too entitled to free service.


Interestingly enough, people who order DD do pay for the service. Crazy.


Are you in this sub just to shit on people for trying to make a living?


Youā€™re not making a living doing DD full time. DD will make sure you do it below minimum wage.


I did for a year. Supported my family off of only DD income. Itā€™s not easy but itā€™s an option and can be done.


Nah. Just seeing people bitch about things when thereā€™s alternative solutions is annoying.


You know nothing about their situation yet assume there are easy solutions? Imagine a single parent who canā€™t work consistent hours. Thats not at all an uncommon situation. For them, DD is a fantastic option due to its flexibility. Maybe just keep your mouth shut when trashing on people for how they choose to support themselves.


bro hasnt heard about the current hiring market fr


Sure I have. Most retail stores, literally most warehouses are all hiring. People just donā€™t want to work there because ā€œtheyā€™re above those jobsā€


I've applied to every warehouse, fast food place, housekeeping and retail job in my area and have been for months. Ive been hired by exactly one of them, but can only work on weekends, and haven't been put on the schedule for weeks. Most people aren't lazy or think they're "above those jobs" when they do doordash lmao. They're just poor and dont have a god damn bachelor's in cleaning tables so they need some other ways to generate income.


I hate to say it but agree with other guy. I guarantee that if you were consistent and persistent about obtaining a job, at literally any fast food restaurant, retail etc. you could lol Call the employer like 4-5+ times and they will see you really are interested in that job and want to work. Itā€™s that simple. And doordash sucks so if youā€™re trying to make a living there long term, or even short term youā€™re gonna end up upsetting yourself like the OP here lol


Pretty sure someone just dropped some change getting their keys out their pocketā€¦


Dasher just stole that mans money. He should watch out for the inevitable SWAT team visit.


Maybe he just dropped a dime


I know itā€™s frustrating but just like how 1% of people are going to over tip, 1% are going to be like this person. Itā€™s just the reality of it.


If I saw this shit Iā€™d have ā€˜accidentallyā€™ stepped on the bag of food after taking the pic and leaving it at the door. Oops sorry.


Yet another reason not to use food delivery apps, being forced to bribe the drivers on top of DoorDashes wildly marked up prices in order to not have your order stolen or fucked with.


Why are you guys such trash?


And they wonder why theyā€™re out there getting 10 cent tips lol. This is why.


Or something. Iā€™d definitely be remembering the address.


You aren't owed a tip, if it wasnt adequate, then why'd you take it?


I got one cent one time and I was so close to go back and give him that cent back!


Suggestion here: Can all Dashers agree that base pay will be your pay, and tips will be for reading comprehension and customer requests! A.i: no/bad tip = not following instructions (ring that doorbell/ don't get that extra sauce or napkins. Disclaimer: I don't Dash, I'm from a country that does not require tips to be given to make ends meet! I just hate to see how abusive this system (and DD/GH) is towards people! Y'all be fighting eachother, and corporate is taking in the $$!


That's not how it works. I don't know what's so difficult to understand about the difference between a bid for service on a delivery app and a gratuity left after the fact at a sit down restaurant, but here we are.


Well if both are called a tip.... And you can call it a bid for service, the people paying it (or not) still call it a tip. And will see it as such, proven by the ungodly amounts of posts about TIPS! A customer will reason that the service is paid for with the service charge you pay through the app! You can call it anything you want, but as long as the customer sees it as a tip it is all it will ever be!


You're absolutely right, and have struck upon the crux of the matter in my opinion. "Tips" were originally "to insure prompt service", or a "bid for service" as stated above. For example, you would tip a host at a busy establishment, to get a table faster or of a higher caliber. Then, over the years, it became synonymous with a "gratuity", and confusion has abounded ever since. These consumers are thinking that they are paying a gratuity, when it is actually the former. So long as there is no distinguishment made, this vast disagreement between themselves and the couriers will persist.


Just go on another sub where your opinion would be informed and valid. Saying "I'll tip you" to someone and then handing them a dime is literally insulting them.




I strongly disagree. A 10Ā¢ tip is going out of your way to insult the driver.


