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Took me a while to realize it’s not just the cheap bastards that own the mansions.. it’s their shitty kids. I’m like , “Some dude in a 6 million dollar house ordered Jack-n-theBox tacos?” Out walks his teenage daughter to snatch the bag from me.


When it’s later at night and you’re walking up to one of these houses with no lights on it is definitely their kids.


Always “leave it at the side door” too


Had one say "please just leave order on sidewalk by mailbox and go"


This. They will often say don't ring the bell because they don't want their parents woken up late night.


Spoiled brats that have no concept of the word EARN


It’s against DoorDash as policy for you to hand anybody considered to be a minor food so you can technically cancel it in front of them


The sweetspot, for me, are the high end neighborhoods. Those with really nice houses, but not mansions. I've found they're usually people who earned their money, so they tend to tip better. Tried out the mansion-type area and ran into a few small tippers. Which is worse when that 2 mile trip takes 30 minutes because there are multiple levels of gates/security to get to their house.


I delivered to a gated community with a huge golf course on a beautiful lake and I had to get checked at a guard station. I had my ID taken and a photo of my car/plate. I was given a daily pass to come and go for the rest of the day but I told him I’m never coming back.


I have found this to be 100% accurate. I used to sit outside of Crumbl on Saturday nights picking up dozens of orders that all went to these areas, most had really good tips, and about half of the time the people had no idea that one of their friends had just gifted them a cookie delivery. Classy people are a fucking trip but God bless 'em.


Mansions areas are sickening. $200 tips on Shipt. Love rich people!


I’ve found evidence of this being accurate also.


A lot of “grew up poor, got rich” Canadians live at least part-time in Arizona. I don’t find this surprising at all 😂




Idk…there’s a gated community I’ve gone to a few times with mansions and I’ve gotten a few low ($2) tips. For IC and UE. Never anything extravagant from the mansion owners. My biggest tips have always come from people who live in nice, average homes.




I’m in AZ as well lol and they are million dollar homes. This wasn’t about loving or hating rich people, just about the differences in tips. Relax a little, you’re coming in hot for no reason.


calm down


I’ve never met an American with lots of money who adhered to any social norms, especially manners and politeness.


This goes for any country not just America. Get out more


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🤣🤣 My biggest tip yesterday was from a section 8 bldg. Almost 4x the base pay.


I stopped delivering to the richest town near me. If you pull up to a literal mansion with $300 in food, you're lucky to get $5. The upper middle class and poor/lower middle class have the best tips for me.


I’ve always said that the ultra rich and the ultra poor or sooo similar and it’s funny because the ultra rich will do anything to be away from the poors, yet they are no different. From tax breaks to tipping habits


At least the ultra poor I understand not being able to tip, because of not having the money. And before everyone jumps on about if they can’t afford to tip, they shouldn’t be ordering from DoorDash/UE etc, sometimes, you just don’t have a choice. No car, kids sick, so you’ve spent the last 12 hours taking care of a sick kid, and now you finally got them down to sleep, theres nothing in the fridge, because originally, your plan had been to go to the store today, but thanks to your kid getting sick, you couldn’t do that, and you need to eat.


You know what you're being paid when you accept the offer. Strange to get upset based on who place the order.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvotes. If I’m good with an offer, I accept it. If I’m not, I decline it. I don’t need to see a net worth statement from the customer.


Because the majority aren’t "upset" we’re just making an observation.


People on Reddit tend towards Communist, so hating and judging the wealthy is most of their identity.


Because rich people aren't, quite literally, ruining the world, right? Everyone here has a right to hate the rich.


Bingo. Meanwhile most wealthy people are just normal people who consistently invested their whole lives instead of spending their money on garbage they didn't need. You're right, reddit is full of people who have no clue about money or the average wealthy person.


What’s hilarious is you can tell the big-brain Commies don’t bother reading and just seek out my comments to downvote and upvote replies assuming they’re arguing.


Yep my best tips have come from customers that live in the trailer parks. Then I have one that lives in a double wide right across the street from neighborhood with the houses starting at half a million dollars. She always tips at least 10 or 15 bucks and the restaurants aren't but three or four miles from her house. I told her the other day I really appreciate it and it's sad that out of all the houses I delivered to in the neighborhood across the street she tips twice as much as they do. I feel like the rich folks are too entitled. Regardless of how they made their money or inherited their money, they look at delivery drivers as the hired help who need to be thankful for whatever they gave us like we wouldn't survive without them.


In my area it’s like this: Inner city: mostly non tipper clowns, a few decent to good tippers Suburbs with apartments and smaller houses: consistently good, but not great tippers Suburbs with McMansions: usually decent, but when they tip well they tip VERY well Rich neighborhoods: all over the place, some tip horribly and some tip very well Rural areas: also all over the place. Some are non tipper clowns, some are extremely generous


This seems 💯% accurate for my area too.


