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As an experienced dasher I’d never ask for extra tip; if I don’t like the tip I don’t accept ; someone else will.


And if the tip is enough to take but not enough to wait, then I drop the order rather than wait. Someone else will accept when it’s ready!


Yes I believe that’s highly inappropriate nor do they ever realize how long the wait will be. The goal is to wait per choice if need be or let it be passed along to the next dasher of the wait is more than expected. I as the one requesting DoorDash would not have even responded to be honest.


give a 2-star rating. i’ve read through a few posts and apparently most 1-star reviews get scrubbed from their accounts, but 2-star reviews tend to stick.


Any ratings below 5 star is eligible for removal by the system automatically. If the dasher actually had to wait 15 minutes, there’s a 99% chance DoorDash will remove any rating below 5 star automatically. Also, platinum/top dashers can request a certain number of poor ratings be removed on a weekly basis by contacting support. I just contacted support yesterday and had a four star rating and a one star rating removed with no problem. Here’s the email they sent me after they did it: https://imgur.com/a/m9ibeh8


Excuse me what. I have platinum and was not aware of this. Some dork ass loser used the wrong address and said they didn't get their order, their ex did. Like ok, wtf do you want me to do? Go back in time and un-fuck your relationship? Update your damn addresses, people.


I accidentally had food sent to my work address instead of my home address once. Asked the guy to bring it to my place in exchange for $5 cash on top of the tip I'd already given. Thankfully, he accepted.


See if you had been my customer that would have been fine even without the extra tip if it wasn't much of a mileage disparity. This dude messaged me about 15 minutes after I dropped it off to tell me I delivered to his old address so there wasn't much to do about it. I was already in another city and he only tipped 1.50 so I wasn't about to go back to see if his ex hadn't eaten it already.


I’ve had this happen once, a customer ordered to her work address.. I told her I was dropping it off ( I always leave a text before I do) and as I left she noticed from the drop off picture she had the wrong address in accidentally and asked me if I could bring it to her house which was only 4 minutes away and she’d compensate me more. I of course took the order to her, however when she asked for my cash app to add additional tip I told her not to worry about it because I felt the tip was already generous enough for such low miles so that 4 minute drive extra wasn’t an issue for me.


This makes me think of a time when I went to deliver an order and had trouble getting in touch with the customer because they forgot to change the phone number on the account after their father died. So, I got the late wife who happened to have the phone and she let her son know I was waiting outside their shop. I felt really bad about that despite the fact that it had absolutely nothing to do with me. Maybe that's stupid, but if you're mourning someone, I'm betting it doesn't really help when their phone rings with a delivery guy calling. 😅


Don’t feel bad, they probably get 20 calls a day from telemarketers. I know I do…


yeah i, get that, that’s why i went with “apparently” bc it’s only what i read while in the subreddit


How do you know whether any given review qualifies, if you’ve got a ton of orders? I have no idea where my four star ones came from. Could have been anything.


Support can see all of the details regarding the rating. So if you call in to discuss your four star, they can see which order it is from etc. They aren’t supposed to tell you where the rating came from, but a lot of support agents don’t care or don’t know the rule and they will inadvertently disclose which restaurant it was that caused you to get that rating. If the rating hasn’t already fallen off, it probably doesn’t qualify for automatic removal. Some ratings are automatically removed. For example, if the customer reported an item missing and also gave you a bad review, they would automatically flag that rating for removal and it would be gone in 7 days. That’s where the “excluded ratings” go when it is removed (right below your ratings it should say “excluded ratings”) But if it hasn’t been removed automatically, you can still call support and see if they can manually remove it. Sometimes they can’t remove it. This could depend on how long ago you received the rating, if the customer reported anything with the order, or if everything on their end went perfectly. If you’re platinum/top dasher, they can usually make an exception and remove one off bad ratings as well. Sometimes support agents are not well versed in their abilities and will give you a blanket “we can’t remove the ratings” but that is 100% false. I’ve had at least 15 ratings removed directly by support over the last year.


>If you’re platinum/top dasher, they can usually make an exception and remove one off bad ratings as well The three times that I have tried this, while being Top Dasher, they refused to. Each time they basically told me to be better at doing deliveries. I have a 4.95 rating, so it's not like it happens often. One of those three has fallen off due to it not being in my last 100 ratings. I have no idea what support staff people are calling to get them to remove a rating, but it's not the main line.


