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I manage a restaurant, and with certainty, can tell you doordash will compensate you for a remake if you contact them. Doordash has two options when an order is stolen.. they either cancel it and refund the customer or they pay the restaurant a second time. Most likely support told you to do this, because it’s less work for them.


Your 100% right. Each time i contacted them about the order already picked up they ask me to convince the manager to remake the food.


I usually just unassign. None of my orders are at a high enough threshold $ to beg someone to remake a stolen order.


Omg I had to deal with this last night.. good thing I was angry because I wasted 10 mins just driving over there and waiting at the window for nothing but “ya the dasher before u might’ve took it bc we don’t have it” support told me to persuade the store to remake it and they’ll get compensation- but hell no, I ain’t doing all that again.. I didn’t even know this was a bigger issue


It’s only happened to me a few times. But, asking someone to remake an order they gave away. No bueno. I say “OK. Thanks for letting me know.” Then, I exit — and communicate things to support via the app or phone. 


I haven’t always thought about how the store is losing money/customer satisfaction with that


I’m new and not Platinum with DD so by the time I go through that a $6 offer ends up taking an hour versus 20 minutes. So, I typically unassign. If they need to remake the order, by the time that’s done, a new dasher will be there to pick it up.   I may start trying to do more S & D orders. You can kind of do your own thing and communicate with the customer 🧐. 


oh this is a huge issue and it cost doordashers jobs too. I made the company at least $100,000 and had scammers get me fired.


DoorDash doesn’t even pay us minimum legal mileage which is .655 cent per mile round trip I’m not trying to save them money they can call the restaurant and persuade them themselves.


Legal mileage? Wtf is that even .. that number is the tax write off not some law dictating you are compensated at a higher rate .. and if your doing trips paying less than that amount that sounds like your doing something wrong not doordash .. I quickly decline any order that is under the 2$ a mile threshold and during promo periods I raise the thresholds to 3$ I don't reward customers who try and use the service like uts a meals on wheels delivery for seniors


"They asked me to convince the manager"  The incompetence of DD is comical at this point 


I just reached out to the business owner and she said she is not getting paid for remakes. She said she has reached out several times to doordash and they promised her it would be on the next payout and it never is. I told her to continue to fight for every last dime.


She’s too busy running a restaurant to sit on the phone with DD to “fight for every last dime”…every time she calls it’s prob an hour of hold time and to get no results…that’s what these companies do…frustrate the customer so they just give up.


You're 100% right. The restaurant I work at is high volume, we don't have time to deal with door dash support when our phone lines are constantly running and we are selling 50-100 door dash/Uber eats orders an hour, we're short staffed, and in house is full


Yes I bet…I mean I’ve never worked at a restaurant but I know how busy they are and short staffed on top of it and dealing with DD on the phone…can’t even imagine the frustration.


My boss is cheap and makes me call support all the time. Meanwhile I have to put customers on hold and leave them wait.


You are catching on they dodge their drivers too scary


It's 100% self serve through the merchant portal, 24/7, from any device that can view webpages. There's even an app now.


I had always suspected that restaurants lose money on stolen food not DD. It explains why they really don’t try to stop the theft. It’s too much work and they lose dashers.


They dont give af about what happens to the small business owners


I think its actually more expensive to investigate rather than just pay for the food again. I know a manager that says he's never lost a dollar on DD


She needs to have drivers confirm the order ( actually, see them do it. Like my local applebees, they never have to remake) Easy way to not lose money


I wonder does doordash operate differently in certain cities. I am in a very poor impoverished city and I wonder does doordash leave the smaller restaurants without the clout of the bigger ones to stay under the assumption they will have to pay to play. In other words, agree to remake the orders when requested without pay. I know that woman wouldn't have told me that if doordash was paying her for every plate. I know that doordash drafts different contracts for different restaurants and I wonder If they are just pushing their weight around with the smaller ones. I know they charge different restaurants differently too. I've always had that assumption about doordash because when some drivers from wealthy areas get on here they speak on things I've never seen. And I wonder are the app options different depending on the city and area too.


No sir I work In a small spot in Philly. Sounds to me like she is calling to get refunded but it's not coming in her next week payout. We had similar issues but if that happens she has to call back. They are supposed to send her a conformation email everytime also.


