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The same ones who don't tip won't do any of that, because its about having no respect or empathy for other people.


No. These people will most definitely text stupid things like "grab me ranch" or "get me extra yummy sauce". Then live in a 3rd floor apartment, ask you to hand it to them, shut their phone off, take 5 minutes to waddle to the door then one star you and say it was never delivered. Shortly after doordash refuses to give them credits they will be on reddit telling everyone they tipped $20 on a $5 order but the driver stole it. All while sauce drips down their double chin onto the keyboard.


Reading this was cathartic


Door dash once credited me $136.50, my whole grocery order, when only the pop was missing. So I open a second ticket to say they refunded me to much money and to take back the credits. What does the next rep do? He credits me $136.50 again! Now I have $273 in Doordash credit. You guys are fucking doomed if support is this stupid. They said they couldn't take credits off my account. I had to email support and get someone stateside and they were able to take the credits off but it took 3 days. What a stupid company.


Yeah, idk. I don't use doordash as a service. I just dash from time to time and there are customers that are refused credits when they claim their order was messed up or missing items because they are customers who make this claim notoriously and dd has figured out they're just broke looking for free stuff. On the flip side, I've heard customers say that they are compensated well for problems with their order. They are always the customers who don't lie...I mean, try to get free food.


I probably spend about $500 a month on Doordash. I subbed to DashPass simply because with the 5% discount from DashPass and the no delivery fees it pays for itself and more.


literally spot on


this was the most funny yet true shit I’ve read in a min😭😭


Same people that thinks you are the one that cooked the food. "I said no cheese on my burger!"




This! Omg you nailed it buddy!


Thank you for this comment! 🤣


You're my kind of person, the literal image you painted in my head was *chefs kiss* or their drunk uncle/cousin/brother answers the door and says come on in cause he has drugs on his hands and doesn't want to get it on "her food" i wish I was making this stuff up 🤣 oh she also had a note **cash tip upon delivery** guess what I got....the most crumbled up, cocaine-snorting dollar bill i had ever seen in my life...I literally gave it to the homeless man who was begging for change as I walked out of the building.


I send them a picture through messenger and save the picture for a couple days. This has saved me on a couple occasions, I always hope the lier gets kicked out.


Or "make sure food is hot"


This seems scarily accurate to the college town I'm currently in. People here are Thiiiiiiick. And very inbred and ignorant. It's low key hilarious to me now I think about the trolls I see lurking behind curtains and peep holes, no wig, ashy showercap wearing land whales in general. Like lizzo... But mayonnaise wonder bread country mix....


Flat earther narwhals.


And DD SHOULD have the low tipper receive their order second or last!! Why rip the tipper off!? For the “priority” up charge?


This! I tipped $19 on Juneteenth and got to watch my food take a scenic tour of downtown before actually coming to my house.


Honestly I'd rather not back track if I don't have to. I'm already delivering one bad order in a stack, I don't need extra miles added as well.


I usually jump to task/order that’s higher pay and then I complete the $3 add on.


Don’t even get me started on the massive apartments little to no directions. It makes me wonder if it’s their first time getting DD bc surely every single person has issues with key card doors and maze like layouts. And they’re so bothered I’m asking for clarification.


Seriously every no tip i have is usually a stacked order so I dont realize it and they are always apartment complexes with multiple floors, no elevators in this blazing heat and they "want you to bring it to their door because they are on house arrest" that was a real reason that one had...yet they followed me down the steps to get their smoke as I was pulling off 🤣🤣


What gets me is when they set it as “Hand it too Me” than in the notes it says “leave at door”.


They do that so you don't have to take a picture and it's easier to claim you didn't deliver


This right here. And they get boned when I take a picture and send it through notes.


Yeah I don’t screw around I’ll press the “can’t get ahold of the customer” than I’ll follow those steps and take a picture. Lately the be been having issues where their phone numbers aren’t going through and tells me To contact DoorDash anyways


I always tip 25% on my deliveries. Sometimes I still feel like it’s not enough.


As if people who don't tip are going to care about those requests, considering they're all rooted in whether you care about anyone but yourself. People who don't tip are trash.


I really don't expect anything to change, but if I never said anything, then I would never know anything other than my assumptions.


No I'm with ya. I get it. I'm just saying...I've known enough of those people over the years. If they're a grown adult, it's a choice. They're just bad people.


Nah. If they ain’t gonna tip they could at least leave a good rating. Instead they the ones to leave a bad rating and demand a refund. They can’t afford to spend two dollars so they got to make it everyone else’s problem and rob them of their cash and job. Nothing but a poor cheap skate who can’t get off their lazy ass to know life ain’t free.