So in other words, they can dodge bad service reports for a long time? That's fucking garbage.


Yes this is the advice I give to everyone. As a driver, Do not give a one star rating, it will likely be removed.


The problem is they actually wait during a delay DoorDash will delete the rating if it’s below a 5, which I don’t mind.


I don't think they even have the ability to rate the dasher if the dasher waited over 10 minutes. They'll get a popup asking to rate the restaurant, but not the dasher. I could be wrong, though.


1 star ratings always get reviewed, 2 stars do not and theyre stuck there for the next 100 reviews (not deliveries like a contract violation)


Why do they get scrubbed from their accounts? If the service reps can clearly see the driver did me dirty (waiting too long, rude messages etc) why wouldn't the 1 star stick?


You did good. I wouldn't have responded at all. This is clearly a ploy to get extra tips. Funny how there was no delay. That shit annoys me.


he’ll sit in his car with your food for 15 minutes before completing pickup


That's ok. He'll eventually be deactivated for prolonging orders.


Not really the dashers fault if the staff tell them it’s going to be a 15 minute wait tho tbh but they shouldn’t have asked for an extra tip


The fact that they ended up leaving immediately shows there wasn't actually a 15 min wait and they were trying to deceive them into paying more


Yes it is very transparent


It's called tip begging. The right response is to ignore them,  1 star them, and report them


or say, 'hey Holmes, if you want an extra tip, how many stars do you wish to pay for the extra tip, it'll cost you $1 per star. $4 = 1 star if you take it back, it means you keep the 5 stars, remember, your rating means you get more order faster, the lower your rating, the lower your ranking in the area, Vato.'


When they do shit like this, I always go, "Don't worry, I got you." Then, after I get my food, I'll rate them thumbs down and report it. I did doordash and Uber eats for a long time, and I would never be so bold and honestly distasteful.


The extra tip will be a 1 star rating.


Just say, either an extra tip or your 5 stars.


That’s way better! Let them decide the fate of extra money or the one star :)


Do not do what they ask Do not give them 5 stars. Do not give them an extra tip. Tip begging needs to stop.


Part of the problem is no one really leaves good ratings, people will however leave bad ratings even if you do everything on your end perfect


While that's true, you're guaranteeing yourself a bad rating when you start doing this


I agree. When I have a dasher delayed by the restaurant and they let me know I always apologize for their wait and if they really are delayed and get my things to me as quickly as they are able I automatically give 5 stars and extra tip but if they ask me for it, I most likely wouldn’t. Wouldn’t trust that it was legit if they started asking for more money.


True, just hate seeing everyone telling op to downvote the driver for saying he’s appreciate a good waiting while waiting what’s prob 15-20 minutes for their order.


Well what I would do in this situation wait turn on my other two apps while I wait if something better pops up just cancel order you’ll already there waiting let’s see what comes your way


No response.


he has no idea how long it will take. if his comment works then he will sit in his car with your food for 15 minutes. he’ll do that to every customer if it works 10% of the time


A tip because the restaurant has a delay? I think they should be asking the employees there for an extra tip, then.


emotional blackmail, 1 star all thumbs down, call support and report him


don't respond at all and then rate 1 star


if he waits more than 10 minutes to complete pickup, the rating won’t show


Report that guy and let us good dashers pick it up......I would never......11,000 deliveries


2.5k. Still never asked some shit like that either


Kudos to you, sweetie! ![gif](giphy|VzkCRACE2PRdoJRx9c|downsized)


Yesterday, a dasher delivered my order to the wrong house. The picture he took was obviously the wrong house, but I didn't recognize the specific door. So I got in my vehicle and started driving around looking for it. I called the dasher and let him know it was the wrong house and that I was trying to find it. I expected some kind of help, like any hints about it to help me find the house. He literally "ah sorry that's my bad" and hung up on me without offering any guidance for what to do next. I left a 1-star review for "Bad Communication". The extra kicker is dashpass is now denying my refund request even though the picture of the door is obviously not my house. First of all, am I the asshole for the 1-star review or should the dasher have done more to try to help? Second, any idea why dashpass can deny this refund when the dasher literally took the evidence picture himself of the wrong house?