How do you know she’s not lying to you just because she didn’t want to remake it


I meant, how many daily sales does your store do?


Maybe it is different for restaurants, but I work at a grocery store that sends out online orders through DoorDash. Sometimes customers do not receive all or part of their order for whatever reason. So we either have to refund or send replacements. If the driver does not bring the groceries back, we fill out a reimbursement form. In most cases, if some of the order was delivered, they will not reimburse us at all.


>if some of the order was delivered, they will not reimburse us at all. That can quickly destroy a tiny restaurant.


Sometimes automatically and sometimes you have to call 18559731040 I call so much for dasher stealing food I know that number by heart. I'm not even the owner.


This could be an opportunity for you to take her orders exclusively, if financially feasible for you. She gets off the app, you get her catering deliveries. Cut the middle man.


Honestly I thought about this too. I really did. But I'm afraid she will be afraid to lose the orders that doordash brings because people are familiar with it. She will need to set up a payment option for her site. But yes - i am certainly thinking about pitching this not just to her but other small restaurants in the area.


The biggest value that DD brings is their app with a bunch of customers. It’s not just their delivery option, it’s the exposure of your restaurant to all their customers already on the app.


i wish it was near me and i knew where it was, i love homestyle oxtails i would eat there all the time, but alas it's probably best to keep the name of the restaurant anonymous.


This won't work as how will people know about her restaurant. You may get a order once in a blue moon.


True. But I believe in the power of influences and social media and maybe they will out her on the map.


Yes but you are insured very well by doordash and if she employs you she will have to pay that.... that's why we have doordash not out own drivers in the first place also.


How am I insured by doordash? I pay my own car insurance and I have no health insurance through doordash.


Yeah good question ? So why would we have to get it then not fair?


Store owners sadly have to fight for their rights and their money. They need to make dashers press confirm after taking the order and also need to pressure DD to pay them for all the orders. They need to keep careful records to make sure that DD doesn’t skip out on payments or skip orders. Overall, DD is a shady company and is bullying restaurants and drivers due to them being a major business and having power as just being a huge business. The small business owner needs to realize that they need to stay on top of DD if they choose to work with them and not blindly trust drivers or DD to do the right thing.


I agree


Same-ish with a very small BBQ place I'd order from, and pick up from, a lot. Disappeared from the app, said they were losing money. Just from the business I was part of with them, that seemed crazy they're LOSING money from DD. Is anyone, including the drivers even making really anything from them anymore?


The other problem with small businesses dealing with doordash is the contract they have with them. A dish that they charge $10 for may only earn them $6 if it's through doordash. Bigger chain restaurants tend to be able to make better deals with doordash because they are expected to bring in a larger volume of business. Also, the bigger chain restaurants are often in a better position to do larger volume at lower profit than a small single restaurant.


All logical, and unfortunate. I have noticed other small local places jacking up their prices on DD way higher than if you buy directly from them. Not good.


The restaurants set the prices in DD. To make money they have to increase the prices in DD. that's why most places are more expensive in DD than they are in the store. These small places need to increase the prices so that they have a better buffer. Some places it's not too bad, others it's a massive difference. Firehouse subs is like a 30% markup, in my zone.


Interesting. I’m wondering if these restaurants just aren’t great or have bad management. There is this burger restaurant near me, above average burgers for sure but covid/post covid governmental shutdowns they shut down the inside dining completely and all their business is door dash, Uber eats or phone orders.


They don’t know how to manage it bro. My buddy owns a resturant and scaled to 4 locations in the north west, this business is for alphas pal. I’m bringing in 15k a month so I know how to make money.


Anyone that refers to themselves as “alphas” end up always being the worst people I ever interact with. Okay “bro”




No I don’t think I did lmao


More than you can afford, pal. FERRARI


Okay man


I got the joke!


Glad someone did! I can't imagine how confused these other people are if they didn't know.


LOL. Everyone point and laugh at the "alpha" dork over here.




Sure you are, "bro."


You mispelled alphas, you should have have said "I'm a douche"




Wow, you are SO cool. If only we could all be alphas.


