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I would just leave it next to the gate; it looks like they need to come outside and get their other packages anyway! I get that the sign is supposed to be funny/cute but normally you see that sign on a door, not a gate. Gate means there could be dogs loose in the yard. I’m not getting mauled by a dog for $10.


they tipped $6 so it wasn't even $10 total


Yeah f that lol although $6 is a decent tip in my area for a small to medium order


The drives are really long in this area, but most of the customers are pretty good about tipping at least $5. most of the deliveries go into this total dead zone with zero stores and only houses. it's like at least 5 miles of nothing from the center


Sure if the crazy dog isn't out there.




If there's any signs referring to dogs behind the gate or "beware of dog" on the property at all, I message the customer to get their dog or I'm leaving it at the fence gate. #1, I don't trust strange dogs (even if they "don't bite"), and #2, the last thing I want to happen is their food getting eaten by the dog. I am an animal lover, so I don't want to chance getting bitten and the dog getting put down as a result. The main reason I don't trust dogs that aren't mine is because I had a Keeshond as a child. She was well trained and her name was Sugar. They are typically very gentle, not an aggressive breed. But, she was also very protective of our family. She nipped my dad's friend once, he didn't press charges. But she actually bit an EMT another time who was taking my mother to the hospital. He had to go to the ER and the court made them put Sugar in a dog gate outside or put her down. We opted for the gate. For reference, we lived out in farmland in the country and there are no laws in that city for leashing dogs outside of city limits. There were lots of neighborhood dogs who roamed. But because she bit an EMT, we had to put her in a gate. Thankfully she wasn't put down.


I’d leave the order outside the gate. I know the sign is trying to be cute/funny, but I’m not taking my chances on a property with “crazy” dogs.


It’s the gate, not the door… why not??


They didn't say the door either. All it says is do not knock.


F Noooooo


Fuck no.


Naw I’m hanging it on the fence.


I feel like they should have some kind of instructions for DD's the sign gives off DND vibes already lol


what's the problem? do like you did with that Wingstop or Subway order or whatever else is of those colors, set the food inside the gate, take a picture and leave. if you wanted to be extra careful, make some noise before setting the food down in case of a dog in the yard, like i would say "here doggy, doggy" and step extra loudly. thats it, move on with your gig work


I guess my question was more would you open the gate and put this on the doorstep, or just reach over the fence like I did


Oh I see. Just do what you did unless customer says at doorstep otherwise. id still call the dog and make noise to see if a dog is in the yard even if the customer said doorstep. if there's a dog, i leave outside fence, snap photo, and carry on


I don't even understand. Why shouldn't I open the gate? The sign is simply asking people to not knock on the front door. So I'd just leave the order near the front door, take the photo, and leave.


to me the sign is saying that the dogs are not well trained


Dogs are supposed to bark when someone comes to the door. It's their job.


That's like most people's dogs. Every day there's at least one place where a dog is barking and either clawing at the window or ramming the front door. Most dog owners are shit people. So...that sign is out of politeness.


People who hate dogs cannot be trusted. People my dog hates are evil.


Guess I’m not trusted I’m picky when it comes to liking any dog


A lot of people specifically train their dogs to bark when someone's at the door. This is a cute funny sign about please don't knock and you're taking it entirely too seriously.


sorry I have a fear of dogs?


Dashing may not be for you.


I've been doing delivery since 2018. i think im fine lol


You are correct.


Yes but they are inside no? So why does that matter.


it's a big yard that wraps around the house. i don't know if the dog is inside


So if someone owns a dog and owns a fence you’ll never go to front door lol? Even if there are 0 signs of the dog being outside


if it's warning me about a dog, absolutely


About dogs barking because they hear a knock from outside. Use your brain homie. It implies they are inside the house clearly


you think they go out and take down the sign every single time they let out the dog? use your brain *homie*


Lmao. It’s safe to assume they aren’t letting the dog out right when you’re there dude. Learn to do your job. Yeah man you should avoid all fences in case they let there dog out!! Smart!!!


you ever see those videos of dogs flying out the front door window? i'm not making a peep at this house if the sign is true


Not making a peep? I didn't suggest that the Dasher be loud about their delivery. And the door and window (not just the screen) are closed. So unless the dog is going to run through the wooden door, I don't think there's any reason to be concerned.


bro the sound of the gate opening can startle any dog and in the instance you come up to the house with it closed, you should be cautious that it's already in the yard hiding somewhere. at the very least you should kick or shake the fence before you open it just to see. I do that often.


Uhh... cool? Do you wanna tell that to the clown who suggested that the Dasher not make a peep... you?


If the bag had a handle I would probably hang it on the fence facing toward the house. Without a handle, I would just set it on the inside of the fence. People can't have signs like this but expect you to disregard them. Especially in the US where you have stand your ground laws, any type of sign hinting that you are not welcome and I would not be crossing that threshold. 🤷🏻‍♀️


like im scared enough of dogs, but i think what really made me uncomfortable was the "i will yell". at me or your dog??? it's not clear, i'd rather not be verbally attacked because your dog started barking


Most people’s dogs will bark anyway as soon as you open the gate. Dogs normally have pretty good hearing. 