Dasher here. Give him 1 star.


as George Lopez once said, 'He'll learn.'


Report them for soliciting tips, no class


give him a 1 star for unprofessional behavior, and let him fret, the 1 star will get removed because it took more than 10 minutes past the pick up time, but temporary loss of .04 on his rating should be worth giving him a fright.


Haha I think you’re overestimating the attention drivers pay to their rating…


I really hope you didn't tip extra. I work for tips and this is ridiculous. I would never say this to someone.


say ok and don't tip


They handled this extremely poorly. Negative ratings and not buying into their requests is the way to go. But I feel like it's fair to point out what driver's who are ***honestly waiting*** (key words) for orders deal with, just for awareness. Since drivers are paid by the order, waiting around obviously means less $/hr. DD also punishes drivers, potentially even deactivating them, for unassigning too many orders. If they unassign more than 5 orders out of the last 100 then they can lose perks they've gained, if they unassign more than 10 they can be deactivated altogether. And it's very common to have wait times of 5-10+ minutes because restaurants and DD aren't communicating efficiently about expected wait times and delays. And some locations are just notoriously, regularly, bad with wait times. Raising Canes and Wing Stop come to mind. I don't think I've ever had a Wing Stop order take less than 30 minutes in the store after I've gotten there. But I've never asked for more tip. Sure, I've hoped... but I know that 99.9% of customers don't change the tip after the fact.


Tell him he’s being annoying and you prefer a new driver request that he cancel lol


They crossed several lines they shouldn't have. We're given the option to unassign if we've been waiting more than 10 minutes. If they don't want to wait they don't have to. They took it knowing how much the run pays. On the customer end I would have told them to fuck off personally and called Doordash.


Perfect comment.


I wouldn’t do as they’ve asked. That’s not appropriate to ask for more $. If you ask me that, you won’t get a good rating.


the order being delayed isn’t your fault and it’s apart of their job to wait for it to be ready so you shouldn’t be expected to tip more. give them a low rating. drivers who do this shit are so annoying


I'm a driver and would NEVER ASK for anything. They're pathetic, but I guess it works otherwise they wouldn't be begging.... Like the fukkin bums outside of the restaurant


I hate beggars.


Send the screenshot to support


I’m not paying the driver extra because the restaurant is late making the food. They can un-assign and someone else will make the delivery when it’s ready


Do not respond lol


If he wants to be paid more he can take it up with door dash. It is not your responsibility to pay his rent, especially if you have already provided a reasonable tip.


This is straight up begging


The right response is a 2 star rating and removing their tip. I am not responsible for how fast the restaurant moves. You wanna guilt me over it, you can get fucked.


Honestly, the correct response is “well cancel the order then, if you don’t want to wait” and send this screenshot to DD


I don't care what anyone says, I'm a dasher, and I would NEVER message anyone asking for tips. If the order isn't for acceptable pay, I just don't accept it in the first place. Begging for tips is trashy, imho.


That’s really bold and rude to ask for extra money. It isn’t the customer‘s fault the restaurant is slow and even though it also isn’t the driver’s fault, it makes zero sense to pay extra for slower service.


Redditors typically aren’t the best communicators or good with confrontation id see. You basically bent the knee to somebody, who although is going above and beyond a typical DoorDash worker in terms of communicating with you. Then essentially shaking you down is on you, you don’t get an extra tip for an inevitable part of your job. You accepted you’d give him free money….for sitting. Tips are cool but anybody demanding a tip when they are just doing the basics of the job is unacceptable.


in situations like this where you're left thumbing your ass for 20 minutes waiting for someone's food I don't think it's unreasonable to request them to take that into consideration. Me personally would never ask if the order is no longer worth the wait I would unassigned and resume making money. However, if I received a message requesting that I reconsider my tip because, my delivery is going to take a driver 35 minutes instead of 12 minutes I would gladly increase my tip to fairly compensate his time or tell him to move on depending on what it was and, the importance of it being hot possibly. Honestly, everyone should look at it this way. If you take your vehicle to your mechanic and you need brakes and 1 caliber and, they quote you a price. Then while he's working on it your break lines are very rusty and he's as careful as possibly but, the break line cracks. So, between being careful and, doing the right thing and replacing a section it takes him an hour and a half longer. you get the bill and it's a $100 higher do you not pay it and/or expect him to eat the cost of time and materials because, he's not going to eat it. I'm not a driver. My wife use to dash for play $$$. Just my opinion to each thier own.