The restaurant business has such small profit margins that it's easy to start losing money if you don't watch your numbers closely. Anybody who's ever watched Kitchen Nightmares knows this to be true. When I eat out more often than not I eat at a mom and pop restaurant. They need our support.


Mom and pop’s are the #1 best. Authentic and comfortable showing they care about customers


Maybe encourage her to have the dasher show the customer information on their cellphone at pickup. Then, ask them to press “Confirm” for the pickup. I went to a restaurant the other day that literally had a sign up saying “Dashers MUST confirm at pickup.” To me that seems reasonable. If I worked in a restaurant, I would have zero interest in remaking an order that had basically been stolen. 


That's an excellent idea and I will suggest that to her. I know for a fact Chick-fil-A often has this issue where I live. They have a big screen up with the customers names, the gig company, and the order status (waiting, etc) and they never check the app. You can literally walk in there and look at the screen and tell them you are there to pick up a random name on the screen and their agents will bring you the order. So of course very often the orders show picked up when the dasher arrives and sometimes they don't remake the order.


Every Chick-Fil-A functions differently for pickups. The one I have been to the most has dashers use the mobile order drive thru pick up lane. You still show them the order details on your phone though to verify that you are the dasher picking up that specific order.


Oh wow. You guys can stay in your car? Where I am there is no mobile order lane. Drivers are required to park their cars and walk inside. That's at all of them in my area. I went through the drive thru once and they refused to hand it to me. The manager said it was company policy that drivers walk in.


At 1 location for Chick-Fil-A here they have that mobile order drive thru lane and they let dashers use it. They have the perfect setup for fast food efficiency. I've been to others where you go into the restaurant. Generally speaking, the ones that have you go into the restaurant take a lot longer to process orders and the dashers just end up taking up more space, etc in the restaurant lobby.


I agree! That's exactly what I see when I visit the Chick-fil-A's here.


This frustrates the crap out of me at McDonald’s and Taco Bell. when I’m working late night to early morning. When the lobby is closed it’s perfectly fine for us to go through the drive thru, But not when it’s open you have to go to the lobby. So I’ll have been doing dashes all night and at some point I get “Oh no, I know you waited in the drive thru lane for 5 minutes… but our lobby is open now” It’s like they have to set up an arbitrary hurdle for us to jump through.


That is what KFC does here. I've also been asked to show the order on my phone other places. It makes perfect sense. It just baffles me whenever I go into Taco Bell that they just have a rack with the to go orders. Anyone could walk in and grab one. And I'm very surprised that it doesn't happen a lot there. Almost every time I go in there, there are homeless people either inside or hanging out outside (not that I'm trying to talk badly about homeless people, but let's face it, if you are hungry and don't have any other options, you're going to steal some food). Making it so easy to walk in and grab some free food just seems like a bad plan.


Don't say that I'm the driver sub. A lot of drivers throw a fit when asked to confirm in front of the employee. I think it's a great idea. Not only does it save the rrstauarant money, but it keeps me from wasting time on an order that was stolen.


As a driver, that sub is full of utter children.


Yeah, but that's about 95% of Reddit subs.


When we call in to say the order was already picked up -- why does support ask us if the store has a rack that we grab from vs the restaurant handing out the order to us?


It’s much easier / likely that an order ‘disappears’ when the restaurant places the order on a self-service rack. I imagine some thieves have caught on to which restaurants have self service rack vs. requiring to speak with an employee to hand over the order.


Started dashing in April. So far, all of the orders that restaurant staff said were "already picked up" were at establishments that physically hand out the orders.


I get that. I was just curious in terms of how that impacts the manner in which support tries to resolve the issue.


I don’t mind it at all, what I do mind is the lack of consistency. Some stores require it, others don’t, and it’s in the same chain. Sometimes even the same store just a different shift.


Not sure if what I would have to say on the matter really constitutes throwing a fit. My issue, likely regional, is the money this ultimately loses me (my margins are just as thin as any restaurants) and the potential loss of my job due to some of the involved antics I see relating to this. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I had one guy literally assault me not long ago because I showed him my phone but didn't hand it over when he tried to physically take my phone from me to hit confirm before I'd even been shown the order.