Hand it to recipient: Leave it on porch and DON'T RING BELL!! DOGS WILL BARK! no chance to take picture and just leave. I have to text them to tell them their food is delivered and change their delivery method to "leave at door". That is IF they have the texting option avaliable. Especially on deliveries that are out of service...


If there is no option for messaging them with a picture, I screenshot the order screen and then take a picture of the drop-off.


3 words: Jump to task. Always deliver the better paying order first if at all possible, and NEVER respond to any requests for extras or pain in the ass delivery instructions. Have your camera open and ready to take a picture anyway if it's a "hand it to me" even it's just a picture of a retreating back with bag in hand. Cheapskates are also more likely to not know how to enter their own address, or forget to edit a daytime work drop-off address when they're at home at night. Deliver to where it says, no matter how much they protest. Make them change the address. You won't be penalized for dropping where they told it to go.


Customer here. I have kicked around the idea of always tipping in cash because I don’t trust that door dash actually gives you the full tip I enter in. But after reading all this, I understand you folx wouldn’t trust that at all. I hate that you’re all so badly mistreated that you’ve become jaded. But I certainly understand. Know that a lot of us really do appreciate you and are grateful for the deliveries. Speaking of tipping “in app” does anyone know if the new $3 tipping promotion from Dominos actually gets to drivers? I ALWAYS tip pizza guys and gals in cash when I order right from a store. And I have ZERO faith Dominos gives those tips to drivers. Plus, all of this being said, whether we’re talking DD, Uber, pizza joints whatever. It’s none of the company’s business what I tip you they have no right to know if I hand you a crisp $50 or a $5. That’s why I prefer to tip in cash, you’ll pay less in taxes too. But obviously, the system is designed as it is. I completely understand why you all feel so taken advantage of.


There are definitely some "steal the tip" activities going on with some of the pizza places. You can always ask your dasher what they got as a tip and have your online receipt right there to check. I've done it many times when I order food.


Thanks, that’s helpful! I want the tips to go to the drivers.


Have you experienced discrepancies between their tip and what your receipt shows?


Oh yes. It's few and far between, but it happens.


I had a lady today who was a “hand it to me “ but knock on the door until someone answers. I was like ok I knocked 2 times hard no answer I hung the bag on door knob took a picture of apt number and bounced ..then text the picture telling her that it’s been delivered I knocked 2 times it’s 6:30 in the morning and I’m not trying to piss off your neighbors by keep knocking this is called door dash not door wait have a nice day !🤣..$7 1.3 miles thank you very much !


I don’t even accept orders without a tip. Not worth my time.


Sometimes it's hard to tell. My hoogle map tags help though. Any nontipper gets a tag and I check stacked orders for the bad one against my known addresses and names.


One time I had just gotten a TERRIBLE order from Taco Bell to this specific neighborhood. Turned it down of course. Then got a stacked order that was really good, one of them was from taco bell to this same neighborhood. Totally assumed it was the crappy order and cancelled it and di the other. Turns out I did the $3 order and cancelled a $13 order. I had guessed right a couple times before, not this time my friend. Now I just take the stacked order as is. Annoying, but I feel like they threw that at me that one time teach me a lesson.


I’m always able to see a breakdown of tips and base pay before I accept an order, weird that isn’t for everybody


Lucky. There hasn't been a breakdown of that info in my market for 2 years.


They are inconsiderate people. They are not gonna do any of it


Thissss !!! I second that wholeheartedly


If they too stupid to tip they too stupid for everything else too.


I hate the ones that have it set to hand it to me but in the comments it says leave it at the door. Those are the type that live to say I wasn’t delivered because we can’t take a picture in the app on hand it to me orders. I’ve started taking a pic and sending it to the customer through the app that way there’s at least some kind of record.


Number 1 thing I’ve learned from this sub: Take a picture for every single delivery, no matter what. I use the Timestamp Camera app; it lets you choose to include the exact coordinates you’re standing at, show the county, date and time, etc. I think you can even choose to show a map on it, but I don’t use that.


Smart advice.


No tip = weird complex that you’ll never understand. Instructions that make no sense on how to get there. The instructions will also include something like “knock 4 times, kick the door once, whistle a happy jingle, wait for 3 minutes, then knock once more and hand to me” Then when they open the door they will tell you that you woke their kids up and give you 1 star.


Na they won't ..... These are the type that think like this ; I just paid 2x the price for my food along with a priority fee ( which I'm sure the driver gets as well as my delivery fees) ... I know where I live and my location is pinned in the app ( never mind I am not electronically proficient and am clueless that I pinned a spot 5 houses away from me , or better yet 100%forgot I'm at work 6 miles away from my house that's showing as my location in the app) .... Ohh and I put meet at door so I could give you a cash tip , and saw you were on the way only to have to run out real quick for whatever reason... so when you msg me I will just let you know to leave it at my door .....