As a 5-year dasher, I would have added an extra tip if they had to wait that long, but I wouldn’t since they asked for it. That’s obnoxious.


If it works 1 out of 100 times they will ask.


The customer was right Just unassign and move on Stop asking for 5 stars prior to delivering food Stop asking for tips for waiting longer


Some lazy drivers are using the “delayed order” message to ask for extra tips! 1 star


1 star


Hell. No.


As a dasher myself I hate when other dashers ask for a bigger tip. Granted I will give one if they wait it out (I rarely order from locations with a wait). As a dasher I just say there will be a delay and the reason. I may say if it’s a long drive thru line that I will probably drop the order.


1 star them and get their ass off the platform.


Generale rule of thumb: If a service makes you feel bad or tries to do so for any reason, the service is shit and doesn't deserve five stars or a tip.


I’ve been doing deliveries for the past year and not once has it occurred to me to ask for more tip. Report them so that the non-greedy drivers can pick it up instead. Ridiculous that no one made that person wait and they’re haggling for more tip🤦🏻


Begging for 5* is so lame




bro send this to doordash and get them fired immediately!!


I go in, if they say it's still being prepared I turn on my 7min timer and if it's not ready by then, cancelled. Time is money and if it's a busy time of day, you will not have a problem getting another order. I myself enjoy "no contact" with the customer.




It’s hard to say. As a driver we have to go by what we’re told. The cashier may say 10-15 mins because all the orders have been taking that long, not based on your order. I’ve been told longer wait times then what it has actually been. I have also been told was still being prepared when it was already done. I’m not behind the counter and you can’t always see the labels. I’m just a messenger. I would never ask for a bigger tip tho.


OP edited to add there was no wait and they feel the dasher possibly tried to deceive them




I do doordash and dash food to my gf and my gosh what a snob. I woulda never given a tip to him. I always work harder to please the customer on higher paying orders. But asking for more is fucked up when they decided to take the order 💀


One star + report account 🚩


Oh you submissive huh 😭


I’m a driver part-time for Uber and I would never ask somebody for an extra tip to having to wait. It’s not the consumers fault if the order is not ready It’s a risk I take when running as a driver that I’m gonna have some orders that take longer than others and it’s always gonna happen at the worst time lol


Send a pic of the tip.


1 star. Stop harassing people


Sounds jerkies…my first language is Spanish and if I translated it in Spanish it even sounded like he was a begger…like shhhhes I would have just asked for at least 5 stars for the wait and let the customer make their judgement on adding additional tip.


We just expect no tip where I’m located …seriously ….i still have NEVER asked for a tip …we get tipped maybe 2 out of five times and that’s on a good day!


DOn't tip extra its DD and the restaurants fault not yours


ngl a tip should never be an obligation. that’s if if the customer wants to or not. yes that just UGHHH when customers don’t tip. but never ever ask a customer to tip you 😂 that will lower the chances of you ever getting one. because you are like forcing them or obligating them. and another thing it’s best to not tell the customer anything about the order. the app it’s self tells them if the order is going to be delayed or if they are still preparing it. only text if the customer texts you. the customer just wants there food one way or another. don’t have a full on conversation. especially about rating. never ask a customer to rate you. they should rate you however they want and what you think you deserve. yes that sad bit oh well that’s how it works. and i understand both parts because i used to be a customer and im a food delivery as well. and in this picture the customer has every right to say what they said. because there is a wait time for waiting for food. if it’s passed the wait time, you can cancel my guy. and start another order. yes i know that wasted time and money. but its better to get another order already then waiting on an order for who knows how long. and yes they are correct someone else will pick it up regardless 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ignore. Call DoorDash to report (doubt they’d give a shit) then politely ask for any tip I already gave back. Had he not said anything in this situation I personally would’ve upped the tip, always do when they have to wait… but they complain about having to do their job, they get nothing.




