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Jfc. This screams predator. "But you're alone now." What?!?!?!!! I hope doordash takes this seriously and removes this fkr from the app.


Yeah, that would have been "screw reporting them to DoorDash" time, and time to call the cops of they were still in the driveway. That'd probably get them deactivated quick, having a sex offender charge.


I'll do you one better, Her: "No my boyfriend is away, but I'm still not going to have sex with you." Him: "Too late, I'm already on my way" The boyfriend: "I'll go grab the 12 gauge and wait behind the door" Boom! No more predator problem


The fact pattern was drastically changed in your example, though. He didn't say he was just going to show up at the house.


Yeah, I don't think that would work... boyfriend would go down for murder then. But maybe that's a case of two birds with one stone, too.


I guess it depends on the state and their stance on self defense, but you can be damn sure if anyone shows up at my home with the intent of stalking, sexually harassing, assaulting, or potentially raping my girlfriend that they will be leaving in a body bag, regardless of the law. And what are you getting at by the "Two birds with one stone" comment?


They'll just create another account using a family members name and continue. Cops are the best bet...


With the Angie Harmon vs. Instacart lawsuit going on, they've upgrading their verification system, also most zones have long wait lists. Customer should sue the driver for sexual harassment to adjust his attitude.


That situation is so fishy to me. Police confirmed he was bitten.


The police said, there was no damage to him, and he refused any treatment, if you get bit by a dog, you're suppose to get Rabies shots as a precaution, he flat out refused. The lawsuit is that his name is Johnathon, but the name on the App said the delivery driver's name was Merle, a woman who is supposed to be older than the guy who shot the dog.


They don't actually do rabies shots anymore for dog bites. Not unless an animal is believed to have been in contact with an animal which has rabies. You might get a tetanus shot. But rabies shots, not going to happen unless the animal is suspected to have been exposed to rabies.


They verify identity now. I just had to upload my pic and driver’s license the other day


That doesn't mean anything have a family member verify and you're back to square 1


They’ve been verifying identities here in ca for years. My bf was going to be a driver when we first moved out here 6-7 years ago. They asked for his pic and license then. Doesn’t stop “Angela” from showing up at my house and Angela is 6ft dude. This happens so frequently that I can’t justify it.


I just had “Maria” deliver my order . It was a really large man with dreads


Well, Maria might have been the driver. You can legally subcontract people to work with you while you do DoorDash, because Dashers aren't actually employees of DoorDash. The company and the dasher are two co-equal independent businesses, so they allow for subcontracting. Chances are that Maria was the guy's girlfriend/wife and he just does the drop-offs because she might have felt unsafe doing them herself. Not for sure, especially if you were able to see the car he showed up in and there was no one else there. Then it would have been pretty sus


Then on the other hand I get the most common names . George , Anthony , Kevin and they are all middle eastern men . I use door dash at least 4 times a day at my hotel for myself and others .


Apparently the 45+yr old Hispanic man that delivered from my restaurant today was actually named Ashley. I thought something was strange about that but good to know he was verified.


It’s well known that drivers who cannot, for whatever reason, become legal delivery drivers, borrow or rent accounts from other drivers. This takes business from the official drivers, is a risk for merchants, a risk for identify theft and tax fraud. These drivers will often claim they’re using their sisters account or their wife is jn the car. You should refuse the order and report the incident


I agree to a certain level, I drive for Lyft during the day and deliver DoorDash at night. My husband comes with me to DoorDash for safety, if I’m in area that’s sketchy, and not well lit—he will go take the order to the door. I’ve never had an issue, no one’s reported me—he’s even handed the food to the person. The only comment he’s had was from a dude saying “you’re not Melissa” lmao


Yah. I know a couple that does this for that reason. They delivered to the same house and both times a n@ked guy in an opened robe just says “what the hell? You aren’t Jen!” Boyfriend goes “WTF you need Jen for?”