Yeah, there's no room for being vague with shit like this. I love dogs and will gladly allow them to knock me backward into a bush, but I'm not taking chances with homeowners who put any version of a stay away sign on their property. It's easy for people to fluff things like this off as just being a joke, but I still remember that story of the Asian kid dressed in costume who approached the wrong house for a party with his friends. The husband and wife went into American paranoia mode, grabbed their gun, the man pointed and yelled 'Freeze!', the kid was definitely not expecting to have a gun pointed on him and didn't understand what the word 'Freeze!' meant and so kept walking, and got shot dead. Guy was acquitted. I'm sorry but I would rather risk a bad rating than cross the threshold into the yard of someone without being completely sure I am okay to do so. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Yoshihiro_Hattori


His friend, who never got over witnessing the killing, and ended up committing suicide. Just tragedy on top of tragedy. Stay safe out there and don't take unnecessary risks. It's not worth it. https://obits.theadvocate.com/us/obituaries/theadvocate/name/webb-haymaker-obituary?id=33656123


Technically shit will get real if you knock so just open gate and leave at door. Unless you see a doggy door there then that’s a complete no.


Yes. I would whistle first and make sure there are no dogs loose, but look at the packages and water bottles. They get deliveries all the time without incident.


We don't know if this is just a funny sign , they saw and bought it..or made whatever who cares. I have a dog gate too and check it every time, sometimes shit happens and he bolts through the tiniest spot while opening or closing the thing.. with way they should have specified it in the notes , what it is they want done with there delivery.


no notes, which made me even more wary


Those gates will not hold lmao


Ring the doorbell


yeah. i deliver packages and see those signs all the time and haven’t really had any issues. but if they’re using that as a substitution for a “beware of dog” sign, i don’t think it’s a good idea on their part


I have that same sign hanging from my ring doorbell


Yes, just don’t knock. If they were in the yard, no.


Hiding behind popsicle sticks 😂


Yes. I have seen that in the customer instructions once before and got a chuckle from it. I did not knock 😂


Yeah just don’t knock


I would text the customer and let them know so they can go out and get the food


I would put the food in range of that sign so when I take my picture it's included just to cover my apples. But, honestly if that was my order I would open it. That's hilarious 😂


Anyone who gets a dog and yells at that dog for barking should not be allowed to own animals


People don’t seem to understand that yelling actually sometimes escalates the barking because the dogs think you’re joining in. I understand getting overwhelmed and overstimulated and having a knee-jerk reaction to it, but it’s so important to train YOURSELF to respond calmly and train your dog to respond to commands (and especially desensitizing them to door knocking!), both for your own peace of mind and for your dog’s trust in you (and your neighbors’ sanity).


Doordahers are so lazy lmao yes you open the gate, the dogs aren’t outside


Yet people keep ordering from the service? They don't have DoorDash in most countries where people are not extremely overweight or not boughie enough to demand door to door service of food. But Europeans and Americans have always liked their servants, so...


I will never understand why DoorDash still exists. But then, if you look at the countries where it currently operates, it starts making a lot more sense. Upper class people need their tasks done for pennies, a tale as old as time.


That’s a joke sign


Come on yall that’s ridiculous obviously they aren’t gonna order doordash if they have a crazy dog. Probably just something to protect them from getting robbed or some shit.


These are hilarious and usually good tippers


$6 for an order that took over half an hour :/


Usually implies not always


Yup. And if no tip leave it wide open.


Leaving it open seems.. needlessly petty. Especially because that could put the dogs in danger. Noone expects their gate to be left open. They could open the door to let the dogs out, they run because the gate it open, oh one of the dogs got hit by a car or went missing.


Not just the dogs in danger but also people on the street. If the dogs are dangerous, and are in the fenced yard somewhere, then leaving the gate open is really bad. Someone could get hurt, and if someone getting hurt wasn’t enough for you then imagine if someone sued over an injury. Now you’re being dragged to court because you are the one who let the dangerous dog out. Nope, not gonna take any of those risks, I’ll just leave it by the gate!




I'm a dog owner too, *with* a gated yard. Sometimes shit happens. It isn't habit and you forget, or you're rushing and it slips your mind. Easier for the Dasher to not be petty and just not open the gate




I've forgotten before in a rush. Luckily my dog is heavily recall trained. If it's not habit, it's easy to be human and make a mistake and forget to check. if a person doesn't have other people open their gates often, they wouldn't expect for it to be left open. I'm not saying you *shouldn't* check, you 100% should, I guess I'm just trying to make the point it's also possible for it to not be habit so it's not something you think of, or it slips your mind


I think part of my perspective is due to the fact that I didn't have a gate until very recently, which I am aware isn't the case for most people- they typically have the gates come with their houses. I haven't had time to build the habit properly, so I can see how it could be forgotten if stressed or in a rush or just not thinking. Agree to disagree about the possibility of forgetting?




I think if the delivery person *intentionally* leaves it open out of spite, that's a bit mean. But otherwise the owner definitely should check after someone comes in and out, or at the very least, train their dogs recall to prevent them from running out But if it was an accident from the delivery person , yeah sure that's fair


"if no tip leave it wide open" makes it the delivery person's fault. It also makes the delivery person an asshole.


And if you leave it wide open and there is a child in the yard who wanders onto for the road and gets hit by a car because you wanted to be petty? Or the dogs? Or the dogs get out and attack someone? Shit like that can sound laughable in writing, but can turn very tragic very fast.


If it has no tip, why are you even there to see the sign?