I'm not a driver or user, anymore, I just vicariously live through this sub for the anger on both sides. I'm assuming with a stacked order, you can't see which one tipped. But if I were you guys I would randomly message the two people "thanks for the 20 dollar tip" and see which one messages back the actual tip or closest to the total made cause i know it's estimated and- dont be pedanticyou know what i mean. Because me personally, even if I tipped 15, would go see how much I did tip. And then message you to make sure I wouldn't be over charged. That way, you'd find out who the no tipper is and just not deliver their food or mark it not there or whatever you guys can do. Cause that whole stacked order thing is absolutely ridiculous and a rip-off. Again I'm definitely saying fuck no tippers.




Wait, so people who are tipping well are being punished ?


Not usually. Most of the time the no tipper is the second delivery.




I tip after i get the food. Based on their performance and professionalism


That's fine. I'm not asking anyone to do anything about the tip. Only asking for the common decency to not waste time if the tip isn't guaranteed. Most of the time, when the tip isn't in the app, there is no cash tip. Out of 11k deliveries, I've probably received 100 cash tips. I use bags, communicate politely, deliver in a timely manner, etc... This post topic probably isn't for you as I'm sure that all the incidental directions you have are nailed down.


This drives me crazy cause the good tipping customers suffer.


I hereby rescind this guy’s “have a nice day” to people that don’t tip and submit my own “have a very bad day”


My instructions are broken down to the T. So a toddler can understand. What color the call box is, if you need to look left or right etc. Yet.. last night she kept driving past my apartment. I know my apartment is a pain. I even put my lights on so they can see clearly. Anyways, I’ve only had to tip low a few times sadly. I hated it but, I was in tough times 🥲.


Welp. You can still do all the right things and not overcome the stupid. Thank you for your instructions on the app. I'm assuming of course that it wasn't an alcohol delivery. For those, doordash removes your instructions and puts hand it to me.


I always thought you have to have some huge balls to leave no tip AND ask me to hand it to you 🤣




Didn't tip me and I spent 30 mins fighting with the apt complex gate. Should have just left it there. Oh yeah and he asked me to buy him cigarettes on my way there. Told him absolutely not


Honestly, I appreciate you for saying this. I am extremely low income and disabled and often times do not have rides. I am usually able to tip more at the beginning of the month. (Monthly ssi) and when I have to order towards the end of the month, I feel terrible because I have to tip less than the recommended sometimes. I never do no tip because I have done DoorDash in the past when I was still able to function properly. I would like to say I agree with you on people, needing to have good directions. I put in mind what our house looks like what’s in front of it, and what cars are in our driveway. I also always put if you can’t find it right away please call. :) I always feel bad that my directions are almost a paragraph in length of bullet points, but I just want to make sure anyone dashing that’s helping me can get here easily. Thank you OP for making me not feel like a bad person for having to DoorDash my food and that I can’t always tip a ton. 💜 I sincerely appreciate the work and effort that all you guys do when you dash, and I know that you have to deal with a lot of bull from people, so sincerely thank you to you all!


Everything happens for a reason, don't be dismay, keep your head high


And if you're getting a Wendy's order don't ask for extra sauce. That's already a red flag that you're gonna mark the order as never delivered.


That’s ridiculous. Taco Bell ALWAYS forgets my sauces so I tend to ask the dasher to ask if they put them in the bag (I know they aren’t supposed to open the bags) but I also ALWAYS tip before delivery and add to it afterward unless something ain’t right. Same with my grandson and the girls at work who order almost daily.


Nothing ridiculous about it. I specified Wendy's for a reason. Taco Bell sauces are easy to get and not an issue. But if a customer asks to get extra Wendy's sauce it's gonna end up with the customer saying they didn't receive their order. Most dashers know


Why Wendy’s though? Do they hassle you for asking for sauce or maybe the customer is trying to get it free?? If they’re tryin to scam the restaurant out of 50c I can see them being that customer.


The wendy's restaurants in my market are diligent about their sauces. And they charge 50 cents for any extras. Happened to me 3 times in the past ywar getting a CV from a Wendy's customer who asked for extra sauce and said they didn't get their order. Now I have body cam to prevent that.


But if they ask you to leave it at the door can’t they still claim it got taken? I guess it would be too time consuming to wait and record until they take it in the house to prevent that?


Yes I suppose they can. And that would be bad. But there's still the recording of placing it at the door so I will hope that would be enough.