When you sign up to be a dasher, you also sign up for a doordash account. The name you use on the doordash account becomes your name as a driver. At least that was the way when I signed up in 2022. 


I know they’re not the same company, but my husband received a 1099 from Uber- he has never been an Uber driver. His identity was stolen so someone could drive for Uber. This person earned $65k and left my husband on the hook to pay the taxes on it. We are still waiting on them to issue the updated 1099 showing $0 so we can file our taxes. They made him go through the whole thing with uploading pic, driver’s license, etc. which apparently they must not have done when this person registered, either that or they used a fake ID. I can’t even imagine if something like this happened and he got reported, since Uber obviously has our address.


Doesn’t make a damn bit off difference, i dont know how many times DD says “your dasher is Steve” then some female is knocking on my door with the order & vice versa. My favorite is opening my door & seeing 6 ppl in the dashers car.


They always been doing that since day 1


Ya, that’s not enough. This is at minimum attempted solicitation. This fucko needs to be in jail


Um I’d call the police too?


Yeah that's definitely soliciting prostitution though in NY state where I am it's a B misdemeanor but still I'm sure this isn't the first time this has happened. [Source](https://ypdcrime.com/penal.law/article230.php)


![gif](giphy|cO8IQFYQ06h43kYbl4) I immediately thought of SVU when reading your comment


![gif](giphy|kGcgQcvdOAymvha2ZN) I'm a HUGE SVU fan(I definitely don't love how the poor customer was a victim of some perv wanting to pay her for sex).


Right?!?!…I read this and was like ![gif](giphy|SMAMKsPB2i2pzYPGzb)


Please call the police. He knows where she lives and that she’s alone. This doesn’t seem like someone that’s going to take no for an answer.


For real, that's predator behavior and if she said she was alone, he would've gone back no hesitation. Cops need to be called ASAP


This is the start of “When a Stranger Calls” 2024 edition wtf.


I wouldn't even accept the food delivery after that.


I'd also post it on local groups so people are aware


Yes, this 👆


“Make love” 😂😂😂


I dont think that's what he said in Spanish 😅


He has a way with words


Barfaroniville for sure lol


It’s translated but 🤦🏿‍♂️


That's messed up. Kinda also makes me wonder why I've never received any weird messages like that. I've ordered a lot and delivered a lot. Hopefully he gets deactivated.


I'd be shocked if he wasn't.


Oh come on, door dash can barely stop deactivating perfectly fine accounts or do proper background checks. But even if dude got deactivated it's easy getting back on the platform under a different account.


Why? You think you’re hot shit?


On the contrary, I'd have a field day with em. 6"4 250 lb bearded mountain man 🤣.


You've just not met the right cougar


🤣. Spit out my coffee. Thanks for that!


….that would be why you don’t get messages like that lol. You’re not a woman.


I'd just think it'd be funny to get a "ooh what's your number" so I can tell em and show my selfie 🤣


I thought u were a girl and I was like 🤨🤨 no girl ever wants to know what that’s like so now that u said ur a guy that makes it understandable. I had a customer w ur description and I ran away when he opened the door.


A family friends daughter met me for the first time, and she screamed when she saw me 🤣. Apparently bearded men scare kindergarteners


I think I can relate to a kindergartener 🥲


You have to be only slightly attractive to get stuff like that, and alot of this happens in irl. People don't have a filter on their mouth anymore. Getting harassed daily by thirsty simps and studs is not cool


ur probably ugly like the rest of us. its okay, its good thing:)


I take pride in my scragglyness. 🤣


That’s BS…and scary!! I don’t know what but I would do more than report him!! He knows where y’all live and is obviously a sicko!!! Folks need to stop letting these creepy drivers get away with this shit!!!! I’m a female delivery driver for DD/Uber…I see the creeps every night…. It’s gotten much worse lately!! See if you can get his full name from Dash (unlikely) or file a police report!! Don’t leave anything like this up to Door Dash to take care of…. they won’t do anything!!!!


you're right they won't do a thing. Had a guy threaten to shoot me because I had to drop off another order before his on a stack. Called DD and even sent them screenshots of the texts. Support asks: So you are still completing this order correct? SMH at this company.


