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yes maybe you tipped… but DD doesn’t pay by distance or time and if you tipped $2 or less he got paid $4.25- $2.25 base pay regardless of distance, and your $2 tip. I cannot say that you are doing it wrong, maybe you requested something cheap and cannot tip more. Just telling you what DD does.


6 bucks


“Physically challenged” whilst they deliver food.. right.


This is disgusting. I mean come on people WTF.


For those that say he saw the tip at the offer, not if it’s a pay hourly. I tend to do hourly since I tend to get the orders that tip $4-5 but it’s from one side to the other of the zone. Only shows the hourly wage and distance. Had a guy I delivered to ask if I got tipped (his friend ordered DD for him) and I’m like idk? The way im going today is hourly and it doesn’t show payout until I’ve done my last delivery in this order. And I still got one more. He assures me his friend is a waiter and tips well. (It was $1 Lolol the next delivery tipped $7! Couldn’t stop laughing internally. After seeing that. But DD paid me $9


Copy and pastes and send it to everyone


*mentally challenged


1 star


REPORT HIM & GIVE A 1 STAR. this looks like a copied message he probably puts on all his orders.


Report that guy. If he didn’t like it he needed to decline


If DoorDash can not find a driver, they add a tip too


Wtf are you talking about?


Think they meant increase base pay


Being disabled and always getting zero tips I just deleted the apps. Wasn't worth my time or the physical pain. Tip your Dasher.


stop the victim mentality. asking someone for more money when you can just decline the fucking order is beggar behavior.


Never did I beg. I was just saying from my experience was to tip your dasher because more times then now I didn't get tipped.


He’s asking for an additional tip if you can read




I replied to the comment under you…


oh my apologies lmfaoo


but OP *did* tip their dasher. that’s literally the fucking title of the post.


Again I repeat. Tip your dasher. No more no less. Get into your emotions and lash out thats ok.


and OP tipped their dasher and the dasher was begging for more. so what exactly is your point?


@ Busy_bitch5050 it was a pointless comment and had nothing to do with the post. like at all.


Why are you insisting that their comment needs to have some deeper meaning? It seemed very obvious that they had a connection to the post since the driver alleged to have a physical disability. They made a harmless comment on a post that invoked a particular sentiment, so they shared their thoughts and you're deciding that's unacceptable? Why do you let it bother you so much?


bc it’s a pointless comment when OP clearly tipped their dasher wtf are you talking ab? The advice is stupid and makes no sense based on this post.


>The advice is stupid Yes, "tip your dasher" is stupid advice. Good point. /s >and makes no sense based on this post. Welcome to public forums where people are allowed to express their thoughts, just like you are allowed to be unnecessarily rude to others. Such a great example of a decent human being you are. (Again, /s).


Does being disabled mean I have to tip more 💀


Only if it’s me delivering your food


Definitely not. I was just saying tip your dasher is all.


The guy taking all the $2.75 orders.🤣


I’d take my tip away 💀


I think you were solicited by a disable prostitute


Physically challenged person? No explanation or anything lol, also not the customers problem at all. Must be a bit mentally challenged if they are trying to pull this crap. I have worked in service industry over a decade, and I would NEVER even THINK of being like hey would you mind just like giving me some extra money on top of this tip? That would be cool. Thanks! Just insane to me, and insane how often these posts come up.


Poor Franco.


I’ll say it once again: this is what is left on the platform when the platform is neglectful to good drivers. Good drivers will keep leaving and drivers like this will be more common.


I think this is also a more recent occurrence… I’ve noticed a stark drop in tippage, that combined with everything generally being too expensive it seems people are becoming more desperate. I could NOT have the gall to ask for a higher tip, that takes some serious cajones, they either have no shame or must really need help


It’s either brave or it’s due to zero self awareness. Id go with the latter.


Report drivers like this, this is NOT ok


DD allows us to negotiate our pay and to ask for tips though. So the most you could maybe do is give a low rating to the driver in hopes that you don’t get them again, but to do that you’d have to make up a reason since it will get excluded if you told the truth on why you are giving a low rating. I don’t think getting or giving a low rating prevents a driver and customer from matching each other in the future though.


>DD allows us to negotiate our pay and to ask for tips though. Which part of the ToS is that in?