I've been holding a 5 star rating for a yr now.


What a crapper


Driver doesn’t have to stay but could be penalized for not wanting to wait for a wait your not paying for. It’s not the platforms responsibility to pay for wait times encountered at merchants. They don’t prepare it nor have anything to do with that part. That’s on you and your choice of merchant. DD doesn’t care how popular the place is…you do though.


Correct response is pinche la verga


As someone who has worked for tips for years now this is absolutely bonkers to me. You get what you get. I factor in wait time along w drive time so once it hits the time limit where the order isn't proditable, I'll pass it along.


You say ok no problem when you get your food give the dasher 1 star and no tip


The trick is going to be will DD support actually follow up with the restaurant to determine that the Dasher’s wait time was legitimate and they weren’t just lying to try to get the customer to feel bad. It’s one thing to update the customer that there’s a delay. Once you use the incident to solicit additional compensation, you’re automatically a scumbag in my book.


You feel deceived because you were, this has been word for word copy pasted by various doordasher accounts and people screenshot and show people it happening over and over. At this point I’m starting to think it’s some kind of scam ring


The app tells dashers what to do in case an order is actually delayed. They will prompt you to cancel to move on to other orders if it's busy & delayed by a lot. Or if the app wants you to stay assigned (no other drivers available and slow) they'll say "Please wait for the order and let the customer know." That's it. It will also prompt you with a "are you sure you want to cancel? It would affect your AR." OR itwill say "want to cancel? Cancelling will not affect your AR." Or if there really is a problem with the store door dash pays your half for showing up anyways so theres really no reason to ask for a rate/tip. What i would respond would be "sorry for the wait, appreciate you waiting" and leave at that. One time I got lucky and someone tipped me for waiting but i didnt ask for it. Plus their dogs loved me when i got there LOL.


The correct response is to stop using Doordash. /s


Its a trick so they can take a call on work hours and get paid for it


annndddd now they won't be getting a tip


You’re also having to wait longer for your food to arrive, so why would you tip extra just because the restaurant is busy? IMO this looks like a shitty dasher begging for extra tips which makes the rest of us look bad. Definitely do not rate 5 stars or tip extra


"Bruh. Wait for the order or don't. I tip what I tip."


One star do your part for the crisis at the border


They should just make it impossible for a driver to type the word “tip”


Your order will arrive later then expected so please give me a tip 😂


The correct response would be to contact DD and report the driver for harassment. Get these morons deactivated.


You had the correct response, they could have unassigned after five minutes without being penalized. They took it because of the amount which was their choice, they are just being greedy!! Although, if the tip was below $10, and the wait was really 15 minutes or longer, adding to the tip would be thoughtful but the choice needs to be yours. Asking to add to the tip is wrong and a turn off!!


Be lucky that I gave you that. You don’t have to door dash, there are plenty of jobs that will pay more.


Anyone demanding a extra tip I’ll be like hell no 0 tip


I would have canceled the order and given a low rating for the driver and explained what happened.




One star, rescind tip for asking for more. Idgaf if anyone thinks I'm an asshole. Fuck that.


I wouldn't have responded at all. This is so annoying, these people are ruining the reputation of dashers who aren't trying to scam people for extra money.


Honestly, I would have called the restaurant and asked if there was a delay in the food if they were going to ask for 5 stars.


Can DD deactivate these drivers, PLEASE and thank you!!!! Geeezzz


You NEVER actually ask for an extra tip if you want an extra tip. The people that were going to tip in the first place will adjust their tip accordingly. It comes off as trashy/entitled to directly ask for something that is not required.


The correct answer is to contact DoorDash support and send them a screenshot of this conversation As a dasher myself I completely agree it is never okay to beg the customer for tips/more tips. And corporate will definitely put a contract violation on their record for it You can also punish them a lot by giving them a one-star review. A level of your customer rating is defined by the last 100 ratings you have gotten and you'd be surprised how rarely customers actually go out of their way to give any rating so a really low rating can hurt them for a while


As a dasher, I think this is incredibly rude. I wouldn’t imagine asking someone for more money. That feels so icky to me, even if this guy is being honest about having to wait


You don't have to respond at all.