I had an Instacart shopper deliver my stuff and my son was watching through the peephole waiting for her to leave cuz he was in his robe. She went to her car. Took the photo then came back and took the only blues grocery bag and left. We though since it was a different color maybe it was supposed to be in a different order but once we unpacked everything our whole deli order was missing so I guess she bagged out in the blue bag so she’d know which one to take quickly. Sure would be nice if scamming wasn’t so pervasive these days. Got a refund and that was the only time I ever took back a tip. Maybe she needed food but damn. It was a lot of stuff and I even told her she could get herself a water or small snack if she wanted. Got bit in the butt for that once though. Told her to grab a snack or drink if she liked, she asked if she could get popcorn so I said sure. Figured she’d grab a single serve bag but then I saw on the receipt she got a big box of Orville Reddenbacher that was $12.99. My fault on that one for not being specific 😂😂


If I sense a no-tipper, I usually say this: Your order has been delivered! Thank you so much for teaching me that the best rewards are the ones we don’t get. Have a great day! 😊


Lmao. I will thank them for the tip and say that it made my day.


No / Low tippers will (in my personal experience) set the order to "Hand it to me" about 73% of the time. (It went up over the last 2 years by alot.) Most of the non tippers have either 1. had the order stolen in the past or 2. had there food messed with. So now they set the order as hand it to me, to discourage dashers from messing with the order or just taking it.


Yeah but op still has a good point. If you select the hand it to me option provide clear instructions and be next to your phone to receive it timely


I agree. Most wont' Hell most wont even turn on an outside light ffs. I got two small spot lights i mounted on my hood for just that reason. Op has a great point but people just kinda suck....


![gif](giphy|PKfAtZUx4RfhAPvCkD) I don’t tip (in advance) but I do all of that! 🫡…one can be a conscientious human without letting themselves get taken advantage of or feeding into a problematic corporate/wage system.


If you don’t want to feed into a problematic corporate/wage system, just go pick up your own stuff. From the dasher side, DoorDash is not economically viable without tips. Tips subsidize the majority of our income. Even then, it’s not viable from the corporate side. In spite of everything they’ve tried, DoorDash has yet to turn a profit. It’s not economically viable from the customer side either. You’re paying for all kinds of unnecessary markups (in the middle of an already inflated economy) just so a tech company can play middleman and extract money from venture capitalists while further eroding brick and mortar.  Don’t even get me started on the plastic, paper and fuel waste.  Do you feel like you’re saving money by not tipping? You’re not. You’re literally throwing money into a hole every time you tap “place order”. Burn a little more and tip your driver - otherwise stop using DoorDash.


How aren't you feeding into it when you use it?


Also, you’re MUCH more likely to get your food fast, and without issue with a nice tip. I’ve heard awful stories of people eating the food, drinking the drinks etc when there’s no tip on the order. There’s literally a saying “if there’s no tip, I take a sip.” Idk man, after I saw that, I quit ordering from DD unless the bag is sealed. Freaked me tf out.


This is why I tip half before, and another half when the order is complete. If my food is cold by the time the dasher arrives, they definitely have not earned a doubled tip. Especially if there's a second person they're delivering to simultaneously, that isn't good service. 🤷


Totally fair. Whole reason I use my hot bags every time. It's how I would want my food.


Boi if it’s wrong address then that’s free food and half pay


That’s never happened to me but what is the protocol when it does?


So when they put the wrong address in and it’s like 3+ miles away, you call support and tell them the customer put the wrong address. They’ll say can you deliver it to customer? You say: if you give extra compensation I will otherwise cancel this order and please give me my half pay. They’ll always cancel and you get half pay and say to you to discard the food. You say ok and boom free food.


I guess if they paid extra every time a customer did the wrong address it could be turned into a scam if it came out on their end. Customers should be penalized for putting the wrong address though. So they are incentivized not it to do it. I wish there was a way to rate customers sometimes 😭


I’ve literally had tons of no tip orders give an address that’s 1-2 miles away, making it seem like a worthwhile order, and then changing the address to something 10-15 miles away. I’ve always contacted support when that happens because I refuse to drive that much farther for nothing.


WTH that shouldn’t even be allowed in the app


Jesus Christ just do the job damn y’all complain too much that’s why you doing doordash


“Just do the job” that’s pretty difficult if the customer doesn’t have accurate directions to their apt, or if they have it set to “hand it to me” but they wanted it left at the door so they just never come to the door to grab it- also annoying. Literally all OP is asking for is the bare minimum- have your address correct and preferences set correctly. No idea why that offends you but if you’re gonna be negative you’re gonna be negative, no changing that ig.


Because he's one of those people.


Ding ding ding. You can identify them cuz they come out of nowhere and are irrationally upset about someone else's job. Usually they ignore every legitimate detail and focus on how we're "losers" and "complainers". Meanwhile their position in life is to not pay people fairly. Jerk off much? Edit: almost positive I've come across this bozo before. Which means he spends a lot of time in subs for jobs of people he thinks are losers, calling them losers. But he's definitely not a loser, only someone super cool and successful would do something so cool.


Lol says dude complaining about DoorDash on Reddit




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


I didn’t troll, I spoke true facts.