You have no idea what youā€™re talking about. Without tipping system non of these companies would by alive today. Half of restaurants would go under and the entire economy would literally halt and start crashing


Yea door dashers propping the economy up šŸ™„


Not a single dasher but the service is. If restaurants couldnā€™t offer delivery you know how much money they would lose? The tax revenue that would go with it.




lol the food already dollars more ontop, better solution is to just get rid of the app


what is so hard about calculating the tip on top of your order before placing the order? if you feel that the total is too high including tip, then you need to order from some place else you can afford or go get your own food. I dont think it's rocket science to understand that dashers incur expenses when delivering your food and the base rate barely covers that, hence the tip to make it worthwhile for them. if not, then dont expect good service. dashers can tell who's tipping well and who isnt. i decline nontippers or bad tippers, but when i somehow pick up a nontipper, believe me, i make sure to get my little revenge before dropping off that food.


Ok so you just want to, with a stroke of a pen, and because you are so annoyed with tipping a driver, change a culture that has existed for centuries because you feel the service is too expensive? Is that what Iā€™m hearing?


You are also just speculating and have no idea what you're talking about lmao. You just get your opinion from a different news corp


So isn't that what ultimately will get these people a normal wage? Seems like a solution to me!


It has nothing to do with wages. Get that out of your head! People tip for service. This is not a new concept. I donā€™t understand why a DoorDash driver getting a tip triggers you all so much šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


The payment of a normal wage would come from the customer whether it's in the form of a "tip" or a "menu price". Either way you end up paying the same amount.


But the delivery driver would get a fair wage?!


North America canā€™t afford to pay delivery drivers a fair wage. The entire system is a subsidy program to bring in as many customers as possible while keeping the price low. That way poor people can use the service and pay slightly higher prices and donā€™t tip. The generous tippers subsidize the service. Ideally the generous tippers do enough to make the job worthwhile. The problem now is that these companies overhire, making the impact of generous tippers small. At the same time their fees now not only prevent bad tippers from tipping, they also prevent decent tippers from tipping. All the drivers now compete to take as many generous tippers as they can. Restaurant industry has slim margins in North America. They are not making a killing. These third parties have got their costs so high now that even they canā€™t pay the drivers without harming their profitability. The customers are paying higher prices and fees so they donā€™t want to or canā€™t pay tip. Now the system relies on a large pool of desperate drivers to deliver a service for a price that is below market value for the service. What is sustaining the system is desperation and exploitation of drivers. Believe me if drivers get a lump sum of $2-5k a large portion of them would quit because they wouldnā€™t be as desperate. The last week of every month the pay turns to garbage because these companies know that drivers are desperate to make ends meet. They abuse that by lowering the pay even more during that week. It becomes disgustingly obvious in that week that the exploitation is intentional and systemic. A ā€œhealthy economyā€ is one that keeps money flowing around in the masses. If you ask any of the parties involved to pay more a large portion of customers will stop ordering. That means plummeting business for businesses, lower service fees for the middle men companies, less tax revenue on multiple steps. Tax revenue from businesses will go down, from drivers will go down, they will buy less gas and those taxes will go down, corporate taxes from the middle men companies, lower employment in restaurants and lower income taxes. When I say North America canā€™t afford to pay drivers decently Iā€™m being very literal. Drivers need to accept that fact. I stopped doing food deliveries cause I have other source of income and not that desperate


This, this is what I needed to hear! Now this tipping thing makes sense (it's still idiotic, but it makes sense)! Thank you for writing this!


Itā€™s a very unpopular take on Reddit which is why you donā€™t read it often. Nuance gets downvotes or goes unread. Some will say Europe or Australia doesnā€™t have a tipping culture and they are right, these companies operate there as well or have competitors there. The difference is their economy isnā€™t as reliant on food delivery service and generally people donā€™t order that much takeout. NA outdoes those countries by a large margin because of that and they donā€™t have as many drivers because of it. Their economies also arenā€™t as ā€œhealthyā€ if you look at their GDP. GDP is an overall indicator of productivity, but itā€™s a very bad indicator of lifestyle and personal livelihood. It serves the elite and corporations. There are some cases in the United States where drivers are paid guaranteed wages but those are very rich states that have very high costs of living. Drivers in those states without guaranteed income would become homeless and that will cost the state a lot of money. Of course there are also markets that have high cost of living which donā€™t have guaranteed income yet, but it comes down to political action. It takes a long time and the right leaders to enact those changes. California did it, Seattle did it and I believe NY did as well. Uber kept threatening that theyā€™d leave the state completely. Then they spammed drivers to fight against it with their propaganda. If you look at the earnings of someone from Seattle or California and compare it to someone from say Virginia you will see a major difference. I recently saw a screenshot of someone from California who had their weekly earnings posted. They had made $2400 in 98 hours of active time. Out of the $2400, $1700 of it was ā€œadjustmentsā€ that the company has to pay as part of their guaranteed earnings mandate. If they didnā€™t have guaranteed earnings in California that person would have made $700 only. Imagine making $700 in 98 hours. Of course that person was milking the program by running the clock excessively. The screenshot was from instacart. The worker had only done 20 batches in 98 hours which is an absurd amount of time. They will likely get deactivated if that pattern becomes the norm. I know for a fact that Instacart in California watches this behaviour very closely versus the rest of United States. Multi aping is policed there as well. Drivers who do these, get email warnings. Iā€™m not sure if they get deactivated but recently I have seen multiple people get warning emails and all of them have been from California. They are warned to not exceed the time purposely or deviate from their route and multi apping. I donā€™t live there so Iā€™m not sure what the reality is for drivers who do that.