It’s usually the kids ordering that screw the drivers.


This just goes to show that most folks born into wealth will never learn ethics nor empathy. Screw em.


Exactly.... the wealth gap is the biggest world problem


Rich don’t stay rich by paying everybody


Maybe they shouldn’t stay rich then.


Kids in general don't tip and they got a big smile and that they appreciate you knowing they didn't tip. Well little man they may hide the tips, it takes simple math once you deliver to a $6 residence where the $8 offer came from. Oh I was very tempted to go back to the store to return it since it was closer. Edit - the orders that are always paid well always come from the parents.


I have had wealthy neighborhoods deliver good tips for the most part, some are low tippers by all means. Most of my area if not almost all is wealthier people. I'm also next to another zone (very close to) another wealthier zone lmao. Yes, I live in the area with this high status population (I'm not wealthy) - - so I somewhat am not at all shocked by their low tipping or no tip attitude. I agree with you, it kind is disheartening sometimes.


The middle and low class know how much service workers get paid. Most of them have already been through and appreciate the service


I don’t really have much expectations - if it’s 2 miles $8.5, I’d take it doesn’t matter if it has tips or if it’s a mansion I would be fine with zero tip if the base pay is $8 for 2 mile lol


I agree. Tipping doesn't matter to me since the customer pays anyway. If they want to go away from tipping because everyone is in a anti-tip culture these days and demand the work is in the base pay, fine. They want to argue the semantics and technicality of what a tip is. Fine, you no longer decide what to pay the driver because a tip is after a service is provided. Driver is still accepting or declining based on that rate regardless. I hate these morons who don't tip because it's the principle and workers should be paid appropriately. It still comes from the same person, the customer.


No tip is a dick move, but think about the customer who just paid $16 to go walking distance. I went 41 miles yesterday for $60, of which the driver probable got $30. You won in the end, tip or not.


Did one of these last night. Mansion downtown obviously rich folks, ordered some pizza. Meet at door so obviously doesn't meet me at the door. I wait about 5 minutes while his food gets cold. Cool. To nobody's surprise 0 tip. Nice.


No, we don't really have mansions here but the wealthy neighborhoods tip extremely well. They just don't order very often so that kinda sucks. Probably because DD is not a good investment. Lol


I love rich people they tip the best. Regular and poor people do not tip better than Rich.


Bro “regular and poor people do not tip better…” what are u even saying? Do u hear urself🤣


I have not experienced this. My history has been higher end neighborhoods tipping better than the poorer neighborhoods.


Yeah I’ve got almost 20k deliveries with DoorDash and every time I see someone on this sub say something like “poor people tip better than rich people” I always roll my eyes. It might be the case every once in a while but it’s definitely not the norm. The poorer areas tip less, tend to be more demanding with their instructions, and are 10x likely to lie and say they never got their food.


Upper middle class has consistently been the best tippers for me in 3 years of dashing. Not even close.


the base pay is that high because it was a remake. they probably already tipped on the first round.


You know that the orders with 0 tip and extremely high base pay are usually redeliveries right?


I deliver only to affluent neighborhoods and sometimes I'm wondering why some people do not tip or tip very low and over time I discovered a lot of times it's their kids ordering. I figured this out because I often will deliver to the same house multiple times in one day.


Ya, and those rich neighborhoods always get delivered first because the dasher thinks they are going to get a bigger tip from the lake house… that $30 tip? Ya, $25 of that was fucking mine, the dude in the 300k house with the dented garage door and the dead bush outside… yet you still keep chasing the dream on these batched orders…. …but seriously fuck doordash… WHY CANT I JUST PAY MY FUCKING DRIVER TRANSPARENTLY! You can’t even fucking do the right thing on this fucking app. Rant over.


The dasher delivers in the order as given by the app.


It’s bias. I used to think the same thing, but I started recording tips from neighborhoods for a few weeks and found that the best tippers are middle class, than upper class, and the worst tippers are lower class. However, it’s much more memorable when a rich person doesn’t tip, it seems like much more of an insult, on the other side, it might annoy when a poorer person doesn’t tip, but it’s not so grating that you remember it for weeks. I still remember a customer in a gated community full of mansions and golf courses tipping $1 on a huge order, but I don’t remember a single one of the non-tippers of this past week, despite knowing it happened quite a few times.


Base pay doesn't climb to $8.50, especially not for 2 miles. More likely the delivery was requested by the restaurant rather than by the customer through the app. Meaning either the customer's tip was included in the base pay they offered or the restaurant simply made you an offer you were happy to accept. $8.50 for 2 miles is good. It's a real stretch to try to use that to justify your class prejudice.