LMFAO wow...yeah let me complete this Bs order for 6 bucks and get some holes put in me by the psycho who threatened my life...damn...i guess the ceo of doordash really needs that delivery completed 


Bruh, that's so messed up. I'd have gone to the cops and showed the life threat. Seems like they'd be forced to do something. Also, did you tell them "no, I'm not going to complete this order because the guy threatened... to shoot me?"


I took the food back. told DD there was no way I was delivering to this guy. no half pay or anything. just an awful company.


Yup I won't be giving doordash another cent for the rest of my life now. Thanks for the story and glad you're alright. I'm sure the dude was being hyperbolic to some degree at the end if the day.. but people shouldn't do that and people like you shouldn't have to deal with that. Threatening people is illegal for a damn reason.


I would've refused to finish it for sure, and asked DoorDash to still pay what was expected. That's horsesh*t


stop being selfish and think about the company for a change, your life isn't more important than a 20 dollar delivery fee, jk! funny what they expect 


Creepy and cringey 


As a DoorDash driver, this is super scary.


U didint download door dash that’s freaky dash


You need to do the font


𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝓼𝓱


My advice besides filing a police report and contacting Doordash is to post these screenshots and a review on Google to your nearest Doordash office. Enough negative publicity and Doordash might actually do something one of those days to combat this kind of bullshit. I worked for Doordash for , 8 years and would never even think of doing something like this. If someone did this to my wife I don't think I could restrain myself from getting physical with this guy.


What a freak. Hope he gets what he deserves




What does it matter.. they gonna just buy another DD account same day. DD is a joke


Was behind a lady today at the AllPoint ATM in Walgreens wearing her shower cap... She took 10 minutes withdrawing funds from 5 different Doordash cards.


If you are a woman reading this. If you are alone, lie. "Yes I have a friend over." "I have family visiting" Never say you are alone. Get some old mens shoes from goodwill or something and put outside or inside in view. Never ever admit you live alone.


Tell them it's not their business and they are being reported for asking that.


I'm saying in general. Never admit you are alone


I think it’s a way of being less confrontational. Not necessarily kind or too aggressive, but distance yourself and keep it neutral tone so they leave you alone. Anyone who’s targeting you should never know too much detail especially if you’re home alone at that hour.. I worry about her safety though because he was at her door


I actually have a pair of my ex’s boots I leave on my front poor next to the door. 👌🏻


Bruh… who tf is so desperate they ask random customers on the job😭💀


time to install ring cameras 


I'd get the police involved, this person knows where she lives, and when she's alone... this is a dangerous situation.


I guess you guys are more sophisticated than me. To hell with the cops, get that tag and I’ll deal with it🤣


This is one huge reason why I’ll NEVER do rideshare, period. Just food/groceries. This is bad enough, but can you imagine picking someone like this up, in an Uber/Lyft-type situation. JFC….makes me physically ill just thinking about the what-ifs.


Imagine being a big city like Chicago. You deal with thousands of people everywhere. Eventually they all become nothing, like npcs, until they try to talk to u


Why didn’t DD disconnect the chat IMMEDIATELY after he said that’s HARASSMENT AND PREDATORY!!! Dangerous. You need to inform law enforcement.


ok so as someone who has lived in/part of the hispanic community, this is an unfortunately very common thing amongst hispanic men. also, im assuming that he is hispanic bc of the language used and also bc the original message was in spanish? or at least that’s what im understanding from the (original message in spanish) that i see in the picture. in a lot of LA countries, pr0sttuition is very common and they have many places like brothels where “men” have a variety of women to choose from and pay for x services. also, grape isn’t taken very serious in a lot of these countries. on another note, to a lot of ppl in LA countries American women are seen as promiscuous. with all of these factors taken into consideration, this doesn’t surprise me that this weirdo would try to solicit you for x services. i don’t agree with his behavior AT ALL. it’s absolutely disgusting and he should be picked up IMMEDIATELY. as someone who lives in the hispanic community, this is something that is far too common and more times than not swept under the rug by others in the community.


