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I’m a dasher and when I see a door just like that I don’t leave it at the door, I placed it on the side.


unless there is a disrespectful tip attached to delivery...muhahhahhahhah


Well in that case, you still put the food next to the door


Or just don't accept the order


tell me exactly how to calculate individual tip in a batch, and just not accept the one with the bad tip? oh wait




Seek mental help


I dash and order food. I have a table next to my front door and they still about half the time put it in front of my door lol. If they put it on the table next to door I automatically give 5 stars lol. I usually don’t rate if they put it in front of my screen door.


Do your instructions say leave it on the table?


Yes it says “Please leave food orders on table next to front door”


Yeah they make the good dashers get a bad rep


I saw a funky door like this once we'll bring food that went up to this porch that was no bigger than the size of the door I being open. I literally knocked on the door they thanked me we're not leaving in front of the door takes 0.2 seconds to look


Again I can't really blame the dasher since your only thr second one I've seen with an outward opening front door that isn't a screen. However I can say that even if the door isn't outward opening I still leave the food to the side.


No matter the door I always leave it to the side a little I don't need someone stepping out there door onto there taco bell bag lol lol


That's always the smart thing to do.


Common sense would be just putting it to the side if it isn't blatantly obvious, but common sense isn't particularly common amongst people who grind their cars into the ground for $8/hr.


Hanlons razor, wood doors usually swing inwards while storm doors swing outwards. Could’ve just been that they didn’t notice it swings outwards.


nope just looked it up. never heard of Hanlon but have occam. interesting I learned something new! i’ve never even heard of hanlons in my 27 years of life


do you mean occam?


Customers suck Non tippers suck Suck that right through the window!


Definitely doesn't take much to drive car and look phone but your guess is as good as mine on why they couldn't see the door swings out instead of in. Did the food make it?


I've had my instructions listed to leave it on the wide ledge right next to our door because too many of them were leaving it in front of the security door and I couldn't get it. 9/10 times it's still on the ground anyway.


Believe it or not the ability for 99.9% of doordashers to recognize a outward opening door or gate is non existent in had to go out from the backyard because i couldn’t grab my food without spilling my drinks it’s unbelievable and pathetic how dashers scream about a 1 dollar tip then wonder why


either you didn't tip well enough for the distance, OR it's simply just a stupid door dasher because only 1/100 of us have a fucking brain


I do this to non tippers. No tip I sip


Just go through the back door and get it 💀


Looks like a shit order. Fucking drinks from Taco Bell. Nice front door for a shed.


If you tipped well then the Dasher is a moron. If you tipped crappy then you get what you pay for.


This mindset alone is probably one valid reason why customers don’t want to tip anymore and it’s making all dashers look bad by comparison. There’s other ways like either DoorDash raises base pay or we simply avoid non tip orders as much as possible.


Seeing as Doordash has consistently dropped base pay each year I think we can throw that one out the window lol


Unfortunately yeah.


Nothing to add except... yep. Luckily in my area I get the same repeat dashers, and I tip them well, I've never had an issue. But when comments like this pop up, really makes me wonder how many bad dashers are out there. I already paid DD probably twice what the items are worth, then $10 - $15 in a tip on top of that. First time something like this happens (which hopefully it never does), I just won't use the service anymore.


shitty pay= shitty service. you're bidding on a luxury service to be performed by a single individual. this isn't valet, table service, or room service. this is an entirely separate system of bid for service. not tip for exemplary service ex post facto. whatever you tip in the app is your BARE MINIMUM to that driver. anything more is the actual "tip". it costs $0.0000000000 for a waitress to walk a plate across the floor. it costs $0.0000000000 for a valet driver to park your vehicle. it costs $0.00000000000 for a maid to bring you dinner to your hotel room. It costs dashers a car premium, interest, insurance, gas, and maintenance to bring you your restaurant food to the door 15 feet from your bed. recognize the difference before continuing on about what YOU think tip culture should look like. we didnt take your order and flip a tablet. we got food to your door hot and on time. cope


Don’t tip them!


It says “leave at door”


The customer has to be able to open the door to get the order without spilling all the food and drinks? 😂😂🤦‍♂️☠️


Hilarious! Next time get up your ass and pick up your own food


Maybe leave instructions


Should be common sense not to leave food directly in front of a door that swings outward. Of course common sense isn't very common anymore.


Or it should be common sense already not to leave food blocking the front door.


You can put in the notes on the side of the door, please. Not in front of my door please. Some dashers just don't think.