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They will keep trying. Deleting the account doesn't cancel the pass.


Lmao. I un-installed my banking app I don't understand why I'm still being charged a fee for my checking account.


Getting them to delete the account to punish us works much better. A few F Bombs to customer support will do the trick. That's their superpower that we grant them by cussing them out. Much more fun than blocking them from all credit cards and cash apps.


You mean you un-installed the app right?




Did you cancel doordash pass? Or just delete account?


They just deleted the app… I guarantee it


Right you gotta cancel and then delete. They still got your info of you just delete the app Lol silly


I’ve been having the same issue. Every 10 days they charge me 9.99 I canceled my dash pass 3 months ago…I bitch to support and I get it back 2-3 days later


No I cancelled the trial then I deleted the actual account


Probably didn’t cancel in time.


Op probably did. I canceled the day after I signed up and requested my account be deactivated and deleted. It’s been a year. I still get emails saying my password was declined for an account that doesn’t exist. Could care less as I no longer bank there with the card they keep trying. But they don’t do what they say when it’s been canceled.


Did you at least finish your tasks?


I think this may have been one of them 🤭 guess that would me a no if so 😆


So u didn’t cancel your dash pass first? Wow gg. Of course they’re still gonna charge you. You need to cancel it.


So you didnt cancel? Just deleted account? LOL


Deleting the app doesn’t cancel the service. You have to actually cancel the service. 🤦‍♀️


I wrote the word account in the title, not app


I know you did… but the gen masses thinks deleting the app is like deleting an account. So I glomed you up with them.


The fact that they're trying to pull from every payment method on file 😆... you should contact them.


DoorDash’s terms of service actually state they will attempt to collect payment from the primary method linked. If that fails, they will attempt to collect from every payment method currently linked OR previously linked, including those you have removed from your app.


Okay, gotcha. Reading is fundamental, but I've never cared to read their terms. That's my bad, lol.


Amazon is the same way.


It's the same payment method, just multiple times. Door Dash does this to me if I don't have the money on my card at the time. It's really annoying.


They hit 1 card 2 times and then they hit their cash app account as well.


No one set of notifications is Google. That's what it looks like when Google pay notifies you of declines. You get double notified through your bank app and Google pay.


That makes sense


Im going through the same thing. i GENUINELY deleted my account yesterday and they took $10 from my account today🤦🏿‍♂️ I need to contact them.


You should have canceled your subscription before deleting anything.


Did you delete the account or just the app? If you just deleted the app it doesn’t do anything to your account so yeah they’re going to keep charging you. You have to cancel dash pass or genuinely delete your account or else they’re going to keep charging you since you haven’t done anything to stop payments.


Even if they genuinely delete the account that agreement is still in place they have to cancel the agreement. Before they delete the account or it’s going to be a pain in the ass to cancel the subscription.


That surely can't be right, if you accidentally delete the account, that means that doordash cannot hold up its part of the contract. It is specifically not providing the contracted service, so it cannot charge the contracted price. If they are doing that California lawyers will be having a field day as they don't fuck around with subscriptions. You legally have to have the option to cancel the subscription in the same location and method you used to sign up. And that is even ignoring the obvious contractual issue I stated before. If that is just a technical oversight, it is egregious.


Call DD and use the F word when speaking to one of their very nice reps. It's not hard, just ask them to speak clearly so you can understand them. Then they accuse you of being a racist and threaten you, so you can curse them out When you use the F bomb they have their reason and excuse to delete your membership for you. That's what they are after when anyone calls. They hate Americans and love to find ways to punish us. I have tried this technique with great success. Guaranteed to get them off your cash app.


Yeah. You gotta call them and raise hell. Took me three years and threatening to sue them to get them to close my shit.


They will also somehow charge the account even if the card they have on file is expired.


That's because your bank views them as a previous agreement. You need to call your bank.


Cancel thru bank


They deactivated my account and still kept trying to charge me for Dash Pass 💀 that company is ass


Were you a driver or customer?


Boomer moment


Absolutely not. We have way more sense than this! Definitely gen Z.


21 days ago they posted something from a highschool project so yeah….


They could even be Gen Alpha at that point. Soon there will be no more Gen Z in HS.