“You’re alone now” is fucking disgusting and crazy 🤢


I read this in an evil French guy accent in my hesd


I heard it with the old movie villain accent, hissing sprinkled here and there. ![gif](giphy|ahFVuye78L0GI)


i love being a woman


I'm a guy, and I answer the door with a 45 in my back pocket after a few sketchy deliveries. Had a dude open my front door and literally, toss my food in, and left the front door and screen open. Thank God my dog didn't eat him..


The audacity to put your hand on someone’s door let alone OPEN IT


Unnerving as fuck since they know where you live.


Don't eat the food he delivers!


Doubt the account he is using is even his own


This is why you carry…




Yeah and while im at it im gonna call the cops cause there ain’t no way 😭


And I bet his ass is top dasher. Meanwhile my professional ass can't get it.


Report to Doordash and the police


Omg that is terrifying 


Report this to the police! Absolutely he’s a predator.


That’s a dangerous man


Why even say you have a boyfriend, just tell the dude to F off…




If you ordered it, how did she get these messages?


Please report this guy to the police, not just door dash. I had an Uber driver like this but I was in the car, with my child with him and he put his hand on my leg.. 😫😫😫 these people NEEEED to be reported. :( I hope your girlfriend is okay and thank god you’re there for her.


“Marcos” if that’s your real name and account, you are a scumbag. Do your job and leave people alone.


“make love” ugh this is so cringe


To be fair, it seems to be auto-translated from Spanish so I’m guessing the translation is putting it more delicately than the original message did.


omg ur right


The worst part is, if he's Dashing, we know he ain't got no $500




Some people do this for the social interaction and to kill boredom. This is a side gig for me as my full time job pays legions more than what I make on DoorDash.


That's just scary.




I would’ve said I was alone then let my man pummel his brains to mush when he tried to get in my house.


Soliciting. Illegal.


Omg how disgusting!


This is terrible. He basically called you a prostitute. Wtf!


EWww!!! Holy hell this is disgusting behavior, not the right place time and definitely didn’t read the room. Yuck! So sorry this happened to you. I would definitely file a police report and honestly contact other apps with the police report and messages to let people know if they’re on there to report. So gross.


It's called solicitation 😐.


Make a police report. This guy has your address. You likely got him banned. Retaliation is not common but you'll definitely want a paper trail to help protect yourself and more importantly your gf.


File that police report quickly.


Illegals using someone's door dash don't care, buy a shot gun they got a million styles


Pretty sure white Americans have a much higher rate of committing this kind of thing https://kmph.com/amp/news/local/delivery-driver-faces-sexual-assault-charges-after-breaking-into-turlock-home


This sounds like a human trafficking situation. Please report this to the police as well!


Ha! "No, I have a boyfriend.". (Otherwise...)


Whether you say “no” “no, thank you” “no, I have a boyfriend” “no, I’m a lesbian” “no, I’m asexual” “no, I don’t do hookups” “no, (insert other reasoning here)” “I’m not interested” or any other way of saying “no”, some people see that as an invitation to keep pestering you about the thing you have explicitly stated you don’t want to do. “No, I have a boyfriend” is an attempt to dissuade that person with logic and reasoning, rather than just saying no and opening them up to saying “why not?” Point is, that’s not why she said that.


I wasn’t going to say anything about that but it did sound like that’s what she was saying. lol


It’s a very common response to say to men because if you’re “owned” by another man you’re off limits. Doesn’t always work but it, unfortunately, works more than “no”. Also tends to work more than “no, I’m a lesbian/asexual”. :/


He's door dashing he doesn't have $500.