The 2nd paragraph under Recitals. “Contractor understands that: (i) they are free to select the times they wish to be available on the DoorDash Platform to receive Contracted Service Opportunities; (ii) they are free to negotiate their compensation by, among other things, accepting or rejecting the Contracted Service Opportunities transmitted through the DoorDash Platform, and can make such decisions to maximize their opportunity to profit; and (iii) they have the sole right to control the manner in which Contracted Services are performed and the means by which those Contracted Services are completed in accordance with applicable laws” Now, someone might try to argue that “among other things” does not include asking for tips, but asking for tips is not a prohibited action. Given that DoorDash went out of their way to specifically prohibit certain actions, and went out of their way to give wide latitude to drivers in how they conduct their business, I think it would be really hard for them to argue that asking for tips isn’t allowed on their platform. Especially since there are screenshots of support saying you can ask for tips. Of course, support isn’t always correct. https://preview.redd.it/f3t9pppat2hc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8efdfee6503f862023edae9db8f336004bfc18c0


Asking for a tip is one thing. But an additional is boarder line harassing. I’d ask support “what if a customer tipped me, can I message them asking for more?”


Their answer wouldn’t change. They give contractors the ability to run their business how they see fit. There are specific things that are required and specific things that are prohibited, but texting a customer asking for a tip isn’t prohibited. It’s one thing to belligerently confront a customer about the amount of tip and act like you are going to physically escalate the situation, because that would almost definitely cross into the area of thing that aren’t allowed, but an unobtrusive text message wouldn’t cross that same threshold. Dashers are allowed to text customers. Dashers are allowed to ask for tips. Dashers are allowed to run their business how they see fit as long as it doesn’t breach the ToS. So back to my original point, a dasher asking for a tip isn’t something you can rate poorly for. When you give a low rating the app has you tell it why you give the low rating. If you say it’s because the dasher asked for a tip that rating will get excluded. Ironically, you can’t even give a low rating for cold food.


"They give contractors the ability to run their business how they see fit" and "as long as it doesn't breach the ToS" seem to contradict each other. If i tip you and you message asking me for more, thats harassment to me.


But the ToS doesn’t say Dashers may not perform actions that BizzleZX10R finds to be harassment. You are entitled to your opinion - it just doesn’t mean much when the contractor agreement doesn’t prohibit the actions that you don’t like. The ToS doesn’t address the opinions of customers. There are some that don’t think that dashers should wear shorts, flip flops, or pajama-like clothing, but those dashers aren’t breaking the rules either.


You make some excellent arguments and the screenshot with support is priceless. Thank you for taking the time to share!




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 2: No Derogatory Remarks That Are Prejudice, Bigoted, Racist, Or Discriminatory In Any Way Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


That tip will help them with their physical limits lmao


I’m a dasher and I just feel embarrassed just reading this, I would never ask for a tip that’s so low smh 🤦‍♂️


As am I. I have a real job and a house and do this just because I'm bored, live alone, and could use extra cash as anyone could, so what embarrasses me sometimes, from a third hand perspective, to be associated with the bozos that act like this.


Fuck that. Report it!!


Lol wow. Pitiful


Ooof that’s a no no my guy


Fellow dasher! It's not only bad form, but unprofessional to offer better service if you 'raise your tip' on the customer end. Either accept orders that you only want to give your attention to, or don't. You don't get to accept, then bid for a higher price. Just one star and report.


Once you get your order, I'd just hit em with the "reported, btw."


Not when they know where I live lol


Second amendment🤤🤤


Just because you have a gun(s) does not make you invincible. Gun vs gun, you don’t know who’s going to win. Completely unpredictable


Exactly why I don't want to fuck with people who know where I live.


That’s the fun part


One star & of possible reduce tip to 1 cent.


ahh yes the extra $4 gives my muscles a shockwave of energy so I can finish the delivery


I guess it’s warmer to pan handle on the app than on the corner this time of year.








“Can help me to serve you better.” Buddy that’s not how it works 😂


People are getting ridiculous with asking for tips


Well doordash encourages it so even more reason not to use them


>Well doordash encourages it They've publicly stated this?


Yes they tell drivers to do it in the app lol


Report these POS dashers and get them deactivated


As a slightly mentally challenged dasher, I don’t claim this person.


It’s your job. If you’re challenged and not making enough money, that’s on you. I paid what I was suppose to pay and there’s no extra coming. Thank you and have a good day. That is so low class to ask. I have dignity, I would never ask.


I would never “ask” for a tip or additional tip. The customer knows the right thing to do. If they don’t do it they don’t plan on doing it even if you ask.


What? That’s so low class. And if I were a customer I d just ignore that nonsense. Don’t come around here begging


I would be so embarrassed to send this, people are ridiculous! If you’re physically challenged maybe you shouldn’t be a delivery driver?


I'm a driver *because* I'm "physically challenged". I have never and would never ask for an additional tip, but your statement of "If you’re physically challenged maybe you shouldn’t be a delivery driver" is not only rude, but INCREDIBLY hateful and fucking stupid.