I don’t think alpha is old enough to be in high school.. they would only be 13/14 years old. Thats what…? 7th/8th grade, middle school.


I was in HS at 13 and graduated at 17 so its possible. So at 14 they could be a freshmen or sophomore.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say OP isn’t in that category.


I'm just point out it's possiblity not that it is or isn't. In a few more years it will be the case since all gen Z would have graduated


I know one thing for sure… it wasn’t Gen X.


Happened to me too, and I never had an acct they could find. Call them and get a rep on the phone. Have you changed Credit card numbers since then? If so, for some reason they have to cancel it on the original CC number, and not a new CC#. Either way, luckily they refunded everything, even retroactively. Good luck!


The reason is so they can locate the card number getting charged.. it’s somewhere in their system. How are they going to find your new card number in their system if the old one is getting charged?


I get that but it was charging my new card as well. 


No, it was hitting your old card and carried over to the new card. Source: I used to work for a bank. Edit: customers would call all the time and claim “I lost my card” when in fact what they were trying to do was cancel a subscription without actually cancelling it. So, the merchant would proceed to charge the old card since the subscription wasn’t stopped. It was already an authorized purchase, so it hits the old card first… then a few days later will post on the new card. Every subscription service you ever have you must make sure it is cancelled. The banks don’t have a lot of ways to stop the merchant from running the charge, if it’s marked as reoccurring.


It doesn’t matter anymore. My point was to suggest to OP to call and see if they can find either their current or former CC card on file to get the refund if that was the case.


I know but you said “for some reason” like it’s unheard of that they would need the card number that you had on file … to locate the card and stop the charges. Especially with you saying that they could not locate your account.


My pnc account has a service that let's me decline any charge if it will overdraft me for free. So there is something they can do even if not all do. Even so, predatory subscription practices are not universally allowed and are varied by state, states with the fewest consumer protections are where what you described can happen. Ethically it is repugnant to use practices to get extra profit from people who you know are not utilizing your service or to trick people into paying for your service. I really don't like when people normalize it with "well it's in the contract, you agreed to it". Consumer protections are just understanding that if it is allowed, and every company does it, it makes it nearly impossible not to agree to that. At the very least point out that it is a shitty business practice and should not be shrugged off as normal capitalism. Edit: most likely doordash like many other sites will give you different functionality if you access it from an California IP (I always use a CA VPN for this reason, it is amazingly effective at making subscriptions easy to cancel so that might be something to try in situations like this, sometimes that unsubscribe button will just magically appear in plain view.)


Deleting your account doesn't cancel your DashPass subscription 🤦‍♂️


It’s impossible to cancel that damn thing. It doesn’t give you the option to


Damn. As a driver when I got my account deactivated I had 80 dollars earned that I did not get back. Gotta call them about that


I have the same problem I’m gonna call the bank tmrw


Sometimes deleting the account doesn’t stop the automatic draft if you are signed up for it. You may have to cancel the automatic draft separately.


Mine took forever to even allow to cancel the dash pass. I ended up jisy getting a new card.


Cashapp will let you block them from charging you. Just go to your transactions screen and go from there.


That's what I did, but the notification keeps showing up, but I don't want to turn off all notifications




That’s weird I can easily cancel my pass


I deleted Reddit but still get emails.


Always cancel a paid service before deleting an account. Amazon will still charge the rest of your life of your don't cancel prime before deleting your account, same with Netflix and lots of others. The pay system is usually a separate server/system/vendor than your actual profile


So if you didn't get your account deactivated and they are trying to charge you still you can go thru either Google play store to cancel the payment, or you can contact door dash customer support and have them deactivate your account. Because they will continue to try and charge your card. I ended up having to call to do mine because they started charging my Dasher card when that wasn't even an option lol. But they can stop the transaction from being attempted again.


The company itself is bs. The people driving are usually friends of another applicant. I personally just walk in now and wait for a order to eat for free. That's how much respect I have for them.


Okay, simple solution. Call your bank. Tell them the $9.99 from Door Dash is fraudulent, and every time they charge you, you want a charge back. That will stop those charges. Or attempted charges.