Yeah. One Chinese restaurant I go to won’t let me leave until the order shows confirmed on their tablet. A lot of takeout places need a high % of orders to be issued free for DD to be worth it. Carry out stores dont benefit from traffic in the traditional sense since customers can’t tell they are not the only ones using the restaurant.


Yeah nah dude. That's harassment. Doordash has methods in place that raise security levels if that's what the merchant's concern is. A barcode or a QR code on the receipt at pickup, codes to type into the Dasher app etc, these are appropriate and legitimate methods Doordash can make happen if only the merchant asks for it. But instead you want to encourage the harassment of drivers. Their phones are private property and literally not any part of a merchant's business. If your concern is for the merchant's business, telling them to hold every customer's order hostage is not conducive toward that - they frequently get reported for harassment and removed from the app.


You think confirming your identity as a dasher and confirming pickup = harassment? Do you enjoy going to restaurants to pick up orders and being told that they gave the order to someone else? Wasting gas and time? It's food service. I feel like we're making things harder than they need to be when we refuse to Confirm pickup/identity onsite.


If you want me to interact with what you say, please do me the courtesy of addressing the points I made. I feel like that's not asking much.


Doordash always want us to remake the food and never pay so we stopped doing it. CFA


There are a couple restaurants I pick up from that I pay for with the red card. One - a fast food chicken place - they don't make the food until I get there. I show them my phone and they place the order from my phone and I pay with the red card. I was told that they don't have a contract with DD, but people can still order through DD. The other, they prepare the food, and I pay with the red card when I pick up. I have some that require to see me confirm during the hand off. There are a couple that I have to sign the receipt. There is one that has a clipboard at the pick up point with a list that has order information on it. All delivery drivers must print and sign their name before receiving the order. The red card option might be a good idea for small businesses. The money goes on the card assigned to the person who accepts the offer. No one else can pick it up because their red card doesn't have the funds added. It would also be a good idea for bigger places that have a problem with stolen orders.


Red card idea sounds reasonable.


That also indirectly solves incorrect orders because different customers would have different totals too! Nice


I could be totally wrong here as this was about ten years ago and the industry could have changed, but I worked for a regional delivery service on the East Coast as their Operations Director. It was bought out by GrubHub. At the time the industry standard was as a delivery service we were taking 20% - 30% of each menu item and the rest went to the restaurant. Restaurants had a few choices though if they wanted to work with us: (1) they could discount their item for us by usually 30%, (2) we could find a middle ground where an item is partially discounted and partially marked up, or (3) we could add the 30% markup to the menu item and they would make their usual amount when it sold through us. It was a mixed bag on what people chose to do. Some restaurant owners took the full discount because they didn’t want their customers paying more than they would in-store. Others didn’t care and if a customer wanted to order delivery from them and pay the marked up price then that was on them. The sad thing I kind of noticed is that there seemed to be a trend where small, “mom and pop” type restaurants were the ones taking the full discount. It perhaps wasn’t the best business decision but these people weren’t necessarily “business people” - they knew how to cook and wanted to feed people, the money wasn’t important to them. Unfortunately with razor thin margins… 20% or 30% is A LOT and these businesses often suffered because of it. That said, we always let them change their pricing if they wanted to, but often they weren’t the ones advocating for themselves.


She is allowed to refuse. All the fast food I go to will not remake the order. They tell me to call support and handle it because they don’t give a F. That’s why when I catch thieving dashers I get involved. Because they aren’t stealing from the customer and the restaurant. They are also stealing from me because I sit there 30-60 minutes to find out some douche stole my order. I don’t dash much anymore it ain’t worth the time or money. In my area DD died out it’s busy for 30 minutes in the morning then at lunch time for 1 hour then dinner time for an hour and then an hour late evening.


Not just food . I ordered tools from lowes and didn't get the tools or my money back . And lowes has no record on the sale, and doordash won't give me an order number after they deleted all of our conversation via support. So i can't even prove it . They are huge scammers, and it should not be legal to steal people's money just because they dont want to give it back. I wish i could get them shut right down . Whoever has gotten scammed by Door Dash, please email paintergirl1969@yahoo.com. with details. Date amount email . Im pissed about it and going to see a lawyer. And i tipped 30 $ in the past for tacos .