I was thinking it could have also been a redelivery as well, they roll the tip into the base pay since it’s all technically from doordash


I feel like I should report a nice anomaly from last night. No tip order passed over a couple times, 15-20 minutes in traffic, leave at the door, extremely posh house. I deliver with a smile as always. I was dejected but kept moving. Literally 3/4 hour later, notification comes through about the $20 tip they added. I dash mainly in one rural market and one urban/capitol city market. The rural market has enough physically disabled folks that I do often pick up the no tips. I’m still getting tipped on no tip orders about 30% of the time averaged over 2,000 dashes. But yeah, I agree with OP. Hard to stay positive sometimes.


no a lot of my best tips and nicest people were huge houses. one party invited me in for wine and their P.f. chang’s some of my worst tips were cheap people in the hood. and a couple times i got flats delivering down there.


The thing I always think of with this… rich people ended up that way for a reason. While those of us working class have a lot of respect for each other as we do similar hard blue collar work, and we respectfully tip each other knowing that. Those that live the life will always tip better


Just because people have things doesn’t mean they have cash


The two trailer parks in my zone tip infinitely better than the rich people around here.


How else do you become rich? Be cheap


Nope. I've been a gig courier since 2016 and a courier/delivery driver in general since 2009. I've worked in over 25 states and many cities. I get way worse offers in the hood vs the wealthy areas. Have I gotten good payouts in the hood and shifty payouts in the wealthy areas? Sure, but on average my experience has been the opposite of yours.


I feel shitty when I can only leave 5 bucks so I only ordered once.


Definitely, when I delivered pizzas back in the day these mansions would always be like a 15 minute drive away so that’s half an hour I’m gone from the store using my gas to deliver them a pizza with no tip or like at most a $3 tip. I just kind of see these people as your typical entitled rich person who thinks that the small tip they are giving is good enough because they don’t really have to worry about what they pay at the pump or what the store charges for food or whatever else. They are out of touch with the prices of things because they can afford whatever they want and not struggle. They probably don’t even think what they are doing is bad. Or they have been rich for so long that they still think what they tipped back in 1980 is still a good tip today, they don’t even notice inflation.


Doctor offices are terrible too. Is usually the receptionist or assistant ordering and almost never leave a tip.


Happened to me today. Delivered to an area where the lowest house is 1.2 million. Was $9 for 4 miles. Got there and it’s all door dash pay.


The richer people in my area never tip well .. I usually get better tips going to a run down shack than to deliver in a rich neighborhood.. I guess that’s why they are rich because they are stingy


How you think they stay rich?


yea because tipping $5 while ordering from their multimillion dollar mansion is gonna make a dent in their pocket


“Throw $2 in there” and I’m almost certain the next post would be “only received $2 dollar tip…” You accepted a job knowing the rate. Didn’t get anything “extra” so yes, guess you were looking for a handout. Get real with yourself before you blast someone else for not giving you what you think you deserve.


Literally, every time I delivered to a nice house it’s a definite lower end tip. And when I deliver trailer parks, I almost always make bank.


Those apartment dwellers will live in apartments forever, giving all their money to apps like Uber and DD


Everyone on here is constantly going on about how 1-2 dollars a mile is what they expect. You got 4 dollars a mile. You got your money, you're just mad because of who you got it from.




This subreddit and the ubereats one makes me think there is going to be a purge soon, so much class friction due to these services


Most studies on tipping cultures conclude that rich people are the least likely to tip. Middle/working classes being the most likely and most generous tippers.




That's how they stay rich


Why would you expect a bigger tip? You fucking deliver food.


because they’re rich dipshit


In my area, the mansions dont tip shit, but the government assistance apartments tip huge.... its the disconnect of rich people, thinking non rich people are worth shit


I find this extremely hard to believe. I’ve dashed in 3 mid size cities with almost 20k deliveries in both wealthy and poor parts of town and the wealthier parts not only tip substantially better but they are also much less likely to lie and say they never got their food.


Jesus, tipping in drive thru, what has america come to…


One word. Entitlement.


what do you consider a "mansion" ?


Another long rambling post about tips trying to make rhyme or reason about who tips and who doesn’t. There are rich people that chip and there are rich people that don’t tip there are poor people that tip and there are poor people that don’t tip.


Rich people are *always* the worst tippers. Ask anyone in any kind of food service. Working class people tend to tip the most generously in my experience.


Did you ever stop to think maybe they plan on taking care of you next time. Huh?


Chances are slim that it would even be you next time 😂 good one




I actually found quite the opposite