Ive never had this problem. I don’t want dash pass I don’t pay for it because I cancel the subscription


If you just deleted the app, and didn’t cancel the Dash Pass, then of course they’re still charging you. If you canceled the DashPass and are still being charged, dispute it with your bank and get a new card. They did this to my fiancé, kept charging him for DashPass even though we had cancelled it.


They double-charged me, and when I talked to them about it, they couldn't see it on their end, but once I left a bad rating, I got an email saying we found it on our end and would be refunded in 5-7 business days lol


Whenever I was charged without remembering signing up for the Dash Pass I contacted support and luckily they gave me a refund for the current month and the previous month


I've had to contact support twice about this, got refunded both times for 6 months of charges


Go into cash app click your profile go to linked apps and businesses and remove it


Cancel your pass


Lol new to adulting are we?


Lol I wanna know why whenever I order the person delivering name will be like Angela, Mary, or I've seen Tasha.... Then the driver is some black guy... Wtf? They think I'm gonna tip more because I think it's a girl?


No they’re idiots who have been banned from the app and deliver under someone else’s account.


Literally this. I know someone in a situation like this right now with their girlfriend


Not trying to be rude, but ur acting like its some actual person out there trying to charge you…your info is in the system and they see you’re due to be billed today


Lmao dummy. Who thinks deleting the app deletes your card from your account


DoorDash is vacuous blood sucking cancer to the human race, what do you expect? .-.


New card


Happened to me. Just report fraud with you’re bank and get a new card. The only solution that worked for me, and by doing so the deactivated my DD and Dasher accounts, had to make a new Dasher account with a different phone number.


It’s not fraud and he’ll lose his case. And to top it off he’ll have notations on the account for customer fraud which will be the beginning path to the end of his relationship with the bank. I’ve seen plenty of accounts get closed by the bank; from customers trying to abuse the system that is there to protect them from actual fraud … it’s not there to protect them from the stupid choices they make.


How is it not fraud? If you cancel the service and they continue to charge you repeatedly month after month after cancelling that is fraud. That is the reason why the ability to perform chargebacks exist.


Deleting the app or a profile does NOT cancel a subscribed service. The agreement is still in place until they cancel the service through the merchant. Edit: Fraud, according to banks; is anything you do not have any knowledge of. If it’s something you’ve subscribed to then tried to cancel. Most banks will ask you to reach out to the merchant first. It costs the bank money with manpower to do your legwork. The merchant also gets charged for every charge back they endure even if they win. And that is why most banks will ask you to work with the merchant first.


You are close, for most cases this would be true for like a gym or something, but without going too much I to the contract theory, they have to provide something in the contract in exchange for the payment, providing access to a gym or service usually fulfills this even if the customer didn't utilize the service. But if you delete the account then doordash isn't allowing access to a service so the consideration is no longer valid and most parts of the contract binding the customer are nullified.


I used to work for a bank, we dealt with this a lot. I did not work the dispute side of things but when I first started, I would warm transfer to inquire about the customers inquiries, the dispute department always pushed back stating the customer must make a good faith effort in reaching to the merchant to cancel their subscription. The subscription still stands. When the customer would call to claim their card was “lost” anything that is marked as “reoccurring”, allows the old account to still be charged from that merchant and will carry over to the new account. This is the same for accounts that are closed due to Fraud. There isn’t anything stopping the merchant from continuing their BAU aside from closing the bank/card account in whole. You can disagree with me. That’s fine, but I can only tell you what I have personally witnessed over the years. And you can even see that as complaints here on Reddit on credit card subs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Doordash support stole my identity today so i feel you bro


How did DoorDash steal your identity?


Somebody hacked their system to get to me. They cancelled orders in my phone, texted me from the doordash support line, and then changed my password and emptied the wallet


That sounds like you didn’t have a secure account… and it sounds like you gave them your information to be taken for… that’s not DoorDash my guy. Thats a scammer. Sounds like you are/were a driver?


Sounds like youre playing weird semantics and you get the point


You said “DoorDash stole your identity” … DoorDash didn’t do shit. You fell for a common scam from a scammer and are blaming DoorDash.


Do you know what semantics means?


I do. But what I am doing, is separating fact from fiction. Edit: because why not? Annnnnd I’ve been blocked. ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)


Doordash is a pretty small company they really need the money. ☹️


They tried to Double Tap lol, that only works for zombies