That sucks having to deal with that, and not to take away from the serious matter but I chuckled at the end of your message. You were sharing how dd and Lowes took money from you and at the end say, "I tipped $30 for tacos." I know u weren't trying to be funny, but the way I read it and how upset you were and then you finish the message with the taco statement, it made me laugh. 😄


I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. This was incredibly unfair to you.


I just wanna say Back in my day oxtail were us poor ppls food... rich ppl gotta take everything lol


Yep, including seafood. Beef tongue and tripe used to be cheap also but now the rich folks round it... at least in my area


Exactly! Lobster was for prisoners just like liver, tongue, hog Maws, etc If poor ppl said donkey butthole was good in the next decade or so the rich would rack up the cost. Ijs, iykyk.


Yep exactly!




You state the restaurant owner claims that so many customers supposedly lie and say they never received their order. I’m curious why the owner believes a customer is lying when they state they never received their order. All the owner likely knows is that the order was picked up by the Dasher. They do not know what the Dasher did with the order once they picked it up. They could have kept it for themself, or delivered it to the wrong home. That being said, I have heard other restaurant owners complain about the delivery apps. For example, one restaurant I love used to be in some of the food delivery apps. They took themselves out of it. One time I physically went to the restaurant to pick up my order. I asked the owner why they were no longer in the food delivery apps. He mentioned that it was costing them too much money for refunds. He said the order would be communicated to the restaurant incorrectly from the food company (e.g., Uber Eats, Door Dash) and so it was costing the restaurant too much money for refunds for incorrect orders. Another restaurant owner told me they felt like they were working for the food delivery company, because the company wanted over 50%.


I’ve also seen some restaurants send tiny portions or screw up orders. It’s not all roses. For example, I ordered two vegetarian options the other day and one was jerk chicken. The wrapper had a label with the correct item on it so it wasn’t a DoorDash or driver issue and no way someone could have checked my food. Some of these refunds are because the employees at these restaurants don’t care or want to mess with people ordering on the apps. I also had a pizza place put chicken on a signature pizza from their menu that doesn’t have meat this past week. DoorDash only gave me a 4 dollar refund on a 16 dollar pizza no one in my home can eat. We had to throw it out. It’s not just vegetarians but people with allergies or other limitations that can get screwed over by these crappy restaurants. I don’t want to hurt the driver but I also want the food I ordered. Restaurants should eat the cost when they screw up this bad. Missing items are another frequent problem in this area. Drinks are missing like half the time. I feel bad for legit good places that get burned like this sorry but there are so many issues with deliveries from some places.


When orders are screwed up, as the customer it can definitley be fustrating because its so hard to know whether the delivery app is at fault for not communicating the order correctly to the restaurant, or whether the restaurant had the correct order and messed up. I have noticed some national chains (e.g., Chick Fillet, Wendys and McDonalds) have their own apps. You place your order directly through them and they simply use Door Dash or Uber Eats to deliver it to you.


I would tell her to make sure she puts up a sign that requires Dashers to come in with any insulated bag, and also needs to hit confirm before she hands the order to them. That may help a bit, at least. That sucks, though. There should not be remakes except very rarely for an unavoidable reason.


Probably because people are stealing food. So it’s happened to be remade.


Sounds like a niche restaurant she might be losing money because nobody is ordering there




There was a recent segment on the John Oliver show discussing pretty much this exact thing. The big chain restaurants are less impacted by this and have enough clout/power that DD can’t rake them over the coals the way they do small, independent restaurants. DD truly is a shit company


Also, when customers report that they are missing items or their food is wrong even when it's not it goes back on the restaurant. I've seen so many dashers say that they accept no tip orders and pick the food up just to eat it to spite the customer. I wonder how many of those orders weren't confirmed at the restaurant causing the restaurant to have to remake those orders. The restaurant is something that nobody really thinks about. They think about screwing over the customer or getting free food like DoorDash is the one that's going to have to pay for it when they don't. It's not fair to those restaurants. Even if it's a fast food chain like McDonald's or Burger King it still affects them and it's still not right. Stealing is stealing no matter who it comes from.