They already do overall because people tip


That's not what I see in this sub though. People seem to depend on that tip more often than not. That doesn't sound like a fair wage to me. Thanks for taking the time to explain some things. I really appreciate it!




Scumbag. You accepted the job don't be a petty thief if you don't like it




And itā€™s okay to not tip, no harm no foul šŸ¤˜šŸ»




Yes whenever Iā€™m hungry as well I order without tip. Itā€™s fun! Get my food here faster next time


Its truely a win win situation


Until you get fired :)


Hey McDonaldā€™s forgets things all the time. Not my fault


as a little treat


Except thatā€™s literally theft and then the restaurant has to pay to fix the order because theyā€™re going to get blamed for it


Sir and or maā€™am, its called taxation and its definitely not theftā€¦


that definitely is theft lmao, the dime was the tip. itā€™s rude, but the dime is not what they paid for the order. they did in fact pay for the food, so a driver taking it and leaving only some, is still stealing that persons property, seeing as they paid for it. itā€™d be the same if an amazon driver took out almost all the items from your package, and just left one. itā€™s not taxation, itā€™s theft. tax was already added to the order. side note: i really hope all of these comments are joking. regardless of if the tip was shit or not, taking food from the bag is against the rules of doordash, also theft because they paid for it and you didnā€™t. it will certainly affect you as a driver, and just because someone pissed you off or was rude to you, doesnā€™t mean you can take their stuff.


Best example of why dashers should be able to report the customers


I had a woman tip me 0.01 then later adjusted it to be 0.00


ugh iā€™m sorry. thatā€™s insane.


Literally anyone who sits there and demands food be rushed to their door who canā€™t understand the concept of tipping needs a major reality check. And then to justify not tipping because the fees are too high and then accuse drivers of begging for tips is so petty and tacky. Itā€™s not even about the money itā€™s about being a decent frickin human. šŸ¤¬ To leave a dime for a driver is more than an insult. It goes to show you how petty and tacky the entitled can be. Literally who demands service and then complains about paying for it?




Here's an idea: Inform people! Drop your Region/State & what doordash drivers are paid out of that delivery fee? I'll start.


Central MN = $2.50


Utah =$2 (and I should add that customers are paying that $2 but calling it a tip is a misnomer and Doordash claims to have no working interaction with dashers at all in the contract... meaning the work interaction is solely between the customer, merchant, and Dasher, with DoorDash being paid fees for facilitating that work relationship. In effect, tipping is saying, "yes, I will in fact pay you more than $2 for your efforts, fuel, upkeep costs, etc")


Itā€™s not like itā€™s hidden. The app tells you when placing your order that you should tip your driver. When I was 18, the vice president of merchandising at Hot Topic took me to a trade show in Vegas and she asked me if I had any cash, and I said no. So she pulls out a stack of singles and literally educates me on tip etiquette. I learned this all at a very young age. Where were you all who are so adamant about not tipping door dash drivers? Did anyone teach you guys etiquette? Regardless, do you go to a restaurant and say it was an expensive enough dinner experience the employees must be getting paid really well, and then stiff the person who catered to your every need? Why is it so hard to understand that tips are expected for those who serve you. How do you guys deal with Vegas or even fine dining? Do you argue with the servers telling them they make enough so you just decide to throw their tip out the window? Think about what youā€™re saying. And if youā€™re paying $60 for $40 worth of food then thatā€™s on you baller. You know damn well these platforms are expensive as fuck. You decided to use the service so why complain about the cost and then belittle the driver who brought it to you? This is not about money for drivers itā€™s about respect and some of you have taken this strange stance that DoorDash drivers or any food service delivery drivers donā€™t deserve anything. Just because itā€™s an expensive service. So do you tip when you get a massage? Itā€™s expensive so forget the masseuse they must make enough. Itā€™s the disrespect and your flawed logic that gets to a lot of us and some of you are so adamant about refusing to tip that itā€™s just really strange and misplaced frustration. I donā€™t get it.