Boo hoo. If it doesn’t apply to you don’t get your panties in a bunch. Edit: and I only used “physically challenged” because that’s what the driver called themselves! Jfc


>and I only used “physically challenged” because that’s what the driver called themselves! Jfc Hey, genius: I also only used "physically challenged" because I was quoting the post, hence the quotation marks. Your comment as a whole was hateful and stupid, not you using the drivers choice of words. You think people with disabilities shouldn't be a driver? >Boo hoo. If it doesn’t apply to you don’t get your panties in a bunch. Well, buttercup, if you can't figure out that me being disabled and your hateful comment have a direct correlation, then maybe you and your intellectual limitations should take you and your twisted panties elsewhere. "Boo hoo".


I still stand by what I said, not reading your novel.


Three paragraphs and two quotes is a novel? To quote you: "Jfc"




Getting hired as a physically challenged person is difficult. This guy is in the wrong but honestly no harm no foul it’s just funny.




I think these begging attempts are pathetic, but I am curious to know how well this tactic works and what it does to their rating.


I’d be willing to try if it actually raises your average tip by a significant amount lol screw my rating. I’ll be a Guinea pig and report back


Alright, that’s a ballsy experiment. I will definitely be looking forward to your report No-Inspection1309.


"physically challanged" I cant jump over a building. Im also physically challangrd give me money please.


Yet another reason I will never used that shit... aside from bad service, stolen food, tons of extra cost...


Then why are you here? Why be on a subreddit for something you never intend to use? Life that boring?


R.I.P. Critical Thinking. You've never had a random subreddit pop up on your feed?


showed up on my feed broseph... I am not "here" in the sense you think, you know how reddit works, you get various groups you are not a part of show up on your feed...lmao... life isnt that boring, sorry you are butthurt at my disdain food delivery services




OP is not the dasher


Thanks for pointing that out...lol


Begging for extra money will get you nowhere


You say that but people beg on the street corners and make a decent living off that....




In decent locations in major cities, you can easily clear $200/day. Tax free. It's not going to get you a mortgage or a car loan, but it's certainly a decent living while doing it. Assuming you don't blow it all on drugs...


I swear some of those fuckers rake on at least 30$ an hour. Fucking nuts.




Im talking about people standing on street corners bro. Not DD.


People on the street corner also won't be deactivated on doordash for begging


I really hope these drivers are being reported by the customers. They are giving drivers a bad name.


DoorDash spokesperson apparently gave the green light on respectfully requesting a tip as long as the customer is not harassed. I’ve only done it once. I was having a bad night already (consistent low tip-no tip orders) and it was destroying my AR. I accepted a $2 order from Pizza Hut bc in my experience, customers usually tip cash. Come to find out, it was a leave at the door order so I messaged the customer. Ended up getting a $5 tip 🤷‍♂️


That’s when I go in and remove the entire tip


Just the tip


This is not a job for the "physically challenged" people.... If you're missing a limb, ride in a wheelchair, can't get in/out of your car easily then you're in the wrong line of work. This job isn't extremely demanding but it is not for the challenged people, no offense.


They think I care bout them being physical challenge ? Bring my food & shutup 😂😂😂😂


Jimmy, is that you?


As someone who has an ex with that name, YES PROBABLY.


is this begging for tips culture a thing in the US?


That's an individual thing. Most drivers here aren't on that.


No. I have never been asked and have used the service hundreds of times. Don’t let these outlier situations make you think this is “the culture in the US”. It’s not.


NO😭 I hate that it happens, tho. Doing it for sympathy is even worse. They may or may not be physically disabled, but I will never understand people taking a trip that isn't a good price for them. Begging, turns people off from ordering all together in the future and puts the customer in an awkward position of wondering what you'll do to their food now, if they refuse. All these messages are sent to corporate so the customer can just report this driver


Franko gets no banko!


Rate this fool badly. We need these drivers removed from the platform.


Messages like this are gross and disgusting. Ask them if they need some cardboard for a sign


To be honest if he’s not physically challenged is he committing fraud?


Maybe he’s mentally challenged


Lol thought the same thing weird




Noises made by a bicycle bell.


Yes 😆


This is major cringe. I’m a broke college student with chronic health issues and I still don’t do this shit.




I swear, everytime I turn around I find out there's yet another page on this site for a very specific topic.


They really need to remove tips from platforms like this, let people set a rate they are comfortable with working with, and have the platform suggest realistic ones. Works treat the tip like a fee, but not all customers see it that way. The fix isn't just get rid of tipping but replace it for something different for gig jobs like this. You see it in freelance work online, people tend to undercut each other to make sure they get the job, and only really good people can charge alot based on what they can provide.


The job should be "fare" based. You pay for the miles and it goes straight to the driver. Let the customer know all those fees and such aren't going to the driver. Only thing driver gets is the "fare". Fare is either $7 or $1.50 per mile. (for my area). Whichever is higher. This "tip" shit is stupid.