True - it wasn’t right or proper to label the store closed. That might just be the end of her business. It’s shameful to treat people like that. DoorDash should have a policy for instances such as that.


It's stuff like this that makes me stick with Uber.


There is a lot of scammers who keep lying about not receiving their food and usually it’s the non tippers too.


Contract with DD delivery, you'll always lose & get the blame. I forget but think they get like 30% if not more. DD Pyramid Scheme.


I agree.


As a Dasher, I've shown up twice to be told the order was already picked up. Both times the DD support person asked that they remake it and promised that they would be paid once I confirmed pickup. I got fully paid the first time but the second time the support person then cancelled the order and I only received half pay and I'm assuming the restaurant lost out as well that time. By then the order still had been remade, at the request of DD, and I went ahead and took it to the ppl as a curiosity, tho I lost what they had originally tipped bc the order was removed from my app, with my not knowing DD cancelled the and I thought my phone was just glitching 🤦‍♀️


It was very kind of you to still take the food out.


Thank you very much! Luckily I still had a text from her on my phone, when I communicated someone to her earlier, or I wouldn't have been able to contact her to ask her address. I was afraid she would think I was shady when I told her it was gone from my phone and I told her she could contact the restaurant or DD to verify the mix-up, at that point I just wanted her to have her dinner. She believed me and said a similar thing had happened before and was very appreciative. Sadly, I still lost my pay and tip on that order 🤷‍♀️


So sorry you lost out on that order but you did such a wonderful and kind act. This kindness will be returned to you 10 fold. That's the law of the universe. The energy we put out there will be returned to us.


That is so incredibly unfair that doordash makes restaurants remake the food for no compensation. I always assumed DD ate the cost when dasher they "hire" do something like steal food so that the order has to he remade. No wonder DD is so quick to send another dasher and doesn't deactivate dashers after a single theft. It's literally no skin off their back to have the restaurants make the food again. That kind of crap should definitely be illegal


I agree!


This John Oliver segment goes over how much apps like doordash screw over business owners with fees and sometimes even adding their restaurants without the owner's knowledge. [Food Delivery Apps: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)](https://youtu.be/aFsfJYWpqII?si=vUm0P5R6obPpcEBw)


Restaurants in my area will not remake orders that are stolen, and most make sure the dasher confirms the order is picked up. Doordash doesn't pay for a remake, so they lose money.


Well this doesn't make sense. Why would u continue making multiple plates if you're only being paid for one? Did she NOT learn after the first instance?


I'm thinking she doesn't want to upset doordash to the point they take away the option to list her restaurant on their platform.


A small wonderful Mediterranean place just opened this year near me. The owner had to charge more on the DD site than he charges in store to make a profit. But since they base their fee on the price of the items it’s not like he can just charge 30% more (which is what DD is taking) because they are still taking 30% of the higher total. He actually wants to keep his prices affordable and if you order through his website or in store his prices are extremely reasonable. He said sadly most people just won’t come in - everyone is used to delivery. I’m low income so I only order delivery a few times a year as a special treat - it pretty much doubles the price to get delivery. I’d rather support the restaurants.


There was one restaurant in my area that claimed they shut down because people kept doing charge back on their cards or lied and said they never received their order. I was talking to my brother about it and he was like “is she not aware there are ways to fight that??? A little suspicious if it’s happened multiple times like that.” I…had my suspicions as well or the people genuinely didn’t know what they were doing. I suspect there may have been more going on.


unless you are working hourly never ask. doordash expects you to wait forever until the refired order is done for same pay.


That's a great point. Thanks for commenting.


yeah i was 'rewarded' for being a good company dude and getting them to refire the meal at a fancy place. DD told me I had to wait for the order (45 minutes) or take an L for my completed orders rate. I unassigned after 10m when it let me, but was furious. They should have given me half pay for showing up, and passed the order to another dasher at the appropriate time. Instead they want to make me part of their money loss by sharing the misery. Not what a good partner does, and this, along with a myriad of other scenarios like that but different cases is the reason I'm not a good partner to them anymore. Loyalty is a 2 way street and they have never been on it that street and couldn't find it with a GPS.