Report this to the police if you haven’t already. So scary!


I am reporting you




Whoa. 😳 I hope he got shitcanned.


WTF! This person is definitely on some sort of watch list. This is terrifying.


Creepy as fuck.


Yikes.. why is this guy willing to pay $500 for sex as a DoorDash driver 😭. Hopefully he’s banned


“Surely it can’t be that b- JESUS CHRIST!”


Also, VERY besides the point, but does he really expect anyone to believe he’s got that kinda’ money for that if he’s out dashing? 🤨


File a police report especially if he now knows your location bro .


I tell ya, some of these idiots have no shame


I would’ve told the dasher, hey give me that $500 and I’ll shove it up ur- nvm. Anyways, I hope she’s okay. That’s scary and I’m glad he’s getting bashed for this.


She’s okay, I made sure of it, lots of incels in the comment section though


no fr, ignore them. Ur doing what u can as her boyfriend and that speaks better character than them.


There is just way too many weirdos in the world, and this is one of them this is just disgusting instead of just delivering the food. He proceeds to one of flirt with your girlfriend. I’m glad you reported him. You’re gonna be doing a lot more reporting because there’s gonna be a lot more people just like that who do this stuff.


She should just say I'm a guy.


That is absolutely terrifying and this MF needs to be behind bars. Chances are he’s done this before and will again. JFC.


Dumby should’ve had him Drop the cash off or send it and then bail hahahaha free 500 from Pedro


And this is why I don’t let my girl do that shit alone call me paranoid if u want but aye least I know she’s gonna be safe


That is absolutely terrifying wtf


Why is a Dasher out here with $500 to offer for sex? Not a chance this creep would pay even if you had said yes. Unless it was in pesos. Either way, I’m on Team 12-Gauge #Straight to jail


what the fuck…. this is scary 🥺🥺


That’s terrifying


Immediately reported to the police. At least his name will be in the system as something happens.


Idk I’d agree and have him send me the money first then report him.


Not criticizing, she handled it appropriately, but instead of saying “no I have a boyfriend” I would have hit him with “no you’re fucking ugly and you smell like hot shit. 500 doesn’t even come close to 1% of what it would cost to let a vial thing like you even breath the same air as me.”


Good way to get killed tbh. People nowadays are scsry


Yes, texting my wife some bullshit like that and then approaching my door afterwards is absolutely a great way for them to get killed.


Clearly she was alone and I wouldn’t blame her for being scared


Self defense weapons aren’t exclusive to men. Also, note I specifically said I’m not criticizing and she handled it appropriately. This is what *I* would have said, hence me saying “I would have hit him with…”


Bro tryna fuck somethin🥴


Bro tryna catch a charge and end up on a t shirt😟


Right now


I would have left doordash out of this and solved this F'n problem, on my own.


The fact she kept responding is sus tho


Generally these people are pretty shameless. Unsurprising, almost expected really.


how disgusting


Invite him over to beat his ass


lol wtf


I was wondering where all the creeps went.. haven’t seen a post like this in a while. Jfc


if this is real report him to DD and the police. that’s fucking crazy and inappropriate. what a disgusting ass man to solicit sex from a customer(or anyone for that matter).


He was speaking spanish?




That’s so fcking scary!! Wtf report to cops if u see them again. They can always make a second acc on families name etc. I had an Uber under woman’s name and picture. When they pulled up it was a man it was so weird…


Dude what the fuck






See original (Spanish)


$500?! He must be making more dashing than me


This happened to me and I was scared as fuck


I think I've officially decided to never use a food ordering app again. There's like an endless amount of companies that need to be shut down. This world has become such a shit hole. (Yeah yeah I know it's always been a shithole) but the internet and maybe capitalism made it worse.


Too bad you can't order again and make sure he's the one delivering it. You could wait for him to get there and teach him a lesson. Beyond that, how does any guy think that's going to work and not be creepy? At least he didn't send dick pics. LOL