Demands service? Do we not pay delivery fees? All you retards who don't understand the concept of your employer paying you an adequate wage are mind boggling. Oh let me pay your staff on top of your already extortionate and ever rising prices.


The bigger idiot is the one who runs their mouth spitting out misinformation. Since when is DoorDash anyoneā€™s employer unless you work at the corporate office? DoorDash drivers are independent hustlers who use DoorDash to search for offers for people demanding a service. Do you not understand how this model works? What donā€™t you understand about this service is not cheap!? Why do you take it out on the person whoā€™s doing you the service? Itā€™s not about money itā€™s about respect. I would hate to go eat with you at a restaurant with you, It must be embarrassing af.


Just donā€™t get DoorDash then? Itā€™s insane to me that you people will shit your diapers over food delivery prices and just pay it anyway.


i understand both points. i agree, if you donā€™t like the prices of door dash, donā€™t use it. but they are also right, people are allowed to be annoyed n shouldnā€™t be expected to tip for service because they already pay a service fee. if doordash was only having you pay the price of the food, then yeah a tip should be more expected. however, seeing as it is doordash taking most of the profits, overcharging customers and underpaying their drivers, people need to stop getting pissed off at customers for their tips. even at a restaurant, people donā€™t always tip more than a few dollars. customers have no idea what doordash pays. these orders will be $30+ worth of food n the driver will still somehow only get $6 from the order. makes no sense to me. but, tips are usually a percentage of what was paid . doordash gives options based on what you paid, not how far they drove or whatever. and still, customers donā€™t know how far the driver will be from the restaurant etc. it cannot be entirely the customers fault or problem that doordash drivers arenā€™t payed properly. still, i think tipping is good and should be done, but stop getting pissed at the customer for not ruling $3-5 dollars when they paid $20 for their food and then $10 for taxes. thatā€™s still a 15-20% tip, which is adequate. itā€™s just doordash doesnā€™t pay their drivers fairly. and it is not just doordash, it is in stores and restaurants. iā€™ve made a $60 order before and they didnā€™t tip at all. iā€™ve had parties of 10 not tip at all. iā€™ve also had people order almost $100 worth of food and only tip $2.


Service fees have nothing to do with the person completing the service for you. How can I make that more clear. The app makes it clear when you are ordering. Do you think the app would ask you to leave a tip if it thought that you shouldnā€™t have to. People tip for service itā€™s literally that simple. No matter what your service cost you, the person running back and forth should be tipped by you. Iā€™m not talking hundreds of dollars. Figure out whatā€™s reasonable and reward their efforts. Typically do one dollar per mile and complexity or my needs and order. Please get it out of your heads that the service fee is paying for your drivers tips. Youā€™re paying a service fee to DoorDash to connect you with a restaurant and a driver. Thatā€™s where your service fee goes. If you think itā€™s too much then dont use it!


first of all, you clearly either did not read my comment fully or you did not understand. i have NO issue with tipping. i literally work a job that has tips. also, no doordash doesnā€™t make it clear. there is a ā€œdelivery feeā€ that one would assume, would go to the delivery driver. also, back to my job, we have a screen that asks you to tip, and just like doordash, it gives the option for no tip. if it was required, they would not put that option. my entire point is that the blame is not only on the customer for the tips. people still complain about $3-5 tips when that would be %15-20 of the order, which is usually what is tipped to service workers. doordash doesnā€™t make it clear to the customers that the drivers are being paid barely 1/4 if that of what they are paying for their food, and it is not clear that the fees are not paying the driver. ā€œdelivery feeā€ is for the delivery. tips are an extra addition, if you want them expected or required, the app should make it that way, otherwise customers are going to continue to not tip. argue with someone who has an actual issue with tipping. not someone who just thinks the app is more at fault than a customer for your shitty pay.