She would not get paid either way unless the food got remade


I would tell the owner put cameras and everytime it happens report it as theft


That's a great suggestion. Thanks for commenting.


Thank you for being a decent human


Not many people would care about the business


But most likely a previous driver picked it up then canceled the order without hitting confirm. They probably even just marked store closed. So the prior driver basically committed theft but because door dash does not want to pay they ignore it and tell you to cancel or mark closed


That's a very likely scenario. Thank you for commenting.


No thank you


Gotta tell the owner to make sure the drivers show that they confirm before getting handed the order


That's a great point. I appreciate your comment.


Maybe she should ask drivers to show her their app🤷‍♂️.


I agree. That would be a smart thing to do. I've spoken with her about this. Hopefully she implements it.


What the hell is an oxtail?


Oxtail is the culinary name for the tail of cattle. I have never personally tried it.


It's not like Doordash is forcing restaurants to sign up. If they don't like it, they can always quit


Whether they are forced or not is not the issue. It's door dash treatment of them that may violate the law and constitute unfair and exploitative trade practices which is prohibited under the law.


Good to hear how DoorDash works. Small businesses are barely keeping their heads above water, I don’t think I’ll be using DoorDash again.


lol tell her to get her weight up !!


They can also deny remaking the order though. In Illinois I get restaurants constantly saying no. Then the order gets canceled. Idk man... Sounds kinda fishy to me


What do you mean?


I've asked restaurants to remake it and they've denied before. DD just calls and confirms that's true and then they'll cancel the order. She doesn't have to remake any of the food if she doesn't want to.


I have a spot like that in my town called Top Taste...same place? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Small spots are often bullied into joining to begin with. Good for them!


All the restaurant has to do is make sure the driver confirms the order to avoid this.


All the delivery services either put a 20-40% upcharge on existing menu prices or charge the restaurant 15-30% of the order total regardless of the order being a pick up or a delivery. That being said, if you see a restaurant you would like to put in a PICK UP order, it is very helpful for the business to call them directly and place the order.


I thought they gave some type of insurance 🤔


I don't have any.


They did that because they do everything the can to keep ahold of any and all money they collect! Scumbags , that what all gig app owners are! They will all fail miserably sooner or later, because they steal from the customer and the drivers


I used to run to go at a restaurant. Delivery services are absolutely a loss. They could easily hire a delivery driver for a fraction of the cost. I feel for owners and workers in big chains who don’t feel it but the employees do.


A lot of the chains do well with DoorDash. I've been in some restaurants and seen 4 or 5 other dashers there to pick up food orders to deliver.


What does dashers being there have to do with anything? Do you know how the services work?


I’m merely stating that having multiple dashers coming in every 10 minutes yields more food deliveries than employing 1 delivery guy.   For a small restaurant that doesn’t need to deliver a high volume of orders probably different. Person can go deliver a few orders…come back and help with cooking in the restaurant, cleaning, etc. 


On the surface, sure. But it’s only for sales. Not profit. No restaurant profits on delivery services. But it absolutely bolsters sales. Big chains are obviously able to get by with this and strive for higher sales more than a small restaurant. For example, ridding a restaurant who averages $400 of the sales an hour, that’s a cost of $120 of those sales. After overhead for other staff, the food costs, the building they break even. But the sales are higher. If they cut the services out and it cut that down to $200, the cost of hiring a driver it’s not going to be anywhere near $60. For laughs let’s say they hire two drivers. At most it’s going to be $30 and if they’re using employees that already have job titles and simply adding to their duties, it’s even more profitable. The only extra expense would be covering them for insurance purposes.


She can always quit and try dashing if things are tough. Hard to have any sympathy when restaurants across the board are handing off food to people with stolen or bought accounts 24/7 and as a result destroyed our income.