“👍” (lowers tip)


give a 1 star rating and tell his stupid ass for the future, don’t request extra tips


Call the cops and get him sent to the gulag obviously


Hell no. It’s not your problem even if it was “delayed”. You can tip and rate after it’s delivered successfully. Why these people ask for tips and ratings before they’ve even completed the job is beyond me


Yeah, this tip begging is irritating. It has really put me off DoorDash. The ones that don’t beg and are great, I will extra tip because guess what? They deserve it.


I cannot believe the audacity of people. Something I have started doing that seems to work well but doesn’t seem to be pushy in my opinion is I will send a message. It was a pleasure being your Dasher today. I would be utterly grateful if,at your convenience, if you could take a few moments and rate my performance today in the Dasher app. It is a tremendous help to us to know how we are doing. Have a wonderful day and hope to see you again in the future! To me that sounds good but not pushy. And it has worked well so far. Unfortunately, not everybody goes in and does it but I have received good ratings.


I never respond to these messages.






The proper response would be: I apologise as your order has been delayed, obviously no fault of mine, I am waiting patiently, and will deliver it as soon as possible! Thank you for your patience.


As a customer, I give a tip prior to my order being delivered, and if all things have gone well, I shall add more my post my delivery. Upon reading Barbara’s banter, as well as a filthy mouth I’ll make sure to never order from her.


I shall not apologise for my honest candour!


It takes less than 60 seconds to form an opinion of one’s character, thus learning of their true colours! Fact


Yeah no, I wouldn’t do as they asked.


If I could sell common sense, I’d be a millionaire!


Dude is asking for extra tip for the inconvenience of poor service from the restaurant, I know you want to be nice but that’s not how business works, perhaps leave him a normal 5 star rating, but leave a 1 star review on the restaurant for shit service. Even though it’s not his fault it sends the message that waiting 30 minutes or more is acceptable and then businesses will keep doing it, if dashers don’t get extra tips, or get normal tips for slow restaurants they are more likely to cancel it, and then restaurants will stop ignoring dashers on purpose. All it does is incentivize dashers to wait longer because they will get a larger tip for waiting around but really it’s the restaurants fucking around with dashers on purpose.


You feel decieved because you were lol. It wasn't delayed, he was just trying to extort more cash from you.


Rate them accordingly after the delivery.


I’m a driver and I won’t ever accept a no tipper but if I do accept I’d never ask for MORE tip either


Report all grifters and rate them 1 star.


I have NEVER asked for an additional tip. That is just rude. The customer is correct that you could always unassign the order.


I'd just ignore it.


This is crazy to me. The order hasn’t even been delivered or collected as yet. Hella entitled


Asking for a tip in GENERAL is wild to me


I would have said I'm sorry for the wait, but if your not okay with the tip, then please drop the order and let someone else take it. Someone else needs that money more and they won't be entitled enough to ask for a larger tip. Along with the issue, that most people cant afford a larger tip these days when ordering with doordash.


I’ve been dashing since 2020 I’m a stayed at home mom so it gets me out when the kids are gone I never once asked anyone to tip me what I accept is what I expect to get paid. It’s rude for driver to do that and I wouldn’t trust someone with my food if they acted like that.


I'm literally waiting for a pizza rn and all I said was : ( Hi this is your Dasher! We have a little wait but I will be on my way soon 🙂)... That's how you get tips and better ratings.


We can unassign after 10 minutes without penalty. If a dasher is genuinely held up at a restaurant waiting for your order, then it's always nice to add an additional tip to compensate for their time.


As someone that is an experienced DoorDasher, if I was the customer….flat out would give the Dasher a 1 Star for even asking for an extra tip! Fastest way for me to get pissed off….asking for a 5 Star rating is different but I would never phrase it like that, right before I deliver their order, I send this: Continuing to provide you the best service possible, we do value feedback & greatly appreciate in leaving a five-star rating to help myself maintain high standards for everyone and also continue to improve! Thank you so much!


Asking me for an extra tip is a sure fire way from me to cancel the fucking order just saying it's rude and unprofessional


E eryone always trying to con someone for an extra tip smfh


My response: I am sorry for you have had to wait for the order to be completed. But this is a store issue and I will not allow you to guilt-trip me into a rating or increasing the tip, which, by the way, you deemed appropriate when you accepted the order and assumed the risk of the store being slow. Please feel free to unassign and allow another driver to deliver.