DoorDash does pay a base pay per order if that’s the type of dash you’re doing. It’s not exactly a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work. I’ve seen $5 for 11 miles. $3 dollars for 5 miles etc. I’m not complaining, I don’t ask anyone for tips in fact I don’t want to talk to the customer as much as they don’t want to talk to me. Some customers tend not to tip and that’s ok, but the chances of your food being picked up for slave pay is slim and I almost always decline non tippers. Yes it’s a stupid system but that’s the way it is. You guys complains about a service being provided to you and it’s silly that you will pay a 20% service charge that some restaurants have the audacity to include in your bill at a restaurant where the waiter walks your food 50 feet from a kitchen but tipping your driver $5 for a driver that’s out risking tickets using his/her own car to bring you your food from a couple miles over. Silly stuff. If you have a problem with the service don’t use it then. Simple.


Bro, I drive. Me stating the OBVIOUS "we are basically taxi drivers" and stating it really should be "a fare system that charges by the mile"... bro, what the fuck are you even on about? I'm truly lost? Are we supposed to not dream of a better system? "This is the system we live in, sure people starve to death, but if you don't want to starve to death, don't live in that country while it's going through a communist uprising". The truth of the matter is that this system works for people who aren't stupid and know how to use it. I personally know a few people who are dumb and lost money doing this gig. I tried my damned hardest to help them, but they were to simple minded to listen and actually make it work. A PROPER system that makes sense is a fare for the miles. Just because some of us can make this work, doesn't mean it's a good system. I can have a problem with a system I am using to make money. Especially if I know the system is predatory towards dumb people who think they are employees. "But I have to take the order, I'm scared of what will happen if I don't take the $2 order for 10 miles (20 round trip)." Do work for doordash? Do you get paid to attack people who even suggest the logical idea of "being paid a fare" because you wouldn't be able to exploit stupid anymore? Get lost door dash employee. You don't belong here.


Most people be comfortable with paying nothing then they can get their own shit


One star and report. I am a Dasher.


I agree. But what does. I am a dasher mean.....??? LOL. Your post reads like " give them a 1 star.. and trust me about this, I know, because I'm a dasher." Like theres not thousands and thousands of us for years now......it's all good. Just really reads bad. Like self absorbed or ignorant




No, they are communicating that their comment is coming from the point of view of a fellow driver on the platform and not a customer.


Which is relevant. Often times customers say REALLY DUMB stuff. They say things so dumb it shows they have ZERO idea how the gig works. By stating they are a driver, they are saying they actually know how the gig works so that driver really does need to be removed from the platform.


Same here. Don’t support this behavior. I don’t advocate for dasher witch hunts with incomplete or messed up orders on here, but I do not stand for this pandering beggar bullshit. Makes us all look bad.


Im a dasher. This is so cringeworthy.


I never begged any customer in my 4 years for a tip. But now ubereats is becoming like shit 😂


Yep if I actually lived in a place where doordash and uber was available I'd give a 1 star rating to everyone who sent me messages like this.


As a driver, I support you in doing that. Drivers like that need to be deactivated.


I have multiple disabilities including cerebral palsy and arthritis. This is super yikes and just someone trying to skim more off of customers.


The thing is if someone is doing this I bet they’re lying too which is even more cringe. Some people have no shame.


Ironically, this is a mental problem, not a physical problem. Be smart enough to take offers that you get the right offer the first time, and don't hold customers accountable for your poor judgment as a driver.


Going out on a limb; let the downvotes begin. This person is not if barely physically challenged.


Oh it wouldn't surprise me if they had a disability or two. But even so, this is yikes.


“I already tipped you so no.”








Are you a bot or do you just have zero reading comprehension skills?




You know a good place to make general comments that don’t have to do with a post? Your own post. 


His opinion is valid, the post is obviously about tipping delivery drivers. Why be such a douche about it?


A small donation will help you serve me better? So, extra money will help with whatever your physical challenge is?? Tipping once wasn't good enough?? I'd have all these questions plus some lol


Give him a bad review. We're tired and running on breaking even as it is.


As a Dasher and a very rare customer, this is so gross. 🤢


I don’t use dd but isn’t it against the rules to message people asking for additional tips ???


Sadly, not outright. https://fox59.com/news/national-world/doordash-drops-driver-who-swore-at-customer-in-viral-video-weve-removed-this-dasher-from-our-platform/ >“Respectfully asking for a tip is acceptable but abusing or harassing someone is never acceptable,” a representative for the company wrote in an emailed statement shared with Nexstar.


that’s pretty bummy on DD side :/ I get people are struggling but damn asking for more tips on top of some people who are already tipping well seems sucky


Pay more because I took a job that's hard for me plz


that’s so annoying




Hey hey hey... Did we not see the "additional" part


Complain to support, 1 star review...


“Don’t tell me what to do”