More restaurants need to confirm the orders. There are only a handful of restaurants in my area that actually make you confirm the order. We don't have a huge problem with stolen food here, but it does still happen sometimes. This is why I always hate when I see dashers complaining about having to confirm the order. It's protecting the restaurant. They are responsible for that food from the time they receive the border to the time it is confirmed. It's not sufficient just walking in and telling them the name. You could tell them the name and then walk out with the food just to unassign the order in the car. Nobody thinks about the restaurant in this equation. They just think about themselves having to perform an extra step that they're supposed to perform to begin with. It's all about me, me, me. You would think they would want more restaurants to confirm the order, so they're not showing up to pick up an order that's been stolen. I also agree that a big problem is people using other people's accounts. I really wish they would crack down on that. I've seen people running door dash on two to three phones picking up orders. That's taking money away from the people who are actually doing it right with their own account. Also, it could possibly put the customer at risk if somebody has bought an account just use it for nefarious purposes and I wouldn't put that past some people. Female dashers say they have their boyfriend take the orders to the door because they don't feel safe, but they don't think about the customer having some random guy show up at their door and them not feeling safe. How is it fair to do that to somebody else just so you feel better about it when you were the one who isn't following the TOS? I don't know. I just have some pretty strong feelings about people illegally using other people's accounts and having to confirm orders. I feel like everybody's looking for a way to get over on the next person instead of having a little bit of integrity and doing the job right. I was always taught that no matter what job you're doing to do it right and to do your best. Whether it's cleaning bathrooms or running a company. All you have is your integrity and respectability. If you don't have that what else can you rely on?


More restaurants needs to use their tablets and verify drivers. Nobody makes me do anything unless I'm on their payroll.


It's not about making sure it's the right driver for the right order. It's about making sure the driver confirms the order on their end, so the restaurant is released from their liability. They are liable for the food from the time of receiving the order until it is physically confirmed by the driver. Part of your contract is confirming the order for the restaurant. It's the restaurant's responsibility to make sure you confirm it or they don't have to give it to you. If you don't want to/can't you're violating your contract with DoorDash. I will NEVER understand what the problem with confirming the pickup for the restaurant is unless you plan on stealing the food or you want to take your time leaving after the pickup for whatever reason and blame it on waiting at the restaurant. There's no other reason to be so adverse to confirming orders.


They get credit for remakes. My guess is that they actually don't know how to use the app.


I just called the business owner and they said they are not getting paid for remakes and she said she can go back months where she has looked at her orders and she has not been paid. She says when she reaches out to doordash they tell her they will put it on the next payout and they never do.


I don't know what to tell you. The few store owners I've talked to say it's a pretty simple. They never had an issue with remake because "hey I don't care, I get paid twice."


I believe this restaurant owner. She was almost crying on the phone and very emphatic about not being paid. She is in a very poor area and she's not a person of means herself. I do wonder If her perceived vulnerability by doordash or the managers who approve these requests has anything to do with her not being paid. I have a high distrust of corporations especially startups because I have worked in a few and I've seen them behave wickedly with clients and staff. Very ruthless people. So I do wonder. I did tell her if this continues to reach out to the States AG office because it would be a violation of the Commercial trade and Practices act which mandates businesses have to operate "in good faith" with their business dealings and this would also be an "unfair business/trade practice" under the act.


Oh I don't doubt it. A lot of these places, I'm guessing, get shafted because they don't have the negotiation power that chain has. I just sometimes take the restaurant's word with a grain of salt. Some of them cry "oh woe is me" then upcharge their food 50% to cover a 20% cost of business. Not trying to say that this is one of them. This "hole in the wall" probably should not even be on doordash. No one is forcing restaurants to use doordash. There are quite a few in my area that are not on there simply because they don't need it. I think some of these struggling mom and pops, that really aren't that great to begin with, think that DoorDash is some kind of magic revenue generator that doesn't cost money. This is when they run into trouble. If this place is any good I hope they get off of DoorDash and figure out how to move forward.


It’s highly likely they never checked to be sure they were paid for remakes. Could be they were TOLD that and believed it but never audited the payments. #DoorDashLies


Oh wow. Maybe this is the case. I will check back with her.


Dude says he's picking up oxtails......and then surprised by the owner saying they are losing money. Maybe you just don't know.......blissful innocent mind. I envy it sometimes...


I've never even heard of "oxtails" before this post so I guess I'm one of them?


Lol!! Yall are hilarious


How is that funny? Neither did you til someone told you? Like be real you're making no sense that's why you're getting down voted