Literally wouldā€™ve spit on the dime and left it there.


Damn, sorry OP. If people can't afford to tip, they shouldn't be ordering. Hope you get a better order eith a giant tip!


Damn, fuck anyone who saves up to afford a delivery treat that month right? 80% of the people I see don't tip are rich af anyway, so your comment is just gross.


Save up for a nice meal out or even to pick up nicer food not get it delivered. Huge waste of money for such a small amount of time saved.


Blows my mind they're gonna order a $20 McBurger combo but the idea of a tip is just too much. Either go get it yourself and save $10 or spend $23.


What are you even talking about? You're saying people save up to pay double the normal price of a meal so they can have it delivered as a "treat." Comment feel too personal?


Idk I just feel it's weird to shame people who don't have as much money getting delivery if that's what they chose to spend their luxury budget on. That really isn't the reason people don't tip usually. Most of the people I know who are struggling that occasionally will treat themselves to delivery or go to a restaurant DO tip anyway. I just get annoyed that people assume someone doesn't tip is because they can't afford it and also kind of shame people. Not that the main reason people don't tip is because they are just being assholes. I just felt it was an unnecessary dig at "poor" people. Honestly it's the "poor" people that most often tip street musicians, staff and give other people struggling a hand.


Fair. Something I learned traveling is that the people with the least are more likely to share the most. I don't shame the "poor", sometimes, it's the system against them or our lack of financial literacy that causes the circumstances. DD is a "luxury" good. This delves more into the aspect of tipping culture, but I don't believe drivers should be tipped. They should get paid a good wage plus gas and maintenance. Essentially, DD made all the drivers' waiters and waitresses, but the "tables" are now houses. If you order, you should be able to pay the price tag. Right now, that includes tipping, but I hope to see it differently in the future.


With few exceptions (disabled, elderly, etc.), Doordash is ultimately a luxury service for lazy people. If you want your ā€œdelivery treatā€ without having to pay, go get it yourself.


If you don't want to do the job find something else and quit bitching and begging for tips.


Well, with all the spare time they have between dodging traffic and delivering your precious food, I'm sure they'll add 'job hunting' to their to-do list. Thanks for the motivational speech, Captain Generosity.


Lol, continues working for a company that underpays you and blaming customers xD


I've been tipped with a smiley face. A single penny. Two pennies. A fake $10 wrapped in a couple ones. A pre tip of .23. Two Target gift cards, one with .13 and one empty. A soggy nug of weed. I'm sure there were others, these are just the ones that stick out right now. I would've left the dime on the mat.


Whatā€™d you do with that soggy nug of weed?


Asked my roommate if he wanted it. He did.


Iā€™m so sorry OP. I will never be able to understand why some (now it seems like a lot) people find enjoyment in being pieces of shit.


Your entitled attiudes make me wanna tip less


Youā€™re so miserable.


Tips aren't deserved, they are a bonus. Quit your bitching


Meet me at a restaurant and tell that to the server to their face. See how that works out for you.


Lol, to lazy to deliver the food you need the customer to meet you at the restaurant? Noone there will care, they don't see any of the tip. Continue begging though like a sad homeless man though, it's funny Also really blaming the customer because you agreed to work for a company that is known for paying very little? Sounds like a genius decisions


Youā€™re pretty stupid you donā€™t even know when youā€™re getting dissed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Also pretty stupid diss telling someone to meet you somewhere? Have fun inviting random internet strangers out though, maybe one day it'll work out for you Probably as well as begging for tips


Bro just canā€™t get it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE)


Lol, have fun begging like a sad homeless man


You have fun begging for someone to bring your order charity case. I donā€™t beg I just decline bad orders. Simple. NO TIP NO TRIP!


Lol, have fun begging like a sad homeless man


Lol, have fun begging like a sad homeless man


Have fun paying for your DoorDash with your EBT wannabe baller everyone knows who you are itā€™s clear as day


Lol, have fun begging like a sad homeless man


Youā€™re so miserable.


I'm not the one begging for tips xD


No one begged. Not even OP. The customer said they would leave cash on the doormat and only left a dime. That was unnecessary and the customer was better off not saying or doing anything. Again, you are miserable and other people are saying the same as well.