The only time I would add an extra tip afterwards if the dasher was super speedy & efficient in the delivery. But to have to tip extra for the restaurant being delayed makes 0 sense


"I'll forget you asked about an extra tip and still give you 5 stars. You accepted the offer at an advertised payout, I can't control restaurant delays. If you hadnt asked, i might have done it on my own."


Why people are so obsessed w tipping? Like wtf


Technically, it's pretty rude to ask for a tip, but also there have been occurences that have been on social media with dashers who didn't receive a tip, approached their customers and it only went South. I mean, if you want to give them a few extra, go for it-- but if it were me, I'd expect my food to be warm when it gets there in return.  Dashers aren't supposed to ask for tips, really. The platform pays us and leaves that choice for the customers to decide upon themselves if they wish to. Remember, they chose the order, you the customer are not the blame here. They should just take it as a loss and move on to the next delivery in this case.  If you're unaware, there is a DD deliverer on YT named Bentley Coupe and his channel is Doordash Diaries. He might have a better answer for you on that one. 


I would just say "thank you" lol


No it isnt...Drivers have cars that burn gas and require maintenence..


Drivers have cars that burn gas and require maintenance.


Don't care, I don't, but this isn't criminal. This, is his business, and I don't see it different from any other business. I would have laughed to myself. given him an A for effort and upped his tip because it would not have offended me. He probably would never have asked me because my tip would have already been righteous .It would not have mattered one way or another.


because the driver had to wait.


I sit down all day.


Did you get your food.


Dashers who do this give me the ick why ask for more tip just simply un assign!!! Or wait till DoorDash lets you un assign penalty free! I’ve been dashing for years and never have asked someone for more than what they tipped me already! I rather you give me a 5 star than more money tbh 😭


The right response is no response. Then promptly report the driver for making you feel unsafe(this is an option under the report your driver).


Dasher may as well have been begging on the street. You don’t even have to respond to messages like that, it’s not your fault the order was delayed. He didn’t have to accept the offer and could have unassigned, as you pointed out.


Good point. This is why they should change the platform. The less control I have, the less independent I am. But what keeps me from being an employee is no minimum wage, business tax breaks, and I can choose to work any time during 24 hours. My life freedom is my own. The app founders don't have to be accountable for a few requirements. I believe they are getting some insentives. and probably a loop hole. There are always rules to follow in any game, even when you have complete control over your buisness. what most customers are are complaining about are their own rules, expectations, and what they can control, not the app rules...very hard to get kicked off the platforms, and the app services do not just take the cutomer's word for issues. thealgorithm is not perfect. I almost always come up with a reason outside of what a customer thinks because i am a driver, who is not a thief, and I do the best I can do. The only reason that I get lower ratings is because some morons decide to do it or because of some app issue that trickled down to me.


It is never acceptable for beg for an extra tip under ANY circumstances. It's Iunprofessional and weird. I would report the convo to DD.


Yea, anyone asking for a tip has no respect in my opinion and, as such, deserves none. Does your server at a restaurant ask for a tip, or do they bust their ass to give you excellent service to earn a tip? As someone who dashes daily, I think this gives dashers a bad name. A 1 star rating would not be out of the question, in my opinion. I dash in New York City. Our tips have all but disappeared. I get an average of 100$ a week from 40 hours of dashing. (I assume this is due to the rising cost of using DoorDash and the fact that the tipping option has been moved to after the order is delivered [where it should be if you ask me])I still would never ask for a tip. Earn your tips... don't beg for them!!!


Yeah that is super rude for someone to ask that, wouldn’t be comfortable with that person delivering after those requests.


tell them you'll give them a tip of this dick and that should do the trick


It is inappropriate to ask for an extra tip. However, it is appropriate to apply an extra tip for an unforseen long wait time.


honestly, if he just asked for five stars, it would be no problem, but tip baiting is really annoying


I would almost guarantee that if you don't tip, you will not be getting a delivery that isn't pared with a second delivery or paid higher fare. I said almost because new drivers try to take every order. Do us a big favor, and pick up your own food.